Chapter 11

Prince Apple

~ School ~

I was walking toward the school’s gate when I saw Yuri across the street. I don’t want her to see me, I don’t like awkward moment, especially if I will make her angry. Just like Seohyun’s advice, I tried my best to walk faster so, she won’t see me. Thank goodness, she’s busy with her smartphone. A few steps more, I’ll reach the gate and I’ll blend with the other students. Suddenly… “Yuurriiii!! Watch out!!” Someone yelled, I’m surprised and reflexly turn my head toward Yuri. She is crossing the street when a car accelerates toward her direction with high speed. Reflex, I run as fast as I might. “Yuri-ssi!” I managed to grab her hand and pull her just before the car hit her. There’s silent for a few seconds before she pulls her shaking hand. Just then, we heard footsteps coming closer and stopped at some point. We turn our head to see the source of the footsteps sound, and we see Minho is standing right next to Yuri, panting. “Yuri, 1neo gwaenchanha?” Minho walks toward Yuri still gasping for breath. Yuri nodded slightly but from the look on her face, I can tell she’s surprised to see Minho here so suddenly. “A… alright then, I… I better go to the class now” said Minho haltingly, then he walks away. Yuri smiles happily, “2gomabda” I heard it even though she said it in a low voice.

~ Yoona’s POV Ends ~

~ Yuri’s POV ~

After the bell rang, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon pulled my hand and asked me to sit on one of the canteen’s chair. They sit, pull their chair closer, rest their chin on their palm, and smile widely, plus they do it all in the same exact time, they must want something from me. “3Uri malhaebwa” asked the two of them, together, again. “4Museun maliya?” I replied nonchalantly. “Eyy, we already heard it this morning, you don’t have to hide it from us…” Hyoyeon said. “Which one?” I said pretend not to know. “Of course about Minho-ssi!!” Sooyoung’s voice gets louder. “Ssshh… Lower your voice! 5Arasseo! Arasseo!” I give up. “It’s okay to say it out loud, the whole school also know it already Choi Minho heroically saved Kwon Yuri, his heart’s thief” said Sooyoung exaggeratedly. “6Jamkkanman! Choi Minho saved me?” I startled. “Yul, did your head hit something that time? Because now, you are pretending to be amnesia, even though you’re the one who experienced it. 7Dae…bak!” Hyoyeon chimed.

Isn’t it suppose to be Yoona, the one who saved me. Then why did they say it’s Minho who saved me? I’m not dreaming, right? I pinched my cheek. Oww… it hurts. It is true, I’m not imagining things. “Yul… Yul… Hello… Earth calling to Kwon Yuri” Sooyoung clapped her hand in front of my face. “Ahh… 8mian…” I said. Hyoyeon hands her smartphone to me, a picture of me and Minho face to face this morning, but… I can’t see Yoona in this picture. How could? I rubbed my eyes several times but it’s still the same picture.

~ Yuri POV’s Ends ~

~ Yoona’s POV ~

“Yoona-ssi” Minho called my name when I was writing the last lesson’s material. “Yeah?” I looked up and put down my pen. “Umm… Can we talk for a while?” he seems so serious. “Sure…” I stand up and ready to follow Minho. “Wait… what happened??” Minho grabs my arm and he saw a wound on my left arm. “Ahh.. 9ani... it’s only a graze… 10Geogjeonghajima” I said calmly. “Jonghyun, Doojoon, Yoseob, do you have a bandage?” Minho asked them when they enter the classroom. “Doojoon, don’t you usually carry some bandage on your bag?” Jonghyun said. “Yeah, you injured yourself too often when you play soccer” added Yoseob. “Hehehe… wait a sec… there you go…” Doojoon gives the bandage to Minho. “Thanks” Minho replied. Carefully, Minho helped me to put the bandage on the graze. “It should be fine now, thank you very much Minho-ssi” I thanked him. “It’s nothing, it’s also Doojoon’s bandage. If our class was close to the school clinic I would properly clean the wound with alcohol…” before Minho finishes his sentence, a chair noise cuts in. “Ahh… so noisy…” Gikwang stands up. I loose up my arm from Minho’s hand quickly when Gikwang was walking toward the door to leaves the classroom. He was sleeping when I was writing my not, uh-oh… I think we woke him up. Just after Gikwang left, Sunny came in, “Minho-ssi, you’re asked to help 11seonsaengnim. He asked you to take some lesson material at the library together with Jonghyun-ssi”. “Okay then… C’mon Minho…” Jonghyun replied. “Once again, thanks a lot Minho-ssi”, “You’re welcome” then Jonghyun dragged Minho out of the class.

‘I really wish Gikwang was sleeping… I just don’t want him to see it… But wait, why he can’t see it? It’s alright, Yoona… It’s… alright…”

~ Yoona’s POV Ends ~

“Whoaa!! Daebak!! This morning Minho stole Yuri’s heart. Just now, he also stole Yoona’s heart. 12Bureobda” said Yoseob while bitting a pice of paper. “I know right! He sure is lucky one. When can we have our chance? If it’s looks like this, we’ll be single until we graduate” Doojoon pats Yoseob’s shoulder. “Yeah, I hope Jonghyun will bite him so he’ll know our feeling as we watched him and Yoona” Yoseob pouts jealously.

1 너 괜찮아? (phonetic: neo gwaen-chanh-a?) -> it means "are you okay?"

2 고맙다 (phonetic: go-mab-da) "ㄷ" can be read as "d/t" depends on the word -> we pronounce it as "gomabta", it means "thank you"

3 우리 말해봐 (phonetic: oo-li mal-hae-bwa) "ㅜ" phonetically is "oo" we it read as "u" -> we pronounce it as "uri malhaebwa", it means "tell us"

4 무슨 말이야 (phonetic: moo-seun mal-i-ya) -> we pronounce it as "museun mariya", it means "what are you talking about?"

5 알았어 (phonetic: al--eo) in this case "ㅆ" still "ss" not "t", once again depends on the word -> we pronounce it as "araseo", it means "Okay! / I know!"

6 잠깐만요 (phonetic: jam-ggan-man-yo) we usually read "ㄲ" as "kk" even though it's "gg" phonetically -> we pronounce it as "jamkanmanyo", it means "wait a minute/please wait"

7 대박 (phonetic: dae-bag) we usually read "ㄱ" as "g", but in some case it can be read as "k" -> we pronounce it as "daebak", it means "Great! Jackpot!" but in this case it is used for elaborate expression

8 미안 (phonetic: mi-an) -> it means "sorry (informal)"

9 아니 (phonetic: a-ni) -> it means "no"

10 걱정하지마 (phonetic: geog-jeong-ha-ji-ma) -> we pronounce it as "geokjonghajima", it means "don't worry about it"

11 선생님 (phonetic: seon-saeng-nim) -> it means "teacher"

12 부럽다 (phonetic: boo-leob-da) -> we pronounce it as "bureobta", it means "I'm jealous"

I purposely post the 11th chapter faster than usual as my apology for my hiatus.
Please accept my apology, okay? *puppy eyes* =D

And also, I want to say sorry is maybe I made some mistakes on the Korean translation. I'm still learning, 잘부탁드립니다. *bow*
Oh, talking about Korean language, I want to ask something to you guys.

Do you like it if I use some Korean words on my FF?
Does it bother you when you don't know the meaning and you have to scroll and find the translation?
Should I just use full English? 

Plus, should I add some illustration (pictures that resembles the story), or should I leave it just plain narration?

Please leave your comment about it, I want you my reader to be able to enjoy the story.
So please kindly give your suggestion. Thank you!


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Chapter 12: Next chapter please
channelian #2
i love your story PLEASE UPDATE
Gikwang and yoona please
Chapter 11: i actually don't fancy korean words in fanfics written in english.. but i'm okay with the basic oppa, unnie, nuna. but it's up to you actually!
Chapter 12: Well actually I'm okay with that.but sometimes its a burden to find the meaniing so yahh u can use simple want like gomawo kamsahamida mianeh unnie oppa n others that everyone know
more yoonkwang moment plzzz
exoyoong08 #5
Chapter 11: chpater 11: i dont mind them anyway, just do watever makes u comfortable...yoonkwang moment pls :D
Chapter 10: Love the new chapter!! It's been too long TT Thanks for updating!
lisa_kudo #7
Its been a year alr
Not going to update huh ?
Please come back hiks.