Drunk Girl

She's Into Me




I hurriedly went into the club where Suzy and the others are. I really hate club, I got a bad eperience in it. I avoided all the drunk girls that I see when I get in the place. I quickly look where they are. I spotted Krystal first, she is sitting alone in one table. I shifted my eyes on the dance floor and saw Suzy, Luna and Vic dancing with the three guys. I got puzzled of what I've seen. I thought there is a guy that keeps bothering on Krystal but it seems to me that Suzy just tricked me. Good thing none of them saw me, because my bestfriend will find it strange that I came to the club because of it. Even me find myself it strange. I decided to just go home. When I was about to take a step, there is this drunk girl who bump into me.


"I'm sorry."I apologized to her and take a few steps back away from her. She look at me with furrowed brows and then her face suddenly brighten up.


"It's okay handsome."she replied and come closer to me. "What is your name?"she asked.


"A-A-Amber." I stuttered. Drunk girls really scare the hell out of me.


"Oh, what a girly name."she answered and giggled then wrap her arms around my neck. "Do you want to have fun with me tonight?"she asked me with seductive tone of voice.


My body got stiffened, not because I'm turn on or somethign but becuase I really am scared right now. I can't even move my hand to push her away. I mentally calm myself and when I did, I take off her arms around my neck and take a few steps back again away from her.


"I'm sorry but I really have to go now." I quickly said to her.


Before I can walk pass her, she suddenly grab my hand and pulled me for a kiss. I tasted the alcohol in her lips. I got so surprise of what she did. I really hate drunk girls. They always do crazy things to me. I know that I look like a boy and some say that I am handsome too but what the hell! It is not an excuse for them to just kiss me or more. When she parted her lips from mine, a strong slap hit the girls face. When I turn my head who did it, I saw Krystal, looking furiously to the girl and to me. Now I'm in big trouble, there is no doubt about it!


"You and me, out!"she said to me as she motion for us to get out.




I'm not in the mood to dance tonight. I don't know why but I just don't feel it. I was sitting alone in the table because all of my friends are having fun dancing and some of them are flirting to somebody. I got bored of sitting alone. I roam my eyes around to check if what other people is doing. My eyes stopped to Amber. I got surprise to see her in the club. I thought she wasn't coming but she is here. I feel happy when I see her but my happiness fades away when I saw a girl whom she is talking to, suddenly kissed. I thought Amber will push her away but the stupid didn't. I got so mad about it that I marched my way towards them and slap the girl. I can see the surprise look in Amber's face.


"You and me, out!" I said to her as I motion for us to get out.


"Not so fast, !"the girl that I slap hold me in my arm when I was about to leave.


She lift up her other hand, and was about to hit me. I close my eyes, I opened it again when I realize that the girl's hand never touch my cheek. I see that Amber is holding her wrist, stopping her from slapping me.


"I apologize for what my girlfriend did to you. If you want, just slap me instead of her."she said to me.


The girl slowly loosen her grip to my arm and Amber slowly let her go too. Amber called me a girlfriend and it somewhat lessens my anger towards him when I heard it.


"I don't want to slap a handsome face. I can only kiss it."the girls said with a seductive smile.


Before Amber can respond to her, I drag her out of the place. It is a waste of time for us to talk to that . Stupid Lhama face, why did she came here,anyway?! She should have stayed in their house!

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eiji19 #1
nice story
Chapter 4: That gotta hurt¡¡!!!
Chapter 3: Wait.. What~~~~~~~????¿¿¿¿¿
Chapter 2: Ow... My heart.. Its rooting again
Chapter 1: Suzy is nice her. Thank you
I dont quiet remember this one so better look on it now!!
Yellowjacket #7
Chapter 42: i really never heard that female chromosome can mix with other female but i heard of inter condition where female have male chromosome XY/XXY/XXXY.
Chapter 42: It's awesome. . Congratulations :)
EXOSHIDAEfxaddict #9
Chapter 42: I loved the ending! I mean i loved everything about it! ❤ it was the best this i've ever read! That made my entire week! I spent all my days reading this!omg Krystal and Amber tho❤