I Miss You

It's Your Turn

This chapter is mainly about Tiffany’s POV but it’s narrated in third person.  All other chapters are third person narration from mainly Taeyeon’s POV.  Somebody requested a Tiffany’s POV, so here is mostly chapter 15 from her POV (:

It's a short chapter, but I think it will SLIGHTLY satisfy that cliffhanger feeling I've been trolling you guys with OR you will meet with an even larger cliffhanger ;D


“I miss you…”  Tiffany sighed.

The opening pitch is tomorrow and Tiffany felt incredibly tired.  Already, she missed her group members and particularly Taeyeon.  After all, they had been best friends for about eight years.  It only makes sense.

“Dorky Kid Leader, I miss you…  A lot.  I wish I could see you right now but I can’t video call from a plane.”  She sighed again and took out her iPad.  She turned it on and smiled at the lock screen.

(for anyone who doesn’t remember what it looks like)

“I’ll call you before bed and say goodnight. Haha, I really hope I’m not too tired so I won’t forget.”

She put her hand on her chest, feeling the lock necklace that she was wearing.  She smiled as she remembered the night that she first wore it.




“I lub you.”

“Say it properly.  I LOVE you.”

“I love you too, hehehe!  I made you say it!”

“You’re such a kid, Tae Tae.”

“I guess, since I still treasure friendship necklaces and things like that.”

“Really?  Me too.”

“Good, because this is what I got for you and me. “  Taeyeon revealed a box with two necklaces in them.  One necklace was a key and the other was a lock.  “Happy birthday, Fany.”

“No way!  They’re so pretty!”

“Pick one.”  Taeyeon smiled brightly and pointed to the box.

“I want the lock.  You’ll have the key.  You always push me to do my best and you help me unlock my potentials.  You’re my key.”

“Turn around.”  Taeyeon put the necklace around Tiffany’s neck and closed the ends.

“No matter where you go, I’ll always be with you.”


They laughed and smiled together for years on end.  From the time before SNSD’s debut until now, it was a symbol of their friendship.  Now, it remains as a symbol of family love between them.


“It’s been almost ten years.  Let’s keep going?”

Tiffany smiled and closed her hand around the lock.


The alarm rang as Tiffany rolled around in her bed.  Finally, she used plenty of strength to sit up, lean over, and silence the alarm.  She lay back down.

“…  WAIT.  Oh shoot!  I’m late!”

Quickly, she scrambled off the bed and went straight to the closet.  She pulled out the clothes given for her pitching event and ran to the bathroom.

“This is just like high school.”  Tiffany laughed at her thoughts before continuing to fix her hair, change her clothes, and brush her teeth at the same time.

“Yah, hurry up!”  Her manager yelled from the car outside.

“I’m coming!”

Quickly she ran out of her bedroom and grabbed a banana before heading out the front door as her dad waved goodbye from the kitchen.  Tiffany frantically searched for something as the car was pulling out of the driveway...

“Where is it?”  She exclaimed with panic in her voice.

“Where’s what?  Did you lose something?”  Her manager turned around.

“Ahh, the necklace!  Hold on!”  Tiffany opened the car door and ran back upstairs to her room.  The pulled open the drawer beside her bed and reached inside.  Quickly, she grabbed the lock shaped necklace and put it around her neck.  “No matter where I go, you’ll always be with me.”  Tiffany smiled and ran back to the car.


“It’s quite simple.  Just do it this way.”  The pitcher showed Tiffany one last time, throwing another perfect pitch at the catcher.

“I can’t do it.  I’m just not good at baseball.”  Tiffany sighed.

“Well, I guess…  That’s too bad!  Hahaha, just keep trying.  You’ll get it.”  The pitcher laughed and tossed a baseball to Tiffany, lightly.  She dropped it and sighed again as the pitcher left to rehydrate.

“Why can’t Taeyeon teach me?  She’s better at teaching me.”  Tiffany pouted and tried again.  She missed over, and over again.

“Are you alright?  You seem kinda… frustrated?  Anything on your mind?”  The pitcher returned and caught onto Tiffany’s frustration.

“I just really miss someone, back in Korea.”


“… Actually, no.  Surprisingly, I miss this person more than him.”

“Well, then why don’t you call them?”

“Long distance call issues…”

“Ahh, that’s quite unfortunate…  I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it.  I know she’s with me, every step of the way.”  Tiffany smiled.  “It’s funny to me...  How I miss you more than I miss Siwon.”  She shrugged off the thought as someone called her name.

It was time to throw the opening pitch.


Tiffany stepped into position in front of the pitch mound and did a few poses to the camera.

I’m wearing your number.  Taengoo, you’d better catch this.”  She smiled at her own thoughts.

After the short introduction, she prepared herself.  Tiffany looked directly at the catcher, who gave her the ‘ready’ signal.  She looked backwards, then returned her gaze to the front.  With a slow movement, she drew back her arm and used all the power she had to swing the ball.

Epic. Fail.  Please don’t laugh at me when I get home…”  Tiffany tried to laugh it off as she watched the ball roll away from the catcher.

“Tiffany, you did great!”  The pitcher gave her a thumbs up when she exited the baseball field.

“Could I redo that?”

“I’m afraid not.”  He chuckled.

“Jessica is going to mock me.”  Tiffany sighed.  “Tae Tae… Make her stop when she does!”


To Tiffany, the plane ride on the way back to Korea felt like forever.  She wanted to see all of her group members again.  They were her family, after all…

“Shoot.  I forgot to call you…  Aish, Tiffany.  Stop being so forgetful.  Poor Taeyeon does so much for you and you can’t even remember to call her.”  She crinkled her nose with slight anger at herself.  “I’ll surprise you to make up for it.”

A few hours later, Tiffany found herself in a familiar Korean airport.  She fought off the exhaustion and sleepiness as she continued walking through the crowds of people.  She pulled out her phone and hesitated to dial Taeyeon’s number.

“It’s almost 6am…  Maybe I shouldn’t disturb Taeyeon.  She’s probably tired and sleeping anyways…”

Eventually, she found herself in a cab, on the way back to the Soshi dorm.  Like every car ride, Tiffany looked out the window and watched the trees pass by.  Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure, throwing rocks into the pond.  Her dark blonde hair was waving lightly in the wind.

“Wait…  Stop…  I’ll walk from here.”  Tiffany signaled for the driver to stop.  She got off the car and waved goodbye as he drove off with a nod.  “Tae Tae… What are you doing up so early?”  She thought to herself and walked quietly behind Taeyeon.

“Tiffany, I miss you.  I really need a hug right now.  And I only want one from you.”  Taeyeon looked down and put her hands in the pockets of her jeans.

Aww… This kid…

“I wanna share your horizon… See the same sun rising…”

Perfect moment for a surprise…”  Tiffany joined in as she put her arms around Taeyeon’s neck.  “Turn the hour hand back to when you were holding me.”  She let a brief moment of comfortable silence pass.  “I’ve missed you too, Tae Tae.”

Taeyeon shivered lightly, indicating that she was cold.  Tiffany tightened the hug, giving her some body warmth.

Why didn’t you wear a jacket?”  Tiffany thought.

As they talked, Tiffany noticed a somewhat sorrowful tone in Taeyeon’s voice.

Something’s bothering her…

“You’re not forgiven.”  Taeyeon released herself from Tiffany, who in turn, made a puppy face.

Alrighty then…”  Tiffany formulated an idea.

“What about now?”  She kissed Taeyeon on the cheek and surrounded her with another embrace.  “Am I forgiven now, Tae Tae?”

Taeyeon stuttered and blushed lightly as Tiffany grinned at her effect.

Aw…  She’s so cute when she blushes.” Tiffany laughed.

“I love you, Tae.  I’m sorry that I forgot to call you.”

“It’s okay.  As long as you’re here now.”

“So what have I missed?”

“I dunno.”

“You didn’t spend the days in bed again, did you?”

“…  You know me well…”

“What?  Why?  You never do that unless you’re feeling down.”

“Maybe I missed you.”  Taeyeon turned to hug Tiffany as she buried her face into Tiffany’s shoulder.

“I missed you too.”

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SO. Since lots of you loved this story (THANK YOU), someone requested a sequel or continuation. I'm working on one!


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maemae08 #1
dalanDAN18 #2
Chapter 13: Oh my god!!! This story is so cute!!! ”Gentletaeng” is so sweeeeeeet ? Taeny ❤️

BTW author shi could u plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz give another link of Tiff doing a dance for Tae???? cuz the one u gave here is locked and doesn't open on YT so could u plz give another link of that moment???? i would appreciate it alot! if u do that for me! also for the other readers who also wanna see this moment :)
creamcarlton #4
Chapter 21: time to read the sequel :)
wanderluzt05 #5
author shhiii, can you release pdf of this?? pls
Real story? :)
Chapter 21: Oh my..... omo.... i really love this story author \(^o^)/
Taeyeon is really a dork prince kekeke... nice one Tiff being a little meany... give torture for Taeyeon o.O" but absolutely in cute wayyy^^
Its really so cheesy and fluffy, finally TaeNy hahaha... (i got taenybetes now)
*i even captured some thoughts of taeyeon pov* XD
Author jjang! My favorite^^
nice story (y)
Chapter 20: i really really envy towards Taeyeon's love! aigoo.... dorky prince taenggo....
Chapter 21: finally i can finished this story wohooo

i really love this story. its so fluffy i am gonna die.hahaha and you say the sequel is 20x fluffier. omg.hahaha okay i am gonna read the sequel now