Chapter Nine

Seducing The Boss

Seducing The Boss 

Chapter Nine:

For the first time in his life, Choi Seung Hyun hesitated coming in to work, for several reasons that his mind couldn’t help but to supply to him in a mantra.

One) Daesung had confessed to being in love with him.  

Two) He had kissed Daesung repeatedly

Three) He still didn’t know how he really felt about him.

Even though the night before had been somewhat magical and could be called incredible, really it was, Seung Hyun still couldn’t wrap his mind around it. It was like he knew what he was feeling, but at the same time not- as it eluded him and left him confused. Did he like Daesung? Let’s be honest, who in their right mind did not like Daesung, that wasn’t hard to figure out. Of course he liked Daesung; he even enjoyed spending time with him. But was he also in love, or if not, could he fall in love with Daesung? Daesung was constantly in his mind. Whenever something new came up or he had something he wanted to share, Daesung was the first one that he thought about nowadays. Whenever he wanted, needed, or thought of something, Daesung was the one that he thought about sharing it with.

Now that was something completely different and out of his league. He had never been in love before so he was not sure how it was supposed to feel. There wasn’t a warning really. There were no red roses or hearts floating around him and no magical little songs, or spark that told him -you have found it- not even an erratically beating heart. There didn’t seemed to be something that he actually felt- but as he thought about it his mind supplied that moment that they had shared, and the way the kisses felt so good… It was a feeling like no other. It was warm, it was comfort, and at some points it was almost desperate how much he enjoyed and craved sharing those kisses with Daesung. It was as if he was addicted to a drug that he couldn’t get enough of- but really was that enough to be constituted as love?

Seung Hyun didn’t know and thinking about it was starting to hurt his head, not to mention that he was already late for work.

Checking his wrist watch, he finally decided to get into the elevator and head to his floor. When he got there though, he clammed up. Daesung as always greeted him with a smile on his face, and a cheerful good morning, but Seung Hyun walked past him, with a short “Secretary” as a greeting in return. As soon as he was in his office, he closed the door and sighed with relief.

That was scary.

Taking a deep breath, he made his way to his desk and set down his briefcase, intending to get down to work so he had something else to focus on, other than his feelings for Daesung, when the door was rudely opened. Daesung was standing there, looking slightly hurt and angry at him as he walked inside and closed the door behind him.

Daesung had been looking forward for this morning to be different. He had almost thought that this could have been their beginning and that there might have been a change to Seung Hyun’s attitude, but everything just seemed so…so far away from the night before.

 “What was that?” Daesung asked, slight anger and hurt flashing in his eyes, “why did you come here and just greet me as Secretary as if we are in square one all over again?” he asked, “I know I probably came on too strong, but you don’t have to treat me so indifferently after everything that happened the night before,”

Seung Hyun silently took his seat, and just stared. Well that was one hell of a guilt trip, he decided. But there was nothing that he could really say. Should he apologize?

“Don’t just sit there staring at me like that!” Daesung felt his cheeks flames, as well as he felt self conscious about what he had just said. He wanted to hide, but at the same time he felt like it was time to confront Seung Hyun’s indifference towards him, or nothing was ever going to change between them. But he had to admit, this was also embarrassing.

For a few minutes both of them just stayed still, staring each other down-waiting for the other one to say something.

Seung Hyun finally sighed, “Daesung,” he said.

Daesung walked towards him, determination filling his eyes as he got closer. His eyes also took in how Seung Hyun suddenly tensed up, but he didn’t stop until he was standing before Seung Hyun, and then he leaned down, so they were face to face. “What if I make you fall in love with me?” he softly asked. For a second, Seung Hyun saw a flick of something mischievous and playful in those otherwise innocent eyes.

Seung Hyun blinked. “Can you do such a thing?” he asked.

Daesung shrugged, “I could try,” he leaned in even more. His lips looked so full, soft, and pink, and they were all Seung Hyun could focus as his mouth watered. They looked so delicious and he already  knew that they tasted even more divine. Daesung seemed to stop and was about to back away from what he was doing, as his heart was thundering in his chest.

God, what was he doing? Why did being in Seung Hyun’s presence made him do such daring things when his mind was screaming at him to run away? But his heart was crying to stay, so wretchedly.

Before he was done thinking and completely pulled away, Seung Hyun had moved forward, grasping his wrist to keep him in place and his lips captured his own. He gasped at how firm, yet soft, and amazing Seung Hyun’s lips felt pressed against him. Why did they feel so perfect? Why did they seem to end every thought in his head or rational decision until he was rendered useless every time.  Daesung made to pull away, but the feel of Seung Hyun’s tongue softly caressing his lower lip had him pushing forward, eagerly opening his mouth so his tongue could play and taste. When his tongue met Seung Hyun’s, slick and hot one, it was like a burst of emotions in his chest as he craved for m ore. His moans increased as he battled, and breathing became difficult- but all he could do was feel and get lost in the sensation.

Strong hands placed themselves at his hips, slightly gripping him as they pulled him forward to straddle Seung Hyun’s lap. He had lost himself so much that Seung Hyun’s sudden gasp was a surprise and Daesung quickly snapped open his eyes as the kiss broke. He could feel his hard pressing into Seung Hyun, and a glance at his boss’s face told him that the pressure of it had been unexpected.

“You’re hard,” Seung Hyun mumbled.

“I...uh…” His face was on fire, and his breath was coming in short that he felt overwhelmed all at once.

Seung Hyun shifted, and Daesung jumped. He scrambled off Seung Hyun’s lap and shook his head- was his heart about to explode from his chest? God- the room was spinning and he no longer knew his right from his left. “I…this is not the place or time. I’m sorry,” he quickly said, and then ran out of the office, feeling slightly shamed at his reaction- and for giving in to his desires.

But he had wanted it so badly.

But he wanted to know if Seung Hyun wanted it as well—or none of this was worth anything.  

Seung Hyun was left startled, with his body humming strangely- craving for more of Daesung that already he missed his warmth and his weight on his lap.

He definitely wanted Daesung. But not everything in his jumbled mind made sense, so he decided to do something that did make sense, and that was to focus on his job and leave personal matters after work hours.

Later that day, as he was leaving, he saw that Daesung was long gone. In fact, he had not seen the man ever since that little encounter in the morning. He missed his simple hello’s, welcoming smiles, and just him being there. Disappointment and loneliness filled him as he looked at the empty desk and he left, feeling like he had just lost Daesung.

But a part of him refused to let that become true.

No, he was going to have to find a way to keep him.


Daesung had tears in his eyes as he made his way home.

He knew that he shouldn’t be driving when his vision was so blurry with tears, but he wished he could understand what was going on. It was as if his feelings for Seung Hyun for so strong, and he was so tense like a pulled bow string that he felt that the slightest trigger was going to set him off. He didn’t know whether to be angry or just let it go- but it didn’t really feel fair that whenever he was around Seung Hyun his body seemed to be the one to lead. Despite his heart and despite what was on his mind- he felt so utterly out of control.

It wasn’t like him.

He wasn’t one of those secretaries that slept with their boss, but he felt like he had become to attached to his already.

It would have been fair as friends.

This had all started as just a playful thing- an attraction, but now it was more than that. He wanted something for real and he didn’t want to get hurt. There was only one thing that he could think about doing now and that was to quit his job.

Everything would feel better now if he just quit and forget that Choi Seung Hyun had ever come into his life. If he took out the confusing factor the everything would be back to normal. Even though normal suddenly seemed do dull and lonely. Wiping away the tears that kept falling without his permission he finally made it home and immediately went to bed, to curl under his covers.

The next day, Daesung woke up late.

It was already two in the afternoon and he felt groggy from all his sleeping. He silently cursed under his breath as he rolled out of bed and headed towards his living room, intending to call in and repot why he had not gone in. He snatched the phone and headed into the kitchen, seeing as he was hungry but as he was making his way there, he froze as he saw a tall figure, dress in a pink and pastel blue hoodie, and dark baggy jeans, standing by his stove, cooking something.

At first he thought it was some kid gangster that for some reason had gotten into his house and decided to cook himself something- but even the idea of that sounded absurd. But it was still a stranger in his house and that didn’t stop him from throwing the phone at them.

“Ouch,” the person said, and Daesung froze again.

No way.

The person turned around to reveal Choi Seung Hyun, to be the one that was completely dressed as an unprofessional, teen age boy, and strangely enough still looked dead handsome in those odd clothes. It was almost as if he had stepped into a different universe. “Did you just throw a phone at me?” Seung Hyun asked.

“What…what are you doing here?” Daesung asked.

“I missed you,” Seung Hyun said, turning back to the stove. “So I came to check on you,”

“And decided to cook yourself something?” Daesung asked.

“No,” Seung Hyun drawled, “I decided to cook us something”

“Oh God, I thought you were some sort of derange gangster trying to make yourself some food, or something,”

“There are no gangsters in Korea, Dae,” Seung Hyun said as if it was common knowledge.

“Yah, right” Daesung sighed, pulling slightly on his hair wondering what to do in this situation. He was not ready to face Seung Hyun right now.

“Look, I’m not stupid enough to believe that right now you are not angry with me and feel that I have completely disregarded your feelings. I never intended to hurt you and I feel like I have, but I came here today to not only apologize, but ask you out as well,”

“How did you even know where I lived?” Daesung asked.

“I asked some of the employee’s, and Chaerin was really helpful in telling me where I could find all the file information that the company keeps on all the employees,” Seung Hyun said.  He then moved to grab a plate and started to set on them what seemed to be some cooked noodles…or something. Daesung swallowed hard.

“And…what do you want?”

“Go out with me,”


“Come with me to the G-dragon concert,” Seung Hyun coaxed, showing Daesung tickets for said concert, a hopeful look in his eyes. From the little that he had shared with Daesung, he hoped that this was something that he would like. Daesung’s mouth dropped open, unable to believe what Seung Hyun had just said.

“Do you really wish to go with me?” he asked, feeling unsure, but also welding excitement in his chest that he was invited to a concert, of a singer that he liked, by the man that he was sure he was in love with. Seung Hyun nodded his head.

“There is no one I rather be with, or go with, and share this moment than you” Seung Hyun said as he placed the plate down on the table and walked over to Daesung, taking his face in both of his hands. Daesung’s eyes widened, looking up at him with awe and so much shinning trust. Seung Hyun smiled at the innocent expression. “It’s silly, but you make me want to spend my day’s with you,” he whispered, and leaned in to steal a kiss. “You’re my number one,”

Daesung’s breath caught, feeling like once again Seung Hyun had done something to shake his world.

Certainly nothing was ever going to be the same- never ever, as he closed his eyes and kissed back with vigor and enthusiasm, bringing his own arms around Seung Hyun’s neck as he deepened the kiss. Seung Hyun kissed him back with the same bruising force, when he pulled back and smiled at Daesung’s cute, flushed, and dazed expression. “Okay,” he mumbled, blushing even more and looking down at his feet with uncertainty.

“So, go get ready, or we will be late,” Seung Hyun coaxed, “The concert starts at eight!”

Daesung looked up with wide eyes as he moved to get to go get ready, “Yah, it’s only two,”

“Who cares, what about the sales, I want to be able to get souvenirs” Seung Hyun whined much like a child, and even stomped his foot like one.

“Alright, aright,” Daesung said, and dashed off to take a shower and get dressed in casual clothes. He knew how packed these concerts could get and finding parking was going to take some time as well as trying to get through the crowds to get the merchandize.  He could tell Seung Hyun that they could skip the meal here and just go, but the food was even more expensive in the concert.

Feeling slightly nervous he found it difficult to choose some clothes. When he did, he had chosen a black simple shirt, and dark gray pants with slight rips at the knees. He then headed down stairs and found Seung Hyun eating, while looking at the television. He found it odd to have his television turned to the news, but he didn’t say anything as he reached for his own plate and started to eat, while watching how serious Seung Hyun looked while looking at the news.

The sight was amazing, and he didn’t want to break the spell of it.

After eating, and making sure that they were ready and had everything they drove off to the concert, with Seung Hyun on the driver seat. Daesung thought that Seung Hyun in the streets was scary, but Seung Hyun in the freeway was even scarier, especially since they were going at a high speed and he was singing to a song, while dancing, and then they encountered slight traffic. Seung Hyun had to swerve into the other lane just so he could avoid hitting any cars, and then they came to an abrupt halt.

“Sorry,” Seung Hyun blushed.

“Right, you’re not” Daesung pouted, trembling with fear.

When Seung Hyun chuckled, he glared at him.

After that, the ride was more bearable as Seung Hyun finally took consideration of Daesung’s fear of his driving. They had to pay for parking when they got there, and drove around for about twenty minutes before they found an empty space all in the back. From there they had to walk to the stadium dome.

“How did you even get the tickets for this concert?” Daesung asked.

“I got them about a few weeks ago, I bought them in the spur of the moment, seeing as it was going to be a late night one,” Seung Hyun grinned, “No regrets until tomorrow morning” he added, reaching his hand to Daesung’s and grabbed it. Before long, they were both lost in the crowd, moving through happy girls, and smirking boys.

The wait to purchase something was long, but when they did, he was surprised by everything that Seung Hyun bought. It was as if he was not going to hold back. Then they walked around for a while, before the concert started.

The feeling was on edge.

And the stage was brilliant.

However, what really mattered the most was that the both of them got to share that time together. Probably the best moment of the whole night was when they were making their way back home and they stopped, at a secluded road that allowed you to look down at the city lights. It was an amazing and breathtaking sight, but even more was Seung Hyun’s smiling face, looking at him, an only him.

“So, is this a new beginning?” Daesung asked, keeping his voice soft as he did. “Or are you still going to act weird and ignore me?”

“I’ll try not to ignore you anymore, but all of this is kind of new to me. I’ve never tried to be in a real relationship with someone,” he said, although right now was probably not the right time to mention that usually he just flirted around trying to have a good time. But not this time. This was different from everything else really, although he also liked flirting with Daesung.

“Thanks.” Daesung smiled, and leaned in close to him, kissing his cheek.

Seung Hyun smiled at the odd gesture. “That was weird.”

“It was?” his eyes widened, feeling flustered now.

“Yup” Seung Hyun turned, and then grinned at Daesungs blushing face.


“Let’s get going,” Seung Hyun said, opening the door to the car and waiting for Daesung to get on so they could leave.

“Where are we going now?” Daesung asked.

“It’s a secret, but I will tell you that it’ll be interesting.”

“And work tomorrow?”

“Uh…” Seung Hyun said for a moment thinking about how work had always been a top priority. “We’ll call in sick!” he finally said, and the car drove away. 

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Chapter 11: Wwwwwtfff I just read the whole story but but but u haven't updated since february SIGH
I need to know what the hell happened!!!!
GloriousMatilly #2
Chapter 11: OMG!!! YOU HAVE TO UPDATE!!! I wonder what happened.... I love this story! Continue! ^o^
yoaisummer #3
Chapter 11: Wat happen?wat happen?Y she cry?
tarepandasan #4
Chapter 11: Uh oh... What happened to chaerin?

Oh dae... That was a fail/success lolll
Chapter 11: You're back authornim... :)
yoaisummer #6
Chapter 10: Tis todae feel so amazing.Beautiful making love.Hehe~~~~^^
And Seunghyun still go back 2 the office from meeting 2 c Daesung.So sweet~~
And I can't believe it that I didn't subscriber it.I go and do nw.
Chapter 10: so... i can't describe this ... it's just amazing ...
IndigoGrey #8
Chapter 10: You literally came back with a bang lol

Seunghyun came back to see him despite his long day <3
Chapter 10: finally you comeback.. thanks for your update , and thats so sweet..hehe :3