Chapter Seven

Seducing The Boss

Seducing The Boss

Chapter Seven

It was torture.

Daesung’s eyes remained glued to the scene before him, where Seung Hyun and Chaerin stood to close for his liking. How the students behind the camera insisted that although it seemed unnatural for them to stand so close together, it looked natural in camera. They had called it the V access, where both people were standing so close together that they were in each other’s personal bubble. Not even an arm length was between them.

“Alright, in five, four, Three!” and then the student went silent as he signaled the two and the one before giving the cue. Everyone went silent, and Seung Hyun turned that wicked smile of his to Chaerin whom found herself floundering before catching herself and offering the best smile that she could. But again, the end results were the same. She didn’t look natural in the camera and she looked too nervous standing next to Seung Hyun. To plastic, to fake, and it was frustrating everyone.


And everyone decided to take a break.

“I’m telling you, that we have to change the scene,” Seung Hyun turned to his elder co-workers and urged them to change their mind. All of them gathered together and furiously discussed what was going to happen while Chaerin tried her best to stop her heart from beating so fast. Why did Seung Hyun make her so nervous, she is a strong and independent woman! This should be nothing to her and yet… his eyes were just too intense. One look and she was practically melting.

Daesung desperately sighed, as he shifted in his stance and wanted to know what he could do. He needed something to do than just stand around getting jealous. In fact, he needed to do something more productive than just stare at his boss being friendly with a co-worker when it came to a commercial. Taking a deep breath, he squared his shoulders and decided to walk out of there before he delusional himself into another jealousy fit.

“Yes, that’s brilliant!” someone suddenly exclaimed.

“Daesung” Seung Hyun turned first, and he turned to look at Daesung whom froze the moment that his name was called in that deep, deep voice. Then all the co-workers and many other people turned to look at where Seung Hyun was looking. Everyone was now looking at Daesung, and they were all looking at him expectingly,

What was going on?

Well, to answer Daesung’s very confused thoughts, there was only one thing that was going on and he soon found out as he found himself standing in the place that Seung Hyun once had. They had decided to make him the male lead role for the commercial and everyone seemed happy with it, especially Chaerin whom suddenly turned into a superb actress. One with strong charisma and bubbly flirts that made Daesung slightly uncomfortable, but the fact that he was angry was what pushed him to act passionate instead.

As for Seung Hyun—well, with Daesung taking the role, he decided it was his chance to escape and maybe take a nap…yes, a nap sounded good right now.

Chaerin moved close to Daesung, putting a hand on his chest, and acted in the most seductive way that she could as she fluttered her amazing lashes, and with it brought out a cool look to the makeup on her face. She was saying her line flawlessly. But when she pulled Daesung down to whisper something in his ear, Daesung took the advantage to look over her shoulder and felt a slight anger burn in him when he saw Seung Hyun walking away, yawning, and looking very much relaxed.

He wasn’t going to let him get away with this.

“That was perfect!” One of the students called, “Let’s do it again from the top, but this time in a different angle,” he called as he started to lead his crew to re set everything up for a different angle.

Chaerin giggled, and pulled away from Daesung, “Omo, I wonder if this will get me noticed,” she slightly squealed.

“You have to sign the release form to our company and the students school” Daesung dead panned, “You can’t go on thinking you will make money out of this, it is all for the companies profit, and this students project.”

“Hey a girl can dream” she huffed and crossed her arms, “God, your so , must be the reason why you are the boss’s secretary”

Daesung gave her a helpless look, “He’s not as bad as you all think”

“He was glaring at me all the time, it was freaking scary” Chaerin frowned, “He has an attitude problem,”

“I wouldn’t know” Daesung responded and sighed as he went to go sit down. Before long he was standing once again, acting with Chaerin and making the students and company members very happy and hopeful of the result of the day’s shoot.

A few hours later, the students were packing up and all eating and conversing with everyone. They seemed eager to know more and hear more about the company. One of them was cheeky enough that he did his own research on their company and would ask m ore in depth questions that actually made the members think.

Sighing to himself, Daesung decided to leave and go search for Seung Hyun. As he was walking out, he found to female students huddled outside in the hall giggling. “Aish, I wished he wouldn’t have been replaced. He was so fine,”

“And his eyes were amazing” The other one gushed, “What was his name anyways?”

“I don’t know, all I heard them call him was Mr. Choi.”

“How old do you think he is?”

“I don’t know, he looked kind of young” the other giggled, “I wonder if he would have gone out with me if I would have asked,”

“Dude, you’re a students, of course he was going to say no! He would see you as a minor,”

“Hey, I’m twenty-two, old enough, and capable,” both of them then burst out in a fit of giggles and Daesung left, not acknowledging them. They didn’t even seem to notice him when he got out and walked the opposite way. They just kept talking. He couldn’t believe how many people found Seung Hyun attractive, especially girls. It made him feel a little concerned about how he, a male could ever be looked at by Seung Hyun and be given a chance to be more.

After all, Daesung was sure he wasn’t that good looking.

At least, that is how he felt.

Going to the elevator he pushed the button for his floor and allowed himself to stop thinking about such things. He was good looking, no doubt about that. He was also worthy to be in love and have someone love him. With that thought in mind, he confidently walked out of the elevator as soon as it opened.  As expected it was empty there. Everyone was instead centered around the tenth floor.

Sighing to himself, he went to Seung Hyun’s office and opened the door. And there he was, asleep in his desk just as predicted.

Daesung wondered how he even got any work done around there. Smiling to himself, he walked over to his sleeping boss and for a moment felt a sort of warmth explode in his chest. He’d bet a million G’s that he’s the only one that has ever seen Seung Hyun, sleeping at his desk. It made him feel privileged. Reaching his hand out, he brushed a strand of hair out of Seung Hyun’s forehead.

Suddenly Seung Hyun shifted and Daesung moved back, flinching his hand back and hoping that he had not just been caught. Of course, Seung Hyun didn’t even open his eyes, he only sighed and repositioned himself in a more comfortable position.

“Dae, I’m hungry,” the man mumbled.

Daesung felt his mouth fall slightly open, “What?”

“Feed me Dae” Seung Hyun bemoaned, and then turned his head to face Daesung, opening one eye to look at him.

Daesung swallowed hard. “You want me to feed you…what?” he asked, shrugging his shoulder slightly.

“I don’t know,” Seung Hyun said.

Daesung stared at him for a while, and then suddenly Seung Hyun gave him a slow crooked smile. “Okay, let’s go get something to eat together,”

Daesung opened and closed his mouth a few times before he shook his head, “but there’s special catered food down stairs that I can get you something from. Why don’t you choose something and I’ll bring it up”



“Because the old farts decided on the food, and it isn’t exactly the kind of food that I want to eat right now” he said, and forced himself to sit up. His hair was slightly messy as he ran his fingers through it to try and comb it down just a bit. But right now he didn’t really care about how he looked. He was done for the day and all he wanted was to eat and just spend some tome with Daesung.

“Umm, Okay” Daesung stumbled back a bit, watching Seung Hyun closely, “Where do you want to go?” he asked as Seung Hyun pulled his tie out of it’s perfect knot and started to remove his jacket. Daesung swallowed.

Seung Hyun looked hot in his disheveled white button up shirt.

Seung Hyun hummed a bit, and then turned a bit to face Daesung before a smirk took over his face, and walked out the door towards the elevator. “I’ll surprise you.”

At those words, Daesung felt a chill run down his spine, but weather it was a good or a bad kind of chill he couldn’t decide, because his emotions were all mixed up right now. He took a step forward, and nearly stumbled on his own two feet as he caught himself and had to remind his body to calm himself. He had to relax and be cool!


The man jolted and rushed, “I’m coming!” he wailed, and got into the elevator that Seung Hyun was holding open for him and swallowed hard, despite his fast beating heart.

Where could Seung Hyun be taking him?

Despite Seung Hyun’s slightly careless driving, and a bout of road rage from other people while Seung Hyun laughed at their expense, they had made it out to a park just a the sun was setting. The sunset glow was nearly gone as they found parking, and stepped out of the car, locking it behind them.  

The park was large, and was known for holding events for both children and adult to just have fun and remember to enjoy life. Seung Hyun could always remember coming here as a child with his parents and his sister. He remembered these day’s as the best day’s that he ever had but not until now, had he remembered about how good it felt to come here and just relax.

The thought had not entered his mind until he remembered Daesung’s smiling face, and how his smile brought forth good memories. Why, he didn’t know, he guessed that Daesung’s smile was just infectious like that.

So tonight, he wanted to share it with him and only him.

Daesung on the other hand was left in awe, as he looked at all the colorful lights, and the colors of every event. Everything looked incredible and like lots of fun. And the food! It was all junk food like pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, and a lot more, but despite it being bad and greasy but it was also mouth watering to think about just sinking his teeth into something!

“Wow, this place is awesome” he said.

“Isn’t it?” Seung Hyun replied, his eyes shinning like a small five year olds as he looked all around him. He wondered where they should go to first? Maybe, he could let Daesung decide.

Daesung turned to look at Seung Hyun and his breath caught at the child like look on Seung Hyun’s handsome face and his heart felt like it had just melted and was now nothing but beating goop that begged for life. Daesung sighed in contentment, thinking that he could just watch Seung Hyun all day if he was given the chance.

When Seung Hyun turned to look at him, all thoughts melted and Daesung found himself nearly falling as his knees buckled. “Omo…” he whispered.

Seung Hyun smiled widely, “Where do you want to go first Dae?” he asked, excited to her his response.

The only thought that came to mind for Daesung was, ‘anywhere you want to go Seung Hyun and I will follow,’ but instead he shook his head and shrugged his shoulders trying to get his mind to come up with a proper response. He swallowed, and then looked around, “Lets…lets…” he statured, and then spotted a place with food, and the ICEE’s and pointed his finger “Let’s eat first!” he exclaimed.

Seung Hyun turned to look and nodded his head. “Let’s go,” he said.

Daesung followed him, watching Seung Hyun’s back as he went a little ahead of him. And then the thought entered his mind.

Tonight…it was such a beautiful night. And he wanted it to be special, for him and Seung Hyun. He wanted to convey his ever-growing feelings. And he wanted to do it tonight.

“Daesung,” Seung Hyun called, and Daesung was immediately at his side, pressing slightly onto his side. Seung Hyun smiled at him and looked at him expectantly. Daesung’s mind wondered for a bit, before the girl at the registered drew his attention on what he wanted. He quickly ordered what he wanted to eat, and Seung Hyun then grabbed his hand, leading him to a table.

Come on say something- his mind screamed.

Dasung sat down, and smiled at Seung Hyun.

Seung Hyun smiled back at him, “We should go check out some of the games they have here after we eat, and then we can go to the toy shop if you want?” Seung Hyun asked.

Daesung nodded, -why are you acting like such an idiot, just say it!- his brain snapped at him. “Sounds like fun” he muttered instead and kept biting his lips. After all, he was afraid of what Seung Hyun’s reaction would be to him. He was so afraid, so scared, but that is what gave thrill to the art of confessing to the one you want…

“You know you can let me know if there is anything you want to do” Seung Hyun added, fluttering his lashes a bit, and being playful with the stiff blushing man in front of him.

You have to use your words, or he’ll never understand.

“Seung Hyun” Daesung was shocked at how he said the name, and how his tone sounded so confident besides being all twisted mush inside.

“Yah?” Seung Hyun asked as he looked at him. He was looking at him and Daesung swallowed. He had to say it now or he never would say it. He had to take the risk, because that was what life was all about! There was never something safe. Nothing perfect. Just the now and living the now to the fullest. He took a deep breath.

“I love you”

Oh the horror XD Confessing is such a hard thing.

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Chapter 11: Wwwwwtfff I just read the whole story but but but u haven't updated since february SIGH
I need to know what the hell happened!!!!
GloriousMatilly #2
Chapter 11: OMG!!! YOU HAVE TO UPDATE!!! I wonder what happened.... I love this story! Continue! ^o^
yoaisummer #3
Chapter 11: Wat happen?wat happen?Y she cry?
tarepandasan #4
Chapter 11: Uh oh... What happened to chaerin?

Oh dae... That was a fail/success lolll
Chapter 11: You're back authornim... :)
yoaisummer #6
Chapter 10: Tis todae feel so amazing.Beautiful making love.Hehe~~~~^^
And Seunghyun still go back 2 the office from meeting 2 c Daesung.So sweet~~
And I can't believe it that I didn't subscriber it.I go and do nw.
Chapter 10: so... i can't describe this ... it's just amazing ...
IndigoGrey #8
Chapter 10: You literally came back with a bang lol

Seunghyun came back to see him despite his long day <3
Chapter 10: finally you comeback.. thanks for your update , and thats so sweet..hehe :3