First Day, Two Guys.

Open Up Your Eyes.

Listen to- "A-Yo" - SHINee

Woohyun was in his first class and he couldn't get Gaeun out of his head. There was something about her. It was the thrill of knowing he could have her but he'd have to work for it. He smirked and laughed as he thought more about it.

Gaeun walked into her first class and looked around as everyone looked at her. The teacher raised his brows and she bowed. "Hi, I'm new here, It's my first day. I'm Yang Gaeun."

He smiled, "Oh welcome, welcome!" He looked around the room and saw an empty seat, "You can sit right over there next to Mr. Jo."

Gaeun bowed and made her way to her seat. She looked at the boy she was sharing a table with. "Hello, I'm Yang Gaeun."

He smiled, "I'm Jo Youngmin, nice to meet you." He had a beautiful smile and his cheek bones were amazing. Gaeun couldn't get over how... beautiful he was.

The teacher resumed his lecture and almost half the class fell asleep. Gaeun giggled to herself as she looked around at the people sleeping. "Everyone always falls asleep so it's okay." Youngmin said.

"It's not that boring." She said.

Youngmin laughed, "Well if you're into the whole social studies crap which pretty much no one is. Hey, mind if I see your schedule?"

Gaeun shook her head, "No, here, go ahead."

Youngmin examined the schedule and smiled, "We have 5 more classes together."

Gaeun's eyes widened, "Really? Wow!"

"We have third period, fourth period, lunch, eighth and ninth period."

Gaeun smiled and nodded her head, "Now I have another friend."

Youngmin laughed, "Cute."

Gaeun felt herself blush and she looked back at the teacher as Youngmin continued looking at her. "You're beautiful Gaeun." 

The bell rang and they walked out. "I'll see you in third period." Youngmin said and waved. 

Gaeun began walking looking for her next class. She was having trouble finding it. "Need help?" She heard a voice behind her and she turned around.

"Oh, you're that guy from earlier." She said.

Woohyun laughed, "Yes I am." He smiled. "Let me walk you to your class." They made it to her class, "Here we are."

She smiled, "Thank you so much. I'm Gaeun by the way."

Woohyun nodded, "I'm Nam Woohyun. See you around." He turned and walked away and Gaeun walked into her class.

Third period was next and when Gaeun walked in, she saw Jiah waving at her. Jiah was sitting with two other girls. Gaeun smiled and walked over and sat next to her. "Hello, I'm Gaeun." She told the two other girls and they smiled and introduced themselves.

Youngmin walked in and his eyes immediately landed on Gaeun's. He smiled and waved at her and she waved back. He took his seat at the front of the class.

"Wait, you know Youngmin?" Jiah asked.

Gaeun nodded her head, "Yeah, I met him in my first class."

Jiah and the girls nodded their heads as they looked at Youngmin. "Be careful." They said and Gaeun was confused but she didn't ask any questions.

By the time they knew it, it was time for lunch. "Ahhh, having sixth period lunch is the best 'cause you eat first." Jiah said and Gaeun laughed.

Gaeun heard girls screaming and she turned to see Woohyun walking in. He had a smirk on his face as he looked around. "Hey, what's up with that Woohyun guy?" Gaeun asked.

"Wait, you know his name already?" Jiah asked.

Gaeun laughed, "He walked me to my second period class."

Jiah stopped, "WHAT?!" She yelled.

Gaeun's eyes widened, "Uhm, what?"

"Hey there." Woohyun stood next to Gaeun and Jiah just about had a heart attack. 

"Oh hey." Gaeun smiled.

Woohyun noticed Jiah and winked at her before taking her plate of food and walking off. Jiah was practically frozen.

"Uhhh, Jiah. Hello?" Gaeun waved her hand in front of Jiah's face.

"That's the first time he's acknowledged me since-" Jiah cut herself off and shook her head. "Never mind." She got another plate of food and her and Gaeun walked to a table.

"Hey Gaeun." Youngmin said as he passed by her.

She laughed and smiled at him. Jiah looked at Youngmin cautiously and shook her head. "You should stay away from him." She said as she began eating.

Gaeun raised her brows, "Why?" She asked.

Jiah shook her head, "Just."

Omg this chapter was long.

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Chapter 13: Update soon!:^)
Chapter 13: NUU NAM WOOHYUN. - A - *grabs Woohyun's arms and rips dem off, throws him into a lake and pushes YOUNGMIN and Gaeun together*
Chapter 13: damnit.... i rlly hate u nam woohyun. like i rlly do. why does gaeun have to be so stupid? ugh. i hate this girl... hes probably bsing all of this. why didnt she just ifnd out? ugh.
Chapter 12: AANND UPDATEE~ CUZ, I love YOUUU~ O U O
Chapter 12: WAAAHH~ LOVE DIS! GO YOUNGMINNIE! HWAITING! *fist pumps and holds up a poster of them kissing* YEAAHH~ AND DIE WOOHYUN!! MWHAHAHA! *gets a poster with WOOHYUN and Gaeun and burns it* YYAYY~ *smirks and walks away*
KaylieMay #7
Chapter 12: Omo! Go Youngmin Go Go! You get her man!!! :DD Don't you be insecure you better not let Woohyun steal yo girl! Well, if he likes you back that is anyway. ^ - ^ update soon please... Ppyong~
Chapter 12: OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOPUDFNLVAISDKLCXJNAISLDKVNAO;SDXCMALIDKJBVLIN FKVNAOISLD.CMASDO;LNARISDLK. youngmin kissed gaeun!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGOMGOMOGMOGMERMAGAHHHHHHHHHHHH i like totally shipped them from the beginning. for the most part. omg!! i feel all happy now. he kissed her, and then confessed!! omg hopefully gaeun likes him back.... and screw u woohyun. u deserve to be hurt. anyways. nice chapter update!
inspiritkissmeemily <3
minkap #9
Update soon~