Looking For Krystal

She's Into Me



Amber finally said to me those words. I got surprise about it. I am really happy when she said it but I didn't let her notice it. I was contemplating if I am going to respond to her or not. I was about to utter the same words but my mind suddenly remind me of my real purpose why I decided to have this relationship with her. I began to feel confuse and unsure. What if I said to her that I love her too and then later on,I will realize that what I felt for her is not really love.


"Really?! She told that to you!"Sulli said in a loud voice when I told her about what Amber had said to me.


"Don't be so loud,Sull."I said to her as I covered . I just let go of her when she nodded her head.


"So, what did you answer to her? Did you say that you love her too?"she asked me curiously with a big smile on her face.


"I didn't say anything to her. I just smile at her." I answered and it made her drop her smile into frown.


"Just smile huh? I wonder how Amber will read that smile of your's."she said to me with a tone of disappointment in her voice.


"A smile is never a negative answer."I remarked.


"Well, FYI Krystal Jung, in your situation earlier, Amber might read it like this, 'Thank you for loving me Amber, I am happy about it but sorry, I don't feel the same way for you'."she stated.


"She wouldn't think that way, Sull."I answered to her.


"We will know it later, Krys." Sulli replied.


"Yeah."I answered and blew a sigh.




I told Krystal that I love her. I thought I wouldn't be able to tell it to her but I did. She didn't say the she love me too though, but I don't really mind. I really just want to tell her how I feel towards her. That is only my intention.  I meet up wit Suzy during our lunch break. Well, Krystal wanted to eat with her friends outside. She didn't ask me to come with them so, I choose to eat at our school canteen with my best friend. It's been a while since we last eat our lunch together alone.


"You look so happy today."Suzy said to me when she saw me and sat down on the chair just across to mine.


"Do I?" I answered with raised brows with a smile still on my face.


"Yeah. You look like your in love."she replied and giggled. "Oh wait, you really are!"she continued and laugh. I scratch the back of my head and smile at her timidly. "I'm happy for you,Am."she added and flash her lovely smile.


"Thank you,Suz."I answered and smiled back at her. "How about you, did you already meet the guy that you are interested to?"I asked her.


"Y-Yeah."she answered which got me surprise.


"Really? W-Who?" I asked curiously.


"Well, it's my secret."she answered and chuckled.


"Yah! Just tell me who is it!" I said to her. "Do I know him?"


"Oh, you know that person very well." she answered. I began to think who it is. We only have a few male common friends.


"So it's either, Kai, Kris, Minho, Donghae, Onew,Kyuhyun and Nickhun." I mumbled. "So which one in them?"


"I told you, it's my secret. You really don't need to know because I have decided not to pursue that person."she answered and giggled.


"You are making me annoyed right now,Suz."I replied to her in a flat tone. She just smile at me.


"Don't be annoyed at me,Am. You know that I love you,right?"she said and giggled.


"I know that, and I love you too..."


I was cut off on what I am saying when we heard a sound of tray drop on the floor. When we turn where the sound came from, I saw Krystal, looking at us with a surprise look in her face. I wonder what's wrong with her. I got up from my chair to approach her, and I regretted doing it because when I got near her, I meet her strong slap. Everyone's eyes were on us. She then hurriedly left the canteen while I am still standing on the same spot, got stunned of what just happen. I was mentally shock. Her slap really hurt like hell.


"Are you okay,Am?" Suzy asked me when she approached me. I snapped back into reality when I heard her voice.


"Y-Yeah." I answered and pick up the tray that Krystal had dropped.


"I think you should go after her,Am."she said to me with a worried tone in her voice. "Just leave this to me."she said as she took the tray on my hand. "Go!"she continued with a smile.


"Thanks,Suz!" I replied to her.


I search for Krystal all over our school but I couldn't find her. It's not easy to find someone inside the very big University. I think having a girlfriend is really troublesome. I went to the cafe but I didn't see her. Luckily, I bumped into Vic and Luna on my way back into our school. I asked them to call Krystal for me because I'm sure she will not going to answer my call.


"Where is she?"I asked Vic after she hang up to Krystal.


"She is in their house right now."she answered me.


"House?Uhm, can I ask her address?" I asked them.


"Does anything happened to you and Krystal?" Luna asked me.


"Sort of."I answered. They both raise their brows.


They both gave me Krystal's address and I hurriedly drive on my way their. I stop in front of a very big house. I didn't expect that Krystal came from a very wealthy family. When I was about to ring their doorbell, a girl called my attention.


"Who are you?"she asked me with furrowed brows.


Upon seeing her, my hands automatically shake and become sweaty. I feel nervous when I see her.


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eiji19 #1
nice story
Chapter 4: That gotta hurt¡¡!!!
Chapter 3: Wait.. What~~~~~~~????¿¿¿¿¿
Chapter 2: Ow... My heart.. Its rooting again
Chapter 1: Suzy is nice her. Thank you
I dont quiet remember this one so better look on it now!!
Yellowjacket #7
Chapter 42: i really never heard that female chromosome can mix with other female but i heard of inter condition where female have male chromosome XY/XXY/XXXY.
Chapter 42: It's awesome. . Congratulations :)
EXOSHIDAEfxaddict #9
Chapter 42: I loved the ending! I mean i loved everything about it! ❤ it was the best this i've ever read! That made my entire week! I spent all my days reading this!omg Krystal and Amber tho❤