Chapter 27

Two Hearts and an Angel


Chapter 27



It’s Sunday and we are heading to the dance studio of course. Myungki is with me even though gege keeps on whining that I should left Myungki at home or just drop him in the lost pet center but I refused to. I don’t want Myungki to go away and I’m already attached to him. Last night I dreamt something that made me scared of him, leaving me.


I’m already in a deep sleep with Myungki under my bed when I heard him barks softly. I slipped my one eye open still dreaming and I saw something moving from my window, he picked Myungki up and that dog really likes him. I called out for Myungki but he didn’t look back at me but thank God when I woke up he’s still here my face.


I don’t know if that was real or just a mere dream.


And the thought of what if Myungki’s real owner shows up and gets him then I will never get to see him, sadden me.


Suddenly the car stops in front of Kwon’s Residence.


“Gege what are we doing here in Hana’s house?” I asked as we wait for someone to open the gates.


“We’re going to drop that dog here.” He said.


“What?! We can’t Hana’s father is allergic to pets.”


“Annyeong!” Bessy Hana came out.


“Oh! Be—be—bessy what are you doing here? And Lay-oppa too?” She asks in shocked of our sudden visit.


“Can I ask a little favor Hana-sshi?” gege said to bessy.


“Su—ssure what is it?” She replied stuttering.


“Are you ok bessy?” I ask in curiosity because she’s stuttering.


“I’m fine.” She replied.


 “Can you take care of this dog for a bit?” Gege said as she gets Myungki out.


“Waaahh!! Really? Sure!” She replied and gege eyed on me.


“I told you her dad is allergic to pets.” I said.


“Don’t worry appa’s not around.” Bessy replied.


“Then I’ll leave Myungki here bessy.” I smiled.


“Ok but be sure to get him before 4pm.”


“Just meet me at the park bessy.” I said and she nodded in agreement.


“Let’s go mei mei, kamsahamnida Hana. Bye.” Gege said and we left.



We’ve been rehearsing for almost 3 hours and I’ve been enduring this hating sensation for that long. Everyone is already feeling the tension between me and Kai for we are ignoring each other. I don’t even know what runs into gege’s mind because he paired me up with him and Sehun. This Sehun who’s always been so cuddly and boisterous became peacefully silent wondering what’s up with us.


You know what I’m losing my temper here because it seems he’s really mocking me. He would ask me to repeat a dance for him like he’s some sort of pharaoh and I’m his slave, he would talk to me coldly as if I can’t feel it, he wouldn’t look at me in the eye and he would shrug as I start to give directions. It’s not like its affecting me deep inside, well yes it really does and I can’t take it anymore!


“You do it alone!” I shriek as I trudge away and sit at the corner.


“Yah! Do your job seriously.” Kai muttered.


“Then follow what I’m doing thoroughly. Stop complaining and do what I say.” I bark.


“You can’t even do it properly, why are you even here?” He said.


“Hyung! Stop it already.” Sehun mediated.


Why am I even here?

Why am I even here?

Why am I even here?

Yeah right, I’m not supposed to be here. I can clearly remember I’m just being drag by Lay-gege to teach this bunch of arrogant idols. Why did I even continue doing this job when in the first place I’m against doing this?


Sehun patted me saying “He’s just not in the mood L.” but I just shrug him. Sorry Sehun.



I flinched and decided something that made everyone in the studio stunned.


“Gege..I want to quit. I don’t care if I won’t get my wage doubled but I’m tired of this.”


Sehun immediately reacted on my sudden decision not only him but everyone except that KAI. They’re convincing me to think it over again but my decision is final.


“Just let her be, if that’s what she wants.” Kai’s voice echoed in the room and all of the members eyed him.


“Yeah, I’ve already decided and that’s final.” I said.


“Fine. Fine. No turning back in what you said ok?” gege said.


“Are you really sure princess?’” Luhan-oppa asks.


“Yes besides I need more time in studying. I’m graduating soon :)” I smiled.


“Good then you can have your weekends back but your still in charge with the kids. Is it fine with you?” gege asks,


“Yup. So, I’ll take my leave then.” I said.


“L, you don’t need to take what he said seriously. Kai’s being a bipolar you know.” Baekhyun whispered.


“Yeah, he really is a bipolar. Don’t mind him. Please stay with us.” Chanyeol added.


“I won’t make his favorite dish tonight because of this.” D.O said.


And I just smiled to what they are saying about Kai. It sounds ridiculously unbelievable but I think it’s a bit true.


“Hey everyone, stop bothering L. She needs to rest.” Suho-oppa interrupted.


“It was fun being with you L, study very well and thanks a lot.” Suho-oppa added.


“No problem. Good luck everyone and thank you.” I bowed.


“Ok guys just let my sister go and let us continue with what we left.” Gege called their attention.


“I’ll just walk her downstairs.” Sehun who’s being silent excuse himself.






And we made our way out, he’s quiet and it’s bothering me. I hope he’s ok.




“So, I’ll be going. Take care of yourself Sehun-ah.” I said.


I was about to go but he held my hand stopping me.


“You can’t do this L.” he said.


“But I just did.”


“I know you love him.”



What did you say?


“I know it all the time.” He added.


What should I say now?

I’m speechless.


“I want you to be happy. Please don’t give up on Kai-hyung, he’s just being troubled.” Sehun said with convincing eyes.



“I’m not giving him up. I just want to think things thoroughly why he’s being like that.”  I replied and he beamed a smile.


“Just wait for him to comeback with his real self L. I’ll see you in school ok?” He said.


“Sure, do your best in your work :)”



He hugged me tight and he goes back to the studio.


Then all the things I said and done sinks into my mind.



I’m going to miss them.

If only that Kai isn’t being peculiar and mean to me.

I really don’t understand him. I don’t understand myself either why I love him if all this time everything he did is making me confuse and hate him.


I think I should cool myself.

Those happenings are too much too handle.







Sehun’s POV



I’ve notice that Kai-hyung is being weird since he got back from Jeju. I don’t know what happened to him but he seems different, something is bothering him and I have no any idea what is it. I wonder if L rejects his feelings towards her but I guess not, I’ve been watching her for so long and I can see through her that she likes Kai. Ok I’ll drop the honorifics because we’re in the same age but he’s still older than me.


Anyway getting back to the main topic, L decided to resign for being a choreographer and it really shocked me. I just didn’t mind them when they’re actually getting fired up earlier because I thought they would still make up but Kai said too much that made her come to such resolve. *Sigh*


Everyone of us likes L and we know Kai loves her but why is he doing this? It really puzzles me. After the tension between Kai and L lessen there is another pressure forming between the members and Kai. Yes we are definitely mad of what he did but what could be his reasons? He’s being so absurd.


After rehearsing, we all went back to the dorms and no one dares to break this unimaginable silent atmosphere. Even manager Lee won’t believe it, Baekhyun and Chanyeol-hyung who’s always loud in the van are just keeping their mouth shut, D.O-hyung who’s close with Kai didn’t even talk to him, Suho-hyung that is so understanding in everything, said he doesn’t understand Kai anymore. All of the members are confused.


But when we all arrived to the dorm I speak up to Kai.


“Hyung, why are you doing this?” I ask but he averted me.


I tap his shoulders and he shrug. I’ve been controlling myself ever since and it’s already enough. My anger spilt rushing and unstoppable.


“Hyung!!” I called out to him.



“What??!!” He winced.




And my fist landed on his face like lightning.





I’m sorry hyung >.<

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krkamath99 #1
Chapter 52: oMGosh!!!!!!!!! This is sooo amaizing!!!! Luv it ryt 4m the start n the ending ws totally awwwwssome~ <^.^> keep writing such cute stories!!!! :* ^=^
Chapter 52: AWESOME FIC !!!!!!!!! LOL I thought LJ was Minhyun but i know its gonna be a LilyxKai fic :D VERY NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Chapter 44: this YunheexBaekhyun part <3 <3 <3
teleporter97 #4
Chapter 52: Omgggg.... My feels for this fic!! This awesome :))))
Chapter 52: Author-nim this is the best ! XD
Chapter 52: awwwwwhh!!!! that was so cute :) loved it
haroomingkki #7
Chapter 1: do you have a PDF for this?
Aplus4neThing #8
love your stories! Ppl go read Stolen Kisses if u haven't read it yet. It's really good.
luvinkpop1234 #9
Chapter 50: ohh noo...kai you have to fight for, go run for her and steal her back....I have a feeling that taemin will be the one to run after he or something....
update soon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~