Chapter 2

Stupid Liar Over Here

Even though I have full makeup on, we’ve been seeing each other ever since we were kids. I mean we are a family. There is no way that he will mistake me for somebody else.

“What are you doing here?” From the way his voice sounded, it was as if he really knew it was me. Oh darn. I can already feel my face heating up fast, I felt trapped. My heart was beating so fast, I can see it pop out from my chest and running far away. If only I can run away right now but that would seem even more suspicious. What the heck, it wouldn’t hurt to deny it once if he really knows my identity.

“… What- What do you mean by that? Who are you?” I said calmly as I stood up, I kept my head down. I wanted to slap myself on the forehead. That sounded so unconvincing. I definitely wouldn’t believe that either. I waited for a second and it seemed like he wasn’t going to respond. This time I tried to pull off an expression I don’t normally do. I tried to sound a little rude and snobby in a way; I wanted him to think I was young and hip. I arched my eyebrow, something I do quite often. I can't seem to control the way my eyebrows move when I talk. Botox? Maybe not. “Who are you?” This time looking straight at him, he had already taken off his sunglasses.


We stayed like that for who knows how long. I made a mistake already! He’s TOP! I’m a normal citizen who only knows him from TV. Please take me away from this awkward situation. But the good thing was that people didn’t seem to mind a celebrity was walking around the streets. Well it is Korea, it’s a small country compared to anywhere else. It wasn’t something that was rare. When you turn at every corner around here, you’ll see one. Now if it was Yoo Jae Suk, I’d have something to go crazy about.

“Sorry, I mistook you with someone else.”

I was shouting with joy inside because I have won this ice block of a guy. Makes sense though, he’s pretty dense. Cue laughter! This joke would’ve been great if someone were to hear it, sad. “You look really similar to someone I know.” I saw his eyes glancing at my face and down at my body over and over.

What he just said made me sweat for a second. “That’s… interesting… There is a phrase that three identical people exist for everyone in the world. I guess it’s really true!” I laughed nervously at the end trying to get the conversation over with immediately.

“Can I take a picture of you?”

“A photo?”

“I just don’t think this happens often, to see someone looking so similar.”

“Do I resemble that person a lot?” At the same time, I posed a cute “v” sign when I saw him getting ready to click. “You should show that person the picture too!”

I saw him stare at the phone and he jerked his head up to look at me again. The sudden movement caused me to flinch backwards. “Can you give me your phone number?”

“Huh?” My hands felt damp and my eyes were filled with worry.

“If you don’t want to… That’s fine.”

Is he hitting on me now? This is new since he never seemed to care about girls coming and going. He even sounded like a… human. I mean, he’s so robotic at home; you just can’t get a clue about what’s going on in his mind.

“Believe it or not, I don’t have a cell phone.” He stayed still; I guess he doesn’t really believe it. This calls for improv! “I lost my phone a few weeks ago and I just got lazy to replace it…”

“I see.” He took out a pen from his jacket pocket, took my hand and scribbled on it. “Here, call me later if you feel like.”


“HAHAHA! THAT’S SO FUNNY! He really fell for that? That’s seriously some funny .”

I sulked, feeling really confused after I talked to Jenny for a little bit. Maybe he really knew it was me but wanted to get back at me later. How can I face him tonight after what had happened? This is too embarrassing.


All four of us were gathered around the dining table, eating like we do every night. Since his seat was right next to mine, I couldn’t help but look at him to study how he’d react. He looked at me indifferently, “What?”

I quickly looked down at my bowl of rice, “Nothing.” He isn’t showing any reactions… That means he really fell for it. I guess he can be a simple guy despite his rampaging second brain.

“Oh, right. How is Jenny’s kitchen renovation going?” My mom asked.

“It was finished yesterday and I got to clean her new installations.” I grinned sheepishly. “Her place is so nice…”

“From the last time I visited, don’t you think it’s not spacious?”

I gasped. “What are you talking about? It’s really cozy and it’s the best kind of place to clean. Hidden dust can be hard to find, it’s like a game!”

My mom shook her head lightly. “I wonder where you get that weird habit from.”

I pouted, “I like cleanliness a little… It’s not like I bother anyone without asking…”

She smiled. “Yes, you didn’t touch our bathroom… yet. But you’ve been dominating the upstairs bathroom for so long. I’m worried for Seunghyun.”

I scoffed. I mean I was doing my little brother a favor! With all the girls coming over at night, I’m sure they would’ve been grossed if I hadn’t intervened with the chores.

My stepdad spoke up laughing. “So Seunghyun, how are you doing up there?” I could tell it was only a light question, almost hypothetical. I didn’t expect a harsh comment but how wrong I was.

Seunghyun looked at me with this unreadable expression. “Well, I’ve gotten used to her ways… I think it’s become a habit for me now, letting her do what she wants…”

What’s with his tone? He’s speaking like I’m so inconvenient! And habit? It’s not a big deal cleaning here and there! Your girl problem is much worse than mine!


I slammed my bedroom door shut, I growled. “That stupid… Ugh! I don’t even know what to call him anymore! He frustrates me all the time that I’ve run out of things to say!” That’s when I had a flashback of the incident earlier that day. I was going to ignore this but I’ve changed my mind! I erased his number the moment I stepped back into Jenny’s apartment but I still have his number memorized. He is family.

I came out of the house looking for the closest phone booth. He always gets me worked up but this time it wasn’t the same. Why? It’s because, now, I can totally get back at him! “Hello? Remember me? The girl whom you said looked similar to someone you know.”


His silence once again made me anxious. Don’t tell me he’s going to back down now! … Maybe he really does know. I’m never the type to be so undecided but he’s bringing out the worst in me. “Have you forgotten about me?”

“… No, thanks for calling me back. Really, I mean it. I was really worried… Thank you.”

I stayed still. Then stared at the phone I held in my hand. Quit overreacting. I bet he says that to every girl he makes out with… What a player! His voice sounds so kind though… “Let’s hang out again!” “Ok, ok!” “Is Friday good?” “Okay, see you at 6 by the statue then!” “Bye. I’m so excited!”

I’m going to get back at you for being so cruel to me, just you wait Choi Seunghyun!

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Chapter 6: It's like a real drama!! I can't wait 'till you update, it's so interesting and funny!!
dzeny4 #2
my name is jenny so love this...end you tu
-min_ash- #3
Love the storyline sooo good it could be made into a drama... please update soon!!!
xbabyb #4
I like this so far! :)