His True Colors.

Open Up Your Eyes.

Listen to- "One Shot" by B.A.P

"Gaeun!" Youngmin was walking towards Gaeun who was at her locker. She shut it and smiled, "Hey Youngmin. How was your weekend?" She asked.

"How was your weekend?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at her. Gaeun sensed something wasn't right with him. She cleared , "It was good. Is something wrong?"

Youngmin scoffed, "What did you do?" He asked. "Hung out with a friend." Gaeun simply said and started walking to class as Youngmin followed her.

"Yeah? Who, did you hang out with?" Gaeun stopped and turned around to face Youngmin, "Why are you asking so many questions? And tell me, what's wrong? Something's wrong Youngmin, I can tell."

"You were with Woohyun after I told you to stay away from him." Gaeun's jaw dropped and she laughed, "Who are you to tell me who I can and can't hang out with? It's not like you're my boyfriend or anything! Stop trying to protect me if that's what you're doing because Woohyun's not going to hurt me."

"You don't know that. You don't even know him!" Gaeun put her hand to her forehead and took in a deep breathe before she was about to lose it. "Just stop it Youngmin."

"I know him better than you ever will okay! And I'm telling you to stay away from him for a reason-" Gaeun cut him off, "Yeah, because you're jealous, right?"

Youngmin's eyes widened, "Jealous? What? Jealous of what Gaeun? He's a bad guy! You need to stay away from him!" Just then, an arm was swung around Gaeun.

It was Woohyun standing there looking at Youngmin with a victorious smirk. "Morning Youngmin-ah." He clicked his tongue and looked down at Gaeun with a smile.

"Hey you, I had a good time Saturday." Gaeun returned the smile, "I did too." Woohyun chuckled, "Let me walk you to class." Gaeun nodded her head and the two left leaving Youngmin behind as his blood boiled seeing Woohyun.

Youngmin stormed off to follow the two and when he arrived to the class, Woohyun was standing talking to Gaeun, no more like flirting with her as she sat down at her desk.

He marched right up to Woohyun and pushed him. "Youngmin!" Gaeun yelled and stood up and went to Woohyun's side. "Stop it." She said through gritted teeth.

Youngmin shook his head as he could see Woohyun becoming angry. He smirked, this is exactly what he needed. He needed to rile up Woohyun so that Gaeun could see his true colors. She needed to see the real Nam Woohyun that messed up Youngmin and his brother's life.

"What Woohyun? Are you getting angry? You know what happens when you get angry, right?" Youngmin taunted him. He pushed him once more.

"Stop it Youngmin!" Gaeun yelled once more as she held onto Woohyun's arm. It was too late, Woohyun lost it. He pushed Gaeun and she fell to the ground and he tackled Youngmin to the ground and began punching him nonstop. Gaeun looked on with wide eyes. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She was scared for Youngmin's life.

She stoop up and tried getting Woohyun off of him, "Woohyun, stop it, please!" Once again, Woohyun pushed her and she fell to the ground. Tears pooled up in her eyes and the teacher came in and called security who ran in and separated the two. Gaeun gasped in horror when she saw a bloody and battered Youngmin.

He smirked almost lifelessly and spat out blood. "This is the real Nam Woohyun." He told Gaeun before he was escorted out.

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Chapter 13: Update soon!:^)
Chapter 13: NUU NAM WOOHYUN. - A - *grabs Woohyun's arms and rips dem off, throws him into a lake and pushes YOUNGMIN and Gaeun together*
Chapter 13: damnit.... i rlly hate u nam woohyun. like i rlly do. why does gaeun have to be so stupid? ugh. i hate this girl... hes probably bsing all of this. why didnt she just ifnd out? ugh.
Chapter 12: AANND UPDATEE~ CUZ, I love YOUUU~ O U O
Chapter 12: WAAAHH~ LOVE DIS! GO YOUNGMINNIE! HWAITING! *fist pumps and holds up a poster of them kissing* YEAAHH~ AND DIE WOOHYUN!! MWHAHAHA! *gets a poster with WOOHYUN and Gaeun and burns it* YYAYY~ *smirks and walks away*
KaylieMay #7
Chapter 12: Omo! Go Youngmin Go Go! You get her man!!! :DD Don't you be insecure you better not let Woohyun steal yo girl! Well, if he likes you back that is anyway. ^ - ^ update soon please... Ppyong~
Chapter 12: OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOPUDFNLVAISDKLCXJNAISLDKVNAO;SDXCMALIDKJBVLIN FKVNAOISLD.CMASDO;LNARISDLK. youngmin kissed gaeun!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGOMGOMOGMOGMERMAGAHHHHHHHHHHHH i like totally shipped them from the beginning. for the most part. omg!! i feel all happy now. he kissed her, and then confessed!! omg hopefully gaeun likes him back.... and screw u woohyun. u deserve to be hurt. anyways. nice chapter update!
inspiritkissmeemily <3
minkap #9
Update soon~