Smooching with burglars

Stuck in high school


Continuation from previous chapter


Noon – Kyuhyun’s & Donghae’s house
Kyuhyun’s POV


I arrived at home, after school. Thank god the last lesson was cancelled. I threw my schoolbag into the next corner and stretched myself relish. A cute yawn escaped out of my lungs, while I rubbed my sleepy eyes.
God this was so exhausting! 6 hours due to play starcraft! I scratched my chin and was about to walk into my room, but my actions were stopped by a voice, that came from upstairs. The attic, huh? Even the stairs weren’t hidden anymore, so that means Hae is up there.
And we are even alone… You better don’t do anything stupid… Hehehe.

I gulped at the sight. Donghae. In front of MY laptop. And it’s even switched on! I approached him and laid down a hand on his shoulder, when I said:
“What are you doing with my laptop, cutie?”
I was everything else than amused. I wasn’t even able to smirk, as usually! I glared at Donghae, who seemed to be mute, since he was only staring at me, his mouth and his eyes opened widely. My glance wandered to the screen of my laptop and my jaw dropped.
Then he finally mentioned it to answer my question:
“Erm… I wanted to see your background picture…it’s nice!”
I laughed evilly and showed it to him. It was the picture of him and Hyukkie, when they were kissing each other. So you think it’s nice huh?

“You…” I gulped loudly “How the hell were you able to hack my password?!”
“Erm… Kyu I-…”
“I kill you. Seriously Donghae, you better run. I KILL YOU!”
I was ready to beat the crap out of him, when he convinced me to calm down a bit… Well kinda.
“If you hit me, I hit your precious laptop!”
“What? You dare to threaten me with something like this?! That’s… that’s so low!”
“I’m serious, Kyu! Take your arms down! Or I’ll touch the screen!”
“You won’t-…”
“You leave me no other choice!”
“Okay. Let’s calm down.” Tch. How should I calm down… I was about to explode!

I grabbed his collar and swung his body away from my laptop.
“Now you’re going to pay for your mistakes!” I yelled furiously.
“I don’t think so.” He stayed completely calm.
“What makes you believe this way?
“Because I’ll tell Sungmin, if you hurt me.”
“Wha-…What?! NO!”
Donghae smirked at me and probably he tried to look mischievously. Fail – haha!

After we finally came down we were sitting on the floor, while I was clenching my fists several times.
“Okay. I have a solution for our problems. A bet.” I stated.
“What bet?” he asked and he narrowed his eyes.
“If you don’t want to die, you better kiss Hyukkie – in front of Minnie- errr… Sungmin*, and me – at least! Ah, and Heechul has to be there too!”
“What?! Are you crazy?! Why should I?!”
his eyes widened and caused me to smirk mischievously.
“Do you want to die?” I asked and tried to suppress my evil laughter.
“Okay I got it! But you have to ask ‘Minnie’ out for a date, right after I kissed Hyukkie. Or do you prefer it, that I’ll go and spread, that you like him?”
His threat convinced me to try it… and Changmin would shut up too.
“Are we going now? They’re at Minnie’s place.”
“Sure, why not…”

We stood up, but right after that Donghae held his belly and fell down again.
His stomach rumbled loudly, while he groaned in pain.
Haha, funny!



Meanwhile in Sungmin’s house
Hyukjae’s POV


While we were busy fighting for Minnie’s cellphone I heard a car roll up the parking lot, and I shouted happily:
“Yeeey! Our pizza is here!”
“What do you mean?”
Sungmin asked and looked at me.
“What? We didn’t ordered pizza?” I pouted.
“No…” he answered and became curious.
But soon afterwards we figured out, that the car was driving away again so we decided not to mention it anymore, but then we heard some voices outside, directly in front of the front door.

“Is Heechul already back?” Sungmin asked and glanced to the front door.
No, this isn’t Heechul. His voice doesn’t sound like this.
We became lightly scared, when we heard something being stuck into the keyhole.
“It’s impossible, that mum and dad are already back!” he whispered even more frightened, than before and was also able to scare me with that expression.
I knew what he thought.

Our hand gestures were discussing, what we were going to do, and soon we decided to hide near the front door, behind the sofa, which was standing in front of the wall. It was a perfect hiding place, because from that spot we were able to see, what’s going to happen, but you weren’t able to discover us. And the best part – here’s popcorn!

“What do you think they’re doing?” a kinda familiar voice asked and the other answered:
“Definitely ignoring us. Seriously, I don’t want to do that.”
“Yeah me too… I feel bad about it.”
“Exactly… but now it’s too late.”
The voices kept on discussing, while I quietly munched the popcorn, that was lying on the floor beside me. Even Sungmin started to eat it, though he hit my hand before, because he meant it was disgusting.
We could see two figures, but it was dark, so there was no chance to recognize them.

Those voices are so familiar. Well… that’s at least that, what I thought. But actually they were whispering – definitely burglars, as Sungmin said.
But what they don’t know: That scared bunnyboy beside me is a master in martial arts! I looked at him. He was even more scared than I was. His eyes lightened up, he seemed that an idea just crossed his mind.
Oh yeah right, Minnie. Write your mummy a message!
Sungmin’s glance was like glued on the two humans in his livingroom, he didn’t pay attention to what he was writing – he just typed the numbers, he thought they’d form the right word on their own, since his autocorrect was switched on.
Haha! Yeah he thought so… but that now was embarrassing. He didn’t even look at the message, he just sent it without leaving the criminals off his eyes. But I looked at his message and well… he probably wrote too much erted stuff so it turned out as:
mum! 2 gays - me, they’re business!
It was hard to suppress my laughter, but Sungmin was intelligent enough to cover my mouth with his palm.
I wonder what she’s going to reply… I figured out afterwards, that because he didn’t pay a bit attention to his phone, he tapped the wrong buttons. It actually should have said:
mum! 2 guys - help me they’re burglars!
Or something like this… at least I hope so! Her answer arrived just some seconds after that, which shows, that she was completely worried. Unfortunately Sungmin’s phone wasn’t turned as ‘noiselessly’, so his annoying alarm tone betrayed us.

The two shapes approached us and then we heard a strange noise. One of them probably sat down onto the leather sofa in front of us.
Unfortunately, he didn’t only sat onto it, he bent over the backrest and stared at us.

“So you were here! Wooah! Popcorn! Give me some too!” the one squeaked and reached out a hand to grab some of the mentioned popcorn.
“You already drank rotten milk today, so shut up.” The other said, while the first one was already eating.
“Erm… okay…” he answered still munching and we could see a bit dropping of his mouth.
“Donghae?! Kyuhyun?! What the hell are you doing here? Oh my god you scared the out of us, we thought you were some burglars!” Sungmin yelled at them and stood up abruptly.
“Seriously? Hihihihi!” Donghae laughed fascinated. He was the one who ate popcorn.
“Yeah really, that car before made me even more curious.” I added while Sungmin stared at me in confusion, not knowing what I was talking about.
He was about to say something, but he was interrupted by a loud noise, coming from the front door –

The four of us were all shocked, and Sungmin and me pulled Hae and Kyu over behind the sofa and started to watch the next thrilling scene.
“This person is using the same method to open the door as we did!” Hae whispered and Kyu hit his head, to tell him shut up.
The door opened slowly and a dark shadow walked in. It was even scarier, since this person wasn’t talking at all. A sudden noise let us shudder and without even realizing it I grabbed Donghae’s hand and held it tightly. He didn’t care, I think I even comforted him, because he lightly squeezed my hand. But then I recognized, whose hand I was holding and my heart started to beat faster. I could even feel my face gaining a red tone and it became incredible hot.
I widened my eyes, when he squeezed my hand again, and I glanced at him in the corner of my eye. He probably also just realized, what he was doing, when both of our hands became sweaty. But instead of letting go, our grip became even more firmly. I gulped loudly and felt a sweat pearl running down my forehead, near my hairline. I slowly turned my head and now we were looking in each other’s eyes, but I tried to avoid his glance and stared in a few other directions, I just didn’t want our eyes to meet again.
Out of the blue he wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me to him.
Now even Minnie and Kyu were staring at us. Well Kyu of course smirked as always.

I shut my eyes, I didn’t want to see anything anymore – the whole situation was too much for me.
First Kyu and Hae scare me and Minnie, right after that another strange person comes inside, who is probably a real criminal. And last but not least Hae is hugging me tightly!

Now I was counting on my serendipity. I felt 3 strange glances on me and suddenly two warm, wet lips on my own.
I tore my eyes open, to see Donghae kissing me. His eyes were closed and he slowly rubbed his lips against mine, before his lips parted and started to my lip. Sungmin was about to make a sound, but the smirking Kyu has already pulled him into his embrace and covered his mouth.
Heechul was right. Seeing someone backhugging another one is really cute!
I closed my eyes again to enjoy this moment, totally ignoring Kyu and Minnie, who didn’t leave us with their eyes. I slowly wrapped my hands around Donghae, one his back, while the other wandered up his spine to his head and I caressed his silky hair. His slow movements totally calmed me down and we even deepened our kiss.
I still felt 3 people staring at us, but I didn’t even care – just as Donghae did.
Wait … three people? That mysterious criminal too?! I was about to open my eyes, when just in that moment Donghae’s hand squeezed my firmly, whereupon I moaned quietly into his mouth, causing everyone to tore their eyes widely open, just as Donghae and me did.

“Woooooaaaah! How dare you to smooch like that behind my back?!” Heechul squeaked, and Hae and me pulled away immediately.
Donghae held his stomach and mumbled:

“I need to puke!” when he ran away, towards the stairs. The other 3 guys were staring into the direction Donghae ran, when I tried to stand up, slipped and caught all the attention – again.
“What is it?!” I mentioned to ask, before I felt tears welling up my eyes, and one of them even managed it to drop.
Even Kyu’s smirk was gone, his eyes were full of pity, exactly as Minnie’s. Heechul still stared to the stairs without saying anything, not even he was capable to grin evilly.

It was an awkward moment fulfilled with silence, when we were still sitting on the floor behind the sofa, Heechul leaning over the backrest. I tried to hold my tears back, but it was futile. My breath became heavier every second and after a while everything became black. My upper body fell over and the last things I could hear were the other’s voices, that formed my name.

When I woke up, or rather when I came back to consciousness I was lying on the sofa with my head on Heechul’s lap, who to my surprise, gently caressed my head, while he was talking to Minnie and Kyu. Sungmin was holding one of my hands and played with its fingers, while he was sitting beside me on the floor and glanced at me with a worried expression. Kyu was still behind the sofa, but he was leaning over the backrest and also he had his hand on my body to comfort me.
Why the hell does everyone have to touch me?!

Donghae was still upstairs, when the others found out that I was eavesdropping on them. Then I saw, that Minnie also Kyu’s hand held. Kyu’s hand too, huh? I nearly smirked at them, but then we heard steps approaching.

“Sorry… The rotten milk, I drank this morning wanted to leave my stomach…” Donghae said, while he stomp down the stairs and wiped his mouth.
Heechul’s smirk returned and he laughed evilly. His hand, that was still lying on my head suddenly hit my forehead, causing me to cry out in pain.

“Okay you’ve done what you had to… now it’s my turn.” Kyu stated… I wonder what they’re talking about.

“Alright… so… erm… Minnie- YAH! Sungmin!” Kyu began stuttering and cleared his throat.
“Hihi, yeah?” he answered and smiled at him, while they were looking in each other’s eyes.
“God, please! Don’t try to sound that y…”
“Hahah! Why not? You don’t like it?”
he asked and smirked. It was funny, the were still holding hands and Kyu blushed, like he never did before! Well… not that I’ve ever seen him blush…he gulped loudly before he went on:
“Do you… do you want to erm…”  he stared at Donghae, who was still standing on the edge of the stairs, until he approached us. Then his glance wandered back to Sungmin’s eyes. But this probably made him more nervous and he looked into my eyes – back to Sungmin’s and finally to Heechul’s, who only smirked.
“Let’s go to the movies together.” he finally managed to say, after his gaze returned to Sungmin.
“Sure!” Sungmin squeaked happily, jumped up and hugged him tightly. He probably forgot, that Kyu was still on the other side of the sofa, and his embrace caused him to fall over. At least his landing was soft – he fell onto me!

Heechul laughed again, and stood up, letting my head fall onto the hard sofa harshly. Right after that he walked towards the door, but Sungmin stopped him.
he turned around and smiled at Sungmin. What the he smiles?!
“Where’s our food?”
“Oh, right! Erm… oops!”
he laughed awkwardly.
“You know… I was on my way back from the restaurant, when I became so damn hungry! So I ate it… but right after that I realized, that I was gone for about half an hour and I thought you’d be upset if I’d return without food, so I went to another restaurant.”
Sungmin asked curiously.
“I somehow forgot what I wanted there…”
“So you returned without food?!”
I ended his sentence in disbelief.
“Yep.” he smiled angelic.
“Idiot!” both me and Sungmin shouted in unison, when Heechul took the key went outside laughing. A life as Heechul really must be funny.

“Do you want to stay at my place for the night? It’s already pretty late!” Sungmin offered and Kyu and Hae agreed grateful.
“Sure! Can I borrow your phone, I just want to tell dad about that.” Kyu answered.
“Yeah, here.” Sungmin replied and handed him his phone.
But what neither Minnie nor me remembered, was his mother’s message and 37 missed calls, she probably sent after Sungmin panicked her with that weird text of him but he didn’t reply so she called... a few times.

Kyu opened it, stared at the display and his jaw dropped. Before he could let Sungmin’s phone fall to the floor, Minnie snatched it away and his expression became the same as Kyuhyun’s.
“Oh my god…”

-Lee Sungmin! What do you mean with that?!
Don’t tell me you’re seriously working as a e!
When we return, you’ll experience your worst punishment ever!
I’ll call you right away!

“Erm… I didn’t knew you had THAT kind of part time job… so that’s the reason, why you wouldn’t tell me…”  I mumbled, absolutely aware, why this happened and smirked mischievously.
“You…?” Kyu began, but couldn’t end.
“I accidently sent her a weird message… Only because of you! You guys scared the out of us!” Sungmin defended himself.
“You – I wasn’t scared at all!” I protested.
“Hah! You were even holding my hand when Heechul went inside, you really thought he was a burglar?!” Donghae joined our conversation.
“You did so too!” I replied.
“I didn’t! I was absolutely aware of that!” he answered confidently.

While Donghae and I were still arguing about that, Kyuhyun and Sungmin calmed down. Sungmin informed Heechul, to get pajamas from Donghae and Kyuhyun while we were still unstoppable. We were too concentrated on our own conversation, so it was a real shock, when we saw after a while the other two guys kissing each other.
I kept staring at them, while Donghae sighed annoyed and fold his arms.
“So can we!” he shouted, grabbed my wrist and twirled me into his embrace, like in these couple dances. With that he was able to get all the attention of the others, which didn’t seem to concern him. One of his hands was on the back of my head, pushing me towards his face – the other was on my chin and he lightly parted my lips, when he pulled me into a kiss. At first I was somehow frightened, I didn’t knew what to do, since both of our mouths were opened, but soon my ‘question’ was answered when Donghae’s tongue slid into my mouth, causing my tongue to back away.
He laughed into my mouth and his grip became more firmly. Soon I got used to that feeling and I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly.
The two chuckling boys beside us weren’t much of our concern – just the other way round (for Donghae as it seems) it seemed to spurn him on! He deepened our kiss and started to my tongue. This seemed to disguise the others, who now backed away to the sofa and rested there, while they sometimes pecked each other’s lips.
Again a moan escaped out of my mouth, but nobody cared except of the people, who were standing in the doorframe. Wait… WHO?!

“Donghae? Kyuhyun?” a voice caused all of us to pull away and look into the direction, where it came from.
“MUM!” their mother was standing beside her husband and Heechul, who smirked insanely.


God! I just wanted to get about 3000 words - so it won't be that much less than the other chapters...
but this was a bad idea <.< especially because i didn't even knew, what i was writing xD

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Chapter 39: awh KyuMin almost kissing xD
Chapter 39: Such a cute and amusing chapter~ kekkeke Poor Hyukjae for suffering that boring class XD And Donghae would forever be a dork XDD Eeep~! Kyuhyunnie and Sungminnie >//<
Chapter 39: OMG you're back!!!!!

My kyumin feels!!!
Chapter 38: Kitty killed a pit bull?
woa~ thats....COOL (?) XD
Chapter 37: flashback in flashback? XD that was interesting XD
Chapter 36: I wonder what will happen next lol
Chapter 35: you awake my memory xP
interesting chapter XD
Chapter 34: KangTeuk moment ^^
Poor Eunhyuk his handphone is froze~
Evil HeeKyu couple XD
Chapter 33: evil Heechul and poor Eunhyuk~ XD