Would You Be My Valentine?

Valentine With Yoseob

Like any other day, Yoojin bounced into the school and got her fair attention from boys who like to see the innocent angel; or so they called her. Because mostly the girls wear thick make up and revealing clothes, the boys were swooned over Yoojin when she wore light make up and covering clothes but hugging her curves.

She looked just so beautiful and innocent at the same time. But when she talked, she actually just like any other girl who wants to have happy ending with the man they love. She walked over to her locker and opened the door.

A pink letter fell down and she blinked. After registering what happened in her mind, she bent down to pick the letter up and examined it. It was so pretty and just perfectly her style. She loves pink as much as SNSD's Tiffany and has her bedroom painted in pink.

She traced the letter with her finger femininely, and carefully opened the letter.

Hi, Han Yoojin

I am the boy who gave you lollipop every monday. Do you like them by the way? I love lollipop so much, but I didn't really eat them because my parents have prevented me from them since my regular appointment with the dentist. Hehe.

But don't worry, I'm not a toothless or rotten tooth boy. I have a pearly white teeth, thank you. Em... I was wondering if you have a date for Valentine's yet or not... If you don't, can you go up to the rooftop at lunchtime later?

I'll wait for you there. And I'll be thankful if you come or not.

Love, from your secret admirer :)

Yoojin felt her heart thumping loudly and her cheeks blushed. Oh my gosh, who is this guy? He's so sweet and Yoojin felt herself melt even though she hadn't met the boy in person. And she only felt like this when she saw Yoseob....

She felt a light tap on her shoulder and turned around to face Yuki. Yuki glanced at the letter and snickered.

"Got a date already?" Yuki asked playfully, nudging her arm.

Yoojin shyly smiled as she hit Yuki's shoulder playfully. "Psh. Not yet. This is only a letter stating me to meet him... that secret admirer who gave me lollipop." Yoojin said bashfully.

She would admit if she was asked whether she felt happy for having an admirer or not. Admirer and boys liking her were different; for her. Admirer... for her it seems if admirer has a deeper feeling than just boys liking her because she looked pretty or what.

"Let's go to class!" Yuki said, arm-in-arm with Yoojin as they walked to their class.






As soon as the lunchtime bell rang, Yoojin packed her stuff and putted them into her locker before telling Yuki that she had to go somewhere before the cafeteria.

"Do you want to eat in the cafeteria or outside?" Yuki asked.

"Anywhere you choose. I'll just call you to ask where you are." Yoojin said quickly and proceeded to the roof.

She was already panting by the time she reached to rooftop door, her palms were sweating as nervous came to her. This is the first time she had gotten a letter to go on a date or something similar, and she was beyond nervous.

If any, she didn't what to do or to think.

After taking a deep breath, she did 'aza aza fighting' to herself and turned the knob. It was sunny and the rooftop looked so shiny. A guy was standing over the edge, hands on the railing while looking down from there.

My heart skipped a bit when I realized whose back was it I'm facing. There was no way I couldn't notice who he is after spending a lot of time just looking at his front and back. Then he turned around, with that sun still shining from behind him; he looked like an angel, especially when a smile grew on his face.

Awe-struck, my feet unconsciously stepped into the rooftop and a dazed expression cross on my face. I couldn't say anything because my brain was trying to function and got out from this impossible dream.

This was a dream she had ever hoped for, but never once thought it would be granted.

He extended his arm out and she grasped it while still looking at him as if she was spellbound by him. Which she was.

"Y...Yoseob-ssi?" She let out a question, her eyes were looking at him in surprise.

She still couldn't believe the fact that Yoseob was the one who gave her lollipop A.K.A her secret admirer. Can anything get any better than this!?

"Hi, Yoojin-ssi." He smiled cheekily, his cheeks tinted with pink.

"A..are you the one who had been giving me lollipop?" She questioned, her heart was thumping loudly as she waited for his answer.

Yoseob smiled. "Maybe." He shrugged, teasing her as he watched her expression in amusement. He thought it was cute when she pouted hearing his response.

"Is it you or not?" She repeated the same question, her lips pressed into a thin line.

"What do you think?" He questioned back, leaning his forehead against her and he heard her gasped. "Do you think it's me?"

"Since you have pearly white teeth, I think it's you." She replied, sighing in content.

She wondered how the situation become like this. How on earth was they suddenly already leaning against each other, talking sweetly as if they were already together for years.

Yoseob broke the hug and looked straight into her eyes. "I've been wondering if you have date already or not."

"I think it's written in your later that if I have one, there's no need for me to come." She was surprised with herself. Since when did she could talk about this thing so freely? And the nervousness she usually felt with Yoseob turned into a comfortable, and she likes it very much.

Yuki swore that Yoojin would become a shy and quiet girlfriend if she has a boyfriend. Guess it wasn't true afterall. Love change people.

After a moment of staring, Yoseob asked, "Would you be my Valentine?"

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newfishevil #1
Chapter 8: I just finally read this story,
and as usual I'm always love the way you write your story... >_<
I hope you can make a sequel for this story,

they were so loveable, and make me envy...
jwakhan #2
Chapter 8: awwwwwwwww
SeobieGirl18 #3
Chapter 8: its so great!! :), write another yoseob stories please.....!!
airia81 #4
Chapter 8: Awwwww!!! They r do cute!!! I love how he protected her!!! I enjoyed it!!!
marcelfransisca #5
Chapter 8: Happy endingg yeeyy! :3 i love this story.. Thanks for the update :))
airia81 #6
Chapter 7: Asdfjkl!!!! Seriously if all guys acted like this the world would be a better place lol!!! Finally the kissed and they r together!!!
Joann926 #7
Chapter 7: This is absolutely romantic!!!! But not too cheesy and annoying.... Love it!
airia81 #8
Chapter 6: Yaay how cute!!! Finally say yes!
claudiamacy #9
Chapter 6: please update soon :)