The Kiss

Valentine With Yoseob

It felt as if time had stopped at the moment he blurted out the question. Everything seemed to have stopped; the people, the noises, and the firework with still sparkling above them. The world seemed brighter at the same time, and the only thing she could hear was her own heart beating loudly.

His eyes were penetrating deeply into hers, waiting for her to reply his proposal. He gulped nervously and he could feel his palms sweating, although the temperature seemed to be under zero. Although it might not be seen, but he was sure nervous.

Finally, he decided to broke the silence that made him felt nothing but agitation. "Yoojin?"

His voice broke her dazed and she looked back at him. Then she remembered she hasn't replied him yet.

"Eo??" She let out a nervous choke and coughed to clear . "Emmmm...." Her cheeks were heated when she realized that he was asking her to be his girlfriend. She played with her fingers nervously as she bit her lips, trying to say 'yes'.

She couldn't say anything because she was so shy to say out loud her decision and not to mention how short time they just got to know each other. But she knew this feeling. It felt surreal and like a dream at the same time.

How long had she been crushing on him? How long had it been for her to keep wishing and wishing so that one day, he could see her? How long had it been for her to wait for him? How long exactly?

Then she remembered something. She is pretty now. If the reason why Yoseob actually, finally sees her was because her changing appearance, it hurts. She started tearing up when she thought the worst.

"Yoojin? Why are you crying?" Yoseob asked, his face fell. He knew something was off but don't know what.

She kept sniffling before stuttering out, "D-do you p-propose m-me because I-I've changed?"

Yoseob raised an eyebrow, wondering what she meant. "What do you mean?"

She inhaled deeply before asking, "Do you ask me to be your girlfriend because I changed from a nerd to this kind of girl?" She felt her stomach hurled and she felt want to puke abruptly.

"What do you-" He stopped as a realization hit him. "Oh my god, Yoojin. Y-you think...! Of course no! I don't propose you because you've changed! I just waited  for the right time!" He said loudly, an unusual rage coming over him. "I've liked you when you were still wearing that thick, black frame glasses that covered half of your face. I've liked you when you were still wearing baggy clothes and seemed still unaware of dresses. I've liked you when you always seem focus in your study without bothering any students' nasty comments on you and everything. I've liked you for so long that I've eventually fallen for you."

A tear slipped on her cheek, and she wondered how could she be that stupid to doubt over him. He had been so sweet to her that she felt a warm feeling spread in her heart. She sniffled again as she rubbed her eyes.

His rage was slowly dropping and he grabbed her hands. "Stop rubbing. You're going to hurt your eyes since you're wearing contact lenses."

She obediently stopped rubbing her eyes and let his hands grabbed hers. "I'm sorry, Yoseob ah."

Yoseob pretended to be shocked. "Don't tell me you're rejecting my proposal?!" He acted hurt. *Just need a little push.* He thought.

She quickly slipped out her hands and punched him straight on the shoulder lightly. "Of course no! Why would I reject you? I love you too!" She blurted out and after rethinking what she had just said, her eyes rounded in surprise as her whole face red.

He snickered, feeling good after hearing it from herself. "Hmmm, so you love me, huh?"

She blushed and looked away, pretending to be attracted with the calm river.

He thought how adorable she looked and brought his hands to pinch her cheeks.

"OWWIEE!" She yelped as she quickly slapped his hands away. "It's hurt!"

"A punishment for you because you didn't reply me." He stuck his tounge out playfully.

She palmed her cheeks, trying to ease the stung she felt.

"So.... are we official now?" She couldn't help but felt a tingling sensation when he asked the question shyly.

She nodded softly, her lips grew into a soft smile.

"C....can I kiss you?" He asked softly, a tugging feeling he felt from before when they were eating came back.

Without a slight hesitation, she nodded bashfully.

Yoseob leaned closer and captured her lips into a sweet and chaste kiss. Yoojin never kissed before and truthfully, she was disgusted when people cuddling and kissing in public. But when Yoseob's lips pressed against hers, she couldn't think of anything but how good it felt. Her heart exploded like a firework she just watched, her brain stopped functioning and becoming hazy, her legs weaken and became jelly, and her eyes closed naturally.

His lips brought her alive and she felt as if she was breathing a new air. His kiss was soft yet mind-blowing. Before she could absorb the feeling longer, he broke the kiss to breath some air.

Her eyes fluttered open and she saw him gazing at her. The kiss felt as if it was a dream, but she knew if she had this kind of dream, she would never want to wake up ever.

He chuckled as he watched her expression. And as if he could read through her mind, he cupped her cheeks and pecked her lips sneakily. "This is real. We're dating. I'm yours and you're mine." He sweetly said and nuzzled her nose against his.

She smiled at him with her most beautiful smile. "I'm yours." She whispered, intertwining her fingers with his.



I noticed how silent you guys are and I'm sad. :(


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newfishevil #1
Chapter 8: I just finally read this story,
and as usual I'm always love the way you write your story... >_<
I hope you can make a sequel for this story,

they were so loveable, and make me envy...
jwakhan #2
Chapter 8: awwwwwwwww
SeobieGirl18 #3
Chapter 8: its so great!! :), write another yoseob stories please.....!!
airia81 #4
Chapter 8: Awwwww!!! They r do cute!!! I love how he protected her!!! I enjoyed it!!!
marcelfransisca #5
Chapter 8: Happy endingg yeeyy! :3 i love this story.. Thanks for the update :))
airia81 #6
Chapter 7: Asdfjkl!!!! Seriously if all guys acted like this the world would be a better place lol!!! Finally the kissed and they r together!!!
Joann926 #7
Chapter 7: This is absolutely romantic!!!! But not too cheesy and annoying.... Love it!
airia81 #8
Chapter 6: Yaay how cute!!! Finally say yes!
claudiamacy #9
Chapter 6: please update soon :)