A solution

Stuck in high school


Continuation from previous chapter


Sungmin’s hospital room
Sungmin’s POV

…“Then he continued with ‘Erm… really Kyu… I don’t want to be harsh. Not that I don’t want to … no really, I’d love to! But… isn’t that a bit fast? I mean, I really like you and…’ that’s it. He didn’t end that sentence he only gulped loudly.” Hyukkie told them about, what happened two days ago and my body started to tremble because of anger.
That’s it. I’m definitely going to kill him. I KILL HIM!!!

Everyone except Kyu and me were laughing like crazy, while I could feel my head burning because of anger and embarrassment. My heartbeat increased dangerously and my breath became faster every second, while I kept clenching my fists and sweat started to run down my hairline. I gritted my teeth and pressed my eyelids together, not-wanting to see anything anymore.
The others stopped laughing abruptly, when Heechul entered the room and clapped slowly, trying to make it sound dramatic.
“You all had nice stories! I wonder what the listeners will say!” Heechul exclaimed and pressed a button on his phone, before he started to laugh devilish.

Several people, who dare to call themselves ‘my friends’ gulped worriedly and we all stared at Heechul cluelessly.
“What-… what do you mean?” Hyukkie, the first one, who was able to get a grip of this situation, asked and furrowed.
“I’m sure you were wondering, what I was doing with my phone all the time, right?”
“Actually, no. I don’t care.”
He answered quickly and rolled his eyes, before he leant back and crossed his arms.
“Tch. Shut up. So, to make things clear, I was waiting for something interesting to happen, but everything you did was already too well known, until your cute friend Wookie suggested that brilliant idea!” this doesn’t look good… and here comes the fight between Heechul and Hyukkie, until someone escapes… usually Heechul, since he always disappears!
“So what?”
“So my idea, which was even better, was it to record your voices!”
with that Heechul turned around and grabbed the handle of the door, but Hyukkie interrupted his actions.
“Heechul…” Hyukkie gasped and jumped off the chair.
“Yes, my cutie?” he turned around and smiled lovely, he even widened his arms for an embrace, in which Hyukkie was pulled into.
“You… you didn’t publish it…” Hyukkie stuttered and started to shake his head slowly.
“Of course I did!”
“You didn’t… you can’t…”
Hyukkie hissed through his gritted teeth, but his voice lost and he sobbed, before he palmed his face and bent his head down, while he was leaning against Heechul’s chest.
“Look, here’s the link, if you want to prove you wrong!” Heechul answered, still acting all nice, and showed him something on his phone, while the other hand caressed Hyukkie’s back lovingly. Hyukkie looked up and began to tremble after gasping once more.
“I’m so gonna kill you…” he shouted furiously, but way more frightened and started to punch Heechul’s chest, who only started to laugh devilish as a response and harshly hit his .
“No need to exaggerate! So I’ll be leaving now! See you!” with that Heechul put his left hand onto Hyukkie’s head and simply shoved him away about a meter and he disappeared outside of the room.

“NOOOOOOOOO!!!” nearly everyone screamed – Henry’s eyes were widened and he collapsed on the floor, while Zhou Mi behind him grabbed his own hair roughly and kicked the chair furiously; Wookie started to cry heavily and he hid in a corner, while Shindong’s eyebrows kept wriggling a bit, because he couldn’t handle all that anger, so he laid back down and covered his face with the blanket; Hyukkie was still in front of the door, but he as well collapsed and he was resting on all fours, while Hae was more than just scared – he was sitting on the floor, his arms hugging his legs near to his chest and he kept rocking to calm himself down.
Kyu is smirking…
“YAH! What the hell is wrong with you?! How can you still grin like that, when Heechul just published your most embarrassing experience?!”
I shouted, grabbed his shoulders and started to shake his body, while he kept laughing idiotically.
“Hihihihi you… you wanted me to… hihihi…” he answered giggling stupidly and not able to finish, but I understood and covered his mouth, before he even could say anything else. I could feel the increasing heat, that stung in my cheeks and my mouth became dry.
“I DON’T!” I squeaked with the highest pitch and backed away from him, while he only continued to giggle insanely.
I stood up from the bed and approached the bathroom, since I wanted to clear my mind with a huge amount of cold water, but something stopped me. Or rather someone.

“What the hell is going on here?!” a shocked nurse shouted, who was standing in the doorframe. It probably must like we just heard one of our closest friend died, because we all were that depressed.
I chuckled at the thought, but then I saw Hyukkie… he told them… he’s gonna pay!
Without realizing I accidently stumbled, but my glance was still fixed onto Hyukkie, whose leg was grabbed easily by my hand. But before I could even punish him, that stupid nurse separated us and she started to scold everyone, though she really didn’t have the right to do so!
At least it was even for her a quite hard task to calm Kyu down – he kept giggling like an idiot, until I slapped his thigh, which probably was only a worse idea, since he hugged me tightly, causing the others to whistle and laugh. Well done, Kyu. Now they really think we’re gay!
While I was trying desperately to push him away, I still had my glance fixed onto Hyukkie, who was leaning against the wall beside Hae, both of them had still a frightened expression. Kyu’s hot breathe on my neck let me shiver, but his next move gave me enough power to push him away successfully. He my earlobe!

“So, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but visit time is over!” the nurse announced and tapped onto her watch-less wrist, before she shoved everyone, except me, out of the room. I sighed – not knowing relieved or frightened, about that what’s going to happen, after Heechul did that…
After I kept thinking what happened today, I got a ‘brilliant’ idea and sneaked out my room to look for a nurse. I wandered through the hallway and let my feet make terrible sounds, when they literally slapped the floor. Just to increase my fun I started to waddle, not bending my knees and it became hard not to laugh. It’s already late, I shouldn’t be too loud to wake others…
After some never-ending minutes, I was still looking for a nurse or at least a doctor. Though it’s way easier to convince a nurse!
I finally spotted someone with a white uniform and I immediately ran to that person, who had to turn around just in that second and I bumped into him. It was the director from before…
He coughed, when he stood up from the cold floor and stretched out a hand to offer me his help. Of course I accepted it, because it might have an effect on my attempt…
“Ah, Mister Lee! I was looking for you! Are you alright?” he asked and rested his huge hand on my shoulder.
“Seriously? Uhm… sure… that’s the reason, why I was looking for you as well!”
“So? Let’s discuss this in your room!”
I sighed defeated and trailed behind him, back into my room.

“So, you were looking for me as well?” he asked and raised an eyebrow, after he sat down onto the armchair beside my bed, and he forced me to sit on it.
“Yeah… kinda…” I answered, scratching the back of my head.
“Then… what’s the matter?”
“You know… as I already told you before, I’m really feeling well, and I don’t want to stay here anymore!”
I nearly screamed and hid my blushing face with my palms.
“But it would be quite dangerous to let you go already.” He replied and patted my shoulder.
“I don’t care. I just want home.”
“I see…”
he mumbled and nodded, while he scratched his chin.
“You know, that doctor from before, told me I only have to stay until Monday… it’s absolutely unnecessary! I could have already left!” I shouted upset and threw my hands in the air.
“Let’s make a compromise…” he began, buying all my attention, causing him to smirk and he went on with this:
“…tomorrow morning we’ll do several check-ups on you, if really everything’s alright, you’re allowed to go right after that.”
“And if not?”
I asked curiously and raised an eyebrow, though I already knew his answer.
“Then you’ll have to sta-…” I interrupted him, since I didn’t want to hear, that he’s telling me to stay for a longer time.
“Ah, everything will be alright, I know it!” he rolled his eyes and sighed, before he patted my thigh and he went out with these words:
“It’ll start tomorrow morning, at 7. Make sure you’re awake and go to sleep now!”
I waved at him, when he went out and closed the door. Waiting for me to fall asleep I only thought of this: Now I only have to wait some hours and then I’m finally free!



Hyukjae’s POV


After that nurse forced us out of Minnie’s room, everyone started to laugh anew.
“He-… hahahahaha… he really wanted… you! Ahahahaha! He really wants you to him AHAHAHAHAHA!” Zhou Mi laughed hysterically, while we were desperately trying to calm down, but with that kind of sedation it was impossible!
Of course, the only one, who wasn’t laughing with was, was Kyu.
Shindong left pretty early, after calling us ‘retards’, though he was laughing like us. And of course, when Shindong is gone, Wookie is as well – he told us, he had to help his mother – who the hell knows what need she wanted, but the way he smirked, nobody dared to ask. Not that anyone even thought, we COULD want to know it!

Zhou Mi, Hae, Kyu, Henry and I were still standing in front of the hospital, until Henry finally got a stupendous idea.
“Let’s go and eat something… I also don’t want to stand here – I’m sure, it’s going to rain soon!” he announced and looked up into the sky, causing us to copy his position.
“Uuuuhhh, this cloud looks like a ball!” Hae squeaked and pointed at a cloud, but nobody was able to find out, which he meant, since they all looked the same.
“A ball…?” Zhou Mi asked and looked at him worriedly.
“And this one like a mountain!” Henry exclaimed and pointed at the mountain, while he was only making fun of Hae.
“This is a mountain, idiot…” Zhou Mi answered and hit the back of Henry’s head, who just mumbled an ‘I know…’.
“And this is a monkey!” Hae squeaked and… and pointed at ME?!
I shouted, after I was able to talk again, causing the others to laugh even harder, as they did after Hae said that.
Just some seconds after that, Kyu lifted his head again to face the dark clouds and he said:
“I think it’s really-…” but he was interrupted, by a huge raindrop, that hit his forehead, causing everyone to laugh again, though it started to rain like pouring buckets. I quickly grabbed my hoodie and pulled it over my head, while in my mind I started to laugh again, since the others didn’t have a jacket nor a hoodie.
“Hyukkie~?” Hae asked and tangled his fingers with mine, while his eyelids kept flattering and he even tilted his head.
“Hmm?” I responded, and he started to my whole upper body. I rolled my eyes, turned around and was about to find a restaurant, but in the next second Hae grabbed my pullover and pulled it over my head, causing everyone to gasp.
“You-… you! Why the hell don’t you wear anything under your pullover?!” he shouted and examined my upper body, which I was trying to hide desperately. He handed Kyu my pullover – which I actually lent from him – and he took off his own, which he forced me to take on, instead of him, which I actually refused, but he was stronger.
After feeling the hot, soft material, my body immediately stopped to tremble, so it was unnecessary, that Hae kept my arms quickly, to heat them up.
“This… was… absolutely gay and unnecessary!” Zhou Mi shouted and laughed again like an idiot, but he wasn’t the only one – Henry joined him soon. I sighed and rolled my eyes, though they were actually right, but Hae only giggled cutely, while Kyu was watching us in disgust, but as always he didn’t forget to smirk.

Just in that moment, we finally decided to look for a restaurant, since we didn’t want to spend more time in that heavy rain, a car stopped by and the window was slowly opened. The big revelation? A smirking Heechul, who’s brightly smiling and waving at us, while mum shouted worriedly, we should get in.
And so we had to forget about dinner…

Mum stopped at Zhou Mi’s, at Henry’s and at Kyu’s and Hae’s place, where she also got rid of me, though I don’t even understand why. Well okay, we kept begging, that I could spend another night there, since I didn’t want to be alone with Heechul, because mum and dad will be out the whole night.
Kyu’s and Hae’s parents were already worried, but thank god they didn’t say something like ‘What is he doing here?!’ or ‘didn’t he already spent the last night with you, Donghae?’, they even said things like ‘Oh, hey Hyukkie! It’s nice to see you here again!’ and ‘I hope you’ll enjoy your stay!’, which actually caused me to chuckle.
So all in all there was only one problem. Last night Kyu was with Minnie and Hae could sleep in his bed, while I was sleeping in Hae’s, but today, Kyu’s here as well.

“Hyukkie, you’ll just sleep here!” Hae ‘solved’ our problem, by pointing at a small spot between the matrasses.
“But-…” I began, but was interrupted by Kyu.
“We all know, you’ll end up on top of Hae, so why don’t you sleep on him right away?”
“HUH?! That’s-…”
I tried again, but once again I was interrupted – this time by Hae-
“Who knows – maybe he’s going to clung onto your body, this night!”
“What-…” and again…
“You wouldn’t even let him do that, since he’s your lover!”
“I’m not-…” not to forget to mention, they interrupted me!
“Huh? He’s not my lover, idiot!”
I shouted – my patience at end and both of them stared at me angrily.
“Shut up!” both of them responded in unison, causing me to pout and I turned away to ignore them, but my plan was ruined, by 10 fingers that kept tickling my sides. I started to laugh insanely and turned back, just in time to see an angry Hae slapping Kyu’s hands away from my body. Both of them smirked evilly for an eternity, when Hae finally said:
“Don’t touch him ever again.”

With that they forced me to sleep in the middle of them, as they actually wanted and they kept saying ‘I’d make a great wall, to block the sight to that ‘creature’!’ nice, I became a wall...!




Next morning – hospital
Sungmin’s POV


I was sleeping heavenly, though my dream was actually pretty weird – I was only sitting on an uncomfortable chair, while I stared onto a big watch, that showed the countdown, when I have to wake up.
But somehow I didn’t wake up, when it started to ring like a real alarm clock, instead I only laid into a nice bed and started to sleep for real. Absolutely interesting, huh?
The way, I really woke up, was, that a nurse went into my room and ripped off the curtains – yes, she RIPPED THEM OFF!
It was hard not to burst out laughing, because she squeaked frightened, when the large curtain fell onto her, and right after her scream a few doctors ran inside, to look for her.
The director was there as well and he led me into a waiting room, while he and the staff were preparing some things.
I looked around and seriously – they want to make fun of me, right?
The waiting room was already filled with people, so there was only one space to sit – well actually quite a few, but they all were only tiny chairs for toddlers!
But I had no choice, so I went to the small table, which was surrounded by several small chairs and I took a seat, while I got a lot of attention. They all seem pretty entertained…
I sat down – of course it looked absolutely awkward, since my legs were way too long, so I actually could have sat down onto the floor – and I examined the room. Actually it was equipped quite good, there were several books and magazines, a radio a huge pot with some glasses around it and even a TV! So, you could think it wasn’t bad to spend time there? Haha! WRONG!
The books and magazines – all were in a stupid package, that wasn’t able to rip off, the radio didn’t work anymore, while there wasn’t even a liquid in the pot! Not even water! But there’s still the TV, right? Haha! There was no socket to plug it!
And what’s left? Some papers with cute colors, some little cars and even dolls… well – who cares?

I started to distract myself from my boredom with some drawing and actually it was quite fun – nobody laughed at me, an old lady even patted my shoulder and told me, my painting was nice! That encouraged me that much, I even drew a painting for her!

After I created several drawings, the director finally went out of the room and called me, to come inside. He also told me, that he’ll have to make a lot of tests, so I even have to wait half an hour after the first and the second one. Who the hell knows why, he only said something, that we have to wait for a possible reaction of my body.
First he started to take off the bandage around my ribcage and he started to feel my the territory carefully.
“Since those two ribs only have some small cracks in it, it won’t need that long to heal, though it’ll still hurt for a while. And for your lungs… you’ll get these pain killers. So just to make sure, that these won’t have bad effects, you have to try them.” Aaah, now everything’s clear. No wait, not really.
After a while he sent me back out and I began to play with the dolls, since the cars became boring, and I could create cool hairstyles for those dolls.
Unfortunately I was detected by Hae, who shouted something and after a while I could see Hyukkie, followed by Kyu. They all stood some meters further, all smirking, before they slowly approached me.
Why do they always have to appear in embarrassing moments?!


and again the same - i know you desevered something better, but erm... i'll think for an excuse later :P :D
*cough* Have fun XD

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Chapter 39: awh KyuMin almost kissing xD
Chapter 39: Such a cute and amusing chapter~ kekkeke Poor Hyukjae for suffering that boring class XD And Donghae would forever be a dork XDD Eeep~! Kyuhyunnie and Sungminnie >//<
Chapter 39: OMG you're back!!!!!

My kyumin feels!!!
Chapter 38: Kitty killed a pit bull?
woa~ thats....COOL (?) XD
Chapter 37: flashback in flashback? XD that was interesting XD
Chapter 36: I wonder what will happen next lol
Chapter 35: you awake my memory xP
interesting chapter XD
Chapter 34: KangTeuk moment ^^
Poor Eunhyuk his handphone is froze~
Evil HeeKyu couple XD
Chapter 33: evil Heechul and poor Eunhyuk~ XD