Chapter 5

When You Came


“I was wondering. Why would a beautiful and smart girl like you, would like that arrogant brat Arron Yan” He added as he leaned closer and closer to me. Wait! Is he trying to kiss me?! Ahhh help!!!

*End of Recap*

“W..what you doi-” I said but got cut off.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” I turn to my left and saw an angry…Arron? Well I’m not sure but he looks like he’s angry.

“Oh, I’m so scared” Mike said sarcastically.

“Let go of her” Arron said in a demanding tone. Mike faced him still not letting go of me.

“Make me” Arron walk closer to him then…


Arron punched Mike really hard then pull me out of Mike’s grip.

“Don’t get near her again” Arron warned. He turned around to walk away while dragging me with him but Mike pulled him back and punched Arron.

“OMG! Arron are you ok?!” I asked panicking as I saw blood in the corner of his lips.

“Go to the side” He said as he wipes away his blood.

“What?” I asked a little confused.

“I said stand aside” He said softly but still sounds like a command. I did as I was told and the next thing I knew they started fighting as students watched them. Seriously, shouldn’t they stop them instead of cheering them?

“Stop it!!” I shouted a few times but they just ignore me. OMG what to do? Right! I’ll call the others. I took my phone out and started dialing until…

“What’s going on here?!” A woman’s voice shouted, I turn around to look as the student made way for her but still Arron and Mike ignore it.

“Stop it!!!” She shouted again and finally Arron and Mike looked up and then stood up. Who is this woman anyway? Mike look down as if he’s scared while Arron act like he doesn’t care.

“Eh, isn’t she the principal’s sister? What is she doing here?” A girl said. Principal’s sister? Does that mean she’s Arron’s Auntie?

“I’m asking what’s going on here?!” She asked. Whaaa how scary!

“He punched me first!” Mike said pointing at Arron. What the heck?! It’s his fault now he’s blaming Arron?!

“Is that true Arron?” She asked raising her eyebrow.

“Yeah” Arron answered back, maybe I should help him explain.

“Uhmm…” I started and stood beside Arron.

“Mrs. Wang” She said as I nodded.

“Mrs, Wang it’s not Arron’s fault” I said.

“Oh really? Why?” She asked curiously, I think she thought that I’m one of Arron’s fans that wanted to save her prince charming, I was about to tell her what happen when she suddenly said…

“Then you three go with me in the office now” She walked away with Mike following behind her. I looked at Arron who’s looking at me too.

“What?” I asked as he shrugged.

“Nothing, let’s go before she explode, I bet Jiro didn’t know that her mother is her” Arron said as we started to walk. So, she’s Jiro’s mom.



“Now, explain what happen” She said as she sat down.

“I was-” Mike started.

“I’m asking the little girl here, not you. Now, you two doesn’t allowed to speak until I tell you to” She motion me to talk, I nodded and started to tell her everything.

“Is that true?” She asked as Mike was about to answer “Arron?”


“Don’t worry; I won’t give her punishment if it is true since she’s a victim” She reassured.

“Whatever” Arron replied.

“Sigh, so asking me to replace him for a meantime while his gone is really a good idea, what I mean is, your father is worried that you four(Fahrenheit) will get into trouble and afraid that you won’t listen to his assistant…and as for the punishment…” She paused as if thinking what punishment she will give.

“Maybe two weeks of detention will do”

“What?!” Mike asked.

“That doesn’t include Hebe right?” The three of us look at him a little shock, I mean what’s with his reation? Shouldn’t he say ‘What? It’s not even my fault! Why do I get punishment?!’ but instead he asked that question.

“Of course not” Mrs. Wang smiled at him. My brother’s right, he’s really a good guy, he just hate being socialize with other people except from the people he knows.

“You all can go now” She said as we went out.


*At the Canteen*

We sat down where our friends are as they stare at us; I guess they already heard what happen.

“What’s with the stares? Instead of staring at us why don’t you just ask about it? I can’t even eat my food with your stares” I pouted.

“Is it true? Mom’s here?!” Jiro asked, so that’s what he worries about. I nodded at him as he frowned just then the bell rang.

“What?! I didn’t even start eating” I whined as we stood up and went back to our class.

“Whaaaa I’m so hungry” I said as I rubbed my stomach.

“You sound like Ella and Chun” Selina commented but I just ignore it and rest my head on my desk as we waited for the teacher to come.


The class has finally ended and we’re heading to the parking lot since the guys told us they’re gonna drive us home.

“I’ve met you future mother-in-law” I whispered to Selina as she widened her eyes and looked at the guys who’s walking right behind us.

“Did you guys hear it??” She asked nervously, Jiro, Calvin and Chun looked at each puzzled and shook their heads while Arron said answered a simple ‘Yes’

Selina sighed and then look at Arron “Don’t you dare tell them” She warned.

“It’s not like I’m scared of you” Arron said then walk to his car.

“Heeebeee!” Selina whined.

“Don’t worry Sel, I don’t think Arron will tell them” I giggled as I saw Selina panicking then I walked towards Arron’s car and went in.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this
Visiting old stories!
luhans-vaqina #3
update soon
jonghyunie143 #4
i miss fahrenheit!! :DD
karambolage #5
Aish, this should be updated more.
update soon ;)
asdfghjklkjhgfdsasdf #7
I love it!I love it!I love it!
Love your Story! Please update soon! Fighting!
SoupForNicole #9
Ahhhh Bebu so cute! Please update soon :]<br />
Mike doesn't stand a chance against Arron! I love how he's slowly opening up to her ♥
What a cute Bebu story...I did it in one sitting..
I always love SHE and Fahrenheit together...
Update soon