Another Lollipop

Valentine With Yoseob

Yoojin walked side by side with Yuki and squinted her eyes everytime she saw a blurry figure in front of her or near her. She told Yuki about her problem, but the latter brushed it off, saying that it will be okay as long as she dodged any blurry figure.

*Great. Just great.* Yoojin thought sarcastically, extending her arms like a blind person looking for her locker. She had to stand ridiculously close with each locker to see it's number. She looked like a dumb person despite her appearance.

Some guys have said how pretty she looks like, but she didn't hear it, because she's been busied looking for her locker. After what seems like eternity, she faced a locker with a lollipop stick on it. It was a different type of lollipop, and Yoojin realized that it was exactly one week after the first lollipop stuck.

After making sure it was her locker, she smiled and opened her locker door to take her books. Luckily she had another pair of glasses and putted them on immediately. She sighed in relieve when she could see better.

"Check that girl out!"

She heard a guy said and she turned around, wondering who was he talking about. Her eyes widen in surprise when the guy was pointing at her. He looked as shock as her.

"Han Yoojin?" The guy let out a gasp.

Yoojin restrained herself from rolling her eyes. It was her ultimate rival, Kim Donghyup. He was really annoying and he wasn't really important in this story.

"I couldn't believe it's you!" He eyed her openly and she felt disgust with it.

She covered herself by hugging her books close to her body. After locking the locker, she went pass him without giving a comeback. She wasn't really in mood to talk to him, firstly because she hadn't seen Yoseob anywhere.

When she reached her class, she peeked inside and a small smile crept on her face when she saw Yoseob were already inside, sitting with Dongwoon as they chatted. She slipped inside and made sure she wasn't making any noice when.......

"OHMYGAWD. Is that you, Han Yoojin!?"

Yoojin bite her lips. This is getting annoying. Who thought changing your appearance for a certain someone could actually catch unwanted attention?

Yoojin turned to look at the exaggerating queen. Yoojin swore that Jung Sami and Kim Donghyup belong together. They seemed to be the most annoying people alive.

Holding back another tired sigh, Yoojin asked, "Can I help you?"

"Yes! Can you tell me where Han Yoojin go!?" She laughed with her friends.

*I think that's not funny at all. What a stupid person.* Yoojin thought, passing by Sami and sat on her seat.

Sami didn't let her off though. She plopped her on Yoojin's desk and Yoojin looked up at her. "But seriously though, where do you go to make this face?"

Yoojin bit her tounge to let out sarcastic remark. She's not going to talk with this dumb head in anyways and its better to just shut up.

"Can't tell? Don't be afraid, I won't go to the doctor." Sami laughed again with her annoying laugh.

*Can someone please tell him to SHUT UP? It's really annoying to hear the plastic queenka blabbering.* Yoojin pretended to be busied with her own stuff.

It was raging Sami but before she could harm Yoojin, the teacher walked in.

"This is not ended yet, Yoojin." Sami threatened, but Yoojin could careless.

Sami is not someone  who would come out very much.

Something poke her from behind and she turned around. Her eyes widened (she did this very much) when she saw who was it. She wasn't paying attention on where she was sitting because Sami was bothering her.

Yoseob was giving her a soft, memorable smile that would forever remember by her. He was poking her with the tip of a pencil. "Are you okay?" He whispered, eyeing the teacher while he asked.

Yoojin nodded unconsciously. She just couldn't think straight and just nodded in everything he said.

"Don't listen to her. I know you don't go to doctor." Yoseob added in his mind *You were always beautiful and I knew it.*

Yoojin let out a smile, although inside she had been bursting with happiness. "Thank you." She whispered back before turning back to front. *Yoseob just smiled and talked to me! SMILED! TALKED! It's improvement!* She giggled and doodling on the paper while her mind went to dreamy state.

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newfishevil #1
Chapter 8: I just finally read this story,
and as usual I'm always love the way you write your story... >_<
I hope you can make a sequel for this story,

they were so loveable, and make me envy...
jwakhan #2
Chapter 8: awwwwwwwww
SeobieGirl18 #3
Chapter 8: its so great!! :), write another yoseob stories please.....!!
airia81 #4
Chapter 8: Awwwww!!! They r do cute!!! I love how he protected her!!! I enjoyed it!!!
marcelfransisca #5
Chapter 8: Happy endingg yeeyy! :3 i love this story.. Thanks for the update :))
airia81 #6
Chapter 7: Asdfjkl!!!! Seriously if all guys acted like this the world would be a better place lol!!! Finally the kissed and they r together!!!
Joann926 #7
Chapter 7: This is absolutely romantic!!!! But not too cheesy and annoying.... Love it!
airia81 #8
Chapter 6: Yaay how cute!!! Finally say yes!
claudiamacy #9
Chapter 6: please update soon :)