Chapter 6

Stupid Liar Over Here

Beep. Beep. Hearing my phone ring, I flipped it open. ‘When can we meet? I will wait for your reply. – Seunghyun’ GAH! Even if there’ll be some fateful encounter, I’ve got to take care of this first!

“Do you really think he doesn’t really know? I mean we’ve been a family for so many years.”

“… So?”

“What I am saying is that he may know who I actually am and is just playing along.”

“Well, that is certainly a possibility. Get a phone just to fool you? That’s going a little too far, don’t you think?”


“How about using him then?”

“Use him?”

“You know… The wallet you wanted from Louis Vuitton.”

“Ah! It was so cute, but its price was totally… not…” I stayed still processing what she had suggested to me. “Ask him to buy it for me?!”

“You said you weren’t sure. Ask him to get it for you as a test.” Jenny smirked.

“… Even so…”

“If he buys it for you, then you’ll know.”


1,407,000 won. Would he really pay for this? It is cute, but I couldn’t give this to myself even for whatever reasons there may be. Even if Seunghyun is really serious about Silla, he wouldn’t be able to get her this… Oh my god, I can feel myself sweating. Why do all pretty things need to be so expensive?

“What is it?”

“Huh? Nothing… I just thought this was cute. But this is way too expensive.  It’s not something a girl my age should have also.”

He looked at the price. 1,407,000 won. “…Yeah.”

I looked at him smiling weakly, “Yeah.”


“Here you go.” He handed me a bag with the logo ‘Louis Vuitton’ on it.

I distanced myself from the gift, becoming scared and shocked at the same time. There’s a liar here! “You agreed!”


“You agreed that it’s not something I should have!”

“Ah. But I thought you’d be happy to have it… I’m sorry… Maybe, I shouldn’t have done that.”

It assures… That how serious Seunghyun is about Silla… This assures me that he is not trying to fool his sister. “Thinking about how I should repay you is going to be a problem.”

“You don’t need to… really. If you’re feeling uneasy about it, will you grant a favor for me?”


“I want to hold your hand.”

“….” Is this really the charismatic TOP I always see on the television? “Is that really enough?”


I thought about it carefully. I looked away, I knew I wouldn’t be able to look at him properly now. “Ok.” I stuck out my hand and he grabbed it silently.

“It’s small.”

“Yeah?” I pouted. In Korea, people say those with small hands work really hard and well. Then I heard him laugh. What’s so funny?! “What?”

I saw him looking up at the sky with his cheeks slightly flushed. “I’m… so happy.”

My eyes widened. What’s this? What’s this? What’s this~~~~~~~~~~~~~?


“Oh! He really got it for you.” She looked a little jealous. Not in a bad way of course, we just made a promise to each other that we would buy the same thing together once we become successful. It ended this way because of him. “What now?” She pouted, curious about what my plans are next.

“Well, before even thinking about that… I’m feeling really bad for deceiving him this far.”

“You aren’t good at becoming a bad person… So it’s a given.”

“Can I sleep over?”

“That’s fine, but how come?”

“I want to clean your bathroom.”

Jenny smiled joyfully, “What a good way to relieve stress! Sure! Sure!”


Squirting some tile soap, I started to scrub the floor with a rag. What’s this feeling…? I feel… weight on me which I can’t seem to get off. Am I feeling guilty about making him buy me a ridiculously expensive purse? I recalled what he had said before, ‘I am… so happy.’ I stopped. Is it because his feelings are not directed at me and directed at someone else?

“…Never.” I waved off the idea, laughing at stupid that sounded. I rubbed a stain that was right in front of me. It wouldn’t come out. It could’ve possibly been a part of the design of the tiles but it angered me. I did it even harder. “Why won’t you disappear?!”

I stomped out of the bathroom, “Can I clean the whole place tomorrow?”

Jenny smiled, “Marry me and move in here, Siyeon~!”

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Chapter 6: It's like a real drama!! I can't wait 'till you update, it's so interesting and funny!!
dzeny4 #2
my name is jenny so love this...end you tu
-min_ash- #3
Love the storyline sooo good it could be made into a drama... please update soon!!!
xbabyb #4
I like this so far! :)