Glatte Stimme

♦♦Element Maiden♦♦


"I can't wait to have a duel with you.... Rosette Kwon...."-A Mysterious Maiden


She ran as fast she could, from the crowd around her. What she was running away wasn't simple. It was the memories, the pain inflicted upon her and.. her former master.

He was really agressive, always hurting her either physically, emotionally, spiritually or mentally when got close to other guy. She cleared her mind and concentrated on a single thought, to run away from the past.

Left foot, right foot, one in front of the other. She was running out of breath now. Lack of air was registering into her brains and her legs were throbbing with white, hot pain.

Unable to take anymore, her eyes rolled up, body grew limp and she fainted, right on the streets.

Myungsoo, who was simply another person in the crowd, found the girl, unconscious. A few strands of her long, straight hair, blocked him from seeing her clearly.

Nevertheless, he carried her to his house, which was barely a few blocks away.

When she woke, her eyes squinted, trying to adjust to the florescent light and she saw a figure. It wasn't clear but it resembled her old master. 

"Master.... Taemin.... No...." was all she could say to protect herself, before she fainted, yet again.


Rose ate the cereal that Hoya had specifically bought for her that morning, seeing as she rejected everything else. Hoya tied his shoelaces tight and opened the door, ready to leave.

"I'll be going now." Rose's spoon that was halfway to , stopped, and she narrowed her eyes, displeased..

"Where are you going? You're supposed to stay with me. Afterall, you're my servant." 

Hoya hated being labelled with that stupid word. He turned around, a furrow evident between his brows.

"What the hell is with you calliing me a servant!? I am not a servant and least of all, I am not your servant!!" Hoya screamed at Rose, who merely put down her spoon, expressionless.

"Yes, you are. Take a look at your hand."

Hoya immediately looked at his ring finger and saw a thick ruby ring.

"What is this!" Hoya exclaimed. He tried to pull out the ring from his finger, but it was stuck. He didn't even know how it got there!

"If you try to pull it out more, your flesh will be pulled out too."

Hoya stopped trying to seperate the ring from his finger, afraid to hurt his hand.

There was a piercing sound as the window shattered. A guy jumped in, holding a knife with a very sharp edge. He looked at Hoya, eyes ever so vacant, and charged towards him, but Hoya dodged, and the knife ended in the wall.

"What's happening!" Hoya yelled, panicking.

"Ah.. I don't know." Rose shook her head.

'Mind controller huh?' Thought Rose

That zombie pull out the knife from the wall. His turned around and his eyes landed on Rose, marking her as his next target, before charging again.

"Rose!!" Hoya screamed.

The sound of metal hitting metal resonated.

Rosehad her sword poised just above her head, where the knife was going to hit. The knife flew, and the zombie stood, weaponless.

Rose ignited fire on to her sword before she attacked him. Suddenly, Hoya's ring glowed a bright red then he winced in pain. The ring was as hot as the fire on Rose's sword! Without hesitation or mercy, she hit the zombie and it slowly turned to ashes.

Hoya stood, stunned and shocked. The whole time, he thought she was weak and needed him to care for her, but now, she had killed someone who was after her life.

Rose's mind was preoccupied with the thoughts on the invader.

'Ah, is she the one who send the latter?' It slowly dawned on her.


A girl laid on bed. Its welcoming comfort was strange to the girl who was still asleep, with Myungsoo sit beside her, just waiting for her to open her eyes. He was intrigued by her. Her flawless beauty and untainted innocence.

He stiffened when he saw her stirring, and then let out a breath.

"Are you okay?" He was worried. Had he hurt her?

"I am okay, did you touch me?" The girl asked. Fore reason, her face was a mixture of fear and hope.

Myungsoo confused by her question., but nodded because he had touched her when he lifted her up. She suddenly cried then hugged Myungsoo.

"I... I don't want to go back...." Myungsoo took a closer look at her now. She was a wreck. Her arms were covered with scabs and scars. Some of the wounds that were inflicted were still healing. HE was unable to see her leg, because of her jeans. It was like she was abused by someone.

And for some strange reason, he felt compelled to protect her.

"It's okay, don't cry anymore." Myungsoo wiped the tears from her eyes. She found herself accepting his kindness. This kindness that was foreign to her and so she gave him a smile.

Myungsoo found her smile so soothing. How could anyone hurt someone as innocent as her?

"Anyway, my name is Myungsoo. What's yours?" 

"I am Woo Hanbyul, Master Myung. The Earth Maiden."


A new Maiden appear!! And congrats to Hanbyul07 !!
Still tune for the next update!!!

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[Element Maiden] I need the evil character T__T


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PenguinCakes #1
Chapter 14: OMG Hanbyul....I just want to squish her in a hug until everything
is fine. It was really nice and strong of her to try and forget Taemin.

OH! I really hope Rose can find Sonesstark, poor thing must really miss the spirit.

Well anyway, another really good update, can't wait for more!
Chapter 14: I really love Hanbyul in this story....Hope Rose can get back her sonesstark...................
Chapter 14: this....I hope Rose can take back her soneesstark...Love Hanbyul part author-nim...I feel really really and really sorry toward Taemin......T.T. ..... well update soon!^^
Chapter 13: Congratulation keketotomato!!!^^
Chapter 13: a dark maiden is supposed to be bad right? hahahahaha. XD so its okay. XD
Chapter 15: The artificial spirits are so cute :> XD
Chapter 15: The artificial spirit, we can choose any names????
Chapter 15: everyone will send? :)
Chapter 12: Yah, author-nim~ TWO TIMES you make me felt anxious...but it's okay, you already update!! Hehe
PenguinCakes #10
Chapter 12: WOW It's a new maiden! I wonder who it could be and OMG LOL
Myungsoo and Hoya, that must have been so embarrassing for them.
But how could you leave us at a cliffhanger like that D:
I can't wait...update soon! HWAITING!!!! (^.^)/