Chapter 6

When You Came

We’re on our way home; as usual I ride with Arron.

“Thanks” I said, I remembered I haven’t thanked him yet for saving me. He glanced at me and nodded.

“I don’t know what am I going to do if you didn’t come, by the way what are you doing there? Weren’t you with the others in the canteen?” I asked and look at him.

“No, they went there first, I just came from my locker when I passed by and saw you and Mike” He replied.

“Can I ask you one more question?” I turned to him and waited for his replied.

“What is it?”

“Why is he mad at you?” I asked curiously I just hope he’ll answer me.

“I heard his girlfriend broke up with him because she said she likes me. I guessed, she’s the one who confessed to me the same day they broke up, but I didn’t like her so I rejected her” I looked at him wide eyes, shocked, that really happened?

“Wow, you can make couples broke up even without doing anything?” I said “Well that’s not surprising since all the girls in school likes you” I added and got shocked by his reply.

“Is that includes you?” He smirked, OMG! Is he teasing me? Oh god, I could feel myself blushing!! Stupid Arron!

“W..what?” I stuttered not looking at him afraid that he’ll see me blushing.

“Just kidding” He smiled as I turn to him, let me get my revenge.

“Oh, so you know how to do that? It doesn’t look like” I said but once he heard that he wipe away his smiles and focus on driving.

“Great! Mr. Silence is back!” I whined as I took out my phone.

“Hey, Arron can you look here for a sec?”


I took a picture of him once he turned, oh look at his picture he’s sooooo cute!!

“You tricked me” He said and turns back on the road.

“One more time but with a smile this time” I smiled at him as he shook his head.

“Oh come on, please…” Again he shook his head.

“Please….” I pleaded again showing him my puppy eyes.

“Fine” he finally said and smiled.


“Awww so cute!”

“What?” he asked.

What?! Did I say it out loud??

“Uhmm nothing! Hehehehe I can sell this at school, for sure I’ll become rich” I joked and realized that my phone was no longer in my hands because Arron took it.

“I’ll delete it” he said.

“No! I was just joking!” I said as I try to get it back but he put it in his pocket and stop the car. I didn’t even realize that we’re already here.


“Arron” I whined as I follow him inside.

“Wei you two, stop flirting already and tell us what happened” Ella shouted, I pouted and went to the living room. I sat down and started telling them about Mike and the fight as Arron sat beside me. Once I ended my ‘story’ I turn to Arron again.

“Can I have it now” He stared at me for a sec and handed me my phone.

“Hey guys, I’m gonna show you something” I stood up and wave my phone showing Arron’s picture. Arron was about to snatch it again but Chun got it first.

“Whoa! Hebe what did you do to make Arron smile like this?” He asked as everyone look at it.

“I just said please” I shrugged as I look at Arron who’s staring at me or should I say glaring?

“But how come when I say please he won’t do it, no matter how much I beg him” Jiro complained still looking at the picture.

“Because you’re not cute” Ge said as everyone laughed.

“Eh, why don’t we make some copies of it and sell it at school, we could be rich by selling it” He added as I giggled, there’s no doubt we’re siblings.

“No doubt you’re siblings” Arron commented as I grinned at him and sat beside him.

“Oh come on, it’s just a joke” I grinned again and took my phone from Jiro.

*Nobody’s POV*

“What do you think?” Chun whispered to Calvin as they look at Hebe and Arron talking.

“No doubt about it, Arron likes her” Calvin replied and sat down.

“Who likes who?” Genie asked as she heard Calvin, everyone look at them and waited for Calvin to answer.

“Uhmm…I s..said… (Look at Chun) Chun wants to eat now” Calvin lied as Chun nodded his head.

“No it’s not! You said Arr-” Chun immediately covered Jiro’s mouth, he saw Arron looking at him suspiciously and so as everyone.

“Jiro! Shut up! Do you want Arron to kill us?!” Chun whispered at Jiro and then let go of him. Calvin and Chun sighed seeing that Jiro shut his mouth.

“Let’s go watch a movie!” Chun suggested before anyone could question them. Soon, the movie ended.

After watching the movie and eat their dinner, the guys bid their goodbyes and head home.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this
Visiting old stories!
luhans-vaqina #3
update soon
jonghyunie143 #4
i miss fahrenheit!! :DD
karambolage #5
Aish, this should be updated more.
update soon ;)
asdfghjklkjhgfdsasdf #7
I love it!I love it!I love it!
Love your Story! Please update soon! Fighting!
SoupForNicole #9
Ahhhh Bebu so cute! Please update soon :]<br />
Mike doesn't stand a chance against Arron! I love how he's slowly opening up to her ♥
What a cute Bebu story...I did it in one sitting..
I always love SHE and Fahrenheit together...
Update soon