The Eunbrat

Wait a Little Longer


BEWARE- I DID NOT EDIT...kay, please enjoy:3



Mrs. Park entered the house with a stack of papers in her hand. She smiled at Sunha who was laying down on the couch hogging up all the space, with poor Eunjo sitting on the wooden floor reading his manga.

“I’m home~” She sang as she closed the door shock. Her children didn’t move an inch. Mrs. Park tried to get their attention by coughing; not a single movement was made.

“I SAID I’M HOME!” She yelled at the top of her lungs. Both Sunha and Eunjo jumped up and ran to their mother, engulfing her in a hug.

“Omo, such beautiful children…such OBEDIENT and CARING children I have.” She said through gritted teeth. Eunjo snickered and Sunha giggled. Sunha gave her mom a quick peck on her cheek. “Ew don’t kiss me you’re sick,” Mrs. Park teased as she pushed her daughter and sun away from her. “You guys can sit back down now.”

Eunjo rolled his eyes and ran to the empty couch, sprawling his little legs and arms, making sure to occupied every single space.

“YAH! I was sitting there!” Sunha yelled as she pulled on Eunjo’s leg trying to get him off. Eunjo stuck his tongue out at her. “Not anymore more!” He retorted.

Mina came down the steps and walked into the kitchen. “Hi Mrs. Park.” She said as she gave her guardian a quick hug. Mrs. Park smiled.

“And what were you doing that was more important than coming down and saying hi to me when I arrived?” Mrs. Park raised a brow at Mina. Mina just shrugged.

“I was taking a crap.” She said simply. Mrs. Park frowned but had a smile.

“Watch you’re language young one.” She warned and she turned to the stove to continue her cooking. Mina smiled inwardly and walked out of the kitchen, into the living room, meeting up with Sunha and Eunjo.

“You guys are pitiful,” She muttered as she witnessed Eunjo shoving his foot into Sunha’s face and Sunha trying to tickle his sides. She scoffed and walked turned to walk back up the stairs.

“Where are you going?” Mr. Park asked as he walked into the house from the garage. Mina turned to look at him and smiled.

“I’m going to shower.” She responded, “And welcome home.” She added, knowing that he just came back from his job at the hospital.

Mr. Park smiled. “Thanks,” He nodded towards her. “Don’t take too long, I rented a movie.” He showed his cheeky grin, revealing a dimple, and flashed a cd at her. Mina nodded and walked back up the stairs, into the bathroom.


Mina got out of the shower with a towel wrapped securely around her, and her brown hair dripping wet down her back. She grunted when she saw little Eunjo standing in front of the door.

“You ert.” She said while whacking the top of Eunjo’s head with her dirty clothes. Eunjo scowled at her.

“I’m not a ert stupid.” He grumbled, then grinned widely. “You better get ready quickly because the drama is about to start” He said in an excited way and Mina just watched him as he bounced down the stairs.

“It’s a movie not a drama idiot,” She mumbled as she kicked the door open to her room. She quickly hung her towel on the hook attached to her door and changed into her pj’s that were sprawled across her bed. After changing into her sweats and tank top, she looked at herself for a moment in the mirror.

“You don’t have the prettiest face Park Mina…” She said as she walked up to her mirror and analyzed her face from several angles. “Nor are you really talented. “You don’t have many friends either. And you can’t even remember your parents either.” She sighed and shook her head. “But the future will be brighter no?” She asked herself, not one ting of hope was hinted in her question.

“I better go,” She told herself as she turned off the lights to her room and left quickly. Mina knew well that if she continued questioning herself about her past, the result will be painful….and she was positive she wasn’t going to be the only getting hurt.


“Took you long enough,” Eunjo grumbled as he got up from the couch, inserted the movie into the cd player and began the movie.  Mina rolled her eyes and took his seat, making herself comfortable.

“Hey I was sitting there!” Eunjo complained as he pointed at her accusingly. Mina stuck her tongue out at him, and kicked him to the side, “Your big head is blocking my view.” She said as she reached out for the popcorn that was sitting on Sunha’s lap. She munched on it, ignoring Eunjo who was still scowling at her.

“Oh the movie’s starting!” Mrs. Park exclaimed as the lead actress came out on screen. Mr. Park reached over to the light switch, and flicked it off, leaving the television as the only source of light left in the room. His arm rested on Mrs. Park’s shoulder’s and he pulled her in closer to his chest.


“Never, in my life, will I allow you to pick out a movie again!” Mrs. Park yelled at her husband while the ending credits appeared on screen. Mr. Park chuckled and looked at his wife in amusement as she stood in front of him with hands on her hips and a look of outrage.

“And why is that, yeobo?” He teased. Mrs. Park scoffed. “You chose a movie that was not APPROPRIATE for our little Eunjo to watch!” She screamed.

Mr. Park chuckled as he opicked up his Men’s Health magazine and began flipping through pages. “I won’t do it again.” He lied. Mrs. Park nodded her head. “You better not.” She mumbled and took her seat next to him.

Sunha began switching through channels, she stopped at an all familiar drama that was playing on tv. Even though it was old, it was still commonly watched here in Korea. “Hehehe….” She laughed dremailly as she saw Kim Hyun Joong appear on the scene and save Oh Hani from the dangers of the man on the streets. “I want him to protect me too.”

“Who?” Mina asked while taking her eyes off her book and looking at the TV. Her face scrunched up as she recognized the guy as the one who helped her out earlier. What was his name? Kim Hoojung? Eunjo looked at the TV and then smirked. Tonight was going to be the night of his dreams.

“Mina,” He called out to her. Mina didn’t look at him, but continued looking at the screen, trying to figure out the star’s name. “What?”

“Since when did you have a boyfriend?” He asked her loving the expressions on both his parent’s, and Sunha’s face.

Mina rolled her eyes. “You’re delusional. You know well that nobody out there other than your family likes me.” She reminded him. “You should know that very well by now…” she added softly. Sunha stared agape at her eonnie.

“YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND YOU DIDN’T EVEN TELL ME?! KYAHHH!!” Sunha rolled on top Mina’s lap and gave her the cutest eye smile she could muster. “Tell me eonni, what is he like?”

Mina shook her head. “I swear guys, I don’t have a boyfriend.” She looked around the living room and was relieved that the parents actually believed her and continued talking to themselves. Sunha however wouldn’t budge. “Eonnie tell me~!”

“What if I told you if her boyfriend was none other than the great Kim Hyun Joong?” Eunjo asked as he placed a bucket of popcorn on his lap. Sunha glared at him. “That’s not likely. Huh, Eonnie! You don’t even know-“

“So that was his name!” Mina exclaimed as the name Kim Hyun Joong ringed a bell in her mind.

“WAIT WHAT?!” Sunha exclaimed as she got up and stared at Mina. “YOU’RE GOING OUT WITH HYUN JOONG OPPA?!”

Mina shook her head back and forth. “No we just-“

“Held hands, let him kiss your cheek, let him hug you at the door, held the door tight so I couldn't see you two?” Eunjo added. Mina turned and gave him a glare. He was getting on her last nerves

Mina had to endure a whole hour of lecturing from the Parks and Sunha, on how she was too young to have a boyfriend, how she can’t go asking for help from strangers, to be careful around men, and if ever in an emergency, to try to depend on them more and they will surely help her.

Sunha was on a rant and couldn’t stop complaining on how her eonnie was so lucky to have met him, be held in his arms, and walked over to the house, when she was sleeping the whole entire time. Mina had enough and walked off to her room, ignoring Sunha’s pestering calls for her to come back and receive more of her “scolding.”

“I’m going to kill that little brat.” She mumbled angrily as she threw the covers over her head and thought of ways to kill him. If there were anything she hated the most, it had to be family scandals, Eunbrat, and her school (maybe even herself).

Mina flipped over to the side and saw her phone blinking on and off. A text message. She quickly opened the message and smiled. At least she had something to look forward to tomorrow.

After a whole week of schedules, I’m coming over tomorrow to visit. Kekeke, sleep well princess.
Love your Prince, Baekhyun Oppa<3

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adventuress #1
please update!
Chapter 7: Aww Baekhyun so sweet ^^ and yay so they are going to transfer i wonder what friends Baekhyun has their ^^
Good story cant wait for more ^^
octa82_ichigo #4
Chapter 5: ^.~ cool Mina hehe :p can't wait for next chapter ^^
Chapter 4: Waaahhhhhh that was great
Update soon <3
octa82_ichigo #6
Chapter 3: Aww haha it's funny , update soon please ^^