Visiting Minnie in hospital

Stuck in high school


Continuation from previous chapter


End of detention
Nobody’s (3rd Person’s) POV


“Everyone stays here or…” Mrs. Yoo began to shout angrily, but was interrupted by the door, that just flew open – revealing Kangin. The dreaded bully Kangin! The freshmen gasped for air and stared at him frightened.
“Siwonniieeeee~!” he squealed and hugged him.
“Eewww stop it, Hyung! What do you want?” he replied and pushed him away slowly.
“I need money…” Kangin answered and looked at Siwon, while he fluttered his eyelids.
“Of course… so that’s the reason, why you’re here?!” the other replied and rolled his eyes, while he pulled out his wallet.
“Yep!” Kangin answered and he smiled widely, when he discovered the big black wallet of his friend.
“How much do you need this time?” Siwon asked and sighed, worrying about his never-returning money, he keeps lending Kangin. Why do I even lend him still money?! He thought.
“Can you two continue your conversation outside?!” Mrs. Yoo finally shouted and pointed at the door.
“No, I was sent here.” Siwon replied and shrugged.
“Me too. By the way, what are those freshmen doing here? They’re allowed to leave since five minutes!” Kangin announced smirking, while he examined everyone’s face. Mrs. Yoo was about to say something again, but before she could do so, Shindong shouted as loud as he could: “RUUUUUN!” with that he swallowed his candy and ran out of the classroom, while the others followed him.
The last sentence they could hear of them was: “What the hell…”

They ran until they reached the schoolyard in front of the school and started to rest, while they were panting heavily.
“Why the hell did we have to run?!” Donghae asked and crossed his arms, while he positioned himself in front of Shindong.
“Huh? You’re the right one to ask, after attacking my sister’s !” He answered, and Donghae couldn’t suppress his chuckle. After being reminded of that scene in the class earlier, everyone bursted out laughing, since Mrs. Yoo didn’t find out, that she even rubbed white color onto her !

“Well, I have to go now… or mum will scold me again… oh she’s already going to, since I had to attend detention again… Henry, are you coming?” Zhou Mi announced and waved to the others, while Henry approached him quickly.
“See you!” Henry shouted as a greet and ran the last few meters to Zhou Mi, whose gait was fast and he was already about to go home.
“I understand, why they’re running away from you! You’re a bad influence!” Ryeowook said giggling and Shindong joined soon, after he got it.
“I have to go home as well… see you on Monday – if you have enough courage to attend classes that time!” Ryeowook mocked smirking, and walked away into a different direction.
“Yeah, later!” Shindong added and followed his friend.
“Wow… now we’re alone again!” Kyuhyun muttered and shook his head.
“I’m still here!” Donghae shouted, grabbed Kyuhyun’s shoulders and shook him heavily.
“I said WE! Idiot!” Donghae rolled his eyes and said:
“I need to pee.” With that he left earning glares from Kyuhyun and Hyukjae.
“I won’t wait for him! I have to see Minnie!” Kyuhyun almost shouted worriedly and hopped from one onto the other foot.
“Come on, let’s accompany him!” Hyukjae tried to cheer him up, but all Kyuhyun responded was an annoyed ‘aha’ and they followed Donghae.

“Are you finally done?!” Kyuhyun shouted outside of the toilets, while Donghae went into one of the cabins, probably because he didn’t want anyone to see him. Hyukjae also waited outside with Kyuhyun and after he discovered something special he started to giggle insanely.
“What?!” Kyuhyun asked annoyed again and again, but Hyukjae couldn’t answer, he only pointed at a sign on the door. Girls toilets.
The next sentence of Kyuhyun made Hyukjae shudder and he tore his eyes open in shock.
“Hey, Hae! I thought in your relationship with Hyukkie, you’d top, but seems like you turned into a girl!”
Donghae left the cabin without even flushing the toilet, nor washing his hands. Instead he walked directly towards Kyuhyun, his hands stretched out trying to reach Kyuhyun’s neck to choke him.
“Eeeww! Don’t touch me with your dirty hands! Who knows, what they held before! Oh, I know!” Kyuhyun said and smirked, before he ran away, out of the building, leaving the furious Donghae and the still insanely giggling Hyukjae behind.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!” Donghae shouted embarrassed and blushed furiously, while Hyukjae tried to calm down and managed to say between his laughers:
“Haha! I… I just noticed it! Hahaha!” he wiped away his tears of joy and turned around to follow Kyuhyun, but he bumped into something. Or someone.

“Uuuh, who do we have here?” a voice, that came from that huge person, asked and smirked mischievously. The freshmen gulped loudly, obviously worried and frightened of the sudden appearance of the bully of their school. Kangin!
“What do you want?”
Donghae dared to ask with an annoyed under tone in his voice, that made it only worse. He wrapped his arms around the completely shocked Hyukjae’s waist and pulled him away from Kangin, who rolls his eyes and sighs, before saying:
“I wanted to ask you, how do you find the courage to use a girl’s toilet.” He answered calmly and smirked, but that dirty smile on his face faded away soon. Then he leaned nearer and whispered:
“Siwonnie is such an ! He told me he has no money right now! As I’d believe him something like that! I just need 25000 won and he keeps telling me he has only 2000 with him! So could you lend me some money?”
“25000?! I … I don’t have that much!”
Hyukjae answered horrified and his body began to tremble, while Donghae became mad.
“And why do you have to ask us?! It’s not like we all were rich, like Siwon!” he shouted angrily.
“Oh, you’re naughty, huh? How dare you to talk informal like that!” he answered sarcastic, but still scary. Donghae rolled his eyes and was about to walk out of the toilets, dragging Hyukjae with him, but Kangin placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to stop immediately. He grabbed the jacket of Donghae’s uniform firmly and pulled him backwards to him, but his actions were interrupted by a loud shout:
“Kangin-ah! I told you I have no money, stop disturbing little girls, that need to pee!” Siwon shouted from afar, while he was approaching them slowly, his hands in his pockets to appear even cooler, after saving two ‘girls’.
“I’m not a girl!” Donghae shouted angrily, earning again all of Kangin’s attention, who smirks anew. His smirk grew every second, filling the freshmen with fear and he held his cellphone in waist-high, who the hell knows why.

“Hae! Hyukkie!” another voice squealed happily through the hallway.
“Hyung!” Donghae screamed still in fear, but also happy.
“I thought you’d arrive on Sunday?” he asked and smiled brightly, when he finally spotted his cousin’s face.
“Teukie-Hyung!” Hyukjae squeaks happily, after discovering Leeteuk, who ran towards them.
They screamed in joy, while they hugged each other and jumped hysterically, totally forgetting about the bully behind them and the biggest troublemaker beside him.
Siwon rolled his eyes and his glance landed on something special outside the window, that nobody else could see. He totally spaced out and even started to drool, exactly like Kangin, who even let his cellphone fall, because of that distraction. His hand was still in the same position, and his smartphone crashed onto the floor, braking into many tiny pieces. Everyone that responded, were Donghae, Leeteuk and Hyukjae, who screamed frightened and jumped away from the splintering phone.
Kangin was way too busy, to look for his cellphone, he had to examine that stranger, who just arrived some minutes ago.
Siwon’s excitement seemed to fade away and he sighed desperately after turning his head to his dongsaengs.
“Let’s go, Kangin, you can flirt with that guy another time. We have to attend detention, you know that…” with these words they finally left, while Kangin kept cursing about his cellphone, because he just realized what happened to it.
Hyukjae and Donghae still completely shocked and all pale were dragged by Leeteuk out of the school to Kyuhyun, who was still waiting and glared at them, as soon as he spotted them approaching him.



On their way to the hospital
Kyuhyun’s POV


“What the hell did you do you that long?!?!” I shouted furiously and ran to the bus station, while the others followed me, as slowly as they are.
“They were stuck in a strange situation. I don’t even know what exactly happened, but I tell you, that guy scared the out of them!” Teukie mocked them teasingly and laughed about his announcement.
I wasn’t really interested what happened, I was worried about Minnie, since I wasn’t able to contact him some minutes ago. He sent me a message, when we were having lunch, that he wants me to visit him after school, but somehow he doesn’t answer his phone. Everything I could think of was Minnie, nothing else. What if something happened to him? What if his condition got worse? What if it got that much worse, that the doctors needed to do an emergency operation? WHAT IF HE DOESN’T LIKE ME ANYMORE?!?!?!
The last thought made me even angrier, but then I thought a second time about it and started to laugh. How couldn’t he like me anymore, without a reason?
Indeed, that calmed me down, and we went into the bus, that just arrived.

The trip to the hospital was so exhausting! Hae and Hyukkie weren’t able to shut up and kept giggling and flirting all the time, no normal human would be able to hear his or her own thoughts anymore and even Teukie left! At least the ride wasn’t that long, so we were able to get out of that stinking bus after just some minutes.
We went into the hospital, but since we haven’t gone there for a long time – except of yesterday, because of Minnie, but we were allowed to use the emergency-entrance – it was quite difficult to find our way.
When we finally found the stairs we went to the second floor to a nurse-station and we had to ask, where we could find Minnie’s room, since we all had no idea anymore. It all felt so … strange.
“Hello Miss, sorry for disturbing you, but we need to ask you something.”
I started a conversation with one of the nurses.
“Oh sure, what’s the problem?” she asked friendly and looked up from the screen.
“Could you please tell us, where we can find Min-… err… Lee Sungmin’s room?”
“Uhm… whose?”
she seemed confused.
“What? Lee Sungmin! He was hospitalized yesterday, because of broken ribs and something with his lungs…” yeah, I couldn’t remember what word it was, what the doctor mentioned, but at least I remembered his broken ribs!
“I can’t remember the name, but let’s see what the computer says. Oh, do you know the number of his room?”
she announced and smiled at me.
“Ah, yes! It’s room 289.”
she asked and furrowed. Then she crossed her arms and compressed her eyelids, when she questioned:
“Is this a joke?”
I gasped, how could she think I were joking?!
“All the rooms from number 200 to 299 were in one building… that burnt about five years ago.”
She explained, causing me, Hyukkie and Hae to stare at her in disbelief.
“WHAT?!” we all shouted in unison and gasped once more.

“Kyu… when Minnie finds out he’ll surely die.” Hae began, causing me to stare at him with widely opened eyes.
“Huh?! Why should he?!” I shouted at him, feeling kinda worried, because his sentence contained my Minnie. My cute Minniiieee~! Erm… oops.
“Because he’d suffocate from laughing! Nobody is so stupid and looks for his lover in the WRONG hospital!!!”
Hyukkie added and kept laughing with Hae. I was still blushing all over again and again, and those idiots made it only worse!
We realized, that the hospital Minnie was at, was in the completely other direction, and we had to get a taxi to get there, since we all were tired and angry because of catching the wrong bus again though it was extremely expensive…


When we finally arrived at the RIGHT hospital, we sprinted to room 289. We needed about 10minutes, since we didn’t ask anyone, where to go, but in the end, we found it – so, who cares?
we kept shouting, as soon as we arrived in his room – but it was empty. Completely empty.
I asked once more, when we looked for him in the room, which wasn’t really big, so there weren’t that many places, where he could hide. I somehow became a bad feeling… he wasn’t answering his phone… his room is empty… even the sheets of his bed are gone… DON’T TELL ME-…
“Kyu, Hyukkie, Hae! Where were you?!”
a slightly angry, but damn hot voice started to scold. “MINNIE!!!” I screamed, while my eyes started to sparkle, I turned around and literally jumped at Minnie, who was only wearing a bathrobe. His silky, dark hair was still all wet, which means he was probably just having a shower and his slightly uncovered skin was as smooth as always – just wonderful!
“Argh… Kyu!”
he groaned, causing me to back away immediately and I became totally worried. Did I hurt him?
I tore my eyes widely open and looked at him in fear, while my hands rushed over his body, trying to find out, if I really just hurt him, be he just laughed and grabbed my wrists, when he said:
“Stop it, Kyu! You know I’m ticklish!” I blinked a few times and realized, he wasn’t hurt at all! So I tortured him a bit more and started to tickle him everywhere. He collapsed on his bed and laughed hysterically, while he was trying desperately to grab my wrists again, but it was impossible for him! His inner thighs were extremely sensitive, so I kept my fingers in that area, but then they accidently went up too high… oops! I blushed furiously after touching that part of his body, but Minnie’s respond made me go wild – he moaned! I my lips and smirked, when I saw him arching his back, but then I remembered, we weren’t alone.
I slowly turned around, to find two absolutely shocked boys behind us, whose jaws were dropped and they kept staring at us, without even blinking!
“What?!” I asked them annoyed, like we didn’t do anything.
“Ah… never mind. It’s just cute, that you finally admit, that you guys like each other!” Hae answered and smirked mischievously, while I felt my anger increasing.
We pulled away and stared at Hae and Hyukkie, unable to say anything, when they started to giggle insanely. I crawled off Minnie’s bed and positioned myself in front of that couple. You’ll pay for that. I just don’t know yet how.
“So… why did you need that long?”
Minnie began with that embarrassing topic again and got up from his bed as well and stood beside me, while Hae and Hyukkie smirked at me mischievously, probably totally forgotten about, what just happened.
“Your lover looked for you in the wrong hospital!” Hae announced happily and even jumped in joy. I rolled my eyes – especially because of the word ‘lover’ – and fixed them onto Minnie, who blinked a few times until he finally guffawed insanely.
“Hahaha! Are you… hahahaha … are you serious?” He managed to ask through his laughters… Well kinda.
“Yeah, and this wasn’t even the best part! The nurse told us, the building where room 289 was, burnt a few years ago!”
Hyukkie added, causing Minnie to laugh even harder. He started to hit his mattress and he was panting heavily, while he was trying to calm down.
“Minnie? Why didn’t you answer your phone, when I called you earlier?” I asked him curiously, after reminding my thoughts from before.
“Huh? Oh yeah, the doctors told me, they have to check, if everything’s alright, so I couldn’t answer… actually I wanted to call you as soon as they left, but then the battery was empty…” he answered with a simple shrug and smiled as brightly as always.
“And why aren’t there any sheets on your bed?!” I questioned again.
“You know, that car that hit me… my injuries aren’t that bad and I pleaded until one of the nurses agreed… and I can return home today!” he explained slightly blushing, but his gorgeous smile only grew even wider.
“Seriously?!” Hyukkie, Hae and I shouted in unison, absolutely excited, that he’ll return soon.
“No, just kidding!” he answered laughing, causing us all to gasp for air.
“HUH?!” I managed to scream, while the others’ jaws dropped anew. But Minnie only guffawed again like crazy and he even nearly slipped, but I could catch, and so preventing him to fall in time. Yes, Kyu! You saved your baby!
“You really should see your expressions right now!”
he squealed in joy and circled his arms around my neck, preventing him to fall, even though I had already wrapped my arms around his slim waist carefully, not to hurt him.
“I don’t get anything anymore…” Hae muttered and shook his head, earning an amused glance from me.
“You never get anything – so that’s nothing new to us!” I mocked mischievously and smirked devilish.
“Then, please! Explain it to me!” he answered and stuck out his tongue. I blinked a few times, before i positioned my glance onto the still laughing Minnie.
“Haha… sorry… I needed to take this opportunity! I thought it was a try worth, and seriously it was more than that! You actually believed me! What else reason could they have to remove the blankets and stuff from my bed, when I’m not getting discharged? I think there’s only one other reason – if I’d die!” he explained and kept laughing. I glared at him and smirked, before I said:
“Minnie… you know, you’ll get punished by us for that?”

Sorry for the late and especially lame update D:
Actually i was planning more, then i forgot more than half of it so it turned out more boring as usual XD though...
Have fun :D

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Chapter 39: awh KyuMin almost kissing xD
Chapter 39: Such a cute and amusing chapter~ kekkeke Poor Hyukjae for suffering that boring class XD And Donghae would forever be a dork XDD Eeep~! Kyuhyunnie and Sungminnie >//<
Chapter 39: OMG you're back!!!!!

My kyumin feels!!!
Chapter 38: Kitty killed a pit bull?
woa~ thats....COOL (?) XD
Chapter 37: flashback in flashback? XD that was interesting XD
Chapter 36: I wonder what will happen next lol
Chapter 35: you awake my memory xP
interesting chapter XD
Chapter 34: KangTeuk moment ^^
Poor Eunhyuk his handphone is froze~
Evil HeeKyu couple XD
Chapter 33: evil Heechul and poor Eunhyuk~ XD