
♦♦Element Maiden♦♦





"YOU'RE....." - Rosette Kwon


Myungsoo finally sighed in relieve after go to toilet. Myungsoo saw a door with flower sticker on it.

"Could it be? Hanbyul's room?" Thought Myungsoo.

It was impolite for him to go to Hanbyul's room. Suddenly, he remembered Hanbyul's wish. She wanted a keychain. And the keychain was in her room. He opened the room and saw the decoration.  There were so many plants and animal sticker in her room. And the bed was so tidy. But it wasn't important. He looked for the keychain and saw a suspicious green box with animal pattern. Hopefully, the box wasn't locked. He opened the box and saw a keychain that described by Hanbyul. A keychain with shaped like key and a diamond on it. Yeah, that was it! Myungsoo took the keychain and put it in his pocket.

In the box, he saw a green book and written "Hanbyul's Diary". He was very curious the contain of the diary.

"Maybe just a little." Thought Myungsoo.

Myungsoo opened the page and started to read it.


"YOU'RE..." Screamed Hanbyul.

"Bomi..." Rose told the name.

Bomi just giggled and went down to them. She wore a black shirt and white shorts. Her long brown hair made her more gorgeous. But Rose and Hanbyul didn't like her style.

"Well, what bring you here?" Asked Bomi.

"Give me back Hyorin.. I already come here for you. You're the one who send the letter and zombie to me, Aren't you?" Rose glared at Bomi.

"Yeah! You give me a letter to me too!" Told Hanbyul.

Bomi giggled at them. She flicked her finger. They saw a tall man brought Hyorin with bridal style. Her eyes still closed. He put Hyorin near the trees and tied her hand and foot with rope. And also her body with tree.

"Good Job, Jaejoong." Bomi smiled at Jaejoong.

"Yeah. I'll leave now." Jaejoong opened the door of reality and go back to world.

Hanbyul clenched her teeth. She was about to call the animal to help her. But Rose blocked her way.

"Don't do that. Remember your master. And I can beat her by myself." Told Rose.

Hanbyul stopped her action. Bomi was really mad, She didn't like underestimated by Rose.

"If you can beat me,,, Then SHOW IT!!" Bomi punched Rose at cheek. But too bad, a saber already blocked Bomi to punch her. Bomi didn't felt any sick. Because she wore a silver gloves.

"Too bad, your punch is miss." Smirked Rose.

"What the hell..." Mumbled Bomi.

Bomi let out a black fire from her hand at Rose.

"Sonnestark!" Rose let out her artificial spirit. Her artificial spirit became her shield and Bomi's fire reflected.

"Hmm, you've studied hard in German, Dongsaeng." Smirked Bomi.

Rose just glared at Bomi. She didn't have a time to fight her. One thing that she must do is brought Hyorin out from here. Since Hanbyul can't fight, Rose just dropped hope to her.

"Hanbyul, get out from here with Hyorin." Told Rose.

"NE!" Hanbyul ran to Hyorin as fast as she could.

Bomi looked at Hanbyul's action. She wouldn't let anyone passed.

"Ah, you already lose in this game right? Hanbyul..." Hanbyul turned her head at Bomi.

"Since, you don't fit to fight with maidens. I have a special opponent for you." Bomi flicked her finger.

Suddenly, Hyorin woke up. She untied the ropes from her. From hands, body and foot. She stood up with eyes full of emptiness. She was controlled by Bomi.

"No...." Hanbyul widened her eyes.

Suddenly, Hyorin gripped Hanbyul's neck. Hanbyul tried to catch some oxygen. Her face became pale and she was panting. Rose looked at Hanbyul.

"No.." Rose mumbled.

"Sorry.... Master...."


Dear, Diary

Today, I'll stay at Master Taemin's house! Since he had saved me from the fire. He was kind to me! And always treat me nice! I think my power isn't enough to protect someone. But, I'll try to protect him as I can!

One day, he gives me a keychain. It was so beautiful. It shape like a key with diamond on it. He says that I can open anything with this keychain. As example his heart for him. I just laughed and saves this keychain.

Eventhought he's kind, I wonder why he won't let me to go with Lay. Lay is my childhood friend! And I already trust him. But why? Not only Lay but also other guys can't get closer with me because master Taemin.

If I run to Lay. He will find me and hit me. I don't know where's my fault. Sometimes, he locks me in the room and won't let me to go out. I don't know why he was so aggressive. I feels uncomfortable and decides to leave him. I realize if the window isn't locked. I'll sneak out and run away again.

Diary, I'll leave you here. I'll start my new life with a new book.


Myungsoo clenched his fist. Ready to punch Taemin.

"That bastard, He must pay for this." Myungsoo put the book back to the box. He went out from the room and already prepared a fist.


Myungsoo bumped someone. And hopefully, it was Hoya.

"What are you doing!? You are so long to go to the toilet." Asked Hoya.

"Nothing..." Mumbled Myungsoo.

Myungsoo saw Hoya's ring became shining red. Maybe Rose had a fight now.

"What happen?" Asked Myungsoo.

"Dunno, my ring suddenly shining. So I was about to go to toilet." Explained Hoya.

Myungsoo wondered with Hoya's ring.

"You two.. why you take so long?" Taemin and Lay was at upstairs to check the situation.

Myungsoo was in fury if Taemin appeared in front of his eyes. Without doubt. Myungsoo punched Taemin on cheek. Taemin was fell and his blood was oozing from his lips. He wondered what was his fault. Myungsoo stared at Taemin. He took Taemin's collar and stared him deeper.



Yeah, I update! Congrats to keketotomato

I don't want make your character to be bad.

But it won't be interesting if there's no evil maiden.

Don't worry, maybe next update I'll make you to be a good character even Rose and Hanbyul hate you (Your character not you)

And you'll have some companion too~

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[Element Maiden] I need the evil character T__T


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PenguinCakes #1
Chapter 14: OMG Hanbyul....I just want to squish her in a hug until everything
is fine. It was really nice and strong of her to try and forget Taemin.

OH! I really hope Rose can find Sonesstark, poor thing must really miss the spirit.

Well anyway, another really good update, can't wait for more!
Chapter 14: I really love Hanbyul in this story....Hope Rose can get back her sonesstark...................
Chapter 14: Oh....love this....I hope Rose can take back her soneesstark...Love Hanbyul part author-nim...I feel really really and really sorry toward Taemin......T.T. ..... well update soon!^^
Chapter 13: Congratulation keketotomato!!!^^
Chapter 13: a dark maiden is supposed to be bad right? hahahahaha. XD so its okay. XD
Chapter 15: The artificial spirits are so cute :> XD
Chapter 15: The artificial spirit, we can choose any names????
Chapter 15: everyone will send? :)
Chapter 12: Yah, author-nim~ TWO TIMES you make me felt anxious...but it's okay, you already update!! Hehe
PenguinCakes #10
Chapter 12: WOW It's a new maiden! I wonder who it could be and OMG LOL
Myungsoo and Hoya, that must have been so embarrassing for them.
But how could you leave us at a cliffhanger like that D:
I can't wait...update soon! HWAITING!!!! (^.^)/