Krystal's Feelings

She's Into Me




Suzy left with Sulli and Luna. I didn’t go with them because I got lazy to walk around. Krystal left ahead of them and I don’t know where she is. I was just sitting in Vic’s living room. I can see Vic from a distance, entertaining her other guest and friends. It is not surprising that Vic got a lot of friends because she is really a nice girl. She even had friends who Krystal hated. You know what I mean, right? I started to feel uncomfortable when Krystal came back.


“Where are the others?”she asked me.


“I don’t know. They said to me that they will just take a tour around.” I answered to her without meeting her eyes.


She sat down on her chair which is on opposite side to mine. After a while, a guy showed up. I really don’t care about them but I can hear clearly what the guy is saying to her. He is pestering her to give her number to him. This guy is sure an irritating one. I got puzzled when Krystal transfer to the seat beside mine and got surprise when she linked her arms to me.


“Aren’t you going to do something? That guy is asking to get your girlfriend’s number.” she said to me and pout. I looked at her with a widened eye.


“Y-You are her boyfriend?”the guy asked sounding surprise. I looked at him then Krystal elbowed me on my side. I nodded.


“Yeah, and you are really pissing me off right now.” I said to him making my voice a little deep and glared at him.


“I-I’m sorry!”he quickly apologized looking a bit nervous.


“I don’t want to see you coming near her again.” I said to him and motioned him to go away.


He apologized to her and hurriedly left. I followed him with my eyes. When I can no longer see him, I let out deep sigh and feel relieved. I then feel my heart starts thumping on my chest. My nervousness always happens after the event.




I’m starting to get irritated to the guy who is bugging me to give my number to him. I decided to do what Amber did on the library, except the kissing part. I transferred next to her and link my arms to her. She helped me get rid of that annoying guy and I feel happy of what she did. I can feel a disappointment in my heart when she pulled her arm away from me.


“I think you should get a real boyfriend so that there will be someone who will protect you from that kind of guy.” she said to me.


“You don’t have to tell me.” I answered to her with a sarcastic tone of voice as I went back to my seat.


“Good.”she mumbled. Silence then came between us which makes me feel bored.


“Suzy told me that you don’t like girls who got attracted to you, is that true?” I asked her breaking the silence between us.


“Yeah.”she answered shortly with her eyes glued on the screen of her iphone.


“What if Suzy will get attracted to you, I mean will come to love you? What will you do?” I continued. She then looked at me with furrowed brows.


“Suzy isn’t into me.”she answered.


“I said what if, right?” I replied and raise my left brow. She paused for a while, taking the time to think.


“Well, if she will confess her feelings to me, I will be glad and I don’t know what will happen next. One thing I am sure though, I won’t hate her or distance myself from her if what you are saying will really happen.” she answered to me with a serious face.


“So there is a possibility that you will date a girl?” I asked her.


“If it is Suzy, maybe I will.”she answered with a grin.


I think she loves her best friend too. Hearing her words makes my chest feels heavy. I decided to stop asking her. I don’t want to hear anything from her anymore. It just brings my mood down.


“How about you, is there a possibility that you will come to love someone you see like me?”she asked me.


This question caught me off guard. I wanted to say no but I feel in my heart that it is not the right answer. I feel confused about this feeling inside me. I looked at her and I see that she is waiting for my answer. Meeting her eyes makes my heart start to race which made me surprise.




We heard Suzy’s voice calling her from a distance. Amber turned her head to look at her and Suzy motioned her hand telling Amber to go to her. Amber smiled at her and then got up.


“You don’t need to answer my question, your answer is too obvious to me.” she said when she looked at me. “Anyway, come with me. You don’t want any of the guys in here to bug you again, don’t you?” she said to me and flashed her dorky smile.


I can feel my blood flowing into my face seeing her smile. I quickly stand up and walked ahead of her so that she wouldn’t notice that I blushed because of her.

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eiji19 #1
nice story
Chapter 4: That gotta hurt¡¡!!!
Chapter 3: Wait.. What~~~~~~~????¿¿¿¿¿
Chapter 2: Ow... My heart.. Its rooting again
Chapter 1: Suzy is nice her. Thank you
I dont quiet remember this one so better look on it now!!
Yellowjacket #7
Chapter 42: i really never heard that female chromosome can mix with other female but i heard of inter condition where female have male chromosome XY/XXY/XXXY.
Chapter 42: It's awesome. . Congratulations :)
EXOSHIDAEfxaddict #9
Chapter 42: I loved the ending! I mean i loved everything about it! ❤ it was the best this i've ever read! That made my entire week! I spent all my days reading this!omg Krystal and Amber tho❤