
♦♦Element Maiden♦♦


"And, the second... I'll tell you later."-Rosette Kwon


It was peaceful that morning. Hoya's eyelids fluttered open and woke up from his deep slumber. He straightened his arms which were stiff because the couch wasn't suited for sleeping in. He already slept on it for 1 full week.

"Yah, c'mon her, servant." Rose commanded again.

Hoya scratched his head before standing up.

"Okay!" Hoya heard Hanbyul's voice.  The noises were coming from the dining room.

Hoya went towards it and saw Rose sitting on the chair, Hanbyul was making tea and Myungsoo waiting for the breakfast to be served. This was too much for Hoya to take. He let everything sink in, before letting everything out again.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" He yelled.

"Oh, did you forget about Myungsoo's close brush with death?" Rose smirked.

Hoya could remember it, all too clearly. The day that Hanbyul and Myungsoo had moved into Hoya's house.


Hoya, Rose, Myungsoo and Hanbyul were outside Hoya's house. Because Myungsoo was sick, the teachers let him go home early to recuperate.

"So, what's the second condition?" Hanbyul raised her eyesbrows in curiousity.

Rose was still busy drinking tea, afterall, the tea wasn't made bu Hoya. It was by Hanbyul.

"Be my 24-hours servant."

"WHAT!" Hanbyul didn't say a thing, but Hoya had already slammed the table showing his strong disagreement.

"What do you mean 24-hours servant!! Are you tryiing to say that she'll live here, with us!?" Rose just nodded her head, calmly.

"This is nuts. Hanbyul already has Myungsoo. So she can't stay or live here!!" Hoya tried to sound a bit more reasonable now..

"How about if I live in here too?" Myungsoo suggested.

The atmosphere turned awkward after Myungsoo said that. They were silent, until Hanbyul spoke, breaking the layer of think ice.

"That's great!!" Hanbyul clapped her hands in glee. Hanbyul celebrated her newly attained house by dancing with joy, failing to realise Hoya's jaw dropping.

"Why?" Hoya couldn't help but ask.

"It's lonely at my house. So, it'll be better if I have a friend to talk, besides Hanbyul I mean." Myungsoo replied.

Hoya wanted to wake up from this nightmare immediately. Of course this must be a nightmare. His peaceful life had ended a long time ago. Thanks to Rose.

Flashback End

Usually, Hanbyul would be happy and smile to everyone. But today was different. She just looked down and frowned. No one knew what happen to her.

"What's wrong?" Myungsoo asked.

"My keychain... I forgot to bring it...." Hanbyul pouted.

Hoya and Myungsoo looked at each other, wondering what she meant about keychain, but Rose didn't care about that. Her eyes were still focused on 'Detective Conan.'

"What's it looked like?" Hoya asked.

"It's a key, with diamond on it." Hanbyul muttered. This was her first time she spoke in such a low voice. Usually, she would be so noisy in morning.

Myungsoo didn't want to see Hanbyul sad so he patted Hanbyul's head with his blushing face.

"I'll get it for you." Myungsoo patted her without looking at Hanbyul.

Hanbyul was so happy to hear that. She smiled back at Myungsoo.

"Thank you Master Myung!" Hanbyul grinned, not making eye contact.

"But do you know Hanbyul's former master's house?"

Silence appeared after Rose said that. Hanbyul's face paled, when she remembered her past with her former master. She didn't want to go there anymore.

Myungsoo didn't like to see Hanbyul sad or in fear.

"I'll go to 'his' house together with Hoya hyung!" Myungsoo assured her, and himself.

"Why me?" Hoya frowned.

Hanbyul was so grateful to have a master like Myungsoo, always caring about her. It was like 'him', but Myungsoo never forced her to stay in house. Hoya and Myungsoo turned around then saw the clock. And it was already 7 pm.

"Crap! C'mon Myungsoo!" Hoya brought his bag and ran out.

"Yeah!" Myungsoo followed behind.

Hoya didn't forget to lock the door. He was afraid that there will be something coming again to attack Rose. Rose was still watching 'Detective Conan' until it was over, then she turned off the Tv then went to Hoya's room.

"Hanbyul, bring me some tea with sweets." Ordered Rose.

"Yeah." Hanbyul prepared some tea and sweets. After it was done, she brought it to Hoya's room.

After a few minutes a young girl reached Hoya's house. She had the key of the house. She took the key from her bag then unlocked the door.

"I am home!"


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[Element Maiden] I need the evil character T__T


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PenguinCakes #1
Chapter 14: OMG Hanbyul....I just want to squish her in a hug until everything
is fine. It was really nice and strong of her to try and forget Taemin.

OH! I really hope Rose can find Sonesstark, poor thing must really miss the spirit.

Well anyway, another really good update, can't wait for more!
Chapter 14: I really love Hanbyul in this story....Hope Rose can get back her sonesstark...................
Chapter 14: this....I hope Rose can take back her soneesstark...Love Hanbyul part author-nim...I feel really really and really sorry toward Taemin......T.T. ..... well update soon!^^
Chapter 13: Congratulation keketotomato!!!^^
Chapter 13: a dark maiden is supposed to be bad right? hahahahaha. XD so its okay. XD
Chapter 15: The artificial spirits are so cute :> XD
Chapter 15: The artificial spirit, we can choose any names????
Chapter 15: everyone will send? :)
Chapter 12: Yah, author-nim~ TWO TIMES you make me felt anxious...but it's okay, you already update!! Hehe
PenguinCakes #10
Chapter 12: WOW It's a new maiden! I wonder who it could be and OMG LOL
Myungsoo and Hoya, that must have been so embarrassing for them.
But how could you leave us at a cliffhanger like that D:
I can't wait...update soon! HWAITING!!!! (^.^)/