Chapter Four

Seducing The Boss


Chapter Four

Sin, thy name is Ice Cream; Daesung decided as he purchased himself two cups full of sugary and cool ice cream cups from the restaurant about two blocks from his job. He had heard that the ice cream there was the best. It was suppose to be creamy and heavenly- Not that it mattered right now, he really was not sure if he was even going to get a taste of it-but he sure as hell was looking forward to seeing it smeared on Seung Hyun’s face. That is, if he could even carry out his plan.

He had learned already that whatever plan he had, it had to be thoroughly thought out because Seung Hyun had luck that ended up making things always work out in his favor. For once, Daesung wanted to win against him.

Okay, step one of purchasing Seung Hyun’s favorite treat was done.

Now it was time to return to work and get things into motion, which happened to be step two.

First, he had made sure that his boss had no meetings today. That would mean that the man would be free, and as always, holed up in his office. The perfect boxed in place where he could make sure his boss could not move far away, or fast enough, away from him.

Second had been actually coming up with his real plan of seduction, but at second thought as he felt his face burn-he decided he was just going to get pay back for his humiliation. Really, wearing a Lolita dress for no reason other than to clean had made him feel bad. He had expected more in a way, but right now he really wasn’t happy.  

Anger always did seem to calm his nerves down more than initiating something y ever could. With that in mind, Daesung headed to his boss’s office with determination in his every step.

Just as he expected, he found his boss deeply asleep as he came in.

Gently, he closed the door behind him, and walked over to his boss. He made sure that his steps were silent and stealthy as he made his way over. He tucked one of the ice creams into his forearm, and reached his left hand to shake Seung Hyun’s shoulder while calling his name to get him to wake up but the man was like the sleeping dead. Sighing, he set one of the ice cream cups down beside his boss and shook him harder, “Come on wake up,” he urged. “Wake up, wake up” he chanted.

Seung Hyun huffed in his sleep, and swung his arm out as he turned his head to face the other direction-in the process knocking the cup of ice cream down and sending it flying into Daesung. Where it decoratively painted Daesung’s shirt in cold milky substance, and splattered on the floor splashing cool droplets around his shoes and the bottom of his pants.

 Daesung couldn’t help but gap at the end results of his plan. That not had been part of it. None of the ice cream was suppose to end up on him, but then again, he had underestimated Seung Hyun’s luck.

“Fine,” he angrily said, and dropped the cup that he was still holding over Seung Hyun’s head, making the man gasp and jolt up, with ice cream now in his head. Seung Hyun blinked a couple of times, looking around the office before turning to Daesung and looking at him questioningly, “what’s on my head?” he petulantly asked, and reached to touch it.

Daesung took two step back, “Ice cream, I tried to wake you to give you yours, but you just swung out and made me drop it.”

At this point, Seung Hyun was convinced that he had a secretary for a klutz. “I see,” he said as he stood up.

“I’m so sorry!” Daesung apologized, but was ignored as Seung Hyun left the office and was from that moment on, gone. “Why does he always leave?” Daesung wondered as he cleaned his shirt with a cloth and went to do his work. “And where does he go?”

It was until mid afternoon that Seung Hyun reappeared again. “Go home,” he told him and went into his office, locking the door. Daesung only knew that he had locked it because he had tried to follow after his boss and ended up unable to open the door.

It made him feel guilt and sadness at the fact.

Maybe he had gone a little too far.

Dejectedly, Daesung started to pack up when all of a sudden a man dressed in a white and black outfit stepped out of the elevator, with a cart with both his hands as he pulled along with him three heavy looking packages.  Daesung set his papers down and rushed to help him. “Um, what’s all this?” he asked.

The man sighed, ruffling his hair from his hat that had panda ears on it. “Delivery for Mr. Choi Seung Hyun, all of them, is that you?” he asked, and held out a device “Please sign here.”

“I’m not Mr. Choi…” Daesung started.

“Oh, then where is he? I didn’t carry these three heavy packages all the way here for nothing.”

Daesung looked at the man more carefully, taking in his outfit. His outfit was a mock up of a panda, and on the side the man’s name was there. Seung Hyun. Ironic enough, Daesung thought as he sighed. “I’m his secretary; I can sign for them and ensure that he gets them,”

The man suspiciously looked him up and down, “Be sure of it. I don’t want my superiors telling me anything about not delivering,”

Daesung nodded his head, and reached for the device to sign.

Of course, at that moment, Seung Hyun walked out of his office, and walked over to Daesung. “I thought I told you to leave” he said, and looked at the other man.

“Hi!” The delivery man said, coyly smiling at the boss. Daesung stepped forward, and shoved the signed device to the other man. “I came to deliver these packages for Mr. Choi,” his tone was seductive and a y smirk pulled at the boss’s lips.

“I’m Mr. Choi,” he said, in a reminiscent husky growl.

Were they flirting? They were most definitely flirting! Was this jealousy? Damn, Daesung didn’t know. He just wanted the delivery man gone. “Thank you for the delivery,” he quickly said. “You can go now,” he added, and urged him to leave. The delivery man pouted at him, with a slight glare before flashing a smile to the boss and leaving with a little sway of hips.

Seung Hyun was obvious in his stare of pure male appreciation. “That guy was cute, don’t you think so, secretary?” Seung Hyun asked, as he turned to Daesung giving him a friendly smile.

Daesung felt crushed. “Not really,” he said and turned to grab the packages. “Are you going to want these in your office?”

“Uh, yeah” SeungHyun said, feeling confused about Daesung’s sudden actions. “What’s wrong? You seem to be off today,” he said.

“What do you mean?” Daesung asked, looking up at him with confusion.

“I mean, first you dropped ice cream on me earlier today, and now you seem to be even more distracted. Are you sure you just don’t want to leave to rest up?” Seung Hyun asked, looking at Daesung with genuine worry in his eyes.

It struck deep in Daesung’s heart. Those sharp eyes looking at him with such tender concern- it really got to him. “I’m okay, just you know a lot on my mind right now.”

“Let me help you,” Seung Hyun decided. He picked up one of the packets and took it to his desk. Daesung followed with another one, before rushing out to get the other one. Once he got back to the office he saw Seung Hyun ripping open one of them.

“What’s inside?” he asked.

“Well, if I am correct, is the heavy metal my own requested design of build it yourself bear brick,” Seung Hyun announced as he opened the first box, and a child like grin spread his face. His eyes shinned with glee as he reached down and caressed the bear brick head nestled in foam peanuts. It was perfect.

“Bear bricks?” Daesung asked as he looked down at the silver colored head. Seung Hyun nodded his head, bringing up the box to feel its heavy weight on his hands, the thick and smooth expanses of it, as well as the coolness of its texture as he ran his fingers through the slick metal. At the bottom of the head, there was a thick metal ring made of pure sterling silver.

“Yes, my favorite,” Seung Hyun said, before he placed the bear brick head down and turned to Daesung. “Shouldn’t you be getting home?” he asked, as he set the box down, and then set the other ones down as well. He was going to have to find a way to get those out of the room.

Daesung shook his head. “No, I’m okay really.”

“Okay then, get to work,” Seung Hyun said as he sat down and grabbed a document, once again going to avoid Daesung.

Daesung gaped for one second, before he turned around and headed out the door.

Thirty minutes later, Seung Hyun came out of his office, with a heavy looking bearbricks figure in his hands. It looked huge, compare to the sizes of the boxes, but also very silver and very shinny. Daesung gaped at it, but could only stare as Seung Hyun headed to the elevator and was gone. He could only guess that Seung Hyun had built up the bearbricks and was now heading out to go leave it home or something.

He only guessed that because for the rest of the day he didn’t see him.

Seung Hyun didn’t return once, and that made Daesung sadly pack his things and leave. It was around nine in the night, and a usual work day ended at six in the evening, with only a few people perhaps staying up to eight at night. No one really stayed any longer than that, so by the time it was nine and Daesung had decided to head towards the garage where all the cars usually were parked, he was the only one there.

It was lonely and kind of creepy to see the lot so empty.

He could even hear the heels of his shoes click as he walked the lonely journey to his car. He bit his lip as he looked around, keeping on alert in case something scary dared jump out at him. At one point, he really did think something scary and hairy might jump out of a corner and at him.

The thought alone made him quicken his pace until he was at his car. He opened the door and dumped his bag into the back before sitting down in the driver’s seat without looking in the back. He then shut the door of the car, locking it, and turned it on.

As soon as he did, the car filled with music. The song was Turn it up by a rapper name Top whom was currently very famous, and very much loved. Daesung couldn’t help himself to raise the volume on it, and dance to the music. He even started to sing with it as he let the car warm up, and he forgot his fears-that was until when he moved his head to the side and the corner of his eyes caught movement in the backseat.

He froze, and glanced up at the rearview mirror to see someone dancing in the back of the car, mocking the way he was dancing and adding a few of their own. He screamed loudly- he couldn’t help it really. His screams were further enhanced by the fact that he had slammed his hands into the horn that was in the wheel of the car. The large beeping sounds made the figure in the back cover his ears, and slightly laugh at the fact that Daesung still wasn’t done screaming and only paused to get a lung full more of air before he continued and then scrambled to open the door and push himself out.

Daesung still held his scream as he landed on the cold concrete, and pushed away with his feet, until he was at least five feet away from the car. He wanted to get up and run away like his mind was screaming at him to do, but at the same time it seemed so focused on that thought that it forgot to tell his body to actually stand up and run.

The figure, well person in the car reached over and turned off the radio, looking down at him with concern.

Daesung felt like his heart was going to explore as he stared at the familiar face of his boss. The scream that had been at his lips sort of died off, but he was panting hard, and it was still ringing in his ears. His eyes remained wide as the cat like lips of his God like boss curled at the side into a sinister smile, and a brief chuckle sounded from those tempting lips.

“That was…quite the scream really.” Seung Hyun hummed, looking at him with slight interest, “I didn’t know you had such a strong set of lungs,”

“I…I…I…” Daesung gapped, looking at him as if he was still seeing a ghost. He had to blink and scrub his eyes a couple of times before he could actually believe what he was seeing…

Seung Hyun sighed, “Well, are you alright?” he asked, as he tilted his head a bit, and leaned forward more to offer his hand to Daesung to take. He wanted to make sure the man was calm and help him get back inside. It was cold outside.

Daesung shook his head and slapped the hand away, his mouth moving as he backed away even more and then pointed an accusing finger “What are you doing in there! WHY! WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!” he demanded, his whole being shaking. His heart, it really felt like he had almost died!

“Well,” Seung Hyun said as he looked around the car, “This is a company car, and I happened to have the key to it. Also…I needed a nap and I didn’t think that taking one in my office was a good idea with you there.” he shrugged, “I was scared you would drop more ice cream on me. You do know it’s a crime to drop ice cream right? Aish, you have a lot to learn.”

Daesung couldn’t help it now; he dropped back until his head slightly collided with the solid floor and his back followed as he began to laugh. He laughed so hard that tears pierced at his eyes and his stomach hurt-before he started to cry as well. He sniffed, and held back his sob as he stared at the high ceiling of the lot, and the blinding white lights. Why? Why was his chest a mess of emotional blasts whenever Seung Hyun was around?

He tried to breathe, like he never had before, and closed his eyes. When he felt a shadow come over him, he opened them only to look up at the perfect face of the God of mischief, Choi Seung Hyun himself. The man that drove him crazy for no real reason, and had nearly killed his heart- him- and he was looking down at him, only him, and was looking down at him with deep concern.

“Are you alright?” his deep voice seemed soft, in a way, resounding in the other as it caressed his eardrums, and for a moment he thought he was dreaming.

“Yah,” he whispered before he closed his eyes again, “I just hope I’m not having some sort of night mare right now.”

“Aish, I’m not that scary am I,” Seung Hyun said as he crouched down and looked down at Daesung.  His hand reached down and he touched the soft sun kissed cheek. The way it was rounded reminded him of how Daesung always smiled so full. Always so bright and full of life, that the swell of his cheeks always looked so…

Seung Hyun traced the swell of check, before moving to curve his finger over Daesung’s soft lips. They looked so plump, pinkish, and he could feel Daesung’s hot breath touch the tips of his fingers…Seung Hyun his own lips as a thoughtful look crossed his face. His eyes locked with Daesung’s when he noted that the man was now watching him with some sort of expression on his face…but to tell the truth he really couldn’t even begin to discern the look.

Daesung on the other hand felt his breath hitch as he wondered what was going to happen next. But of course, much to his disappointment, and as expected, nothing did… and then the emotions on Seung Hyun’s face and thoughts were erased from his face.

Seung Hyun stood up. “I’ll need you to drive me home,” he suddenly said and Daesung’s eyes widened as his heart stopped for a second.  Was he really willing to get in that car again with the man that had nearly scared him half to death!


Seung Hyun pursed his lips. “I need you to drive me home,” he said as he opened the back door and got in. Daesung shook his head as he watched his boss.

“Why? Don’t you have your own car?” he immediately asked, before his face exploded to a red color and he lowered his head a bit. This was so embarrassing.

“No, I have a personal driver but it seems they left without me. Must of thought I had left already.”

“You have a personal driver?” Daesung asked, unable to believe how much he was learning about his boss.

“Yah, I’m not allowed to drive by law,” Seung Hyun said with a shrug, “The judge that revoked my license said I was a danger in the roads and that I was never to drive. Then assigned a personal driver to me, he gets paid by the city.”

Daesung stared at Seung Hyun with utter disbelief. “That…can’t be true…I mean no person can be that BAD at driving” he said, shifting a little in embarrassment of having to be here with his boss.

“Well, it’s true,” Seung Hyun said, sticking to his story with no buts what ifs and that can’t be true’s. He said it was because of this, and then it was because of this issue. Daesung still didn’t believe him though, but moved to get to his feet and nodded his head.

He took a deep breath before climbing back in the car, and sat back down in the driver seat. He closed the door beside him, locked it once more, and shifted the gears of the car to drive, before pulling off the parking lot and headed out. The lot was up to the third floor, so he had to drive down until he got to the first floor, and finally had to slide his car for admission to the outside.

Once out in the road, he glanced over the rearview mirror to Seung Hyun whom had fallen silent and seemed to be looking out of the windows to the outside. His dark eyes seemed so focus into the dark night that Daesung briefly wondered what he could be thinking before focusing back on the road.

Daesung drove for a while, when a thought hit him. He didn’t know where Seung Hyun lived. He was also a little scared to ask, so  nervously, as he gripped the steering wheel, he decided to ask. “So…um, where do you live?” he asked.

Seung Hyun looked over to him and told him where. Daesung gapped, seeing as he had been going the opposite direction this whole time. “You could always just…you know, turn in a u turn and you’ll be going in the right direction.” Seung Hyun said it as it solved every problem at that moment.

“No way, that’s illegal,” Daesung chastised. So he decided to wait until he could find a way that he could give a turn, before sighing in relief that he was going in the right direction.

Seung Hyun then shifted his attention from looking out the window to Daesung. He usually liked to tease Daesung because his secretary was really interesting. Not to mention a little cute. But often times he couldn’t tell what his secretary was thinking. It was as if the man wanted to tell him something but wouldn’t. Seung Hyun was wondering if maybe he should let Daesung have some time off.

He would surely be denied though.

But he could try.

“You can have tomorrow off, as an apology for this,” Seung Hyun spoke, and Daesung swerved the car a little as the sound of his voice jolted every nerve in his body. He glanced at the rearview mirror briefly before looking back on the road.

“What? No, I don’t need the day off” he said.

“Are you sure, you screamed so loudly back there I can only think I shaved years of your life away,”

“I’m fine, really,” Daesung insisted.

Seung Hyun hummed a little, not seeming to believe him at all. “Just to re energize yourself, really, take some time for yourself.”

“No, I’m fine, really, please, believe me” Daesung pleaded.

Seung Hyun sighed and nodded his head. “Alright, then I guess I will see you at work tomorrow,” Seung Hyun said and then tapped the back of the driver’s seat. “I live just down this block,” he said. Daesung nodded his head and stopped at Seung Hyun’s home. He allowed Seung Hyun to get off before he started to drive off.

He silently watched as Seung Hyun headed to his house-and what a house it was. It was like a huge mansion that Daesung had to wonder just how rich he was. Then again, looks weren’t everything. By that meaning that maybe that place was not as awesome as it looked. Sighing, he finally drove off and went home.

Yet on the way there he couldn’t help but to think that the drive had been short. That there could have been many other things he and Seung Hyun could have talked about in the drive. He had him all alone without the risk of someone popping in on them and he could have asked anything-like why did he ignore him all the time. But he couldn’t help but feel that he has just blown his chance and like he was never going to get it back now.

He should have asked-but every time he thought of anything to say when he was not defending himself it always got stuck in his throat. He couldn’t even begin to think of what he would say to start a meaningful conversation with him.

Maybe he should have mentioned the weather.

Once he was home, he actually felt himself relax, but at the same time he felt like he missed Seung Hyun along with a slight mixture of disappointment.

He couldn’t help but reflect on what had happened today as he went on by his nightly routine of taking a shower, fixing himself a snack, eating, drinking warm milk, brushing his teeth, and then going off to bed. His mind was so loud though, so filled with thoughts of how Seung Hyun had looked under the night sky, and how his skin had glowed under the orange glow of the lights on the street. The way his eyes had looked at him- the intensity of them. The way his voice sounded whenever he spoke to him-so deep bone chilling and skin melting.

Then there was the fact that he actually worried about him.

Daesung brought his hands up to his burning cheeks as he remembered how he had screamed in front of Seung Hyun. That moment had been so unmanly and so embarrassing. He was not sure if he could deal with going back to work tomorrow. He didn’t feel like being teased over it, and wouldn’t know how he would react if Seung Hyun brought it up.

He hoped that he didn’t.

Taking a deep breath, he finally dropped down on his bed and buried himself under his fluffy covers. He gripped his sheets and willed his mind to shut up. To stop thinking already-but that was difficult in itself.

It wasn’t until way past three in the morning when he was finally able to go to sleep-And the reason why Daesung was late to work the next morning. Not that he was in the mood to really think much of it, seeing as the sky was so cloudy and dark, reflecting his saddened mood.

By the time he got to work, Seung Hyun was already in his office working. Daesung entered and rushed towards him, in one hand hot steaming coffee and in the other a small cake. He couldn’t believe that he was so late! As he pushed open the door, panting hard and fast, he rushed to place everything down on Seung Hyun’s desk, but never made it. Instead, he ended up tripping over his own feet, making the hot coffee land on the desk, ruining the papers.

Seung Hyun’s cake ended up smooched on the floor and Daesung felt like crying as Seung Hyun quickly stood up so he would not be burned. The coffee ran from the desk, soaking papers, until it fell on the floor where it splashed, nearly hitting him. For a moment, he just stared at the mess in his desk and couldn’t believe what had just happened. He was about to ask what was Daesung’s problem with dropping everything, when he noted how distraught and broken the man on the floor looked. He looked so sorry and at the same time so lost that the words of anger got lost in Seung Hyun before they even left his throat.

Sighing, he picked up his jacket, and brief case.

“Come on; let’s go buy a new desk. I think it’s about time I threw this one out. Drive me please” he softly offered as he walked around his old desk and towards Daesung, offering his hand to him. “We can go eat before we go get it,’ he smiled, “You really should have taken the time off,”

Daesung looked at him perplexed, and allowed the words to sink in before nodding his head and taking Seung Hyun’s hand. There was sparks there, at the simple contact and he blushed. His face was flaming red as he felt Seung Hyun move his fingers around his and tightly squeeze them in an affectionate way. 

“Okay,” he shyly mumbled, and allowed Seung Hyun to lead him towards the elevator, holding his hand all the way.

I wanted to so BADLY add the next scene dude. -Although you might know what's coming XD lol- And to everyone else I hope you are enjoying it. 


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Chapter 11: Wwwwwtfff I just read the whole story but but but u haven't updated since february SIGH
I need to know what the hell happened!!!!
GloriousMatilly #2
Chapter 11: OMG!!! YOU HAVE TO UPDATE!!! I wonder what happened.... I love this story! Continue! ^o^
yoaisummer #3
Chapter 11: Wat happen?wat happen?Y she cry?
tarepandasan #4
Chapter 11: Uh oh... What happened to chaerin?

Oh dae... That was a fail/success lolll
Chapter 11: You're back authornim... :)
yoaisummer #6
Chapter 10: Tis todae feel so amazing.Beautiful making love.Hehe~~~~^^
And Seunghyun still go back 2 the office from meeting 2 c Daesung.So sweet~~
And I can't believe it that I didn't subscriber it.I go and do nw.
Chapter 10: so... i can't describe this ... it's just amazing ...
IndigoGrey #8
Chapter 10: You literally came back with a bang lol

Seunghyun came back to see him despite his long day <3
Chapter 10: finally you comeback.. thanks for your update , and thats so sweet..hehe :3