An embarrassing secret and a stupid bet causing trouble

Stuck in high school


Continuation from previous chapter


In Sungmin's house
Hyukjae's POV


“Yeah, yeah sure… Wait what?! Our-…?”
These were my last words, until Sungmin pressed one of the tomatoes against my lips. What the hell did he mean with ‘our photos’?! He definitely has a secret!
And I’m going to reveal it!

What kind of stupid bet is this?! And why do I have to do this?! I took away the tomato and slowly opened my mouth. It was impossible, the tomato was probably as big as my fist, and only Heechul has such a huge mouth, that he could put his fist inside. Sungmin could see me trembling, and again he started to push it – somehow with success. I could slowly feel it sliding inside my widely opened mouth and I wasn’t able to breath anymore.

I don’t know how Sungmin managed it, to put the tomato inside my mouth, but it hurt extremely and I breathed through my nose heavily. I wasn’t even able to touch my upper lip with the other one. Heechul looked so amused, when I glared at him and he walked to me. He bent down and stared in my eyes and smirked.

How stupid I must look right now. My mouth completely stuffed, so that even my cheeks have huge bulges, my nostrils enlarged, because I have to breathe like that, my whole face placed in deep folds and my eyes compressed angrily, while I’m glaring at him.
He probably thought the same, because he guffawed crazily. Even Sungmin joined and stood now beside Heechul. I became angry, and without even noticing I tried to clench my teeth, totally forgotten the tomato inside my mouth and I squeezed the tomato. A huge amount of tomato juice fizzed out, directly in Heechuls face! Sungmin let out a shrill squeak and quickly backed away, while Heechul distorted his face in disgust. This view was just fabulous, and I couldn’t hold back my laughter, but this was probably a bad idea, because I nearly suffocated. Heechul didn’t make this situation better – he just choked me! On the edge of dying Sungmin started to hit my back and I spitted out the crushed tomato, which left a little red spot on the white carpet.

After I was finally able to breathe normally, I glared at Heechul, who only looked down at me and Sungmin in amusement. I was lying on the floor, resting my weight on my elbows, while Sungmin was sitting beside me and seemed really worried.
“I won.” Heechul said and laughed victorious.
“But you cheated!” Sungmin and me protested in unison.
“When do I not do that?” he replied and smirked evilly. Yeah, he’s right really always cheats! This fact only made my angrier. And this guy has to stay with us in Sungmin's house for all the time we’re here!

“Try the other one.” Sungmin whispered, while Heechul fumbled something on his phone.
“What?! No way! It was already terrible enough with the first tomato! And I don’t want to unhook my jaw once more!”
“So it’s definitely my victory!”
Heechul added.
“Aaaand~ … sent.” He looked up from his phone and smirked even more evilly!



Meanwhile at Kyuhyun's and Donghae's place
Donghae's POV


It was awkward. I just went out the bathroom, closed the door, turned around and then? Then I saw Kyu sitting in front of me, in our parents’ room with some magazines and DVDs! At least dad has already found out, since he’s standing right behind him!

“Oh my god! Dad! Kyu’s hiding stuff!” I ran towards my brother, absolutely not caring about my clothing – that consisted of a towel, wrapped round my waist.
I kneeled down beside him and copied his position – in one hand several magazines, in the other some DVDs. I needed a few seconds to realize, what I’m staring at – Gay .
I tore my eyes wide open and let go of the things I was holding. Kyuhyun also stared at me, then at the things he was holding. He probably didn’t realize, that these s weren’t real at all. Hah, this idiot can’t even recognize shemales! He let out a disgusted squeak and threw the stuff back into the drawer.

Now both of us were staring at our dad, who was standing right behind us, with a weird expression.
“Uhm… if you’re that interested in them you can borrow them… but don’t you dare to tell your mother!” he shouted worried. Oh no! Now he thinks we're gay, because we were staring at … a secret like that! But honestly… Who the hell would want to borrow something like that from his parent?!?! But when Kyu and dad were busy in staring at each other, I took the chance and hid some of the before mentioned stuff under the towel.
“Tell me what?” and luckily mum just appeared in the right moment. Kyu and me pushed the drawer closed and were completely frightened, what’s going to happen now.
“Aaah,… erm… nothing!” dad was absolutely lost…
“Come on, tell me!”
“No! It’s a surprise! You mustn’t tell her!”
Kyuhyun rescued the situation.
Every one of us were staring at him, me and dad with a thankful expression, while mum only got even more suspicious.
“I hate surprises, so just spit it out!”
“No, darling. This would destroy all our preparations!”
finally dad’s able to defend our duty as males.
“Aish… alright.” Finally he was able to convince her and she left with these words:
“I’ll make dinner. Any special wishes, what to eat tonight?”

After she was in the kitchen and started to look for several dishes, and we knew she’d be unable to hear as, we sighed relieved. Now we stared at dad. Is he probably … bi-…? He didn’t look embarrassed in any way.

“Dad, what’s this?” Kyu dared to ask. That idiot.
“Can’t you read? It’s written on it!” Haha! Nice dad!
“Dad… seriously? You are… ga-…”
“No. Don’t get me wrong. You just discovered these-… erm… forget what I’ve said!”
“What?! You also have- …?”
“Forget what you’ve seen in here!”
“I thought we could borrow them…” ! Why the hell do I had to say this?!
“Uh… err… sure you can.” What the hell? He doesn’t seem surprised, that his son is asking for gay ?!
“Donghae? Can we talk in our room?” 
Kyu began.

"Uhm… no.”
“Come with me. NOW.”

Kyu dragged me into our room, and all I could do was grabbing the doorframe and holding onto it, like he’d kill me. And he did. Well… at least my honor.
“What was that?!”
“Uhm… Gay ?”
I tried to annoy him – with success.
“Idiot! That’s not what I meant! You’re really interested in that stuff?! I thought you weren’t gay?” he said and smirked mischievously.
“I’m not! But you are! What else could a valid reason for you, to examine these… things?!”
“What?! It was just… I didn’t realize… Sorry, that I’m not that experienced in recognizing shemales, as long as a human has s like this, I thought it’s definitely female!”
okay this scared me. Kyu was really furious, his whole body was shaking. I can’t understand it, sure I’d be angry too, but he’s exaggerating!
“Alright. I’m sorry.”
I finally gave up.
“Wha-… what?”
“I said I’m sorry, and I won’t repeat it once more!”
“And why do you even apologize? That’s unnatural for you.”
“Aha. Well I reminded myself of the situation some minutes back. You rescued us. So I thought I mustn’t be so mean to you…”
“Oh. Yeah, you’re right!” Of course he’d never say something like ‘thanks’!
Instead he only smirked.

“So… what exactly have you been doing in mum and dad’s room?” I asked him and raised my eyebrow.
“Huh? Err… nothing!”
“Come on. Spit it out, I won’t tell them.”
“How should I trust you? Haha!”
“Isn’t that sad? We’re probably supposed to share every secret. Since we are twins we’re closer than normal siblings, so shouldn’t we trust each other?”
he won’t be able to resist to my puppy eyes!
“That might be, but …”
“But you’re always making fun of me, and you’d never stop teasing me!” Come on, Donghae! Create tears!
“Just because you’re the same!”
“I could change.”
I was getting impatient and so … well… my innocent image fade away.
“Now tell me already. What have you been doing?!”
“You won’t tell them?”
“No.” God…
“Yeah.” He’s annoying!
“I can trust you?”
“Hell yeah! No way I’d tell them! Just spit it out!”
“I was looking for my PSP…”
“I knew it!”
“What?! How should you know?!”
“Because I also know where you precious PSP is… dad told me to hide it. Hihi.”
After that I ran away as fast as I could, ignoring his death threats, he was shouting at me, while chasing me through the whole house. It was fun, since mum and dad didn’t even pay attention to us.

I could see him resting – he was on the opposite side of the hallway, his upper body bent down, his hands on his thighs and he was breathing heavily.
I used this chance and sneaked as fast as I could back into our room and locked the door. I heard him stumping nearer and suddenly felt a hard pain in my ear, which I had pressed against the door. I groaned in pain and backed away from the door, holing my aching ear.
Then this dirty, teasing laughter from outside… He probably knew, that I always put my ear against the door, to hear what he’s doing and talking.

“Yah, Donghae! No need to lock the door…” he yelled from outside. Why does it sound like, he’s purposely shouting that loud?
“You can talk to me, you know so... Let’s talk about it! Everyone has a dirty secret, and your's is just this gay stuff…”




In Sungmin's house at 10 P.M.
Sungmin's POV


Hyukkie was lying on my bed, his face buried in my pillow. I think he forgot his sheep-pillow… Well at least he isn’t thinking about it! I was trying to comfort him and caressed his hair and patted his back lightly. I was getting annoyed, since he couldn’t stop so I tried to ‘cheer him up’ or rather to .

“Wanna see that hilarious picture of you and Donghae?” I chuckled, while I was asking this, probably already knowing the answer.
And I was right – the pillow next to me flew in my direction and lightly hit my head. To make him a bit happier, I pretended, like it hurt me and groaned out loudly. He slowly lifted his head a bit and I was already relieved, that my reaction cheered him up.
But next what happened was, that he just threw also the other pillow against me.

“Why do you hurt me?” I kept pretending and pouted, still with a bit hope, he’d fall for it.
But I didn’t get an answer, so I simply decided to annoy him a bit more. I tickled him, and felt like I succeed, but instead he only wobbled around. Then I put my hands around his shoulders and lifted him up, but he didn’t seem to enjoy it, so I released slowly his body, as soon as his expression became painful. So I decided to try to comfort him again.

“Shouldn’t you guys sleep already? Instead of touching each other after … do I even have to say it? Hihihihi” Heechul teased and smirked mischievously at us. His glance caused me to stop and I only hit Hyukkie’s hardly, because I couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Whoa! I didn’t knew you weren’t done yet!” Wrong decision to touch him…

“I won’t be able to sleep.” Hyukkie said, when he finally calmed down … well at least a bit.
“And why?!” Heechul and me asked him annoyed in unison.
“Because Mr. Sparkle isn’t here!” he said and pouted. He looked like a protesting toddler. It somehow even looked kinda funny.
“Why can’t you sleep once without your stupid pillow?!” Heechul dared to ask.
“He’s NOT stupid! You’re the one who’s stupid, you idiot! Just get me my pillow, or I’ll call mum and then she’s going to scold you!”
“Alright! Calm down, babe.”
“Tch… Screw you!”

With these words Heechul finally left to get his pillow. I can understand that he gave in, because no one, who has a life, which is it worth to live, dares to refuse a request of their mum. And when Hyukkie would call his mum, he wouldn’t only talk about that.
They are really two horror brothers!

Since my parents won’t return in less than 3 weeks I decided to sleep in their bed, so Hyukkie and me are in the same room, and no one has to sleep on the cold, hart floor. Even Heechul can sleep in my bed!
So I quickly changed the bed linen and already got tired.

After just some minutes, we heard the bell and I went there to open it for Heechul. I yawned, while walking down the stairs, and nearly slipped, because I didn’t pay attention to the carpet, which has a huge fold. I opened the door and Heechul scurried inside, bringing an ice cold breeze with him. Oh yeah, it’s already getting autumn. I shivered and took the pillow, which Heechul handed to me.
After explaining him our decision, where we’d sleep, I locked the door and we went upstairs to sleep.

When I opened the door of my parents’ room I got furious. Hyukkie was sleeping!
“I thought you idiot, can’t sleep without this?” I shouted and threw his pillow into his direction. He rubbed his still sleepy eyes, which he afterwards widened and started to sparkle.
“Yey! Now I can sleep in peace!” he said, hugged his precious treasure and laid back down.
“Go and change!” I ordered him, while I was taking off my shirt and my pants, but before I could remove my underwear he started to mumble and went into the bathroom to change too. I love it to !


After a few hours I woke up and wasn’t sleepy at all, though it was 3:30A.M.! I was wondering, where I was, until I remembered our situation. Even though I knew now, that I’m sleeping whit Hyukkie in my parents’ bed I got shocked, when I saw him.
He had pushed the blanket completely off the bed and even his head was hanging down. One of his legs was under my blanket and touched mine.
How can a normal human sleep like this?! Oh yeah, I forgot – he isn’t normal! Not at all!
He was making strange noises, and nearly caused me to laugh, but I could control myself, because I didn’t want to wake him up. When he’s awake, he won’t sleep again and he’d be incredible annoying, because he’s awake at a time like this.

I felt pity for him, when he started to choke – he probably couldn’t breathe anymore, because there was too much spit in his mouth and he’s too stupid to swallow it, when he’s asleep.
So grabbed his hands and pulled him up. He grunted and was drooling a lot. Disgusting! I was now sitting beside him, so it’d be easier for me to turn him, that he’s lying in the right position. I softly lifted his head with one hand, while the other grabbed his back. Thank god Heechul’s asleep. This kind of position might look really awkward!
It was exhausting to twirl his body, without waking him up, but I could do it and got tired again. No wonder – it’s still 4 A.M. and so I decided to go on sleeping. I already knew, that this time I’ll be tired in the morning.



Meanwhile at Kyuhyun's and Donghae's place
Kyuhyun's POV


Haha! He’ll regret, what he said! Mum looked up from the stove and walked towards the door and started to knock furiously.

“Get lost, you idiot!” Donghae shouted from inside, while I was trying to hold back my laughter. Mum got only angrier and shouted:
“Young man, open this damn door immediately, or … you don’t even want to know, what I’ll do, if you refuse!”
“Actually I do want”.
He probably already knew, that he’s dead, after calling mum ‘idiot’.
“Hah! Alright… hm… how about spanking?!” Yeah, sounds good! It was really hard, to stay quiet – this opportunity doesn’t appears often, but as soon as I annoy her, I’ll get scolded too.

After a few seconds he unlocked the door and mum opened it right afterwards. Donghae was scared and backed up until he reached my bed and sat down immediately. Haha! He’s really scared, mum would spank him! Too hilarious! I stayed outside of the room and stuck out my tongue, while Donghae only raised his middle finger. This can’t go better! In my imagination, I watched the scene with a bucket of popcorn in the first row, while shouting comments like ‘Yeah mum, show him, who’s the boss!’ and so on.
But seriously, who’s that stupid to make such a stupid move in front of his mother, who’s already upset?!

“You! How dare you to make such a gesture to your brother?!” I’m really curious about that threat before. Now she’s really angry enough to spank him. I couldn’t hold back my evil laughter, but at least it turned out as a soft chuckle.
My mum didn’t even notice, instead of Donghae, who’s now glaring at me. Hell, mummy, I love you!

“Give me your phone!” mum yelled at him.
“Don’t act that stupid, just hand me your phone!”
“Why the hell should I?! And by the way – you already took everything away!” this time he’s even right.
“Well then … You’re grounded. For the next month!”
“WHAT?! You’re so exag-…” well… that’s really exaggerated… Well not my business – I don’t care, hahaha!
“I’m absolutely not! So tell my where’s this dirty garbage?!”
“What?” don’t act dumb, baby~ *hihihihi*
I chuckled, but I wasn’t expecting something Hae admitted later…
“Your magazines and DVDs, Kyu mentioned before!”
“I don’t have any!”
“Just admit it already and give them to me!”
“No way!” Okay this surprised me. I knew he was hiding something!

Donghae looked worried around in the room, and I got suspicious, because he kept staring in one direction. I discovered, that our wardrobe was opened a little and I took off my shirt – acting, like I’d change into my pajamas, so they wouldn’t suspect something. I’m not going to betray you … Not yet!


Sorry - I had no other ideas, so it's pretty boring and short :D ^^
Though I hope you can stand it :P :D
And even it's nearly evening (at least in my time zone) have a nice day! :D

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Chapter 39: awh KyuMin almost kissing xD
Chapter 39: Such a cute and amusing chapter~ kekkeke Poor Hyukjae for suffering that boring class XD And Donghae would forever be a dork XDD Eeep~! Kyuhyunnie and Sungminnie >//<
Chapter 39: OMG you're back!!!!!

My kyumin feels!!!
Chapter 38: Kitty killed a pit bull?
woa~ thats....COOL (?) XD
Chapter 37: flashback in flashback? XD that was interesting XD
Chapter 36: I wonder what will happen next lol
Chapter 35: you awake my memory xP
interesting chapter XD
Chapter 34: KangTeuk moment ^^
Poor Eunhyuk his handphone is froze~
Evil HeeKyu couple XD
Chapter 33: evil Heechul and poor Eunhyuk~ XD