
♦♦Element Maiden♦♦

"YOU BASTARD!!" - Kim Myungsoo


"Master Myung, I'm sorry..." Hanbyul still tried to catch the oxygen, But she can't catch it anymore.

"HANBYUL!!" Rose screamed.

Rose wanted to save Hanbyul from Hyorin. But she couldn't attack her because she was Hoya's sister. Suddenly, Bomi punched Rose on cheek without her knowledge. Rose was fell to the ground. She tried to wake up and throw her saliva that mixed with her blood.

"Already lose? Dongsaeng?" Asked Bomi.

"Not yet." Rose took her sword and coated her sword with fire.

She attacked Bomi. She tried to slashed her but she can't focus because of Hanbyul. She saw Hanbyul face paler and she was panting for oxygen. And Hyorin is still griping Hanbyul harder.

"Mas...Ter...Myung... Sorry....Sorry..." Hanbyul let out one drop of her tear.


"You Bastard!!" Told Myungsoo.

"What is it? And why?" Asked Taemin in fear.


'What does Myungsoo mean? And who is she?' Taemin confused.

Lay surprised with Myungsoo's action. if he wanted to prove that he was Hanbyul's master?

Taemin looked around and saw Hoya's ring was shining in red and he was winced in pain because hot. He suddenly remembered his feeling when Hanbyul used her power. And the ring would became shining green.

"You... have a maiden?" Asked Taemin.

"Not just him! I have it too!" Myungsoo put off the bandage then show Taemin his emerald ring,

Taemin widened his eyes and his mouth formed to be 'O'. The ring was same when he had a contract with Hanbyul.

"Are you? Hanbyul's master?" Myungsoo nodded.

Taemin gripped Myungsoo palm in second and made Myungsoo fell to ground. Myungsoo's face was on ground. Taemin tried to pull off Myungsoo's ring from his finger.

"AAAH!" Myungsoo yelled.

Taemin just ignored Myungsoo's yells and kept to pull it out forcely. Suddenly, Hoya remembered what was Rose said when he tried to pull out his ring.

"If you try to pull it out more, your flesh will be pulled out too."

Hoya ran to Taemin and punched him with streght that he had. Taemin fell to ground. Hoya saved Myungsoo and help[ed him to stand up.

"I won't forgive you, if you hurt Myungsoo!" Hoya shouted.

Lay walked to Hoya's front and turned back to face Taemin.

"Taemin-sshi, stop now. Hanbyul won't come back to here." Told Lay coldly.

Taemin still glared at Lay. He stood up and clenched his fist.


Taemin was about to punch Lay. Hoya pushed Lay to other side and blocked his punch.

"What the..." Told Taemin.

"It's no use. Just let her go, kay?" Told Hoya.

"He's right. And I won't give her to you again," Told Lay.

Tears streaming on his face. He can't get anything that he wanted. He just wanted her. He pulled of his fist the burried his face. Soon he kneeled down.

"Why... Why..." Mumbled Taemin.

Eventhough Taemin was crying. No one who comfort him. Lay and Myungsoo already hated him because he torture Habyul. Hoya, Myungsoo and Lay went out from his house quitely without Taemin's knowledge. Lay closed the door. They were walking to home but Hoya's ring still shining. Soon Myungsoo's ring was shining.

"Hanbyul... What happen now?" Asked Myungsoo in his heart.


Hanbyul opened her eyes. She didn't feel any pain anymore.

"Am I die?" Thought her.

She saw a vines tied Hyorin's hand. Hopefully, it wasn't a poison vines. Hyorin can't let her off from the vines. Gladius was shining at Hanbyul. Hanbyul smiled at Gladius. She patted Gladius.

"Thanks Gladius and sorry, Hyorin. But please stay here." Hanbyul summoned more vines and gripped her foot.


The bell of dream is ringing. They must go out from B-Field. If not, they will trap in there forever.

"Aigoo, I think we can't fight again." Bomi flinched her finger. Soon, Hyorin closed her eyes and sleept. Hanbyul caught Hyorin's body and carried her.

"Bye, Rose." Bomi went out from her own B-Field wit the door of reality.

Rose instantly ran to door of reality and went away from there. Hanbyul who was panting tried to get out from there.

"WAIT!!" Hanbyul opened the door of reality. She went out from there together with Hyorin on her back.


Hoya, Myungsoo and Lay were walking together. They stopped in front of Hoya's house.

"Our house is her. Do you want to meet Hanbyul?" Asked Myungsoo.

"No, just give this to her." Lay ped his bag and took something from it. It was a bracelet. He gave the bracelet to Myungsoo.

"Take care of her, hyung." Lay smiled the went away from them.

Hoya opened the door of his house. It wasn't locked. He opened the door slowly and saw dirty girls in his living room. They were Rose, Hanbyul and Hyorin.

"Hoya..." Rose walked to Hoya.

Hoya gulped his saliva. Something will hapen again. Rose was staring at Hoya for awhile.

"You late." Rose kick Hoya's feet.

Hoya winced in pain and caressed his feet.

"YOU CURSED MAIDEN!!" Cursed Hoya.

Hoya's curse made Hyorin woke up. She was scretching her hands and saw Hoya.

"Oppa!" Called Hyorin.

"Hyorin? What are you doing here?" Asked Hoya in confuse.

"I just finished my study in aboard. Hehehe." Giggled Hyorin.

Myungsoo walked to Hanbyul. Silently, he took Hanbyul's hand and put something on her palm. There were bracelet and keychain.

"Bracelet?" Asked Hanbyul.

"It was from your bestfriend." Told Myungsoo.

Suddenly, tears were streaming on Hanbyul's face. She remembered about Lay. Just Lay was her true bestfriend. But after she ran away from Taemin, she can't find Lay. She wore the brecelet that given by Lay.

"Thank you... Lay..." Told Hanbyul.

Myungsoo can't saw Hanbyul's face when crying. He patted Hanbyul's head gently. Hanbyul stood up and walked to the window. She opened the window and threw away the keychain. Hoya and Myungsoo widened their eyes.

"Why you threw it away?" Asked Hoya.

"I don't want to remember him again." Told Hanbyul.

"OMO! Your faces are swollen. Let me treat your bruise." Hyorin ran to take some antiseptict.

Hanbyul didn't realized if her master was beated by Taemin. She felt guilty. She was the one who wanted that keychain but she threw away that keychain like threw away their effort.

"I'm sorry.." Hanbyul cried.

"It's okay." Myungsoo curved a smile on his face made Hoya and Rose surprised. It was rarely to saw a cold ice prince smiled.

Suddenly, Rose didn't feel very well. She lost her balance and fainted.

"ROSE!!" Hoya ran to Rose and shook her body. But she didn't wake up.

Myungsoo  and Hyorin surprised too. Hanbyul felt there was something lost and forgotten.

"Where is Sonnestark?"


Bomi still in B-Field. She gripped a red artificial spirit on her palm. It was Sonnestark. That B-Field wasn't has a view. Just white. Nothing in there.

"Goos Bye Sonnestark. I hope your owner can't find you." She let go off Sonnestark and quickly went back to reality. Now Sonnestark was trapped in B-Field and no one can find it.


Annyeong! I must do a double update because I'll have a final exam. And don't forget to give a name for your artificial spirit!

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[Element Maiden] I need the evil character T__T


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PenguinCakes #1
Chapter 14: OMG Hanbyul....I just want to squish her in a hug until everything
is fine. It was really nice and strong of her to try and forget Taemin.

OH! I really hope Rose can find Sonesstark, poor thing must really miss the spirit.

Well anyway, another really good update, can't wait for more!
Chapter 14: I really love Hanbyul in this story....Hope Rose can get back her sonesstark...................
Chapter 14: Oh....love this....I hope Rose can take back her soneesstark...Love Hanbyul part author-nim...I feel really really and really sorry toward Taemin......T.T. ..... well update soon!^^
Chapter 13: Congratulation keketotomato!!!^^
Chapter 13: a dark maiden is supposed to be bad right? hahahahaha. XD so its okay. XD
Chapter 15: The artificial spirits are so cute :> XD
Chapter 15: The artificial spirit, we can choose any names????
Chapter 15: everyone will send? :)
Chapter 12: Yah, author-nim~ TWO TIMES you make me felt anxious...but it's okay, you already update!! Hehe
PenguinCakes #10
Chapter 12: WOW It's a new maiden! I wonder who it could be and OMG LOL
Myungsoo and Hoya, that must have been so embarrassing for them.
But how could you leave us at a cliffhanger like that D:
I can't wait...update soon! HWAITING!!!! (^.^)/