Chapter 32

Two Hearts and an Angel

Chapter 32


Kai’s POV


I really don’t want to leave Lily there alone in the party in the grand hall but it seems there is an important thing Yunhee is going to tell me. Aish. I want to be with Lily soon. Yunhee lead the way through her hotel room and I waited for her to change because she said so.

Minutes later...

I can feel someone’s skin against mine. It was Yunhee back hugging me, so tight that I can’t even turn to look at her. I’m just standing there stunned and confused on what is she doing.



“What did Mr. Lee Soo Man said?” I asked.


“Hmmm..Nothing. He didn’t say something.” She replied burying her face in my back.



Nothing? So what am I here for?



“Is anything wrong Yunhee?” I asked again worriedly because she’s acting strange.



As I wait for her reply she pushed me down the floor and setting her body above me with her arms down supporting herself.



“Yah! What are you doing? Why are you dressed like that?” I mumbled as I saw her over me dressed in such revealing night gown.


“Oppa..” She said with glistening eyes.


“I love you.” She added.



Huh? Love me? Seriously? What’s happening to her?



“What? No. get dressed first Yunhee and we’ll talk.” I commanded but she didn’t follow me.



Instead she did something that definitely made me viciously angry, she kissed me not that kiss she does on my cheeks when we meet nor the kiss she did when we pretended like couple but the kiss I only did with Lily. Yunhee forced herself to me kissing me deliberately but I didn’t move an inched of my lips and I slapped her hard that made her drop a tear from her eyes while in the state of concussion.



“What’s wrong with you?! Why are you doing this?!” I twitched but she still didn’t answer. Then I throw a blanket on her to cover her exposed skin.


“Why? Answer me Yunhee!!” I shouted ferociously.


“I love you that’s why! I desperately want you oppa!” She finally replied.


“I’ve been in love with you ever since Jongin-oppa! EVER SINCE but you won’t look at me. You never look at me! Why?! Am I not good enough? Am I not too good for you? What is wrong with me that you didn’t like? ” She whines with tears b in her eyes.


“I-I am sorry I slapped you.” I muttered as I realize my action was wrong.


“It doesn’t hurt oppa! It doesn’t! Because what really hurts me is seeing you with that L! Why does it have to be her? I know you better than her! I loved you first! I was the first oppa! I was! But not now because she’s always been the first for you.” Tears keeps on cascading from her eyes.


What I hated so much is seeing someone cry like this. That’s why I’ve always been there for Yunhee when we were still a trainee because people will always put her down but as time goes by she became strong and it made me feel happy for her.



“Oppa...Oppaaa...Oppaa..Please love me, I need you, I love you Oppa.” She begged.


“I love you Yunhee...but it’s different. I love you like a sister, a close friend, a co-trainee but not a lover.” I replied solemnly to ease her pain but it seems to hurt her more for her tear drops like waterfalls so loud and massive and she’s catching her breath too.



“Stop it oppa!! I don’t want to hear anymore! Just love me please..please..I did everything to be the best, I became a successful singer because you were always there, I love you and I need you more than anyone else. I want your love oppa. Love me.” She keeps on begging as she tugs my shirt and it’s hurting me to see her miserable.



“No Yunhee. Your love for me is different and you’ve mistaken it. Think about it, you just don’t want me to be with anyone else because I was always there with you. Look Yunhee you’re just scared of me leaving you but I won’t. I won’t leave you I’m still your friend. I’ll support you in every way, I’ll love you like were siblings, I’ll take care of you like I always did. And you should love someone who will do everything for you, who will love you more than I do. Don’t force love Yunhee because it will only bring you heart aches.” I said to her.


“No! I won’t ever love someone else! I only love you Jongin-oppa!” She whines.


“Open your heart Yunhee, don’t be so stubborn. Look around and feel other people’s feelings it’s not just me who’s been with you.”


“No!! I love you! I know it for myself that I really really love you!” She cried.



“Yah! Stop believing that I am your prince charming because I’m not. In reality there are no princes in a shining armor but there are only jerks that will break your heart and fools that will love you. And I am the jerk for hurting you like this Yunhee.” I said waking her in her false dream.



“Why?! Why can’t you just love me?! I don’t want anyone else!” She hollers and run away from me leaving me in her room muddled.





I wanted to run after her and comfort her like I always do in the past but its different now. I am the cause of her cries and it would never make her calm if I am there in her side right now. How could she fall for me? Then hurt herself? I was so harsh for telling her those things but it’s for her happiness because I know she won’t find it in me, it must be in someone else. I hope that guy would come for her right now and soothe her whimpering heart.



I left Yunhee’s room and went back to the grand hall.

And I can’t believe what I’m seeing right now, I won’t believe it either. A big wave of jealousy and possessiveness rise through me as I see my girlfriend with some unknown dark haired guy with dark eyes in the party dancing like crazy. His hands are over her and she doesn’t mind, what the fu%&* is going on here? It’s an after party of Jungmin-noona and Luhan-hyung wedding but it seems like everything changed to a little party clubbing. I can also see Chanyeol-hyung partying beside my Lily with D.O and Sehun. What are they doing letting that guy touch Lily? And even Lay-hyung who’s in the other corner doesn’t mind at all. I thought he’s a protective brother? What’s happening in here? Tsss. Those three guys there don’t even reacted on what’s happening in their side and they would also go all over her and bump her or slam her like idiots. Chanyeol, D.O and Sehun I’ll see you in dorms later.. Tsss..


I immediately stride towards where Lily is with the other guys and it seems like they are drunk. I just left her for a short moment  and this is what’s happening now.*Sigh*


I enclosed Lily away from the guys especially that person I don’t know. She recognizes me and said hi to me. Ok, she’s really drunk and she keeps on drinking while the other three are there looking like puppies because I glared at them. However, when I grip and haul Lily away from the messy crowd in the dance floor that guy tow her and asked me where on earth I’ll be dragging her. It really sounds so different so I twitched.



“She’s my girlfriend and I’ll take care of her.”


“I never heard L has a boyfriend. Is it true L?” He asked her.


“Huh?*hiccup*-*hiccup* Thi-this guy? He’s the dancing machine. *hiccup* I love this guy. *hiccup*-*hiccup*She replied between hiccups.


“So let go dude. That’s enough. You’re hurting her arms.” I said as I slowly tug Lily.


“And what about you? you’re hurting her too. You let go.” He scoffs.


Then we ended up arguing there and pushing each other’s chest with people staring at us. Chanyeol, D.O and Sehun mediating us then this tall guy suddenly appeared and talked in Chinese with this guy having a fight with me. Are they Luhan-hyung’s friends?


“I’m sorry bro, he just hates you.” The tall guy said and my face went on grimace.


“Are you picking a fight with me?!” I holler.


“Kai, stop it. That would be troublesome if articles are made because of this stupid fight.” D.O-hyung said.


“But they’re the wrong one here hyung.” I replied.


“Kai right? I’m Kris and this is Tao were friends with L, Lay and Luhan in China.” The tall guy said.


So, that dark haired guy who’s been with Lily is Tao? And they’re actually friends? The hell I care, I just can’t forgive him touching her like he own her.Tss..


“Tao here is like a brother to L and he hates everyone who wants L for themselves. That’s why he hates you because you’re L’s boyfriend and he didn’t know about it until today. So let’s forget about this little fight, Tao you should apologize to Kai.” Kris said.


“Aish.!”  Tao hissed.


“Yah! apologize or I’ll burn all those Gucci collections of yours.” Kris threatened.


“Whatever, mianhe L’s boyfriend.” Tao sneers and left trudging.


“Take care of L bro, see you around.bye.” Kris followed Tao who went beside Lay-hyung.


And as I look around Lily is not here anymore, I asked Sehun to where she is and he pointed to the next glass door where there is a pool but no one is in there except L,so I went in. She’s walking near the pool and she would kick the water like a kid with a drink on her hands. Why is she drinking so hard? She can’t even handle herself.tss.

I called for her but she just smiled at me and she suddenly fell in the water in her pretty dress and she looks like drowning. I went panic and without any thought I jump on to her to save her but I found myself soaked with her on my arms and she's laughing like crazy because the pool is just shallow.



“Yah! You scared me! I thought you’re really drowning there.” I said to her.


“Hahaha..Kai..kai..kai..hahaha..” She really lost it.tsk.tsk.tsk.


“Aish! Look we’re so drenched.” I complained.


“You’re so wet babe!haha.” She laughs.


“I know right it’s your fault so you better be responsible for it.” I said and I carried her out of the water.


Because she doesn’t listen to me and keep on insisting to go and get something to drink or swim in the pool I wrapped my arms at the back of her knees and lift her on our way to my room to tame her.


I finally reached my room and she asked me to let her go so I did and as I shut the door close she kissed me abruptly without any pauses. I kissed her back in excitement and tasted her luscious lips and it’s like I’m getting drunk from just kissing her. This is the first time she initiated to kiss me first and I would never forget this. She takes off my wet coat and ripped away my tie as she slowly s me leaving my clothes in the floor. She seems so wild tonight isn’t she? I wonder if she’ll remember this tomorrow.


I pushed her down in the bed and gently pull down her dress as we keep on smashing our lips. She’s so soft when our skin collided and I caught a whiff of her aromatic scent as I kissed her all over. I wanted to taste her but it shocked me when tears began to cascade from her eyes so I stopped.


“What’s wrong? I’m so sorry babe I was too fast. I won’t do it again.” I said to comfort her.


She just cried herself out. Tss.. Why do they like to cry in front of me? First Yunhee and now Lily. Aish. It’s stirring me up making me feel guilty of everything.


“Why did you leave me? Why did you go with her? What did you do? Have you done it with her?” She asks with tears.


“Sssshh..nothing happened. She just said something important.” I whispered as I wipe off her tears.


“Are you sure?”


“Yes, believe me nothing happened. I’ll tell you the details tomorrow ok?” I replied and she nodded like a good kid.


“Have a goodnight rest babe.” I murmur through her ears and ruffle her hair until she left me to dream land.


Aish. I need to change her clothes or else she would catch a cold. So I decided to change her myself and it’s really hard not to look through her body not only that she keeps on moving as I tried to put a shirt on her but then I decided to surrender and just left her on her underwear then covered her with the blanket. If you thought I took advantage of her because she’s unconscious and drunk well dude I’m not. I love her and I respect her so I tried my best to change her clothes even it’s hard with my eyes closed.

I lower the AC because she’s just wearing a few piece of clothing and so that she won’t shudder in frost. I decided to lay beside her with a pillow between us because I can’t just sleep comfortably in a mini couch. I watched her all night sleeping so soundly in front of me until I found myself already lost in a reverie.




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krkamath99 #1
Chapter 52: oMGosh!!!!!!!!! This is sooo amaizing!!!! Luv it ryt 4m the start n the ending ws totally awwwwssome~ <^.^> keep writing such cute stories!!!! :* ^=^
Chapter 52: AWESOME FIC !!!!!!!!! LOL I thought LJ was Minhyun but i know its gonna be a LilyxKai fic :D VERY NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Chapter 44: this YunheexBaekhyun part <3 <3 <3
teleporter97 #4
Chapter 52: Omgggg.... My feels for this fic!! This awesome :))))
Chapter 52: Author-nim this is the best ! XD
Chapter 52: awwwwwhh!!!! that was so cute :) loved it
haroomingkki #7
Chapter 1: do you have a PDF for this?
Aplus4neThing #8
love your stories! Ppl go read Stolen Kisses if u haven't read it yet. It's really good.
luvinkpop1234 #9
Chapter 50: ohh noo...kai you have to fight for, go run for her and steal her back....I have a feeling that taemin will be the one to run after he or something....
update soon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~