Choose One.

Open Up Your Eyes.

Listen to- "Rose (Instrumental)" by Lee Hi

Gaeun sat outside the principal's office as she was waiting to be asked some questions. She was one of the main reasons for Woohyun and Youngmin's fight. She had been crying because she felt so bad for Youngmin and because she was actually scared to see that side of Woohyun.

The door opened and Woohyun came out. He wore an angry look on his face as he looked down at Gaeun. She didn't want to meet his eyes. "I'm sorry." He simply muttered and walked off with one of the securities. 

The principal came out, "Okay Gaeun, you can come in." She got up from her seat and went inside his office. She took a seat in front of his desk and waited for him to begin talking.

"So Gaeun, tell me, what happened?" She looked up and met his eyes, "Well, Youngmin had been trying to tell me that Woohyun was no good for me but I didn't listen. I hung out with Woohyun on Saturday and we ran into Youngmin's brother, Kwangmin." 

Hearing Kwangmin's name brought a sour look to the principal's face which Gaeun clearly noticed but she went on. "Things got all awkward and the vibe got tense. Woohyun didn't look pleased that Kwangmin was talking to him or talking to me so we ended up leaving. I know something's up with Youngmin, Kwangmin, and Woohyun but neither of them will tell me.

Ever since I got here, people have been telling me to stay away from Youngmin but I don't see why because he's a really nice guy. Then Youngmin tells me to stay away from Woohyun and I just don't get it! Why do people want me to stay away from the two? What could have possibly happened?!"

The principal cleared his throat, "Gaeun, there was an incident last year involving the three boys but I cannot discuss that with you. If they really wanted you to know, they would tell you. Considering what happened between the two earlier on, you should stay away from both of them or from one of them."

Gaeun's eyes widened, "S-Stay away from them? Or choose one? Why would I do that?" She asked dumbfounded. 

"You're just going to keep causing problems if you're friends with both of them. They don't like each other and there's a lot of problems between the two and you're just bringing all those problems to life."

He was right, this was all her fault. They stayed away from each other and just ignored each other before she came and had to get involved with both of them. Gaeun nodded her head, "Is that all?" She asked.

"Yes, you can go back to class." Gaeun stood up and bowed as she lifelessly walked out of his office. She had to choose one of them because she sure as hell wasn't just going to stop talking to both of them, but she didn't want to have to hurt anyone.

Her and Youngmin were really good friends. He was there the first day she got here and they got along so well. She couldn't imagine not having him as a friend. Then there was Woohyun, the good looking guy who has such a major effect on the girls. Gaeun didn't like Woohyun, at least she didn't think so. She liked hanging out with him, she had fun with him.

She had no idea what she was going to do. She got the two boys into this mess and she was going to have to get them out. But one thing was for sure, she was going to find out the truth and nothing but the truth as to why they hated each other so much.

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Chapter 13: Update soon!:^)
Chapter 13: NUU NAM WOOHYUN. - A - *grabs Woohyun's arms and rips dem off, throws him into a lake and pushes YOUNGMIN and Gaeun together*
Chapter 13: damnit.... i rlly hate u nam woohyun. like i rlly do. why does gaeun have to be so stupid? ugh. i hate this girl... hes probably bsing all of this. why didnt she just ifnd out? ugh.
Chapter 12: AANND UPDATEE~ CUZ, I love YOUUU~ O U O
Chapter 12: WAAAHH~ LOVE DIS! GO YOUNGMINNIE! HWAITING! *fist pumps and holds up a poster of them kissing* YEAAHH~ AND DIE WOOHYUN!! MWHAHAHA! *gets a poster with WOOHYUN and Gaeun and burns it* YYAYY~ *smirks and walks away*
KaylieMay #7
Chapter 12: Omo! Go Youngmin Go Go! You get her man!!! :DD Don't you be insecure you better not let Woohyun steal yo girl! Well, if he likes you back that is anyway. ^ - ^ update soon please... Ppyong~
Chapter 12: OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOPUDFNLVAISDKLCXJNAISLDKVNAO;SDXCMALIDKJBVLIN FKVNAOISLD.CMASDO;LNARISDLK. youngmin kissed gaeun!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGOMGOMOGMOGMERMAGAHHHHHHHHHHHH i like totally shipped them from the beginning. for the most part. omg!! i feel all happy now. he kissed her, and then confessed!! omg hopefully gaeun likes him back.... and screw u woohyun. u deserve to be hurt. anyways. nice chapter update!
inspiritkissmeemily <3
minkap #9
Update soon~