Chapter One

Seducing The Boss

Chapter One:

Kang Daesung nervously shifted from one foot to the other as he waited to meet his new boss.

About a week ago, he had become the new secretary for Choi Seung Hyun, a man known for not only his brains, but also his looks, and feared because of them as well. People feared becoming his secretary, so when Daesung got the position they all looked at him with sympathy and sad looks.

Really, it wasn’t helping.

Not only that, but Choi Seung Hyun had been overseas for the past week, so Daesung could only guess he was lucky he was still alive. Damn, he would probably be even luckier if he has to keep his job.

“He’s coming,” A female coworker muttered at him, giving him a look as she placed down the papers he had to look over before approving them to pass and go through Mr. Choi. She then briskly walked away, trying to avoid having a confrontation with their boss.

Daesung swallowed hard.

The elevator doors of their current floor-the thirtieth floor- opened with a low ding. Daesung felt his hands sweat, and his heart begin to race. The doors slowly slid opened with a swooshing doom, only to reveal a tall, handsome, chiseled god. Daesung was frozen on the spot. The man gallantly walked out of the elevator and towards him, giving him a once over with those sharp eyes of his and Daesung felt himself shrink.

“Who are you?” the man asked, in a deep y voice and that did it for Daesung. His face flushed red and he began to babble with unknown words. Mr. Choi Seung Hyun looked at him oddly, and when another girl came running to leave something at the desk he stopped her. “Who is he?” he asked, pointing at the helpless Daesung.

The girl bowed, “He’s your new secretary sir, his name is Kang Daesung,” she bowed several times.

“I see,” Seung Hyun said, and allowed the girl to leave. She seemed relieved as she walked away as fast as she could. It confused Seung Hyun, but he had to guess that everyone around him was weird.

“Secretary, I need you to get me a coffee, make sure its black with sugar only, and get me something sweet as well,” Seung Hyun said as he waved a hand at Daesung and continued to walk towards his office, not once turning to look at his secretary again. He was slightly pissed off about how things had gone down over seas. They were going to lose the budget if they didn’t meet the quota this year, but there was no way he could tell his employees that without causing a panic.

He just needed them to work harder.

Maybe if he knew what would motivate his workers, everything would be alright. Seung Hyun sighed as he closed the door to his office with a silent click of the door.

Daesung on the other hand was still red in the face, and every one of his thoughts were fried. He heard what his boss had just said, but he petulantly felt like he didn’t want to do it. How was he going to go get the coffee and something sweet and have to hand it to him without falling face first and dumping everything on the maple wooden floor?

God, his heart was just pounding so fast, and it was no longer because he was nervous about meeting his boss. Because, let’s face it, his boss was breath taking. And Daesung never checked anyone out, specially a male and thought he was breathtaking unless he was in love…the thought horrified him for a moment.

“You better get to it,” Chaerin, another worker there hissed in a small voice as she evilly looked at him and left.

Daesung jumped and ran out of the office to do as he was told.

Before he knew it he was in the busy streets of Seoul, fighting against the crowd to get to the nearest coffee shop. It didn’t occur to him that he could have just gone to the cafeteria in their building to get the coffee instead of outside of it. But he was here now, so might was well make it good. When he finally ordered, he said it as he remembered his boss asking for his coffee, and glanced at the small display of sweets that you could eat with your coffee and he got a delicious looking slice of pound cake.

He felt a little hungry himself, and he ordered himself one as well. He ate his as he waited for the coffee, and when he got it he rushed back to the company. He took a deep breath as he reached his assigned floor, and walked over to his boss’s door. He thought about knocking, but wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do. Instead, he pushed open the door and walked in.

Seung Hyun looked up from the paperwork in his desk to see who had just entered.

“I…I…I got your coffee.” Daesung barely managed as he set the cup down at the edge of the desk, followed by the pound cake.

“Thank you,” Seung Hyun said and went back to reading his document.

Daesung shifted uncomfortably. “Umm…is there anything else you want me to do for you?” he managed to ask as quickly as possible and his boss shook his head.

“Just do whatever it is you do,” and shooed him away.

Daesung felt his mood go down. Why didn’t his boss look at him, or acknowledge him more. The feeling of being dismissed that way by Mr. Choi disappointed him. “Yes,” he said and walked away. Had he pissed his boss off? Usually his past bosses would thank him for the coffee and nicely asked him to do this or that. But not this man, this man barely even seemed to look at him.

It made him feel like he was some sort of a bother.

Well, he had a job to do. Daesung went to his desk and started to read over forms, documents, and started to fill out the information that his boss would need in the database. Everything was going in order the way he had always been thought to do. Neatly, ordered, alphabetized, meticulously, -perfect.

Daesung finished off around one, an hour past lunch time, and as his stomach growled he noted that his boss had not taken a break and he himself needed a break now. Grabbing his finished work, and the things Mr. Choi would need to sign off on, he moved to his boss’s door again and knocked. There was no response. Frowning slightly, he once again opened the door, barging in like he had been told millions of times not to do and had been fired for. But the lack of anger that was shown when he had done it earlier made him feel confident that this wasn’t something bad to do.

Although what greeted him when he walked inside was something he was not expecting.

His boss was asleep in his desk. The coffee was half way drunk and the pound cake was all gone. As he looked down at his boss, he had to say people lied to him. There was nothing scary about Mr. Choi Seung Hyun, in fact, he looked kind of cute when he slept.

For a moment, he wondered if he should wake him up or not. Thinking about it, maybe it would be better if no one saw this so he had to wake him up. He walked around the desk and started to gently shake him awake, “Boss,” he called and shook him more, “Come on wake up before someone sees you sleeping.” He begged in a slightly whiny voice.

His boss grunted, but didn’t budge.

“Come on!” Daesung called in a sing song tone, and then sighed. There was no way he was going to wake him up that easily. He thought for a second, and then he brought out his iphone. He then set his alarm to go off in a minute and placed it near his boss’s head, directly on his ear. Exactly one minute later, the alarm went off in a high pitch sound of a ring, and Mr. Choi Seung Hyun jumped awake, nearly screaming scared out of his wits mind, and having to grab onto the desk so he won’t slide off of his chair.

“Finally you’re awake,” Daesung said with a large smile on his face, “You sleep like the dead,”

“What the hell was that!” Seung Hyun yelled loudly, “That, you WERE TRYING TO KILL ME!” he dramatically roared with an aghast look on his face. Daesung looked at his boss’s panicked face, and even though many others would fear him, all Daesung could do not to start laughing aloud was hold his hands to his lips. “You secretary, you should be doing your work not trying to give me a heart attack!” Seung Hyun tried to say in a serious tone, but there was still a shake to it.

Daesung couldn’t help it, he exploded in a fit of laughter and Seung Hyun looked at him perplexed.

No one had ever laughed at him.

“The look on your face!” Daesung called out as he kept laughing.

Seung Hyun blushed in slight embarrassment and growled with slight anger, “That’s not funny,” he petulantly muttered. Still seeing Daesung laugh like that brought a smile to his face. It was cute. He couldn’t help what happened next. “I’m going to tickle you as my revenge, so you laugh so hard until it hurts!” he threatened as he slowly stood up, like predator after his prey and he launched at his secretary. Daesung gasped, not expecting that, and before long he was being ticked mercilessly to death.

“No… Stop, please…hahahaha!” Daesung writhed on the floor with his boss over him, still tickling.

“Say you’re sorry and I might consider it,” Seung Hyun grinned, and his eyes shined with mirth as he chuckled along with his secretary.

“Hahahaha, I couldn’t help it tee hee hee hee, you were so funny haha” Daesung rolled on his side, “I’m…hahaha, I’m sorry!” he finally called out.

Seung Hyun decided to have mercy on him and let him go. “You better be,” he said and then looked back at his desk. “Did you already finish all of this?” he asked.

Daesung nodded, He got to his feet and happily started to explained, “I placed it from most urgent to less urgent order, so the top ones need your most attention right now,” he grinned.

Seung Hyun looked at him with an ‘oh’ look on his face. “That’s a weird way to arrange things,”

Daesung blinked, “How so?” he asked.

Seung Hyun shrugged. He guessed telling Daesung that he had no sense for order really wouldn’t help. Instead he started to look over things. Everything became serious now, and both of them fell into silence that started to make Daesung nervous as he thought about how he had just sort of done something none professional with his boss.

It had felt as if they had been friends for a long time.

Hearing his boss hum, he finally glanced back at him. “Thank you for this Daesung, you can get back to work,”

“Ah, I came in here wondering if I could take a lunch break; it’s already going to be two in the afternoon. Are you hungry? I can bring you something,” he started to ramble making Seung Hyun look over to him with a slightly surprised look on his face.

“Sure, um, just get me something good I guess,” he said and went back to working no longer paying attention to no one but the documents in his hands.

Daesung nodded, taking his phone back and wondering what he should do.

He didn’t even know what his boss liked to eat. What if he messed up and got something that he hated. That was when a thought entered his mind.

No one hated pizza.

First chapter XD more to come lol .

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Chapter 11: Wwwwwtfff I just read the whole story but but but u haven't updated since february SIGH
I need to know what the hell happened!!!!
GloriousMatilly #2
Chapter 11: OMG!!! YOU HAVE TO UPDATE!!! I wonder what happened.... I love this story! Continue! ^o^
yoaisummer #3
Chapter 11: Wat happen?wat happen?Y she cry?
tarepandasan #4
Chapter 11: Uh oh... What happened to chaerin?

Oh dae... That was a fail/success lolll
Chapter 11: You're back authornim... :)
yoaisummer #6
Chapter 10: Tis todae feel so amazing.Beautiful making love.Hehe~~~~^^
And Seunghyun still go back 2 the office from meeting 2 c Daesung.So sweet~~
And I can't believe it that I didn't subscriber it.I go and do nw.
Chapter 10: so... i can't describe this ... it's just amazing ...
IndigoGrey #8
Chapter 10: You literally came back with a bang lol

Seunghyun came back to see him despite his long day <3
Chapter 10: finally you comeback.. thanks for your update , and thats so sweet..hehe :3