Chapter 9

Two Hearts and an Angel


Chapter 9



“LUHAN-OPPAAAAAA!!!” My voice suddenly formed my lips in excitement I run towards him and hug him.



I slowly slap his right arm and said



“Yah!! I missed you!”



“I missed you too princess. I’m such in a wrong timing Lay is in a bad mood.” Luhan-oppa bro-fist with gege.


“Just chill bro.” He said to gege.


“How could I chill in this situation? And since when did you come back?” My brother asks.



“Just this morning and I decided to visit the studio because you mentioned that every Sunday you rehearse here.” Luhan-oppa replied.


I cling to him as he talks to my brother.


“Luhan stop it you’re disturbing me I was in the middle of asking these two young men why they are pulling my sister earlier.”  Gege realize that Luhan keeps him off the situation.hehe



“Being a protective brother again?hehe I saw them earlier it was just a misunderstanding between these two guys so don’t make it such a big deal Lay. Right Princess?” Luhan-oppa winked at me.


“Ye—yes gege, it was nothing serious so don’t worry.” I lied.


I just don’t want gege to get mad if he finds out what is really happening between the three of us. Thank goodness Luhan-oppa arrived and he saved us.



“Are you sure? Aren’t you hurt?” he asked worriedly.


“I’m ok and I’m NOT HURT.” I emphasized.


“Good and the two of you if ever this is going happen again better get ready for I will pull all the bones in your body. Araso?” Gege threatened Sehun and Kai as he points out his index finger to them and the two just nodded obediently.


Lay-gege Kě pà de [Lay-oppa scary] ” Luhan-oppa teased.


“Zhùkǒu!! [shut up!] Let’s get inside everyone.” Gege said.













*Opening of School Festival*


I stretch my body as I wait for our turn to give a dance number. Luhan-oppa is in the audience with bessy Hana and Sehun. Lay-gege should be here with Luhan-oppa but he got some business to do so it’s just Luhan-oppa.



“Let’s all welcome the school’s dance guild!!” The emcee announced.


And we got on stage to perform a hiphop dance.

The music’s beats fill my soul as I sway every part of my body, the movements I make is not alone for I have my guild mates, our angst, love, anger, happiness were all converted to a dance.


I move and move to the music, I can feel my sweats forming in my body but I don’t care as long as I can dance for myself and for everyone.


And the 6mins of dancing ended as the crowd applauses.


After our performance I immediately run to Luhan-oppa and the others.



“Bessy!! You’re so great! Gosh. I’m so proud of you.” Hana complimented.


“Thank you.” I replied.


“Great moves princess. I would make Lay envy because he’s not able to see your performance.ahaha” Luhan-oppa said planning some evil plan.


“Lily,uhmmm—uhmm—uhmm...” Sehun hesitates.


“What is it Sehun-sshi?” I asked.

“Uhmm..nothing. Your performance was excellent.” He said.


“Thank you :)” I smiled.



Then someone suddenly called Sehun to go because they are going to start their class event which is “The Horror Room”. He bid goodbye to us and left. Our class is having a “Cosplay Cafe” the waiters and waitress were dressed in anime costumes and thank goodness I was in the decors committee I would never get to wear and embarrass myself in front of the crowd. Whereas my best friend here is in the kitchen committee she’s in charge of cooking the dishes what a very tiring work but she’s a good cook and she likes cooking so it’s ok for her. A moment later she also left me with Luhan-oppa.


“I think I need to go also.” Luhan-oppa said.


“Wae? Please stay for a little bit I will tour you around :)” I’m trying to convince him and doing a puppy eyes.


“But I need to meet someone...” he didn’t finish his sentence and said “Ok, I’ll just cancel it.”


“Yey!! Thank you Luhan-oppa! Before I tour you around can I change first?” I said.


“Sure.” He replied.


So, I went to the girl’s rest room and change to my casual clothes then Luhan-oppa accompanied me to put something in my locker.


As I open the door of my locker I am so surprise of these cute sneakers.




Another gift from unknown prince :)



Wear this in your performance today princess.

It really suits you

Good luck!!



Too late I didn’t check my locker earlier >.<

But thank you this is so cute.



“Wear this in your performance today princess. It really suits you, Good luck!!” Luhan-oppa read the note.


“Woah! Who give this to you? That’s really cute and whoever give that to you he’s right it would really suits you.” He said.


“Luhan-oppa?? Please don’t tell this to gege.” I beg.

“Huh? Why??” he asks.


“Actually I don’t know who give this to me but he has been consistently giving me surprises everyday and leaving a note. And if ever gege will found out about this I’m sure he will find this person.” I explained.


“What? That’s really true he will find that guy but isn’t it great you’re going to meet him.” He teases




“Ok, ok, I won’t tell him but make sure when something’s wrong is happening you will tell me, araso?”


“Yes oppaa, kamsahamnida :3”


“Anything for you princess.” He said.




That’s when it strikes me.

He always calls me princess.

Why didn’t I think of it? Lily babo!!

Luhan-oppa always calls me PRINCESS

Could it be him? My unknown prince? I think he’s just pretending earlier that he didn’t know about it and well he’s good in hiding things like that.

But he just arrived here yesterday and the surprises already started last week. He could just lie about his arrival or he could pay someone to do it for him.


I can’t keep calm. Is it really Luhan-oppa?

Ne? Aniyo? [Yes? No?]

Ne? Aniyo? [Yes? No?]

Ne? Aniyo? [Yes? No?]




“Are you ok? Are you hungry? Or something?” Luhan-oppa asks as he waves his hands across my face to catch my attention.


“I’m ok, let’s go and grab something to eat oppa.” I said.


“Where?” he asks.


“In our cosplay cafe first :)” I replied.




As we enter the café the waitress in maid outfit greeted us in Japanese language which is “irrashai-masen  goshujinsama, ojousama”[ welcome master, mistress] and lead us to a table near the small center kitchen to have a view of my bessy Hana while cooking. The room is not that crowded because it’s still early. We analyze the menu for a little bit and ordered some dishes.



“May I take your order goshujinsama, ojousama?” the cute maid asks.


“What is your order princess?” Luhan-oppa asks.


There he goes again with that word PRINCESS.

It makes me feel uneasy.

We are like on a date >///<

ANIYO!! Luhan-oppa is just a big brother to me how come I am blushing?


I shook my head to erase those thoughts.


“Don’t you want to eat princess? This is my treat don’t worry.” He smiled.


“Uhmm, I’m sorry I was just thinking something oppa.”

Then I scanned the menu.

“Can I have this lasagna and a cookies n’ cream bubble tea please.” I ordered.


“Please make that two bubble tea; I’m a bit hungry so one gyudon and two servings of this cali-maki.” He added.


The maid repeated our order and head out to my awesome bessy Hana. I take some pictures while she’s cooking in a cute maid outfit. She’s a bit shy but she needs to work she even threatened to poison us as I . Minutes later our orders were serve and we eat. Luhan-oppa also took some pictures to make Lay-gege regret he didn’t come. The food is great of course because my bessy cooked it. After we ate we had a group picture with the cosplayers and we bid goodbye to bessy.


As we leave the cosplay café the staffs thank us in Japanese “Arigatou gozaimasu Goshujinsama, Ojousama” [Thank you master, mistress]


“Doitashimae” [You're welcome] Luhan-oppa said and bowed.


And I also bowed.


“You can speak Japanese oppa?” I ask him.


“Just a little bit.” He smiled.


“So where are we going?” he added.


“Somewhere there, let’s go.” Then I hold him and drag him here and there.


We stroll half of the school we eat some foods as we are on our way because Luhan-oppa keeps on telling that he misses to eat this and that then we ended up buying and eating everything that is sold in the stands.


“Whoa, oppa!! I’m so full. Can we stop eating for a bit? And let’s get some rest.” I said while catching my breath from a little run.


A while ago I was the one dragging oppa but in the end he’s the one dragging me anywhere that catches his sight.


“Mianhae princess. I guess we should rest here for a bit. Did you get tired from my dragging? Mianhae.” He said worriedly.


“Just a little bit, I never thought you would actually love it here. You’re like a kid oppa.hehe” I chuckled.


 Oppa scatch the back of his head in shyness.


“I suddenly feel excited of everything in here. I miss high school.” He said.


“Ahahaha...” I just laugh in no reason Luhan-oppa is so adorable.


Then he sneers and pulls my cheeks.

“Yah!! oppa!! It hurts!! Owww..” I said.


But he still keeps on pulling and playing with my cheeks.

He’s being a kid today really!

Then he stops playing with my cheeks and laughs.


“Yah! stop making fun of me. I hate you oppa.”


Suddenly I felt something is on my wrist and as I look at it.






I looked at oppa.





“Please enjoy our love chain for the whole day.” A girl said as she locks our wrist in a couple handcuff.


“What?!! Yah! release us.” I commanded.


“You can only be release if you can find me. And you will pay me 650won per hour until you find me.” She said and run away.


“Yah!! Yah!! Yah!! get back here!!” I shouted.



”Don’t stress yourself princess, it’s ok and let’s enjoy this. I bet Lay would really be jealous because of this.hehe” He chuckled.


“But oppa?? What if we’ll never find her?”


“Don’t worry we can find her.” He grinned.


“How sure are you?” I ask hesitantly.


“100% sure, so let’s go strolling again.” He giggles.



“Not again...” I murmured.



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krkamath99 #1
Chapter 52: oMGosh!!!!!!!!! This is sooo amaizing!!!! Luv it ryt 4m the start n the ending ws totally awwwwssome~ <^.^> keep writing such cute stories!!!! :* ^=^
Chapter 52: AWESOME FIC !!!!!!!!! LOL I thought LJ was Minhyun but i know its gonna be a LilyxKai fic :D VERY NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Chapter 44: this YunheexBaekhyun part <3 <3 <3
teleporter97 #4
Chapter 52: Omgggg.... My feels for this fic!! This awesome :))))
Chapter 52: Author-nim this is the best ! XD
Chapter 52: awwwwwhh!!!! that was so cute :) loved it
haroomingkki #7
Chapter 1: do you have a PDF for this?
Aplus4neThing #8
love your stories! Ppl go read Stolen Kisses if u haven't read it yet. It's really good.
luvinkpop1234 #9
Chapter 50: ohh noo...kai you have to fight for, go run for her and steal her back....I have a feeling that taemin will be the one to run after he or something....
update soon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~