Chapter 5

Stupid Liar Over Here

“… I’m home.”

I stopped whistling when I heard Seunghyun, “Welcome. “ I looked at him and one side of his face was red. It was really swollen. He walked by me, “What’s wrong with the face?”


The next day, his face became even worse. He had a huge patch on the cheek that was red yesterday with scratches everywhere else. “What are you doing lately? Fights?"


I froze. He’s dropping them…! He’s really shaking them off! That’s some determination right there! I’ve never seen him go so far just for one girl! When I went inside my bedroom, I looked at the makeup Jenny gave me on top of my bedside table. I wish Silla weren’t me. And that she was another real girl. He’s doing so good right now, but there is no way I would enter a relationship with my stepbrother. Well, I guess he will stop going after Silla once he finds out that Silla’s me.


“I’ve taken care of them. And I’ve deleted contacts with girls of any serious relationships. Would you go out with me now?”

Now, what am I going to do from here? “Um… Did you really do that?”


“I mean… It’s kind of hard to believe that all of a sudden… For me, I have no way to tell whether you are speaking the truth or not. You could say anything just to get me, you know.”


Though, I’ve seen brutal evidences of his actions…

“True, I cannot prove that, so you just have to trust me on this. I really do like Silla. I want you to trust me.”

“Ah, wait!” What is he saying in public?! “I will trust you, so don’t say that in public next time, alright?”

“Okay. So?”


“We are a couple now, aren’t we?” I couldn’t move my body. “Why did you just freeze?”

“I’m sorry… I didn’t think it’d advance so fast like this… I was unprepared…”

“Then I will wait until you are ready.”


“Until then we are just friends, okay?”


“Your brother is such a gentleman! He’s not pushing around which means he’s quite serious. Why not just go out with him already?” Jenny asked me so simply.

“I feel like I keep telling you this. He may be only a stepbrother, but he still is a brother!” Besides, it’s not me he likes. It’s Silla… Wait… What was that? It hurt a bit. Oh , this is bad. No, no, no…

“He’s a handsome guy. I bet it didn’t feel so bad when proposed by him, eh?”

“NO, NO, NO! Never!”


“I am telling you! But I was, I mean…, confused when he proposed to me, but that was because… because…”


“Because I’ve never had a serious boyfriend before… I just don’t have the experience.” I dropped my face onto the table with a loud noise.

“Oh. But you aren’t even interest in dating. Remember what happened last time?”

Right, I was walking around with Jenny when she suggested Love divination when we came across it. I remember that lady perfectly and what she had said to me. She said, ‘I am not going to perform a divination for you because you aren’t even interested in relationships to begin with.’

I huffed, “If you lived with Seunghyun, you would have ended up the same as me! Thanks to him, I’ve never had a chance to see relationships positively.”

“Why not go for a meeting? Sometimes decent guys show up.”


I don’t really care about the face as long as he’s neat and clean… I thought about the guys I’m in the Korean culture club with. We may be in the same club but we all have different views on different subject and can’t really get along. How did other girls find their guys? Based on what? I don’t think I’ve felt anything love-like ever since elementary school.

“Geumja, do you have a boyfriend?” She was one of the girls in the club as well.

She looked at me sheepishly, “Do I look like I have one?”

“Sorry, I’m not good at guessing that…”

She smiled, “I’m too busy with events. I wouldn’t be able to participate if I had a boyfriend.” She was a cosplayer actually. Since this wasn’t popular in Korea, Geumja’s probably going through a difficult time creating all these outfits…

“How about you?” I turned to the other side not knowing Jihoon was there, the only good looking guy in the club.

He smiled, “Do I look like I need a boyfriend?”

The guys here are pretty unique but the girls are too…

“Do you want to make boyfriend? It’s unusual for you to ask a question like that.”

“Well…, I just wanted to know how other girls get their guys.”

Geumja spoke up, “We have meeting coming up. I heard a celebrity idol is going to join.”

“Meeting? No one told me.”

Geumja looked saddened. “What? I told you before. You were cleaning a stain on a wall though."

“I probably heard it. It just didn’t make it to my brain…” I try to make sure I don’t lose myself like that in public… It looks like I need to be more careful. So, I guess I should wait for the event… I hope there'll be some good fateful encounter.

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Chapter 6: It's like a real drama!! I can't wait 'till you update, it's so interesting and funny!!
dzeny4 #2
my name is jenny so love this...end you tu
-min_ash- #3
Love the storyline sooo good it could be made into a drama... please update soon!!!
xbabyb #4
I like this so far! :)