Cooking with Sungmin!

Stuck in high school


Continuation from previous chapter


Hyukjae’s place
Sungmin’s POV


When Hyukkie and I woke up the next morning, he kept groaning in pain, because of his sore skin, but at least he stopped scratching himself. After being forced to leave the wonderful, warm bed, we quickly got dressed and brushed our teeth, before we went downstairs into the dining room.
Just after we reached the end of the stairs, we could hear Hyukkie’s mum scolding someone.
“Stop it! Don’t look at me like that! Aah, come on, you’ll get some treats, after we had breakfast, and now go to your place and make ‘sit’!” Hyukkie’s mum pleaded and his dog Choco slowly went out of the room and lied down in the neat basket near the stairs.
“You could simply stop giving Choco meat, when we’re eating…” Heechul advised, while Hyukkie and I were still hiding behind the wall and Hyukkie stared at me with his eyes opened widely. Strange, that Heechul’s awake at a time like this on SUNDAY! – that’s what I thought, and Hyukkie’s gaze told me, he was asking himself the same thing.
“Shut up, Heechul. I’m still angry, that you weren’t listening to me yesterday evening. I told you to be home at 12! And where were you? NOT HERE!” Hyukkie’s mum answered angrily. Heechul tried to begin with his declaration, but soon he was interrupted by his angry mother’s furious voice:
“I was-…”
“NOT HERE! As I already said!!!”
“Mum, you know… my friends and I were-…”
she screamed, everytime angrier, and even scaring me and Hyukkie, when she hit the table harshly with her fist!
“Mum, do you really think a curfew for a 19-year-old man is that necessary? Especially if it’s set to a time like this?! Seriously, other guys in my age stay out all night, I mean – I’m already of age, which means, you actually don’t have responsibility of me!” Heechul tried to defend himself. Actually right, or not? Well, his mum had a better interpretation!
“I don’t care! I need to have knowledge, if my babies are fine and what they’re doing!” Babies~! Hihihihi! No wonder, Hyukkie doesn’t like it to be called a (cry)baby! Even then Hyukkie rolled his eyes, just because of that word, causing me to giggle quietly at him, while he pouted even deeper.
“And if I’d tell you, I am every damn hour?!” Heechul pleaded and placed both of his hands on the same table, his mother’s fist was on, to rest his weight on them and we could finally see his face. What’s that… is this…?! Oh my god!
Hyukkie chuckled quietly, when he discovered that on Heechul’s face. What a sadist!
“Ha! That wouldn’t make any differences, since you wouldn’t do that! We tried it once, you remember?” their mum reminded Heechul and sat down onto a chair, whereupon she mentioned Heechul to take a seat as well.
“Don’t bring up that night again!” he hissed through his gritted teeth and he folded his arms tightly in front of his chest, while he stared at his mother angrily, then, after some seconds, took his chopsticks. Wow, how… necessary… folding his arms, just to glare at his mother!
“I bring up whatever I want! Fact is, as long, as you’ll live here, you won’t be allowed to stay out longer than 12A.M.!” she decided firmly.
“But mum-…” he pleaded and looked pouting up into her eyes.
“Enough. Go into your room!” she interrupted Heechul and pointed towards the door. To us!
“Tch, fine! Eat your breakfast alone! I’m going to move out!” Heechul shouted and threw his chopsticks onto the table, before he stepped out of the dining room.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” he hissed through gritted teeth, when he was about to pass us, but he stopped just a few inches in front of us.
“Err… nothing!” Hyukkie mumbled and we finally stood up, while both of us avoided Heechul’s death glare and his swollen, redden cheek.
“Tch, out of my way!” he commanded and pushed us away, to run into his room.
“Idiot…” Hyukkie mumbled quietly, but not inaudibly.
“I HEARD THAT!!!” Heechul shouted angrily, and turned around in just one move. He quickly rose his index finger threatening and pointed at Hyukkie.
“What? It’s your fault that my skin is like this!” Hyukkie defended himself and pulled up the sleeve of his shirt, revealing his arm covered in lightly bloody scratches. Don’t tell me this guy didn’t even wash the blood off his body!!!
“Tch… shut up!” Heechul hissed and rolled his eyes. He had turned his head, just that much, so Hyukkie and I were unable to see his face. Several seconds of silence passed, and both of us didn’t dare to make a step, since every step could be a wrong step for Heechul, which could also even cause him to execute the worst kind of torture!
“Mum slapped you?” Hyukkie more determined than asked him, after another few seconds and he slowly approached him, while I was just staring at them, just waiting for the next mistake Hyukkie would make. Yep, Hyukkie, since everything Heechul does is – from his sight – right, even if everyone else would have to be wrong!
“Are you serious?!”
Heechul hissed with the highest possible pitch, laughed awkwardly and he turned his face only a few inches, so we were still unable to see that clear handprint on his right cheek, but he could throw some death glares at Hyukkie. With that he hurried the stairs up and slammed the door of his room shut.
“I bet he’s crying now.” Hyukkie mumbled and sighed, before we went into the dining room, just when his mother left the room, while my jaw dropped. What did he just say?! Heechul? Crying? These two words can only be connected in a sentence with the words ‘is never’ or ‘because of him, everyone’s’ between them!
“Crying?! Heechul?!” I shouted in disbelief and stopped abruptly, making Hyukkie to stop as well, while he looked at me dumbfounded.
“He always cries, when mum’s angry because of him. Or when he thinks Hangeng would reject him!” he answered with a shrug and smirked at the last part.
“Poor Heechul…” I commented, after we took a seat on the dining table.
“Ha! That’s what I though several times, before he kept saying things like ‘it was my fault and he’s going to get revenge’, though I never did anything! All I did, was trying to cheer him up! And also, he’s surely about to distract himself, by planning another prank!” Hyukkie replied and rolled his eyes.
“Hihihi, yeah, that fits him better!” I answered and chuckled, then we finally ate something – god I was hungry!

After we ate about the whole breakfast – which consisted really a lot – we were resting on the chairs lazily, drinking our orange  juices, when Hyukkie’s mum went back into the dining room with a… a WHIP?!?!?! Perfect timing… I spit out the whole orange juice over Hyukkie, who distorted his face in disgust and he compressed his eyes tightly, while the corners of his mouth went straight downwards, to perfect the image!
“Hyukkie, Minnie? Could you please go for a walk with Choco? Heechul was too lazy and stupid to take her out…” she asked and I finally recognized, what she was holding – a leash! Hyukkie groaned annoyed, when he got up reluctantly, tore the leash out of his mother’s hand and he kneeled down beside the basket of his precious dog, where Choco was lying in. I quickly placed my plate and the chopsticks on the counter, before I followed Hyukkie, who was already walking out the front door, with his dog.
“Where are we going?” I asked him, when we turned around a corner, and walked along a street I didn’t really knew.
“You’ll see…” he just answered with a shrug and smirked devilish. This doesn’t suit him at all!

“Hahaha! Didn’t know Choco would like you!” Hyukkie said laughing, while we were watching Kyu and Hae – okay I was mainly staring at my Kyu – who were lying in their beds. Hyukkie was smirking satisfied beside me, while I laughed in joy, because of that amusing view. Hyukkie had led me to Kyu’s and Hae’s house, and thank god, their parents were just about to leave, while Kyu and Hae were still sleeping. Perfect!
Hyukkie removed the leash of Choco, who immediately jumped onto the nearest bed and started to cover the victim’s face with slobber.
“Mmmh… Minnie…” Kyu moaned in pleasure, making Hyukkie laugh like crazy and also waking Hae up, who started to laugh immediately like Hyukkie, while my jaw dropped and I stared at him dumbfounded, after I tore my eyes widely open and I felt the heat burning on my face – telling me, I probably looked like a tomato. He kept softly, but quiet, until he finally opened his sleepy eyes –THANK GOD!
“AAAAAHH!” Kyu screamed horrified, but was shut up, when Choco his opened mouth, and he began to choke in disgust, causing us to laugh even harder.
“Okay, Choco! Enough! You did very good! Very good indeed…” Hyukkie mumbled and he positioned all of his fingertips onto the opposite ones, while he laughed quietly like a monster! Hihihi! He said the sentence of ‘Mojo Jojo’ from ‘The Powerpuff Girls’ – movie!!!
After that, Kyu started to scream hysterically and he rushed into the bathroom, where he stayed about 20minutes, just to clean his mouth.
Hae only rolled his eyes and patted Choco’s head, while he mumbled things like ‘Good dog! You’re really the best!’ and ‘Do it again! It was so cute!’, while Hyukkie and I only laughed, and finally Hae turned to talk to us!
“Want to drink something?”
Err… sure!” I mumbled and blinked a few times, not really realizing, he was actually offering us something!
“Okay, what do you want to drink?” he asked smiling brightly, when he got up from the floor, where he was kneeling beside Choco before.
“DON’T DRINK HIS COCOA!!!”  Kyu warned and we could hear the water splash in the next second, causing me and Hyukkie to laugh at him.
“I thought about tea…”  Hae snorted and stumped into the kitchen, with Hyukkie trailing behind him.
“Sure…” Hyukkie only mocked with a smirk, while he followed him, and I stayed next to the bathroom door, waiting for Kyu.
My glance was fixed on Hyukkie’s back, until he disappeared behind the corner and I immediately rushed into the bathroom, where Kyu was still in. Bad idea… of course what else?!
He was actually peeing into the toilet, but I seemed to surprise him, so he turned and peed onto ME!!!
“EEEWW! AAH! STOP IT! KYUUU!!!” I squeaked in disgust, holding my hands defensively in front of my body, while Kyu was desperately trying to get control over his body.
When he was finally done, he immediately jumped towards me and hugged me tightly, nearly causing both of us to stumble, not even bothering about his still opened zipper…

“HAHAHA! You… hahaha… you… oh god! You seriously… pffft wahahahaha! Peed onto … ahahahaha poor Minnie hihihihihi!” Hae exclaimed through his laughter, clapping his hands in excitement and he leaned against the wall to rest his body, that already became weak, because he had to laugh that much. Of course he and Hyukkie heard me screaming, and they returned to our sides immediately…
“Shut up Hae, or do you want to die?!”
Kyu threated successfully, and Hae immediately stopped laughing and faced the floor, but as soon as his gaze wandered upwards, and it captured my wet pants, he bursted out laughing again, causing Kyu to pull him out of the house, where he was left alone. Not even Hyukkie accompanied him, since he was still lying on the peed floor – which he didn’t knew – while he kept rolling around – on the pee – of course continuously laughing like a crazy retard and he even started to cry. I hope it’s because of the acid in Kyu’s pee, which caused him to cry!

“Here, you can put on these…” Kyu mumbled embarrassed, while handed me a pair of jeans.
“Oh… th-thanks…” I stuttered while I grabbed these pants, which looked really familiar to me…
“My pleasure.” Kyu answered mockingly with a smirk, causing me to stare at him in disbelief.
“What?!” I shouted not getting what he meant, but he started to laugh right afterwards, causing me to snort, before I angrily went into his room, where I changed into the other pants, which surprisingly fitted me perfectly, different from the pants, he lent me the last time!
“I can clearly remember, that other pants, he lent me, when I had to change my clothes – again because of him! I somehow begin to think, he likes me, to wear his clothes…” I thought out loud – not really thinking, someone would even hear me – especially nor listen! And as lucky as I always am… Kyu heard it perfectly, and he laughed like the idiot he is!
“Haha! Yeah, indeed. Why?” he asked with a dangerous smirk, after he appeared behind me.
“K-Kyu! What the hell are you doing here?!” tch, Sungmin! Seriously, that was the worst, you could ever think of!
“Erm… that’s my room?” Kyu answered and lifted one of his eyebrows, while he slightly turned his head to the left side and his mouth angles rose even higher.
“That’s not a valid excuse, you knew, I was about to change! Oh my god! You…ert…” I replied, desperately trying to suppress my crazy giggle and I even tried to act shocked, when I said the last sentence. I even covered my opened mouth with my palm and blinked many times.
“Alright, we’re waiting in the kitchen for you, so hurry up…” Kyu answered with a sigh and he turned around to go away, but instead of walking – like every normal human would have done – he ran away, like I was about to kill him! HAHAHA! That idiot even hit the wall! He groaned in pain, while he got up from the floor and he hurried into the kitchen, after throwing a short glance into my direction. He saw me. And of course I didn’t stop giggling, so he might be a bit embarrassed. Deserves him right!
“Sure…” I only mumbled as an unnecessary reply, since he was already long gone and I only went back into his and Hae’s room, so I could finally change my pants. And then… then I had a brainwave – THESE ARE MY PANTS!!! MINE!!! How dare he?!?! THAT GUY SERIOUSLY STOLE MY PANTS!!! HOW DID HE EVEN-… Oh, right I probably only forgot them here… no wait, why the hell should I forget my pants at his place?! Oooh, right, now I remember! That idiot pushed me, causing me to fall onto the wet floor…
I examined the backside of the trousers suspiciously, while I touched it everywhere, just to make sure, that it’s already dry. I couldn’t find any smudges, there wasn’t a wet spot, and actually it even smelled different. He probably washed it… Noooooo, we’re talking about Kyu! He probably forced his mother to spray some perfume onto it!

“I’m hungry!” Hyukkie exclaimed, causing everyone to stare at him.
“What?!” he asked annoyed with a shrug.
“Me too…” I simply added and we stared at Kyu an Hae, who were exchanging gazes, that sent me shivers down my spine.
“Alright. Hae, come here. We have to be gentlemen and serve these ladies with food.” Kyu dared to say.
“LADIES?!” Hyukkie and I squeaked in disbelief, causing Kyu to laugh even more, than he did before, while Hae stayed quiet.
“GENTLEMEN?!” Hae finally shouted angrily, causing Hyukkie and me to join Kyu, who only started to laugh anew, since he was just able to stop.
“Aish… shut up, just help me!” Kyu managed to say, after we finally came down once again.
“Tfff, alright.” Hae answered and pouted, while he got two dark aprons out of a box room.
“So, what are you gonna try to make?” Hyukkie asked with a smirk. Damn, he has to stop that, it absolutely doesn’t suit him! It looks horrible!
“Stop smirking like this, Hyukkie. This way you only resemble a monkey even more!” Hae commented, causing him to pout and Kyu and me to laugh – again…
“Erm…how about Japchae?” Kyu answered his question and raised his eyebrow. Looks like he’s trying to act cool… he must stop that…
“That’s the only dish, we know how to make…” Hae added nearly inaudibly and blushed.
“Hahaha! Okay, then try to surprise us!” I announced and smiled brightly, while Hyukkie and I looked amused at Kyu and Hae, who just put on the girlish aprons with cute pink ruffles.

“Okay… Hae, get some mushrooms, they need to soak for about two hours… in the meantime we have to make the rest.” Kyu commanded with an evil smirk.
“Okay, then you can start to slice the vegetables and chop up the garlic.” Hae answered and handed Kyu a knife with a cutting board, some vegetables and garlic.
“Yeah, yeah… but after you’re done, go and boil some water, so we can put in the glass noodles.” Kyu replied annoyed and rolled his eyes, before he let the things, he just got, fall onto the counter.
“You mean I can put them in…” Hae corrected.
“Aish, shut up…”

Hyukkie and I were watching them for already more than an hour, and all they did was slicing some vegetables, which were supposed to be cooked a long time ago, and they soaked the mushrooms, which were nearly about to dilute, since they didn’t use dried mushrooms… All in all, they did a terrible job in such a long time!
Hyukkie didn’t even get it, just the other way round – he was astonished!
When Kyu was about to cut the raw glass noodles with a dirty scissors, I jumped off my seat and hurried to Kyu and Hae, who was just smiling at the noodles, whose end seemed to be near, beside Kyu.
“Are you crazy?!” I shouted worriedly and grabbed Kyu’s hand just in time, before he could dirty the washed noodles.
“Why?” Kyu answered dumbfounded and he lowered the scissors.
“First, you need to cook the noodles, then you can cut them, but not with a dirty scissors!!!” I answered angrily.
“Where’s the difference?” he dared to ask!
“Aish, just do it, like I told you!” I commanded, while from the corner of my eye I could see Hae taking off his apron and sitting down beside Hyukkie, who was sleeping heavenly on the table.
“Okay, okay!” Kyu obeyed reluctantly and grabbed a dirty cooking pot, while I shook my head in disbelief, grabbed Hae’s apron, which was lying on the floor and I put it on quickly, before Kyu could make everything worse.
“Aish, give me that!”  I shouted angrily, when I saw, that Kyu was just about to put the noodles into the dirty cooking pot.
“Hihihi, okay!” he dared to laugh like an idiot and watched me cleaning the cooking pot, filling it with some water and putting the noodles into it, to cook them.
“Aish, seriously!”  I cursed, when I noticed, he was wanted to increase the heat of the water, where the already completely soaked mushrooms were about to evaporate, and I grabbed his hand in time, so I could switch the stove off, and I pulled the cooking pot, with the mushrooms in it, off the hot plate. Even Hae chuckled quietly from behind, while he was gently caressing Hyukkie’s hair. He seems pretty close to him. Hehehehe… I was torn out of my erted thoughts by Kyu’s crazy actions… once more…
“God, Kyu! When you said, this is the only dish, you’re able to make, I don’t want to know, how desperately you’d fail, if you try something else! And now, go and cut the rest of the carrots…” I scolded and grabbed my hair furiously, while I shut my eyes tightly. He can’t even chop up garlic!!!
“Tch. Alright!” he mumbled, let go of the meat hammer – yes, MEAT HAMMER! – and started to slice the carrot into huge pieces… WHY?!?!
“Are you serious?” I asked him annoyed, my gaze still fixed onto the poor carrot.
“Hmm? What do you mean?” he asked innocently and looked cutely into my eyes. What are you thinking, Sungmin?!?! Did you just call him cute?!?!
This is the way you slice carrots?!?!” I shouted in disbelief.
“Err… yes, why?”
“Okay, let’s exchange our tasks…” I suggested and rolled my eyes, before I grabbed the knife, Kyu was holding.
“Yeah, you’re not doing anything anyway!” he dared to say!
“HUH?!?! I stop you from every stupid deed!!! And now, watch the noodles – if the water starts to boil, you have to LOWER the heat a bit!” I explained and made sure to pronounce the word ‘lower’, so that even he had to get it.
I grabbed the carrot, Kyu already sliced into 3 parts and started to cut small, thin pieces and I was done with the rest of the carrots in less than two minutes.
When I threw a glance to Kyu, which was actually supposed to be a short one, I stood there mesmerized and I even dropped the knife, which fortunately landed on the counter.
Kyu was literally about to shred the garlic, causing me to grip the his knife angrily and tore it out of his hand, to fulfill his task.
“I told you, to watch the noodles, you-…! AAAHH!” I first scolded, but ended up screaming, since the noodles were boiling over and the whole stove was already completely wet.
“What’s wrong…?” Hyukkie asked quietly and rubbed his sleepy eyes, while he yawned.
“Kyu’s just an idiot as usual.” Hae calmed him, put an arm around Hyukkie’s shoulder and him lovingly.
“Awwwww~” Kyu began to tease them, but they didn’t even care, Hyukkie just rested his head on the table and started to sleep again, while Hae kept Hyukkie’s back.
“KYU! WATCH THE NOODLES!!!” I shouted angrily and in disbelief.
“Aish… I told you, to fulfill just one simple task… and you can’t even do this!!!” I snorted way too conceited, than I actually wanted to sound, while he finally lowered the heat!
I placed the decayed mushrooms on the cutting board and started to slice it into small pieces, while Kyu turned off the stove, washed the noodles and put them into a small basket – I forbid him to cut them, since he’d probably do it wrong…
Next I put everything into a pan to sear it and while the heat was about to increase, I cut the noodles 3 times, so it’d be easier to eat them. I tried to do everything at the same time, just to make this nightmare end, but of course I wasn’t able to do so. And that way, I had to ask Kyu, to look after the pan with its’ content.
I think he wanted to act nice so he added some salt and especially pepper, since I could see almost 100 peppercorns, which he mixed with the rest. At least that…
Finally we only had to roast and mix all of it together and Kyu was that nice, he even offered me to put the noodles into the pan!

“Try it!” he said happily, when he brought a spoon with our Japchae to my mouth. My first impression was like his – happy, but then I remembered all the peppercorns and I narrowed my eyelids.
“Try it first!” I commanded and raised an eyebrow.
“Tch alright!” he answered, rolled his eyes and ate the food, he offered me. I tried to find out, if it was edible, but his expression didn’t tell anything!
“And? How is it? Is it good?” I asked interested and waited impatiently for his response.
“It’s good, try it!” again he brought some food to my mouth, but this time I was convinced, and it pleasurable off the spoon. Damn you Kyu. Seriously, you! I don’t know, if this guy can fool me with a pokerface, or if he likes the extremely hot taste of burnt noodles, but the taste was more than just hot, unbearable and disgusting! Hmm… Kyu was responsible for the noodles… of course, that’s why they’re burnt!!! Everything you have done… why’s everything so wrong?
I immediately began to cough and choke, and finally Kyu’s expression changed as well – he joined me and started to cough, while Hae was laughing in joy, waking his Hyukkie.
“I don’t think I want to try your food…” Hae stated and smirked devilish.
“We just need some sugar…” Kyu answered with a shrug, causing me to choke anew.
“WHAT?!?!?!” I shouted in disbelief.
“I think I’m not hungry anymore…” Hyukkie mumbled and grabbed his rumoring stomach.
“Hyukkie~! You know, we just cooked this damn Japchae for more than 3 hours, it’s actually supposed to take less than one hour, so you’re going to eat that, no matter what!” I commanded with a strict undertone in my voice.
“But Minnie~!” he pleaded, while Hae started to laugh evilly. Who the hell knows why, I mean, of course he has to eat with us, as well!
“We’re going to eat it! Kyu, come here-… WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!” I panicked, when I discovered something in his hand.
“I’m adding some sugar-…” he tried to defend himself.
“Are you absolutely crazy?!” I desperately cried out and grabbed my hair furiously.
“I thought it’s too hot…” he just mumbled as a response, causing me to stare at him annoyed.
“Aish…aish…AISH!!!” that was the only thing I could say… I was just AISH!!! Seriously, he’s making crazy!
“Kyu, stop it. We don’t want Minnie to explode…”
Hae said calmly and got up from his seat, without telling Hyukkie, and causing him to fall off his chair, since he was leaning against Hae’s shoulder, while Kyu and I started to laugh like idiots.
“Err… sorry, Hyukkie! I’m so sorry!” Hae apologized worriedly and kneeled down beside Hyukkie, while he was helping him to get up.
“Never mind…” Hyukkie mumbled, after groaning in pain, while rubbing his lightly bruised elbow.
“No, seriously…” Hae began, but ended his sentence with a kiss on Hyukkie’s lips. They were lucky, since Kyu was still about to scatter sugar on our Japchae, and actually I was watching them with the least attention. So I still had this annoyed expression on my face, while I slowly turned my face to Hae and Hyukkie and kept staring at them with that expression. Until I realized, Hae was kissing Hyukkie. I tore my eyes widely open and gasped, while I rose my index finger to point at them. Kyu must have heard my surprised gasp, because he turned around and let even fall the sugar onto the floor! But of course he immediately smirked after that.
“Awww, what do we have here?” Kyu mocked them with his devilish smirk, and his voice caused Hyukkie and Hae to pull away immediately and they blushed like someone just had seen them or something like this…
“Shut up, Kyu. What you and Minnie did before is what people call indirect-kiss!” Hae announced and smirked, while Kyu’s spiteful expression slowly faded away.
“Huh?! What the hell do you mean?!” Kyu asked angrily and rose his clenched fists to his waist.
Both of you that poor spoon!” Hae answered and smiled brightly, while Hyukkie only pouted. Yeah, Hyukkie. Our kiss involved tongues – jealous?

“So, Hae. I want my PSP. NOW!” Kyu announced, when we were able to eat our food with a lot of milk, which was supposed to lessen the hotness of that damn Japchae. Of course Kyu’s idea to add sugar made it only worse – the taste became somehow really disgusting, but we forced us to eat all of it…
“Who do you think you are, to command me like this?!” Hae asked annoyed and leaned back, while he folded his arms in front of his chest.
“I’m your god for the next semester.” Kyu only said with a devilish smirk.
“You sound like Heechul…” Hyukkie commented and shivered.
“Haha! Speaking of the devil…!” he laughed, when he just got a message – and after he said that, it’s probably from Heechul.
Hey you dumb kid. Mum’s looking for you, so come back with Choco, and as I know you, with your affair, boyfriend and his lover. – That’s what he wrote.” Hyukkie read out loud with an annoyed sigh.
“Who’s he calling boyfriend?!?!” Kyu shouted angrily and quickly got up from his seat.
“Minnie.” Hyukkie answered quickly and pointed at me.
“Oh…” he said somehow disappointed and settled down on his seat.
“Wait, wait, wait! And his lover is who?!?!?!” Kyu asked and stood up again.
“You.” Hyukkie answered immediately.
“Oh.” With that he let himself fall back onto the chair, before he got up once again. That cute idiot! WAIT! NOT CUTE!
“WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” he shouted, after he finally got it.
“So he means I’m Minnie’s boyfriend?!”
“Wow, thank you for that declaration, Mr. Obvious! Here, have this rock!” Hae replied and rolled his eyes, while he handed him a rock. Where the hell did he get that from…?!
“I’ll just send Heechul a message, so he won’t annoy me with unnecessary messages like ‘Hyukkie’ – which he might send about 100 times and texts like ‘move your !!!’.” Hyukkie explained, while he tapped something eagerly on his phone and sometimes he even cursed, probably because he wrote something wrong.
“HAHA! Okay.” Hae only answered and we got up, to get our jackets and shoes.

“What did you write him?” I asked him, when we went out, and I was allowed to hold the leash of Choco! I’m nearly never allowed to do that!
“Just ‘sure, we’re on our way…’.” Hyukkie answered with a shrug and he put back his phone into his pocket.
“With that he knows we’re with you.” Kyu replied with a chuckle.
“And? Oh wait, he decided to annoy me more…” Hyukkie answered and pulled out his phone.
“Hahaha! What is it this time?” Hae asked and smiled brightly, while Hyukkie only sighed annoyed.
Trojan regrets to inform you that your birth was an accident. Please visit your nearest hospital to be put down. We apologize for any inconvenience. Seriously, why does he even write that?!?!” That message was really amusing – everyone except Hyukkie bursted out laughing, though it was pretty mean.
With that we finally headed towards Hyukkie’s home, where our next destination – or rather destruction was already waiting for us…


i knoooooow an extremely boring and late and whatever ... update >_< at least i got another idae for the next chapter! :D ... well kinda.. XD
Atleast this chapter is a bit longer than usual :D
Have fun :P

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Chapter 39: awh KyuMin almost kissing xD
Chapter 39: Such a cute and amusing chapter~ kekkeke Poor Hyukjae for suffering that boring class XD And Donghae would forever be a dork XDD Eeep~! Kyuhyunnie and Sungminnie >//<
Chapter 39: OMG you're back!!!!!

My kyumin feels!!!
Chapter 38: Kitty killed a pit bull?
woa~ thats....COOL (?) XD
Chapter 37: flashback in flashback? XD that was interesting XD
Chapter 36: I wonder what will happen next lol
Chapter 35: you awake my memory xP
interesting chapter XD
Chapter 34: KangTeuk moment ^^
Poor Eunhyuk his handphone is froze~
Evil HeeKyu couple XD
Chapter 33: evil Heechul and poor Eunhyuk~ XD