Chapter 3

Stupid Liar Over Here

“So, you plan to strike back?” Jenny asked with a mouthful of cereal.

“Yes, and I’m going there to see him fall in despair. I’m borrowing your things again.”

“You are a wicked girl.”

”This is nothing compared to what he has done!” I swirled around to face my friend. She looked like a little child getting scolded by her mother as I yelled. It wasn’t at her; I just got caught up in my emotions. “He made girls cry every single day! 365 times! I should be awarded for holding out so long to get my revenge!”


“Oh, there he is!” I giggled to myself as I hid behind a post a few yards away. It was a little dim outside but it wasn’t hard to see him at all. He did stand out like… Well, like a celebrity. Now, let’s see how long it takes for you to realize that you are being stood up.

10 minutes – He stood there by himself a little blanked out.

30 minutes – Ah, he’s being hunted instead. Girls are really straight forward these days; it’s actually kind of cool. I’m always used to the idea of the guy leading first, then again, it’s not like I’m experienced in that area.

An hour – Again, another girl is coming up to him.

An hour and 30 minutes - … How long is he going to wait? He believed blindly that I was a simply similar looking person as his sister. I guess he does have an innocent side. I kind of feel sympathetic towards him. I feel better now, let’s just go out there and tell him. “…Ok.”

“I am so sorry!” I pretended to run out of breath and he blinked up.


“I am really, really sorry! Something came up.”

“It’s fine. I was late also.” He smiled slightly.

That’s a good lie. He’s pretty dark but he has a kind and innocent side to him. Is that what makes girls fall for him? Now, how am I going to find the perfect timing to tell the truth? He’s fallen for the lie so good that I’m having a hard time breaking it. “Uh… It’s hard to arrange a meeting without a cell.”

“… Yeah, I thought so. So, I brought this with me.” His hand reached out onto the table and set down something, a cell phone.

I stared at it, I became clueless. “This is for me? Why?”

“Call me with it next time. I’ll call you by that number too. Hang out with me for a while and if you don’t like me, just give it back… Be my friend.”

This is weird… I don’t think he just wants to be a friend. “Uh… I don’t think I can accept that. I can’t afford the payment, I need to save up for something important.”

“I will pay for it, so use it however you want. Don’t mind it.”

No way! “I do mind! I can’t accept this.” I pushed the phone away from me. The little device got me a little nerve wrecked just by looking at it.

He took the phone for a moment. “I signed a contract already. Whether you use it or not, I’ll still have to pay for it for 2 years.”

I give up. I grabbed the phone when he handed it to me again. “… Then, I’ll take it. But don’t do this if you want to be a friend.” He looked at me questioned. “No friends would do this! I’ll try to pay the monthly fee, so let me know how much later.”

“You don’t have to.” He took out his own phone and dialed in numbers. “Name…”


“I haven’t asked your name. What’s your name?”

 He prepared a cell phone for someone whose name he didn’t even know… I can’t believe this is my brother. “Name… Name…” Maybe, this is the chance to tell him the truth. I imagined myself doing that. It’s Siyeon! Your sister! “Si… Si…”

“Your last is Kang, right?”

“What?” How does he know Jenny’s last name?

“It’s on the tag of your bag.”

Thank goodness Jenny writes her last name on her brand name stuff. I always thought it was weird but she’s a genius! I simply smiled at Seunghyun.

He punched in a few buttons again. “Kang Si…”

“La. It’s Kang Silla.”


Please! Why do you not doubt that I may be your sister in disguise? I’m dying here dude! I just can’t tell the truth to him. “Um… I should go home now… My dad will be worried…”



“I am so sorry. I was late and we didn’t even get to hang out long enough.”

“Let me take you home.”

“Huh? You can’t do that. If my dad saw that, he’d pass out!”

“Oh, I see.”


“May I borrow your wardrobe for a little longer?”

Jenny glanced at me, clueless how stressful my day was. “Yeah, that’s fine. Want something to drink?” As we both got settled in comfortably, Jenny was the first to speak up. “How did it go?”

“Well…” And I told her everything I knew.

“He gave you a cell phone?! So much pressure! And he wants to be a friend? What friend?”

I became troubled. “What should I do? He completely fell for it! I just couldn’t tell him!”

Jenny sipped on her green tea. “…Looks like he fell in love with you.”

My face paled. “…Love?!” I shook my head aggressively. “But I am his sister!”

“But he thinks you’re just a lookalike. And no guy gives a cell phone to just a friend…”

Ugh, I kind of figured that was the case… But I’ve never received such affections by guys… So this is sudden and confusing for me… It was only my second time meeting him as Silla.

“Why don’t you just go out with him?”

“No, no, no, he’s my brother! And you do know that he’s a playboy!”

“That was what I was told, but it looks like he may be not. I find him so cute, falling for a lie like that.”

For a moment I was annoyed but when I thought about it, she was right about a few things. He was… pure. And he was cute back in the old days, when I first met him. The only good memory I have of him.

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Chapter 6: It's like a real drama!! I can't wait 'till you update, it's so interesting and funny!!
dzeny4 #2
my name is jenny so love this...end you tu
-min_ash- #3
Love the storyline sooo good it could be made into a drama... please update soon!!!
xbabyb #4
I like this so far! :)