Relatives? No.

Wrong Fiancé


“I don’t even know why I am in a situation like this.” Eunmi said.


“Me neither.” Yoseob agreed.


People are staring at them like they were famous. Well, their look is really eye-catching. Handcuffs on both of their hands, oversized heart-shaped glasses, and a weird wig.


“Your brother isn’t really the fashionista type am I right?”


“Yes, he hates dressing up.”


‘Beeeeeeep beeeeeeeep beeeeeeep beeeeeeeep beeeeeeep’


“Hey! Your phone is ringing! Answer it!” Yoseob yelled at Eunmi.


“Okay! Alright! I got it!” Eunmi yelled back as she answer the call.


“Huh? Minjung..? M-m-m-m-minjung-unnie!! Hellooooo!! I missed you!!” Eunmi’s voice was so loud that caused Minjung to be startled.


“Oh, huh? Ah.. Yes Eunmi-ah, I’m fine. Things are going well, but not pretty well.” Minjung replied from the other line.




“Well.. It’s a long story to begin with.”


“Then, I’ll listen. I ALWAYS LISTEN!!” Eunmi said in her high pitched voice.


“Oh Eunmi! I know I can always count on you!” Minjung then explained what happened those past few days.


“You left your brother at your fiancé’s house? And your fiancé’s name is Yong Junhyung? Well, sounds familiar.. .. Your.. Fiancé.. Is.. My.. Brother?! Oh my gosh this is SO awesome!!” Eunmi got thrilled.


“Your brother Junhyung? I thought they just have the same name.. He was so cute the last time I saw him.. How did he turned into a hot guy?”


“Well, people change right?”


“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t tell my brother your whereabouts.” Eunmi giggled.


And they finally said their goodbyes.


“Who’s that?” Yoseob is curious.


“Oh.. My bestfriend, Minjung-unnie.” Eunmi smiled.


“MINJUNG? My sister?”


“SHE’S YOUR SISTER?” Eunmi’s eyes looked like they’re gonna fall out.


“So that means.. You’re Yoseob? Oh yes it is you!! It’s been ages since I last saw you!! But.. That time, you’re so grumpy.. Oh well, everyone changes right? You’ve grown up! I was still a kid that time.. Minjung-unnie is really kind to me, not like you.”


“Who cares little kid? I’m older than her, why not be nicer to me?” Yoseob said as he flutters his eyelashes.


“It’s just a waste of my time.” Eunmi sticked out her tongue.


“Then let’s head home already.”




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Chocolatemushrooms #1
Interesting and unique story! Great job :)
MinJiOh #2
Please update soon~~ <3 Love this story <3
@geekiejoker:<br />
yes, of course ^^ i don't know why, but i don't feel like continuing it on tumblr. :3
Eunmimi!! I see that you posted it here too. :> saranghae, eunmimi!!! :) i miss you!!!!!!!!
ImWeird #5
Oh myyyyy the aunt is the mastermind????
ohmyyoungbae #6
new reader! :D awesommmeee~ oohh, where did minjung go? :O update soon please:D
@ImWeird:<br />
maybe because of his blond hair that's why eunmi mistaken him as an ahjushi ^^
ImWeird #8
Ouh wait its yosoeb ahjushi!! Ahahhah
ImWeird #9
Y is she goneee????0.o
ImWeird #10
Hahahahhaha!!! Eunmi sooooo cuuuuutttteeeee yes kids like eunmi dnt lie gikwang.... HHahha rake dat yoaeon AhjushI!!! No problemo ^^