Chapter Five

Seducing The Boss

Chapter Five:

The day remained cloudy, and it even started to rain fat drops of water as they drove to a restaurant. It got hard to see out in the road, but turning on the windshield wipers took care of that. Daesung liked cloudy rainy days, but this was too much when he didn’t even have an umbrella. He doubted Seung Hyun even had one as well, seeing as this was Daesung’s car and not Seung Hyun’s. As it is, Daesung had attempted to drive, but feeling nervous, he had nearly backed the car out of the third floor lot, and to the ground where they could have completely died.

That is why Seung Hyun ended up switching places with him.

Seung Hyun in the driver seat could be described as cool casual with the hint of careless and perhaps a twist of insane. There were times that Daesung feared that Seung Hyun was going to ram forward into the cars in front of him. Especially when he wouldn’t stop fiddling with the damn radio trying to find his favorite station. It only got worst when he found Daesungs CD collection in the back seat. Don’t even remind Daesung of how Seung Hyun had swerved the car and ran a changing light as he turned to grab the case.  

It just didn’t end there though, Seung Hyun would be so consumed in switching the CD’s around that when either traffic started moving or stopped, he would break hard on the car or push to the limit and speed. What freaked Daesung even more was that Seung Hyun would let go of the wheel and keep driving, in his hands holding two CD’s like it was nothing.

“Please, look at the road,” Daesung sobbed, gripping the door beside him and his seat tightly.

Seung Hyun hummed at him with a carefree expression before reaching for a smoke inside of his pocket. He let go of the wheel just to light it up, making Daesung panic and watch the road with wide eyes, hoping that they wouldn’t crash. “We’re almost there.” Seung Hyun said as he sat up in his seat, and gripped the steering wheel again.

“Why…” Daesung tightly closed his eyes, already thinking that this horror ride from hell was never going to end. It seemed like a miracle that he was still alive.

By the time that they reached the restaurant, the rain had subsided and Daesung rushed out of the car to the ground, thanking the heavens that he was alive. Seung Hyun coolly stepped out of the car, puffing out a bit of smoke as he did and looked up at the Center Plaza, where there were chains of restaurants. his lips as he once again took a breath of his cigarette and let the smoke out of his lungs, he asked Daesung where he wanted to go eat. When he didn’t get a response he looked around. “Daesung?” he asked, walking around to the other side of the car, only to find the brunet on the floor breathing hard. “You feeling okay?”

“Aish.” Daesung huffed, balling his fists “Why…. why is it that when I’m with you…it feels like my heart is about to explode.” His voice became hushed as he said it, and felt the piercing feeling of tears trying to break free from his eyes.  

Seung Hyun gave him a confused look, shifting in his stance. “Well…” he trailed off.

“This is so hard,”

“What is?”

“You are.”

Seung Hyun looked down at himself before looking at Daesung again. “No I’m not.”

Daesung gapped at him, for the mere audacity that was Choi Seung Hyun, but decided to ignore him on that comment. “I just can’t anymore,” he whispered, but never got to finish what he was saying when all of a sudden Seung Hyun grabbed him by his arms and pulled him up.

It was like the man shook him out of his depressing thoughts and brought forth other, stronger emotions in him.  

“Come on, I brought you here to get food and then go get a desk,” Seung Hyun said, “I was right, you really do need that vacation time. You’re already braking down on me, aigo” he shook his head.  

Daesung briefly glared at him, but his eyes widened when Seung Hyun wrapped his arm around his and started to walk towards the large buildings of restaurants and malls. Daesung’s heart fluttered and his face flushed red when people looked at them with curious and interested looks. Seung Hyun seemed well oblivious to the looks, but for Daesung, it just made him want to hide his face.

He felt like he was on display.

He was not used to being out in public and being stared at, but he guessed it had to do with the fact that the man that he was with was gorgeous as all hell. If he had seen him walking down the streets he would stare as well. “They make killer sandwiches over here,” Seung Hyun said, braking through his thoughts, as he led the way to an unimpressive small time restaurant. It seemed run down, but once you stepped inside you got the feeling of home.

The place was small and considerable, but it had style. Daesung was more used to going to fast food restaurants where you got burgers and things like that, so a place like this was new to him. Although he was sure this was a fast food place as well, it was different from others he had seen. Seung Hyun asked him to sit down as he ordered for them.

Daesung did as he was told, but nervously would glance up to Seung Hyun to watch him order and then he would stare at his hands. He felt hopeless, and unable to figure out what to do with himself. When Seung Hyun sat down next to him, all he had to do was wait for the food. Daesung shifted nervously in his seat not knowing what to say.

The silence seemed to stretch and Daesung wanted to fill it, but when he looked at Seung Hyun he could see that the man was actually pretty content with the silence. Daesung stared at him in awe, wondering how he could remain silent for long periods of time without saying a word. Without being bothered that he had yet to say anything. Seung Hyun looked like he was in his own world, and in that world he seemed to be well entertained and so far away. He had to admit, Seung Hyun was amazing. The man glanced up and looked at him starring before smiling and looking off to whatever else had his attention now.

Daesung wished he would stare back at him-as embarrassing as the thought was. But at the same time, he didn’t feel so bad that he was starring at Seung Hyun. It was almost as if he had Seung Hyun’s permission to stare at him.  

“Here you are a Philly Steak sandwich and a Reuben Sandwich,” the waitress said as she placed both plates down in front of them. She then placed two foam soda cups down and pulled some straws from her apron. “If you fellas need anything else, I ma be over there at the cash register,” she smiled, while tucking the red tray she had used to carry it under both her hands like a book and left.

Seung Hyun reached over for the Reuben sandwich and started to eat.

Daesung stared at his with hesitation, but decided to give it a try. He was glad he did, it tasted so good. As he swallowed what he was eating he looked up at Seung Hyun whom was looking at him with a smile. He seemed to be waiting for his reaction and that made Daesung’s face explode into a red color like it usually did. Seung Hyun was starting to enjoy the different shades of reds that Daesung’s face could become. For a moment, they seemed to play the staring game and soon Seung Hyun raised an eyebrow, before wiggling them, and giving him a toothy grin that made Daesung squirm as his heart fluttered with different emotions.

“So, what kind of desk do you want to get?” Daesung decided to ask as his cheeks flamed. He subconsciously brought his hand up to wipe off any remaining crumbs he might still have near his mouth and contemplated taking another bite of his sandwich.

“I don’t know, I haven’t decided yet,” Seung Hyun said.

“Oh,” Daesung said, “Well I guess you can choose when we get to the store,”

Seung Hyun nodded, taking a bite of his own sandwich. He seemed to have a thoughtful look on his face as he chewed his food. “Where exactly do they sell desks anyways?” he asked as soon as he had swallowed.

Daesung nearly choked on the piece of sandwich he had been currently chewing, and swallowed hard.  “You don’t know?” he asked, perplexed.

Seung Hyun shook his head. “I don’t get out much.” He admitted.

“You didn’t seem to struggle in finding this place,” Daesung said as he looked around.

Seung Hyun kept eating, and not seeming to pay attention anymore. Daesung felt disheartened as he reached for his cup of soda. “I googled it.” Seung Hyun suddenly said, making Daesung look up at him in shock.


“I googled this place…some time ago when I was hungry and walking around. I ended up here before I was found out.”

Daesung gapped. “What do you mean found out?”

“Ne, my sister had her men servants look for me,” Seung Hyun scoffed, “Said that I had no potential in wondering around alone as I was more prone to get lost and end up in another city or country. I was placing myself in some danger or the other. I love my sister, but I just don’t get her. Tch, older sisters,” Seung Hyun said. “As if I can’t take care of myself”

Daesung kept gapping. He wouldn’t have thought that Seung Hyun would have opened up to him this much. “You have an older sister?” Daesung gapped.

“Yeah,” Seung Hyun nodded as he grabbed his own cup to drink.

Daesung closed his mouth. “I have one too,”

Seung Hyun placed his cup down, “Then you know my pain right?”

“Yah, but I’m guessing your sister is just making sure you are safe. You do tend to get lost in your own world”

“I do?” he asked, and seemed to think about it for a second before he shrugged. “I don’t see it,”

“Yah, of course not,” Daesung muttered.

Seung Hyun smiled at him.

Both of them continued to eat in silence, until they had to leave. Then Seung Hyun brought out his Iphone and started to use the internet in it. Daesung wanted to peek and see what he was doing, but of course, Seung Hyun kept stopping, and walking and then turning and going in odd directions. Daesung had to wonder what he was doing and finally they came to stop at what seemed like a large block of concrete with a list of places, and a map on it.

“We’re here!” Seung Hyun eagerly pointed to the red dot in the board that said ‘you’re here.’  It almost seemed as though he had made a great discovery.

“Ne,” Daesung said, looking at Seung Hyun and then at the board. When he read a few lines he understood what Seung Hyun was doing, but he just couldn’t figure out what his Iphone had helped him decipher…these block things were around all over so if you needed help finding something you would be able to look at the map.

If he was correct they had passed three of them already and this one was the fourth.

“And we need to be over here,” Seung Hyun said, pointing at a building with a letter and number. If you looked at the legend at the bottom you could see that it was a furniture store. Daesung looked at the direction and sighed.

It was on the other side where they had just come from. “Um…boss…” Daesung tried to say something but Seung Hyun turned to Daesung with a determined look on his face.

“Let’s go,” he decisively said. His Iphone was still held tightly in his hand as if it would show him the way.

Daesung decided to follow him.

This was almost too funny, and at the same time he couldn’t help but to think that it was a little bit adorable. Seung Hyun probably thought if he googled directions around the store it would lead him where he needed to be. He wouldn’t have doubted that Seung Hyun had looked up information about the mall they were in and read about the maps placed around to show them the way.

Of course, he also learned that Seung Hyun’s sense of direction was shot. The man made a wrong turn and at that point, Daesung grabbed his arm and lead him to the right direction. “Aigo, Seung Hyun, you have to come this way. Remember, the map showed a left turn here,” he said.

Seung Hyun looked like he was not sure. “Really? I thought it was a right.”

“Just trust me,” Daesung sighed.

Seung Hyun looked reluctant to do so, but then wrapped his own arm around Daesung’s, and allowed him to lead the way. Daesung smiled at him, as his heart fluttered. He tried not to think about how people were staring, or the fact that Seung Hyun was so close to him-nor the fact that he had his arm around his.

The feel of it there was amazing, really, and it made it a little hard to concentrate so he forced himself to. He was relieved when they reached the store. Seung Hyun looked it up and down, reading the title before nodding his head and walking inside.

Daesung followed after him.

Once they were inside, they walked around looking at all the different furniture.

There was a section for bookshelves and tables for dinner. They walked around the store looking around, and finally they found what they were looking for in the back. Office desks, with the office chair and everything-Seung Hyun was already thinking about how he was going to maneuver a massive desk into the car that they currently had.

Daesung on the other hand wondered which desk they would get.

“Maybe we can tie it up on the roof of the car with a rope.”

Daesung turned to him and said, “Huh”

Seung Hyun looked over to him, well over Daesung’s head, and charmingly smiled. Daesung froze, and looked over his shoulder to see whom Seung Hyun was smiling too and saw a petite woman scurry her way over to them.

“Hello guys, how may I help you today?” she asked, bowing her head.

“I want a desk,” Seung Hyun said. “A black one,”

“Um,” she looked thoughtful before signaling them to follow them. She led them to the middle of all the desks and pointed to two of them. Both pitch black with different attributes. “These are about the only two black ones that you will find,” she said in an apologetic tone.

Seung Hyun walked over to each desk, looking it over, and seemed to like the one from the far left. “How much as this one,” he asked and the sale’s girl started to tell him how much it would cost. What would happen if he put it in his credit and paid in installments. Daesung stared at him as he talked with the girl.

Half the things that were being said, Daesung didn’t understand them, but Seung Hyun seemed to know what they were talking about. He even seemed to know when he was striking a deal in the desk and even got the girl to throw in the chair for little to or no charge. At least, Daesung thought that is what happened. Because, before he knew it they were being lead to a check out area, and the girl brought out a cart so that they could take the boxed desk and chair.

Daesung gaped at it. “Are we going to have to build it up?” he asked.

“Yeah, it’s easy though.” The girl said with confidence. “It’s just a matter of following the instructions. They are inside the box.”

“Can’t you have it built up here?” Daesung asked.

The girl shrugged, “Sure, I guess…but would you be able to take a built up desk?” she wondered.

“This is fine,” Seung Hyun interjected. “They will fit in the car this way. I’ll build it up.”

The girl smiled in relief. “Great.” She said and she charged the items. Seung Hyun handed her a credit card, and as soon as his receipt and card were handed back to him, he and Daesung turned towards the cart. The girl on the other hand was called to help another customer.

“So…how are we going to get this thing out of here?” Daesung asked.

“Aish,” Seung Hyun said as he walked around and pushed the cart, “let’s see if we can get out from the same way we came in through,” he said, pushing the cart forward. Daesung helped him, seeing as it was heavy, and had to pull Seung Hyun along so they would keep a straight path before they ended up going all around the store just trying to get to the exit.

“Watch out!” Daesung cried, before they hit into the wall, missing the entrance door by a few inches. Okay, that’s an utter understatement. It was by a few feet.

Daesung’s heart was pounding as he turned to glare at Seung Hyun. “Come on, we could have totally broken through the wall.” Seung Hyun huffed. He was sure that heavy desk and chair could make quite an impact.

“Be serious please” Daesung pleaded.

Seung Hyun sighed, and nodded his head, helping Daesung turn the cart so they could head outside. The moment that they did though, they looked up at the rainy sky. The drops were slow for the moment, but coming fast.

“Aish, I wouldn’t have thought it would start to rain again,” Daesung said.

“We better hurry back to the car,” Seung Hyun said, pulling on his suit jacket, hating to be wet. He didn’t even have the proper sweater or clothes to be in the rain.

Daesung at least had a sweater on.

“Yah,” Daesung nodded, and they started to push the cart. It wasn’t until they reached another part of the store that they had not remembered passing that they noted that they had gone the wrong direction. Well at least one of them noted that they were going the wrong direction. “Omo, we’re lost,” Daesung said.

The rain was coming down faster now, with thicker drops. “Aish, I’m getting wet Dae, where do we go now?” Seung Hyun looked at Daesung as if he had the correct directions.

“We have to turn back,” Daesung huffed.

Seung Hyun nodded and started to turn the cart when all of a sudden a loud thunder clap sounded and the sky flashed with white.

Both Seung Hyun and Daesung jumped, and looked at the sky with frightened looks. The rain suddenly started pouring down like a shower head in a bath tub, and drenched both of them in cold water.

“I’m outta here,” Seung Hyun said, and started to push the cart with even more force, until it was practically skiing across the open area of the mall. Daesung was scared that it was going to go off crashing somewhere, but instead it ended up going off the sidewalk and into the street. All the way he had to chase after Seung Hyun’s long strides, and then when he could, he grabbed the cart so he could keep pace with him.

“Aigo, let’s get back on the sidewalk,” Daesung pleaded.

Seung Hyun looked at him like he was crazy. “No way, the street is safer.” Suddenly a car zoomed passed them, honking. “Yah, I’m driving over here! Watch where you are going!” Seung Hyun angrily hissed at the driver that had honked at them, but the car was already turning to leave the mall. “es can’t even consider that we as pedestrians have the right of way.” He darkly muttered.  

“True,” Daesung nodded as they continued to push the cart down the road.

Behind them a few more cars came, but they seemed to be more patient.

“Damn, I think we’re holding back traffic,” Daesung said as he looked over his shoulder to the people whom were all staring at them. Some people that were inside the malls or restaurants pointed at them as they looked at them in awe as they braved the rain and held back traffic to move at their pace.

“It’s our right,” Seung Hyun insisted as they continued on their way.

“Aish,” Daesung worriedly kept looking over his shoulder as everyone seemed to be starring at them. It was kind of embarrassing-even more than before.

“We’re almost there,” Seung Hyun said, and when they reached a down slope, they slid the rest of the way. By the time that they reached the car, Daesung fumbled with the keys and opened the trunk.

Seung Hyun reached down to pick up the chair out of the cart, and did it with ease. The desk though, was not so easy. “Damn, this thing is heavy,” Seung Hyun hissed. He glared at the package and then at the falling rain.

Daesung moved to try and help him and grunted as he tried to lift the heavy desk. “How did that girl get it on here?” he wondered.

“I have no idea, she must have some muscles,” Seung Hyun said.

“But she looked so small…” Daesung’s eyes widened at the thought that the small girl was stronger than them.

“Or she could have had someone help her in the back,” Seung Hyun said as he better thought of it.

“Yeah, like some strong man…”

“Or men…”

Seung Hyun and Daesung looked at each other.

Then they bursted out laughing, for no reason at all, “Aish, on the count of three we both get it in here,” Seung Hyun said.

“Kay, but be careful lifting it,” Daesung said, as he had been taught that when lifting something heavy you had to use the strength in your legs to save your back.

“Ne,” Seung Hyun said, “Okay…One, Two” and he lifted it.

Daesung’s eyes widened and tried to lift it, but Seung Hyun had already stopped. “Yah! I thought you said at the count of three!” he hissed.

“Yeah, One two, and then lift because it’s three” Seung Hyun insisted.

Daesung glared at him. “Say three instead!” he chastised. Both of them had their hair flat to their faces, and rain drops running down their faces and chins. They were wet and Seung Hyun was starting to get irritated with being drenched in cold rain. His fingers were frozen, his nose was frozen, and he was wet! It wasn’t a good feeling.

“Alright, let’s do this quick then.” he said. “One, two…three” he made eye contact with Daesung and then they lifted the box of the desk at the same time, managing to flip it over, and into the car. Daesung smiled widely as he shoved the desk deeper in so he could close the trunk.

Seung Hyun looked triumph as well. The two of them together had been able to lift the desk and somehow that felt rewarding.

“Close it, so we can leave,” Seung Hyun said as he moved the cart away and went to stand under a tree that seemed to be blocking the rain. Daesung nodded his head and closed the trunk, and then opened the car as he went to get in. When he noted that he was the only  one in the car he wondered where his boss had gone.

He glanced where Seung Hyun had gone, and found him brushing the water out of his dark hair, and then twisting his shirt to get rid of excess water. He looked so handsome. Well, Stunning really was the word. The way his skin was all wet like that, and how his hair seemed to stick to his cheeks, forehead, and nape. How it seemed to curl a bit at the ends like a gentle caress. The glow of his skin, a light shaded tan but still pale- Even the way his wet clothes clung to his body was y and awe inspiring.

Daesung swallowed hard as he felt the words in his throat die for a moment. The time seemed to pass and he found his voice again. “Seung Hyun, you should get in the car so we can leave!” he called out.

Seung Hyun whom was focusing on keeping dry looked up at Daesung like he was crazy. “Wait until the rain settles down a bit,” he said.

Daesung made a face. “But you’re already wet, just hurry.” Daesung insisted.

Seung Hyun looked up at the sky as if he didn’t trust it. Daesung sighed, and leaned on the side of the car, still getting wet. It seems like Seung Hyun was determined on being difficult no matter what.

Seung Hyun stood where he was, rubbing his hands together trying to gain some warmth as he looked towards Daesung. The man looked so sad, and he had to wonder if he was the reason why he was looking like that. Gulping down, and watching as the sky shifted with dark clouds, and how lightning painted it suddenly, he stepped out from under the tree and walked over to the car, and opened the driver seat. “Alright, let’s go.”  He said and sat down, frowning at the thought of getting the seat wet.

Daesung gapped, and then rushed to get inside the car, wondering what had made Seung Hyun change his mind and come over to the car. Once he was seated with his seatbelt he noted that Seung Hyun had yet to turn on the car as he looked at all the different controls in front of him. He seemed to be debating over something, and in the end, switched a couple of things. Like The AC to the heater, and then he seemed to have it so it would blast on high.

Daesung wanted to tell him that he had to turn on the car before he adjusted any settings, but at that moment Seung Hyun the car and as soon as he did a blast of hot air hit both of them. Daesung gapped at the car, since usually when he the heater it would come out cold. It was also raining and it was cold, so he would have thought it would take some time for it to turn hot.

How had Seung Hyun done it?

It had nothing to do with the fact that he preset everything before turning on the car, that wouldn’t have changed anything.

“Hopefully we can get dry by the time we get back to the office,” Seung Hyun said as he reached for his seatbelt and clicked it.

Daesung suddenly remembered why he hated getting in the car with Seung Hyun driving it and as he recklessly backed out, he gripped his seat and the door as the car sped out of the mall parking lot. He was praying to anyone listening to keep him safe and alive with a mad man like Choi Seung Hyun driving the car.

Seung Hyun started to fiddle with things again, and made a sound of success when he managed to turn on the windshield wipers. Daesung could do nothing but stare at him in pure utter disbelief. Seung Hyun really was unbelievable.

In fact, if anyone ever asked him about this experience, he doubted that they would ever believe him. It seemed so out of this world and not possible.

When Seung Hyun’s hand reached to turn on the radio, Daesung placed his hand over his and stopped him. “Wait no, I’ll do it. I’ll put the music,” he insisted. Seung Hyun glanced at him and nodded his head, placing his hand back on the wheel. Daesung sighed in relief, and then the radio. The volume was low as he flicked from station to station, and finally he just turned it up.

As soon as he did, the intro to a familiar song played.

`~A~meoriya daeume namuljom~ eu... Sok sseuryeo geogi nugu eopseoyo?~~

And when they heard the first lyric of the song, otherwise known as ‘What do you want’ by the famous singer/rapper, GD, both Daesung and Seung Hyun Whooped loudly! “WHOOOO!! YEAH!! “


Daesung couldn’t stop himself from raising the volume to the max.

“Omo, its GD!!” Seung Hyun said, excited like a small kid.

“I know! I love all his songs!” Daesung cheered.

" HEY HEY HEY geudae kajimarayo Geudael geureolkkeomyeon charari...." Both of them started to sing to the song, and dancing to it. Those few minutes of singing and bonding over GD’s singing, were like heaven. Daesung had forgotten to be scared or for that matter shy or embarrased, and it seemed like as long as Seung Hyun was dancing, he could drive pretty well. Really, he drove like a pro.

Of course, as soon as the song ended, they lowered the volume as they started to lively chat. “Omo, you just have to love the way GD’s voice sounds, aigo, in every song is like he brings a new feel to it,” Seung Hyun gushed.

“I know what you mean; he’s like a slice of heaven on earth to listen to.” Daesung gushed as well, and then blushed as he started to loudly laugh.

Seung Hyun gripped the steering wheel as they came to a stop and glanced at Daesung, chuckling at how watching Daesung laugh with so much gusto made him smile so big. It was good to see Daesung smile like that. It suited him. “Aish, what’s so funny?” he asked.

Daesung was having a hard time catching his breath as he sunk down in his seat, laughing loudly and turned to look at Seung Hyun with a bright expression.

“I think we are,” he admitted, causing Seung Hyun to laugh as well.

As the car ride went, both of them grinned widely and talked about different artist that they both liked and even blasted more music that they liked.

Compared to how the day had started the ride back to their work office was a lot shorter but Daesung wished that it could have lasted forever.

He wouldn’t mind spending even more time with Seung Hyun. He was starting to think that maybe he was in love-either that or he was going through his girly PMS thing that his sister claimed he went through and became highly emotional or something like that- but Daesung was thinking he was sure it was just that he was falling in love.

He liked Seung Hyun…and he liked him A LOT-and even more as the days seemed to pass.

But…what did Seung Hyun feel for him?

Aish, I'm currently addicted to--- XD lol. hope you all like it! You too dude standing there doing so much work...don't break your neck trying to finish this! Added the final scene just for laughs.

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Chapter 11: Wwwwwtfff I just read the whole story but but but u haven't updated since february SIGH
I need to know what the hell happened!!!!
GloriousMatilly #2
Chapter 11: OMG!!! YOU HAVE TO UPDATE!!! I wonder what happened.... I love this story! Continue! ^o^
yoaisummer #3
Chapter 11: Wat happen?wat happen?Y she cry?
tarepandasan #4
Chapter 11: Uh oh... What happened to chaerin?

Oh dae... That was a fail/success lolll
Chapter 11: You're back authornim... :)
yoaisummer #6
Chapter 10: Tis todae feel so amazing.Beautiful making love.Hehe~~~~^^
And Seunghyun still go back 2 the office from meeting 2 c Daesung.So sweet~~
And I can't believe it that I didn't subscriber it.I go and do nw.
Chapter 10: so... i can't describe this ... it's just amazing ...
IndigoGrey #8
Chapter 10: You literally came back with a bang lol

Seunghyun came back to see him despite his long day <3
Chapter 10: finally you comeback.. thanks for your update , and thats so sweet..hehe :3