Chapter Eight

Seducing The Boss

Seducing The Boss

Chapter Eight

The three simple words of ‘I love you’ echoed in Seung Hyun’s head repeatedly and for a moment he wondered if he had heard right. Nah, it had to be wrong. There was no way that Daesung had just confessed to being in love with him. Seung Hyun took a deep breath and began laughing causing Daesung to look at him strangely and a bit hurt. He was about to tell him to stop but Seung Hyun shut his mouth and then raised his hand to keep Daesung from saying anything, “Wait!”

What was he going to say now? , silently he cursed himself and thought of a best way to approach this. After all, he didn’t want to break Daesung’s heart, but at the same time he himself didn’t know how he felt for Daesung. This was terrible. Just when they were starting to be friends, and right now his heart was beating so hard against his chest that it hurt.

He had to act cool; …he just had to be himself.

“Oh…” he finally said, making Daesung sit straighter, eyes going even wider. His nerves had been killing him since Seung Hyun first laughed and then stayed silent. He nodded his head and then watched as the man leaned in close to him, ready for anything. “By any chance, you wouldn’t happen to be an angel, right?” maybe everything except that…

Daesung’s mouth dropped a bit, unable to believe what he was hearing while at the same time confused with Seung Hyun’s responses. “Huh…what no” he shook his head. “I’m human, just like you”

Seung Hyun sat back, with a perplexed look on his face, “Then why?” he asked, in a soft tone. Daesung blinked, squirming in his chair.

“Why what?” he whispered in return.  

Seung Hyun swallowed, “Why do you love me?”

The silence seemed to stretch itself then as the question hanged over their heads. Their order was called, and Daesung took the chance as he got up, and headed towards the counter to grab their meal. He wasn’t expecting that. He didn’t know why he loved Seung Hyun all of a sudden, he just did! It was as simple as that. But what was he going to say, what could he say?

When he returned, he found Seung Hyun looking off into the distance, deep in thought. He couldn’t hold back anymore, he had to say something.  

“It’s because I think you’re awesome.”

Seung Hyun looked up, “Huh, what?” he said.

Daesung blushed, and set the food down, “I said I love you because you are awesome, also because you are you.”

“Right,” Seung Hyun said, shaking his head, “I’m not awesome Dae,” he said as Daesung sat down. Silence settled over them, but Daesung kept looking at Seung Hyun whom seemed lost in thought as he looked out at the fair around him. He didn’t know what else to say, so he just spoke the question that lingered in his heart.

“How do you feel about me?”

Seung Hyun turned to him and shrugged, “I don’t know” he honestly said.

Daesung frowned at that, but accepted it. “You don’t have to love me you know. Just don’t stop being my friend because I fell for you, please.” He silently begged and Seung Hyun looked at him oddly.

“I’ll never stop being your friend Dae,” he smiled softly, “I never really speak about my feelings so this is sort of new to me, but I have fun with you. I enjoy hanging out with you so much, plus you are so much fun to tease! You do things with me other’s never would. I can never trade that away. You’re a precious friend to me. That’s why I never want to hurt you,” Seung Hyun looked down sadly, “I never want to be the cause of your sadness”

“It’s okay, I’m okay” Daesung whispered, picking at his food.

Seung Hyun could already see the sadness and it wrapped itself around his heart. He immediately stood up, grabbing Daesung’s hand with his, “Come, let’s go do something” he eagerly said, but Daesung shook his head, pulling his hand back.

“We should eat first,” he said.

Seung Hyun blinked down at the table, looking at the food as if it was an alien object, before he nodded his head and sat down again. “Right, we can’t let it go to waste” he muttered.

Daesung smiled at him, “Right” but the smile wasn’t like his others. They didn’t make his eyes sparkles.

I don’t want to be the cause of his sadness.

Seung Hyun found himself guiltily eating, his own sadness spreading in his chest.

I don’t want to be the reason he cries.

Seung Hyun shoveled down his food, not tasting it as he did.

I need to figure out how I feel about him.

Was his last thought as he finished the last of his food, and his eyes flicked towards Daesung whom was drinking his juice, and he could see that he was finished with his food as well. Right, mission to figure out how he felt about Daesung would start now.

Startling the brunet man, Seung Hyun kicked his chair back and stood up again, firmly reaching for Daesung’s hand. “Let’s go” he urged, and Daesung didn’t have much room to protest as he was pulled along by Seung Hyun.

Both of them ended up in front of a booth, where they would have to fish some cards in order to win a prize. The tactic was simple, but Daesung found himself failing to turn the cards, while Seung Hyun seemed deeply concentrated on doing so. At the end, Seung Hyun somehow ended up flipping two cards and ended up getting to choose a large price for it.

He chose a cute brown bunny which he gave to Daesung.

After that they moved to the hunted house. Daesung was scared, and was refusing to go in. He was terrified of the place, but when Seung Hyun just went in, he couldn’t help but chase after him. This led to him running straight in search for Seung Hyun only to trigger the first scary thing, which happened to be a stuffed doll that hit itself repeatedly over a metal see through door. The blood curling scream that Daesung left out had Seung Hyun rushing back to him, and grabbing him around. “Shh, look” Seung Hyun said, pointing to the ground and showing all the trick buttons that would make everything effective.

Even though they tried to avoid all of them, there was a few that they didn’t and needless to say Daesung ran straight through the hunted house, screaming with Seung Hyun and the bunny chasing right behind him.



The smell of popcorn and cotton candy was too much for Seung Hyun to ignore and he bought himself some, before buying some for Daesung. Daesung had to shuffle the popcorn, cotton candy, and bunny in his arms all at once and opted to eating his pink cotton candy while his eyes would dart to Seung Hyun whom was stuffing his face into a blue one.

Of course, he dropped his cotton candy when he saw that Seung Hyun had brought them to make line so they could go on a rollercoaster. “We are not going onto that” Daesung said, looking up in horror.

Seung Hyun blinked at him as he his lips, “Why not?”

“It’s scary! It’s insane”

“It’ll be fun” Seung Hyun insisted, as the line started to move and he latched his arm around Daesung’s to drag him forward. The rollercoaster could take up to thirty people, and luckily Seung Hyun and Daesung were able to make it to the middle of the ride.

“How is a ride like this at a park event?” Daesung screeched, holding onto his bunny like his life depended on it. The food had not been allowed onto the ride, so they had to throw the rest of the popcorn and Seung Hyun’s blue cotton candy in the trash near the entrance. Seung Hyun was now complaining about how much of a waste it was.

Before long the ride started and Daesung screamed so loud. But as they ride looped up and twisted back down, he lost hold of his bunny and he loudly gasped, wanting to reach out for it. No! You idiot, that’s the first nice present that Seung Hyun had ever given to you! he heartbrokenly thought to himself.

By the time the ride was over, there were tears in his eyes.

“Daesung, what’s wrong?” Seung Hyun asked with concern, placing both his hands on his shoulders as everyone else started to climb down.

“I…I lost my DaeBunny!” he cried, and Seung Hyun helped pull him up and off of the rollercoaster.

“Let’s go look for it then!” he smiled, and both of them started to look around. The ride attendant was not happy but allowed them to go around the ride searching for the toy they had lost. When they found it, the bunny had landed on a metal strip that twisted up and held the ride up. Daesung had never been happier and both of them soon headed out again.

This time they went into a ride of bears, which were hollowed out in the center, and had seats around. The door was securely locked for them, and their hands went onto the turntable in the center. When the ride started the bear went in a circle, but it didn’t start spinning until both of them put the effort to twist the place and then the ride really started to speed up.

Both of them let out joyful cries as the ride spun out of control and they could feel themselves trying to hold on for dear life.

When the ride was over, neither of them had balance anymore and ended up stumbling around as if they were drunk. “Omo, omo, two, three, four Daesungies” Seung Hyun sung as he twirled around, laughing as he did. Daesung couldn’t help but widely grin as he held on to his precious bunny. “Daesungie, Daesungie, all I see in my eyes, Daesungies!” Seung Hyun kept singing until both of them walked through tables of people screaming to come and join the fun.

“Seung Hyun…Seung Hyun look!” Daesung cried, grabbing Seung Hyun around his shirt and then pointing out to him a table where a stunningly beautiful woman sat. She was smiling at everyone, while at the same time yelling taunts at all the people who missed. See, if someone managed to hit the center dot in the middle it would release the lever where she was sitting, and dunk her into the water tub underneath her. “I want to try!” he cheered.

Seung Hyun followed right after him. Daesung paid and was given three balls.

There were two other men trying their best to do it but kept failing.

“HA! You men are all imbeciles, you will never get me” she laughed.

“Hyori, stop being cruel,”

“But oppa, I’ve been here for an hour! It’s about time for me to switch with you.” She complained. “You should be sitting up here” she puffed her cheeks, while crossing her arms. “Go for it, you little ugly boy!” Hyori called out, pointing to Daesung. Daesung slightly blushed, but felt sad at being called ugly. Either way, Daesung aimed his first ball and hit the side, missing the middle by a few inches. “Ha! Even an ugly boy like you can’t aim right” she taunted, and Daesung flinched.

Noticing this Seung Hyun glared at Hyori, but Daesung still aimed his ball and missed. “One more left” he sadly mumbled.

“Come on, one more chance little ugly” She called out, waving her hands.

Seung Hyun snatched the ball away from him. He then threw it at Hyori’s direction, hitting on target and making her fall into the water while he grabbed Daesung’s hand and dragged him away with a  “Let’s go”

“Wait!” The attendant called out, shocked that they had won and left without claiming a price.

“Now it’s your turn up here” Hyori snapped, glaring after Daesung and Seung Hyun before a fond smile replaced it.

Daesung didn’t say anything as Seung Hyun led them away. He just smiled softly at the fact that Seung Hyun was holding his hand.

“Let’s go there” Seung Hyun said, and Daesung’s mouth dropped when he saw the large and colorful Ferris wheel. Once again, Daesung was tongue tied at the kind of ride that Seung Hyun wanted to go onto, but he was no longer in the mood to protest. Instead he tightened his hold around his bunny and allowed Seung Hyun to drag him towards the line where everyone was waiting to get on. Most of them seemed to be couples and that feat didn’t go over Daesung’s head.

But the fact that Seung Hyun was still holding his hand was the one thing that he fixated on.  He wasn’t sure how long they had waited until they were being allowed to climb into a blue seat. It was as if just being around Seung Hyun made Daesung lose his sense of time.  It also made him lose his train of thoughts and he couldn’t focus on anything other than Seung Hyun.

“Come on, sit” Seung Hyun insisted, pulling him into the seat, before the ride operator securely placed the metal bar down, and went to move their seat higher. Before long they had reached the top and they could see the whole of the park, the rides, and the different stands. “Doesn’t it just look amazing?” Seung Hyun asked.

“Yeah” Daesung breathed, looking at the same sight.

Seung Hyun turned to him, and his breath caught.

Up there, where the moon was most prominent, and they were surrounded by the blanket of night, Daesung looked breathtaking. His eyes sparkled with an innocence that captivated Seung Hyun immediately. The way he was still clutching the bunny he gave him was very much adorable.  Then there were his lips…

He really hadn't noticed much before, but Daesung had full soft looking lips. Lips that  now drew his attention whole and invited him in. “Daesung”


Daesung turned to face Seung Hyun, in time to find himself caught in a lip lock with Seung Hyun. His eyes widened, but Seung Hyun’s lips were persuasive, and when his hand came to touch his cheek, Daesung couldn’t help but close his eyes and kiss him back.

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Chapter 11: Wwwwwtfff I just read the whole story but but but u haven't updated since february SIGH
I need to know what the hell happened!!!!
GloriousMatilly #2
Chapter 11: OMG!!! YOU HAVE TO UPDATE!!! I wonder what happened.... I love this story! Continue! ^o^
yoaisummer #3
Chapter 11: Wat happen?wat happen?Y she cry?
tarepandasan #4
Chapter 11: Uh oh... What happened to chaerin?

Oh dae... That was a fail/success lolll
Chapter 11: You're back authornim... :)
yoaisummer #6
Chapter 10: Tis todae feel so amazing.Beautiful making love.Hehe~~~~^^
And Seunghyun still go back 2 the office from meeting 2 c Daesung.So sweet~~
And I can't believe it that I didn't subscriber it.I go and do nw.
Chapter 10: so... i can't describe this ... it's just amazing ...
IndigoGrey #8
Chapter 10: You literally came back with a bang lol

Seunghyun came back to see him despite his long day <3
Chapter 10: finally you comeback.. thanks for your update , and thats so sweet..hehe :3