Chapter 3: Playing Around

The Best Thing That’s Ever Been Mine


MiHee’s POV

“Honey, time to wake up!”, I could hear mom’s voice then she open my window wide.

“MOM!!! aiiiissssssshhhht, I’ m sleeping, give me another minute”, I said while covering my face with pillow but my snatch it and begin to shake me.

“Honey, if you keep on doing this you’re gonna be late, remember you told me to wake you up cause your class will going to…..”

“SCHOOL FAIR…CRAP!! I ALMOST FORGOT”, I jump out of my bed quickly and run to the C.R.

“Hey, honey be careful, you do have enough time to prepare”, mom said chuckling  because of my action.

I finished my shower and quickly eat my breakfast then check on my things.

“Notes, check, ballpens, check, money, check, camera, check …right so I can go..”

*Mihee Wears Like This*

“wait honey, you forgot something..”, dad said while reading on the newspaper.

“Hmmmmm…Appa, of course I’ll never forgot”, then I kiss appa on the cheekthen he smile at me.

“Be careful okay”, dad said, then I just nodded, “wait where’s mine?” mom protest, I hug and kiss my umma on cheek then I run outside and wave a goodbye to them.

When I’m on the bus, my phone vibrate and it was LeeSeol calling

“Hey, Are you on the bus?”

“Yup, how did you know? are you stalking me? “, I said while teasing LeeSeol

“Funny huh??!”

“Yeah I’m just kidding so..what makes you call, don’t tell me….I’M LATE”,

“no no no, you’re gonna be here on time, I’m just making sure you’re not still on your bed haha”

“Yeah, I’m near to school wait for me okay”,

“Yeah, and ow…”


“When you enter the gate, you’ll going to encounter a mob of girls surrounding an area, you know what I mean, so if don’t want to start your morning with a BANG ..get in on the shortcut okay”,

“*BEAST guys surrounding with girls, YUCK* okay LeeSeol-ah, thanks for the advise, love you so much, bye”

“bye!” then she hang up. Then when I arrive on the school I make my way on the back then I enter on the small gate there, I put on my earphones and walk towards LeeSeol.

“MIHEE-AH”, she cheerfully shout while waving at me,

*great!! she was the one who advise not to ruined my morning, now she was the one doing it,crap*

“You know LeeSeol-ah, your lucky you’re a good friend of MINE”, I said to her while faking a smile, she just look at me curiously.

“Hey MiHee-ah, look at those guys, that guy JunHyung, he became very popular, it was his second day here but he gain a lot of fans, and you know what even in campus’s sites and blogs he’s a hot topic”,

“Haist, you told me not to ruined my morning, now your  telling me about that crap, haist, NO WAY!! I don’t care about him”,

“okay, fine”, LeeSeol said while rolling her eyes.

*Haist this girl, I really don’t know how do I became friends with her*

JunHyung’s POV

*JunHyung Wears Like This*

We were waiting for the other students,  Girls start to come near and flirt with us, I entertain some girls cause they are so hot on their outfit, my friends are busy chatting with girls. Then someone caught my attention then I start to walk near to her.

“Hey, hyung where are you going?” Dongwoon ask.

“Going on my babe”, I said then smirk, they just rolled their eyes and follow me.

She was with her friend when I stand in front of her but she just ignored me.

“Hey, babe you look….”, but my friends interrupted me.

“MiHee-ah you look so WOW”, Yoseob said while acting aegyo.

“You’re gorgeous”, HyunSeung added.

“Your really a perfect girl noona”, DongWoon said.

“all in all you’re beautiful MiHee-ah”, GiKwang conclude. But she just ignored their compliments and just looked away.

“Oh, I think what she means is thank you”, Her friend said then MiHee glare at her.

“Oh…I’m just kidding MiHee-ah”

“I think she’s still pissed about yesterday, uhmm, MiHee-ah, I’ll be the one to apologize for my guys actions”, DooJoon said smiling at her. Surprisingly, she look at DooJoon.

“Don’t worry DooJoon oppa, you don’t have to do that for THEM”, she said smiling back at DooJoon.

*Does she likes DooJoon hyung?* I thought.

“HEY! Why are you calling DooJoon hyung OPPA , what about me?”, I ask her but she keeps on ignoring me.

“Ow, Let me explain about that, DooJoon Oppa is a sports leader here in the campus, of all the boys DooJoon oppa gets more time with MiHee-ah cause MiHee-ah is VERY good in some sports, that’s why they’re a bit close to each other, Right DooJoon Oppa?”, Her friend said then DooJoon hyung just nodded

*So she’s close to DooJoon hyung*

“That’s make me jealous babe, you suppose to call me OPPA too cause were not a bit close, we’re very very very very close”, I said while leaning closely to her as I said VERY.

“What makes you think I’m gonna call you OPPA? Huh??!! OPPA YOUR ”, She said as she push me.

“You really enjoy when I do this babe”, I and the boys starts to laugh.

“Ow, That crap thing?? leaning on me..HUH!!, I’d rather gone being hit by a car than enjoying these things, you know what….for the record .. I WILL NEVER CALL YOU OPPA”, she said then I just chuckle

“So what’s funny?” she ask a little pissed

“Then call me Honey, Baby, Love, Sweety, Darling,”, I said playfully

“Wow, hyung, now you my ultimate IDOL”, DongWoon said

“Yeah, WHOA”, Yoseob added.

“GRRRR,, COULD YOU JUST PLEASE SHUT UP AND DIE”, MiHee said then our teacher start to have the attendance and arrange us on the bus.

“Okay class, you’re going to seat on pair, choose your pair okay..”, then I look for MiHee cause I want to sit beside her but as usual she’s sitting with her best friend and I’m with DooJoon hyung. *Haist, how can I be with her??* , then the bus starts to move, while we’re on the way, she was leaning on the window with her earphones, her friend was playing with her PSP then her friend call tap but she’s not responding, her friend LeeSeol I think that was her name move some hair covering MiHee’s face, surprisingly I hear LeeSeol said “Oh..sleeping??”, *Oh , I can make her lay on my shoulder if only I’m sitting beside her, Crap this is a chance* I thought. Then DooJoon hyung tap me on my shoulder.

“Yeah, You keep on looking at her for the whole time I would not be surprise if she melt down”,

“Hey, I’m not staring at her, Pttcchh”, I said denying the truth.

“Want to sit beside her, it could be easy, I think she’s sleeping, so?”

“What do you mean?”

“Just answer me?”

“But how..”

“Yes or No”,

“Of course Yes but how?”

“Okay, I’m bored, I wanna do something”, then DooJoon hyung stand on his seat and call LeeSeol and I’m a bit curious of what his thinking,

“LeeSeol-ah”, then she turn her head and look at DooJoon,

“Yeah DooJoon oppa?”

“I just want to ask if I could borrow your PSP for awhile cause I forgot mine”,

“of course DooJoon oppa, wait…. we can play together since I brought my Ipad here”, she excitingly said.

“Okay  we’re not sitting together,” LeeSeol sadly pout just then DooJoon hyung tap me and nod.

*this is it*

“ LeeSeol-ah”, I called.

“Yes…….ow JunHyung..”

“oppa, just call me oppa,” I said smiling to her.

“okay, what do you need JunHyung oppa?”, she ask

“If you want we can exchange seat for you to be with DooJoon hyung”

“Ow great idea, but how about MiHee-ah”, DooJoon said as if he was innocent. I just chuckle.

“Don’t worry she’s asleep, come on JunHyung oppa lets exchange”, she said not aware of her friends reaction when she woke up, She stand up on her seat and happily sit beside DooJoon hyung, then they started to chat. And me, I quietly take LeeSeol’s seat then stare at MiHee.

*She’s cute when sleeping* I thought then chuckle.

I gently held her head on my shoulder, luckily I didn’t wake her up. She lean closely to me, I could even feel her breathing. I notice that we’re very close to each other, then an idea comes on my mind, I took out of my phone and take a picture of us together , first was a picture of MiHee laying her head on my shoulder and me laying my chin on her head, we’re like a lovely couple *cute*, then the next one is me kissing her forehead *I love my life hehe* I thought while smiling on the photos. I quickly hide my phone when I notice that she was moving.


Surprisingly, she lean again closer and now her head is on my chest, I move myself so she can sleep comfortably on my chest.
*Does she didn’t get enough sleep last night?*, then I caught my self her hair.

*my poor baby*, just then I could feel my eyes is getting heavier then I fell asleep.

MiHee’s POV

*hmmmm,what was that, what was this smell, this isn’t LeeSeol’s perfume*,

I could feel someone staring at me,  no , not one, many eyes were looking at me, I move my head and rub my eyes, I can see people, but its blur, I rub my eyes again, then it was clear, my classmates were looking at me, even then BEAST guys we’re smiling and LeeSeol…wait LeeSeol??... WHAT??? then I slowly look at the person sleeping beside me..


“OH WHAT???”



“Hey, looks like the two of you enjoy the whole joyride”, HyunSeung said

“SHUT UP”, Me and JunHyung said in chorus


“uuuhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm” she just bite her lip

“Uhmm, MiHee-ah, LeeSeol is with me, we just hang out together, you’re sleeping so we didn’t bother to wake you up” DooJoo oppa explain

“SO that’s why I take LeeSeol-ah’s seat, haist, so whats wrong?”, the jerk explain rubbing his eyes as if he don’t care why I’m angry.


“Babe relax okay, tsk, you enjoy leaning on my chest, but its okay, beside I’m your boyfriend”,

“DAMMIT, YOU’RE NOT MY BOYFRIEND, YOU JERK WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME WHILE IM ASLEEP”, I yell then hardly push him off the seat then I was shock cause he fall on the ground

“!” he said while being help by his friends that are smiling and laughing like hell on my actions.


“haist, Babe, stop exaggerating your self, I didn’t do anything to you, tsk  or you’re just pissed cause I didn’t do THAT THING to you, don’t worry we can do that maybe…TONIGHT” he said then he run out of the bus to escape from me.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,  YOU JERK JUST DIE, AAARRRRRRRRRGGGG” I said as I lay on the ground and stumping my feet.

“Haist, MiHee-ah stand up, don’t act like this, you’re disgusting”, LeeSeol said as she help me to stand.


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Chapter 11: Omg this is really good! I love it!! Please update this quickly coz it is really great!! :3
derillann #3
hi !! new reader here....i just read you story up to your last update..<br />
<br />
and i found it looking forward to your next update...<br />
please. update soon...:)
Yannna #4
omg this is so good. you should update soon ahhaha
rudelysweetk21 #5
hmm another interesting story of yours!! argg i will read soon also..together with your other fic :D
Stupid Junhyung..doesnt he realise that she's afraid he may die just because of a silly mistake that is not meant to happen?
Nana256 #7
Kawaii pls update soon ^^
trixieelle #8
Thanks for reading.. hope you guys enjoy it
retrocreaaam #9
Cute! :) Update soon! ♥
Mizfit4life #10