Chapter 1

Stupid Liar Over Here

“Did I always look this good?” I admired myself in the mirror, it was truly a transformation. I was a different person! I had a few fake eyelashes on, I mean who knew eyelashes can make a pretty big impact on the way your eyes looked? Well, don’t answer that. I guess I was the only one. I had eyeliner on, lip gloss, and my hair was down. That was it really. Oh and I had contacts on too. I remember I bought those years ago but left them at Jenny’s place. I personally thought they were a waste of money because I always felt uncomfortable with them in my eyes. Hmm, that’s weird, doesn’t feel as bad as they did before. I must’ve been really sensitive back then.

“You have the raw materials but you just didn’t put them to use.” Jenny stated nonchalantly as she filed her nails.

“I may sound like I have princess syndrome right now but I look really pretty.” I whispered while I continued to stare at myself.

“You do sweetie, I’m so glad you let me do this for you.”

“How come you’ve never done it for the last 5 years?”

“Hey don’t put this on me; I’ve always nagged about it since middle school.”

“Really? How come I don’t remember?”

“Probably because it wasn’t of your interest, you know how you are.”

“How am I?”

“If you’re not interested, you tend to let everything slip through your ears.”


Jenny chuckled, “Yes, aha! Why don’t you go out for the day and walk around. Get hit on for a change.”

“Just because I have make up on doesn’t mean I want some dudes in my pants.”

“I never told you to do that~! Get some compliments, it’ll flatter you.”

“I don’t know…”

“Come on woman! It’s just make-up; all the kids are doing it. Here’s some money, go a little shopping so you don’t look weird lurking around the neighborhood.”

I thought about it for a second, would the treatment I get be really different? “Okay, you win. I’ll come back soon.”

“Don’t promise me anything. Who knows, you might end up in a motel with some hot guy.”

“Jenny! I don’t do that! Wait, do you?”

“I was kidding and no I don’t…”

I arched my eyebrow at her not exactly believing that.

“I really don’t. Hey I may talk and act this way but I don’t let anyone spray cheese on me on the first date.”

“Jenny! That’s disgusting!”

“Hey, don’t make me look like the weird one here! I know you’re not a . You’re already 24.”

I stayed quiet, nervously looking at her from the mirror.

She glanced at me for a moment and things became silent for a minute. “NO WAY! You are not a !”

“I am…”

“You should be on the news.”

“I want to save it for marriage. It’s not bad.”

“I didn’t say it was bad, just surprising. You could become an inspiration.”

“I don’t want to be called a nun by the public. There’s no need to exploit myself either.”

“Can you stop taking what I say so seriously? Geez, it’s like talking to a grandma here.”

I huffed and crossed my arms like a child.

“Aw, is my little Siyeon angry? Come on; let’s not forget the plan here. I have to get you out of these sweats. Who cares if your face looks hot while your body looks dingy?”

“Thanks.” The word dripped with sarcasm.

“No problem. My clothes are your clothes and your clothes… are not mine.”

“Thanks again.”

“Stop thanking me, you’re making me blush.”

I rolled my eyes but when we looked at each other, we busted out laughing. In a matter of minutes, she had already pulled out an outfit that she thought would look adorable on me. She said I’d look perfect as the natural pretty type. I wore a striped linen tank top tucked under a summer floral skirt. On top, I wore a nice lace shrug and for shoes, some studded gladiator sandals.

Jenny checked me out, “I should seriously get paid for this.”


It was fascinating how much attention I’m getting. I never knew it would feel this good. For a good ten years, I knew how much the girls around me thought of fashion and make up as a big deal but it never got to me. But I know now. I can’t believe I was this clueless for so long. It still freaks me out when guys are hitting on me right now but I can’t say I don’t like the feeling. It feels exhilarating.

As I continued to think about all these wondrous thoughts, I didn’t notice the man in sunglasses a few steps away. As soon as our shoulders collided, I fell to the ground. I didn’t feel angry, just amazed how strong someone’s shoulder could be. Plus it was partly my fault for not paying attention. When I looked up, the wind got knocked out of me. Although his eyes were hidden behind the dark shades, I could tell from the way he was looking down at me not moving at all, he was shocked as well. I felt embarrassed because I was the older sister who claimed to never be interested in such girly things.

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Chapter 6: It's like a real drama!! I can't wait 'till you update, it's so interesting and funny!!
dzeny4 #2
my name is jenny so love this...end you tu
-min_ash- #3
Love the storyline sooo good it could be made into a drama... please update soon!!!
xbabyb #4
I like this so far! :)