Chapter 5: The Picture

The Best Thing That’s Ever Been Mine


MiHee’s POV

I arrived early in school today, It was weird cause LeeSeol-ah didn’t text or call me, *Maybe she’s up to something*,

I was walking on the hallway and I notice some students looking and staring at me,

*Weird huh?* I can hear somebody says “What a lucky girl?”, “I hate her already”, “She a freak”, “She seduce him, I’m telling you”. I glare at those girls then they run.

*What with them?*

 The weird feeling of mine became worse when I’m on the front of my classroom door, I just ignore the students and this weird feeling.

I twist the door knob, students are busy talking about something but when they saw me they immediately go back to there sit. *Am I a ghost?*

Then LeeSeol-ah she’s on the room already, and she’s pointing to something and she’s panicking…

I mouthed WHAT many times, I really cant get it, then she took put her phone, just then I receive a text from her.

“Look at the blackboard”

I slowly turn around to see what’s in the blackboard.

And it was…

a huge sizes of photos of





“WHO THE HELL DID THIS?”, I yell then ripped off the pictures,  anger runs on my head and my blood is heating up. the pictures is really hard to rip, the pictures were all the same but it come in different sizes and some have captions. I hear some students laugh and some are saying ,“What a flirty girl?”, “She don’t deserve him”,

I can feel my eyes became teary, but I hold on my tears

*No, this could not be, this is not happening again no..* then I can feel that my hands hurt cause of tearing up the picture, suddenly I see red stain, I was coming from my nails,

*! I broke my nail*, I hold on my finger to prevent blood from dripping.

“Ow, Babe, isn’t it cute?”, the BEAST guys enter the room.

JunHyung’s POV

I’m ready for the shouts, her yells , her insults, the punch or a loud slap she’ll going to throw to me but instead she run away.

*Wait!!! What happen to her?*, We try to call hear even her friend LeeSeol-ah and we follow her on the hallway but she just keep on running away.

“I think you really pissed him bro”, DooJoon said.

“NO, She’s not pissed”, LeeSeol exclaimed

“What do you mean?”, I ask her.

“You make her remember DongHae oppa”, LeeSeol said and looks so worried

MiHee’s POV

I keep on running, I don’t care who will I’m going to bumped with, then I ended up on the side of the lagoon in our campus. I hold on my tears, but my body drop on the ground, I kneeled down and I’m feeling so weak.

“No, DongHae,  HIS DEAD…”,  I shout really loud to show the frustrations I feel, then I could not control my self punching the ground, I want to feel my fists to hurt so much rather than to feel what my heart’s feel right now.

JunHyung’s  POV

“What do you mean LeeSeol-ah?”

“DongHae oppa did the same thing when he was alive, he posts many pictures of MiHee-ah caught sleeping in our campus’ bulletin boards, DongHae oppa likes playing and make fun with MiHee-ah, and MiHee-ah loves how DongHae oppa do that, and I think you make her frustrated JunHyung oppa”

I feel so worried and at the same time guilt of doing that to MiHee-ah. I look for her all around but there are no signs of her. But I didn’t give up, it’s my fault so I will look for her. Suddenly the rain starts to fall and it became heavy.

“! Why now,?”,

I’m very wet but I don’t care, I keep on scanning around, while running, I saw her bag, I take her bag from the ground and look around to find some area that she might went in and found a lagoon.

*maybe she’s there*


Then I saw a figure of a girl on the ground, I run to it to see MiHee-ah,

“Hey! wake up, are you okay?!”, I said gently tapping her face. I notice she’s shivering because of the rain, and her fists she got some bruises and wound..

*Is this what LeeSel-ah is talking about… hurting herself*

I lay the back of my palm on her forehead.

“! Your burning in fever, MiHee-ah”, I said and quickly carry her bridal style cause she’s unconscious. I place her inside my car and put my dry jacket there to her. She’s shivering hard which make me became so worried for her.

“MiHee-ah please be okay”, then I drove the car very fast.

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Chapter 11: Omg this is really good! I love it!! Please update this quickly coz it is really great!! :3
derillann #3
hi !! new reader here....i just read you story up to your last update..<br />
<br />
and i found it looking forward to your next update...<br />
please. update soon...:)
Yannna #4
omg this is so good. you should update soon ahhaha
rudelysweetk21 #5
hmm another interesting story of yours!! argg i will read soon also..together with your other fic :D
Stupid Junhyung..doesnt he realise that she's afraid he may die just because of a silly mistake that is not meant to happen?
Nana256 #7
Kawaii pls update soon ^^
trixieelle #8
Thanks for reading.. hope you guys enjoy it
retrocreaaam #9
Cute! :) Update soon! ♥
Mizfit4life #10