Chapter 43

Two Hearts and an Angel

Chapter 43


“Why Minhyun??” I whispered to myself stunned and in disbelief of what I’m seeing.

He swings around and catches me staring at him with confused eyes. He stops from what he’s doing and beams his usual angelic smile at me. I don’t know anymore, what is he doing?? Why is he smiling like that? It’s scaring me.


“Hi L!!” He smiles and slowly strides his way to me.


The hallway is empty, his hands are dripping with red paint and his coat got some stains. My locker is just ruined, bloody red with some of my things scattered in the floor with stains of red. He looks creepy as he looks at me and the way he smirks it’s so weird it brings chills all over my body. And I just step back instantly as he gets near me, I don’t know why, I did that but I just move.


“Why are you moving away?” He mumbled.


I take another step back. I’m trembling.  


“Are you scared? Don’t be scared. I’ll never hurt you.” he said.


So, anyways I tried to calm myself, it’s just Minhyun but what is he doing to my locker? And he was mad a while ago right? Or I’m just imagining things?


“Wh—what are you doing with my locker?” I ask him.


“Uh..Uhmm..hahaha..nothing.really nothing. Just playing around.” He replied.

I furrowed my brows at him and check if he caught a fever “Are you sick Minhyun? I think let’s get this clean up before our graduation starts.”  I said but he just shrugged and slaps away my hands from his forehead.


“Are you dumb? Or numb L?” He asks.


“Huh??” I replied again without any idea what he’s thinking.


“I think you’re both.haha.” he laughs.


“What are you talking about?” I ask in curiosity.


“I just messed up your locker, won’t you get angry at me?” he replied.


“I sent you those scary things, the dolls, the candles, the dress, everything. Won’t you still get angry??” he added.


“What?? Minhyun? You’re the one sending those?” I mumbled.


“You really have no idea?heh.” he huff.


“I threatened you L to leave that Kai but the hell!! You’re still sticking up to him!” he yelled gripping my left wrist.


“Remember his flank swelled a month ago? It was me who pushed him backstage. Anyways he doesn’t recognize me that time.” he added.

WHAT?? You injured Kai?!! You hurt him and it was swelling seriously that he can’t support himself after that performance. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS MINHYUN??!


He grips more in my wrist making me yelp in pain.

“Aww, it hurts Minhyun.”


“This is nothing compared to the pain you caused me. If you think I already accepted everything, NO I STILL DON’T!” he said with furious eyes striking me.


“I still like you, I like you but you rejected me because I became an idol. You hated Idols, you hated me but why are you so easy to forget that hate? How could you accept that Kai so fast but not me??! You’re even planning to become an idol just for him!! It pains me so much can’t you see?? I can’t accept this! I would never accept that I actually lose to some other idol.!” He hollers.


Then turns silent as I slap his face with my right palm after I heard those things he said.


“I’m angry now Minhyun, are you happy?” I shriek and he just jeers after the shock.


“How could you think like that? How could you even do that to Kai? No! How could you do this to me? I trusted you AGAIN but you just ruined it. I actually don’t care about the things you’re sending me but hurting Kai is a different thing. Are you crazy??” I said furiously.


“Yes I am! I’m so crazy about you!!” he said pushing me up against the wall with his hands on my shoulders.


“Stupid! Really you’re so stupid!!” I yelled in his face and struggling from his strength.


“Whatever you say L, I can get you and I won’t lose to anyone.” he said moving closer to me.


What the hell is he thinking?! No he’s not planning to harass me does he? His face is moving closer and closer to mine with his eyes piercing me. My body is stiffening and he’s strong that I can’t get away from him.


I just close my eyes and trying to move my face away from him. I can’t do anything and it’s irritating to not able to fight back. Should I shout for help? I bet no one would notice they’re all busy in the hall and it’s a bit far from here.


“You already lost Minhyun.” I mutter before he could set his lips to mine and he suddenly stops.


“Kai is a great performer than you are.” I added.


“I hate him because he’s arrogant and rude like everyone else.”


“But he was never a FAKE, he’s true to himself. He works hard and does things his way.”


“He’s kind, sweet and …”


“ENOUGH!!” he shouted before I could finish what I’m saying.


He drops his arms from my shoulders leaving stains of red in my coat and moves back from me.


“What am I doing?” he softly whispered to himself.”


“Please GO! Leave me L! And don’t ever talk to me. Don’t you even dare to forgive me.” He commanded.


“Wh—wha—what??” I said in a great dilemma.


“Leave! Leave before I could do something horrible.” He said pushing me to leave.


And so I did.


I walk back to the corridor with my thoughts running around my head and without any idea where to go to. Where should I be going?

“Minhyun” I whispered to myself. I still can’t believe it, he just ruined everything.

Just when I thought he haven’t change but I was wrong. He’s definitely not that Minhyun I used to know. He’s selfish and full of himself, I don’t know him anymore. It’s like everything is falling into pieces, everything was fake, and it wasn’t even near real. Those cute smiles were just a mere shaft of lies.

And unknowingly my tears cascade from my eyes.

Then a familiar voice rouses me back in reality.


“L?? Are you ok? What happened? Why are you crying?” He asks worriedly.


“You’re coat got dirtied, what is it? Your hands are bleeding?!! Let’s get to the clinic, hurry.” He panics but I just gawk at him.


“Sehun.” I mumble.


“Yes? Where does it hurt? Let’s go to the clinic to check that.” He said convincing me.


“It’s just a paint.” I said and erase the streaks of tears in my face.


“Really?!” he exclaims and check my wrist.


“You’re right it’s just paint, how’d you get this? let’s go and wash it.” He said and led the way to the nearby rest room.


He gently washes my hands and damps my coat to erase the paints while my lips were shut silent.


“Are you ok?” he asks and I just nodded.


“Why were you crying L?” he added.


“Huh? Uhmm, nothing. Something just hit my eye that’s why.” I lied.


“Are you sure?”


“Yup, don’t worry. Let’s go back, the ceremony’s going to start soon.” I said and haul him.





Author’s POV


After talking with Yunhee, Kai proceeded to the dance studio and waited for you. “She’s  late.” He mumbled but still waited for you. Minutes passed by but there’s still no trace of you coming and Kai’s definitely wondering where could you be “She said she’s already on her way.” He frowns and takes out his phone while he punches your number to call but before he could finish dialing, his phone rings Chanyeol Calling…


“Where are you? Ceremony’s starting. Go back here.” Chanyeol said on the other line.


“I’ll be there later, ok?” Kai shrugged.


“Aish, hurry up. Won’t you congratulate your girl friend here?” Chanyeol replied.


Kai was shocked upon hearing it “What? She’s there?”


“Of course, she’s here I just wave at her. Didn’t you know she’s graduating today? What kind of boyfriend are you..” kai hangs up leaving Chanyeol on the other line.

“That jerk.” Chanyeol mutter in the sudden cut of the call.


Kai thought you forgot that you must see him but that’s impossible but another reason he thought is that you might not able to get out in the hall or something like that. He ran back to the hall and the ceremony already started minutes ago, the place is so crowded and lots of cameras were focused on the idols graduating and also to the idols that came to see their saengs.


On the other hand, you completely forgot about meeting Kai and just haul Sehun back to the hall but then eyes were focused on the two of you, add the media’s camera that never let any moment pass by and also the fancams directed to their favorite idols. However, you bid goodbye to Sehun and went to see your parents with your brother Lay scolded you for leaving. Your mom notices that you got your coat dirtied and ask you how did you get it but of course you obviously lie again.

Your best friend Hana suddenly arrived and said hi to your parents and Lay, then tugs you down to your seats. Actually her seat is far from yours but she just seated there to have a quick chat with you and then she goes back. “It’s starting.” You mumbled and then you quickly scanned the whole crowded hall and spotted Minhyun from a distance with Sehun’s class. You felt so much pain upon seeing him, seeing how your friendship could never be fix perfectly again and the only solution to it, is to forget.

You scanned again and catch Chanyeol’s smile from a distance while he waves at you and you do too. You also see Suho, Baekhyun and D.O that’s when you remembered Kai. You’re supposed to meet him but you ended up meeting Minhyun.


The ceremony is finally getting near to end and the school proudly presents the idols who already debuted and finally graduating today. You just seated there quietly watching your idol schoolmates on the stage including Sehun and MInhyun.

The whole EXO eventually went up to stage and give their bouquets to Sehun to congratulate him and there you see Kai, he’s doing well but not in a good mood as the two of you catch each other’s eye. “is he angry? Of course he would be.”You thought while fiddling your fingers.  


As expected you didn’t get near Kai but your brother Lay suddenly drags you to where EXO is after the ceremony and congratulated Sehun. You and Kai are there just staring blankly with each other. He’s neither mad nor angry at you he’s just sad and irritated that you forget him. You duck your head as you can’t look Kai in the eyes, Chanyeol nudge Kai and whispered “Aren’t you going to congratulate her?” but Kai just shrug and ignored Chanyeol. Baekhyun started to complain he’s feeling hungry and wondering when they will get home then a noona suddenly called EXO to have a quick interview together with the graduates Sehun and their co-idol Yunhee. Lay beams his smile to the boys signaling them to go while the both of you went back to your parents.

“Are you ok? You seemed down? It’s your graduation today mei mei.” Lay notices.


“I’m fine gege.” I meekly said.


“You two were quiet, are you in a fight?” He asks.


“Ha? Aniya.”


“Don’t lie to me.” He said seriously.


“I don’t know, maybe?” you replied confused.


“Why is that??” he curiously asks.


But then your feel your phone vibrates in your pocket and you take it out to check it.


Kai: You owe me a date tomorrow. I won’t accept a NO as an answer. I’ll pick you up at 10am sharp.


You smiled upon seeing his text and let out a sigh of relief because he’s not mad at you. Your brother who’s beside you wondering why you suddenly smiled, peek into your phone and found out about you r date “Ahuh! So you two are having a date tomorrow.” He puff that startle you because he was so near you.


“Gege...” You whine as you slap him away from you.

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krkamath99 #1
Chapter 52: oMGosh!!!!!!!!! This is sooo amaizing!!!! Luv it ryt 4m the start n the ending ws totally awwwwssome~ <^.^> keep writing such cute stories!!!! :* ^=^
Chapter 52: AWESOME FIC !!!!!!!!! LOL I thought LJ was Minhyun but i know its gonna be a LilyxKai fic :D VERY NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Chapter 44: this YunheexBaekhyun part <3 <3 <3
teleporter97 #4
Chapter 52: Omgggg.... My feels for this fic!! This awesome :))))
Chapter 52: Author-nim this is the best ! XD
Chapter 52: awwwwwhh!!!! that was so cute :) loved it
haroomingkki #7
Chapter 1: do you have a PDF for this?
Aplus4neThing #8
love your stories! Ppl go read Stolen Kisses if u haven't read it yet. It's really good.
luvinkpop1234 #9
Chapter 50: ohh noo...kai you have to fight for, go run for her and steal her back....I have a feeling that taemin will be the one to run after he or something....
update soon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~