Chapter Three

Seducing The Boss

Chapter Three

A full month later, and many attempts on his part, Kang Daesung had to admit- Choi Seung Hyun had won.

The man had remained and enigma all throughout the month. He knew nothing about his boss. Except maybe that he liked sugary black coffee and the occasional snack here and there. But other than that, he had nothing else on the man! It was getting frustrating to have to play these games with him. It really was.

Sighing to himself, Daesung decided he was going to buy some burgers for lunch today. Hopefully his boss would like it. As he stared up at the black and white menu, he noticed that the Cookie Oreo Ice cream was in special for this month, and a little burst of happiness entered his sullen spirit. He had been working hard this month for a boss he wished would notice him and would not! So why not, he deserved a treat.

So ordering his order, and grabbing his ice cream cup, he quickly grabbed a few straws and left for his work building. He happily sipped his ice cream through the straw and once he was back in the thirtieth floor, he walked directly into Seung Hyun’s office. The man was once again consumed by his documents that he didn’t look up at all.

In fact, Seung Hyun was feeling amazed and pleased with his employee’s seeing as just a couple of weeks ago they could have become bankrupt, and now his company was doing better than ever.

He briefly wondered what had changed.

“Here’s your lunch,” Daesung said, dumping the brown paper bag on the desk and turning his attention to his ice cream cup. Using the straw, he swirled it around, making sure the ice cream and whipped cream stuck to the red straw like a milky coat. He then brought it up to his lips, his tongue delicately peaking out to a straight line through it, before wrapping his lips around the end. He gently , and opened his mouth once more, to let more straw and ice cream into his mouth, before wrapping his lips around it again and slowly pulled it out. He sighed in delight and then turned the straw to wrap his lips on the side of the straw, where he had not been able to reach the ice cream.

“Do you always put on such y displays when you eat Ice cream?” Seung Hyun asked, making Daesung turn from his treat to his boss.

“Huh?” His eyes went large, “Oh sorry,” he said with a slight bow, “I should go eat at my desk,” he added and turned to leave. But before he could take a step forward, and out of the office he found his wrist caught. Filled with confusion he turned around to look at his boss and found him standing close to him, with an odd look on his face that made his heart race with anticipation.

Then without warning his boss leaned in and kissed him-on the lips!

Daesung’s eyes widened, his heart exploded, and his mind stopped functioning; making his hand go lax and he dropped the ice cream cup on the floor, spluttering the white creamy and cookie substance on the maple wooden floor. When Seung Hyun pulled away Daesung’s mouth moved open and closed, but he was sure he had forgotten to breathe because soon he gasped and slammed a hand to his lips.

“You taste like ice cream.” Seung Hyun said and then looked down at the splattered ice cream on his office floor, “Why’d you drop it?”

“You kissed me!” Daesung cried, taking several steps back and pointing an accusing finger to Seung Hyun.

“So?” his boss asked.

“Do…did It mean nothing to you?!” Daesung screamed, his face becoming red, and his eyes suddenly filling with tears that he didn’t think he should be crying. He should feel angry, not heartbroken! This was absurd.

“I like you,” Seung Hyun easily said, “And I like ice cream as well, it’s your fault for placing the both of you together,”

Daesung blinked, and tilted his head as he let the words sink in. “You like ice cream?”

“Yeah,” Seung Hyun said.

“You like ice cream,”

“Are you going to keep repeating it?”

“Oh god,” Daesung said grabbing his head and pulling on his hair, “You like ICE CREAM?” This was news; after all, this was the first thing for sure he could say that his boss actually liked something!

Seung Hyun sighed, and watched as Daesung had his own little melt down. On the mean while, he reached for the bag full of burgers and decided to eat and enjoy the horrific show. Once the man was composed it seemed like he was going to repeat it so Seung Hyun decided to kiss him again.

A moan exploded from Daesung’s lips, and he found himself bringing his hands up to wrap them around Seung Hyun’s neck, pulling him down to deepen the kiss. He couldn’t help it! It was plain and obvious that he had been craving his boss’s attention. Daesung was probably a special case. Or maybe Seung Hyun was the special case. Either way, Daesung had wanted a reaction out of his boss, and a wicked part of his mind was already thinking up scenarios on ual punishment.

Why did these thoughts only happen with Seung Hyun though?

Why was Daesung so confused, yet so willing?

But Seung Hyun didn’t seem angry with him, in fact he didn’t seem to think much of Daesung and that drove him crazy. So right now he felt as if he had just shot up to cloud nine in one fell swoop. With this little attention, he felt that there was hope.

Suddenly Seung Hyun’s hand s down to cup Daesung’s firm , and he smirked. “You’ve been a bad boy, coming into the boss’s office and dropping ice cream all over his floor, and not offering him any,” The man said in a y growly husk that sent shivers down Daesung’s spine.

“Are…are you going to punish me?” Daesung asked, hoping that his tone didn’t sound too hopeful at the thought. It was too embarrassing.

“Hm, let’s see,” Seung Hyun spun Daesung around. He then slammed the smaller man onto his desk, pushing him over the documents and wrinkling the papers. Daesung thought this was going somewhere really interesting. His was becoming hard by the second, and then all of a sudden the solid warmth that was his boss was off of him and crossing the room.

Disappointment welled up in him.

Okay, so maybe it wasn’t going to be that easy to get ed senseless by his hot boss. But when Seung Hyun returned, he kind of wished that he had not.

“What’s that?” he asked as he looked at the black lace and frilly material wrapped around the man’s arm.

“Oh this,” The man said the dress, “This is something that my friend left behind one time.” he vaguely said, seeming as if his eyes had gone hazy for one second, and then dropped the dress in Daesung’s lap, “It’s a Lolita outfit, put it on and clean the mess you made. “ Seung Hyun nonchalantly said as he walked back to his seat and sat down in his desk to do his work. He decided to finish his lunch as he worked.  

Daesung on the meanwhile watched him with complete disbelief.

“You’ve got to be kidding me”

“Are you back talking to me now?” Seung Hyun said in a cold tone, and he sharply looked down. His eyes were cold, fierce and fear struck Daesung before he gulped and shook his head.

“No sir,”

“Then” Seung Hyun plainly said and went back to work.

Daesung nodded, and started to strip. Every now and then he would look over his shoulder to see if Seung Hyun was looking at his bare chest, arms, legs, anything, but it seemed like the man was determined to ignore his presence in the room. Silently sighing, he finished placing on the final touches to the dress and with the dress on moved outside to grab a roll of napkins and returned, closing the door behind him to clean the room.

At first, he mournfully cleaned, but then an idea hit him.

He turned himself to the side, and bent down, making sure his was up in the air. He was sure it was, and exposed, as he felt the cool air caress the warm skin there.

He needed to think y thoughts, so he was sure that he was being y.

Standing once more as he finished his job, he walked over to his boss, and was shocked.

Seung Hyun had fallen asleep.

Gritting his teeth a little, Daesung decided to let him sleep. So much for the humiliation. He changed his clothes back to his original ones, picked up the last mess of the lunch and left. As soon as he was outside he packed his things and decided he had learned something new.

His boss didn’t seem to just like super sugary black coffee, it was obvious now that the man had a huge sweet tooth, and if the kiss was anything to go by, it was one of his weaknesses.

Yes, and he was going to use that weakness to his advantage!

Seeing Daesung leave early once again though, made everyone jump with worry as to what was going through their boss’s head, and they all got to working extra hard for that day. There was no way any of them was going to fall behind in their job and risk getting fired.

There was NO WAY!

Next chapter will be long, I promise. I know this was short DX hopefully your having fun at work :D

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Chapter 11: Wwwwwtfff I just read the whole story but but but u haven't updated since february SIGH
I need to know what the hell happened!!!!
GloriousMatilly #2
Chapter 11: OMG!!! YOU HAVE TO UPDATE!!! I wonder what happened.... I love this story! Continue! ^o^
yoaisummer #3
Chapter 11: Wat happen?wat happen?Y she cry?
tarepandasan #4
Chapter 11: Uh oh... What happened to chaerin?

Oh dae... That was a fail/success lolll
Chapter 11: You're back authornim... :)
yoaisummer #6
Chapter 10: Tis todae feel so amazing.Beautiful making love.Hehe~~~~^^
And Seunghyun still go back 2 the office from meeting 2 c Daesung.So sweet~~
And I can't believe it that I didn't subscriber it.I go and do nw.
Chapter 10: so... i can't describe this ... it's just amazing ...
IndigoGrey #8
Chapter 10: You literally came back with a bang lol

Seunghyun came back to see him despite his long day <3
Chapter 10: finally you comeback.. thanks for your update , and thats so sweet..hehe :3