"...win her over while you can." "...It's Sulli." "...I just hope he makes her happy."

Love Confession


Hi. I think this story is almost complete. Thank you to everyone of you who have left me a comment and subscribe to this story. I really appreciate it! I apologize beforehand if this chapter is confusing. I didn't mean to but I guess I'm a confusing writer? Anyway... ENJOY!

"Kyuhyun! Kyuhyun! Get out of that bathroom right now! You've been in there for an hour!" 
"I'll be out in a second." He replied.
He had been in here for an hour but not really doing much just looking into the mirror. 'Why am I getting so worked up about this?' He knew he should just ignore the stupid part of his brain but it seems like he has an issue with ignoring it. He takes a deep breath and walks out of the bathroom to see an angry Sungmin.
Sungmin's angry look goes away when he sees the dark circles under his dongsaeng eyes. He pulled Kyuhyun by his wrist and pulled him down on the couch. He turned to face the younger. "What is going on? Did you stay up playing Starcraft again?"
Kyuhyun shook his head silently.
"Then what?"
He dropped his face onto his hands, "I'm stupid."
"What's going on?"
Kyuhyun looked up at Sungmin, "I saw Taemin and Amber hugging yesterday. And... I... I feel jealous of him."
Sungmin is confused for a second before he start laughing. "Are you kidding me? Of Taemin? Taemin?"
Kyuhyun huffed, "I know. I feel stupid about it. But what if he likes her and she likes him back?"
Sungmin thought for a while, "You make a valid point but for now we're not sure so keep trying to win her over while you can."
"Can I go out to get a drink?" Amber asked their manager.
"We're in the middle of recording", he said.
"And? I'm not doing anything at the moment."
He shrugged and she sprang up from her spot on the chair and went out of the room. Sulli went out after her since she also needed a little out of the small room time. 
Amber went to where the vending machine was at and was deciding what drink to buy when she noticed someone, a little bit away from her, sitting against the wall. The person seemed to be stressed since they kept huffing and pulling at their hair. 
"You're going to go bald if you keep doing that." She said to the mysterious, yet familiar, figure.
The person looked up and Amber wasn't as surprised to see that it was Kai. The boy had a lot of stress at the moment with being main dancer and face of the group. It was understandable why he might be stressed.
"What would you do if the one you like likes someone else? If you have to see them look at someone else the way you want to be looked at? What would you do in that situation, noona?" 
Well she didn't expect that. "Uhhh... What?"
Kai sighed. "Forget it. I don't think you can help me."
Amber frowned, "Yah! I can help. I just don't get why you're asking me this. Why don't you ask your hyungs?”
Kai snorted, "Some big help they are. They can't keep a secret. I know you can though."
Amber sat beside him on the floor, "What's going on? What happened?"
Kai looked at his hands then up at Amber, "I like someone but... I know they don't like me back. They like my best friend and it hurts to see her hurting over him. I just want to make her happy. I know I could if he wasn't in the picture. Don't get me wrong, I love my best friend but he needs to realize what's in front of him." He sighed. "And I feel like I'm making things worst by encouraging to chase after someone else so I can try to get closer to her. Am I a bad person?"
Amber wrapped her arm around his shoulder and gave it a squeeze, "You aren't. I get what you mean. Who is this girl?"
Kai hesitated to tell her but after a few seconds, took a deep breath and said, "It's Sulli."
Amber froze then slowly turned to  look at Kai, "S-Sulli?"
Kai nodded.
"Omo. I see. You like her, who likes Taemin, who likes who?" Amber hoped Kai would tell her of this mystery woman Taemin was pinning after.
Kai frowned a bit, "How do you know it's Taemin?"
Amber raised an eyebrow, "Really? Your best friend? Everyone knows who it is."
Kai felt his face flush, "Oh. Right."
"Sulli won't tell me who Taemin likes." Amber scooted closer to the other, "Will you tell me?"
Kai scooted away a little, "Noona. I can't. But just know she's a very talented woman."
Amber tilted her head to the side, "Woman? How much older is this 'woman' compared to Taemin?"
"Not a lot. Only a year."
Amber gasped, "Then she's not so that you call her a woman! She's a lady! Don't make her sound old!" She smacked the other on the back of his head.
Kai yelped and rub the back of his head with a pout, "That hurt."
Amber laughed and got off the floor, "I have to go back. See you later little man." She waved and ran off.
"I'm not little!" Kai yelled after her and he heard her laugh as she disappeared down the hall.
 "It's Sulli."
"Omo. I see. You like her, she likes Taemin, and he likes who?"
"How do you know it's Taemin?"
Sulli ran off when she heard that. She didn't mean to eavesdrop but her name was mentioned and she had a right to listen on. She wished she hadn't though. She found out Kai likes her. 'Me? Why me? I thought he had a thing for Krystal.' Sulli felt so confused. Kai was a really good friend but she never thought of him as more than a brother. She reached the recording room in time for her turn to record her parts. 
She put all distractions aside to deal with later.
'I'm going to have to talk to him soon.'
Everyone except F(x) had a lunch break and Kyuhyun decided to spend sometime in the dorm alone. Sungmin begged him to join everyone to go out and eat but he declined. He wanted to think in quietness. But his feet took him in a different direction and he reached the recording room where he saw F(x)'s manager walk out of. He walked up to the man.
"Can I go in?" Kyuhyun asked him.
The manager looked up surprised and then nodded, "Sure. The girls are resting for a bit."
He walked in and found them all squished into a couch except Amber who was with the producer.
"Kyuhyun-oppa? What are you doing here?" Sulli spoke from herplace in between Victoria and Krystal.
Kyuhyun his dry lips nervously, "Um, mind if I borrow Amber for a bit?"
Amber who was engrossed in a conversation with the producer lifted her head at the sound of her name and froze when she saw Kyuhyun at the door. 'What is he doing here?' She smiled wide and waved at him.
He waved back, "Can I ask you something?"
Amber smiled, "Ask away."
"Umm... in private?"
She realized what he meant and jumped up from her chair, "Oh! Okay." She turned to her other members, "I'll be back in a bit."
Sulli winked at her which didn't go unnoticed by the other girls.
Amber walked up to Kyuhyun and they both went out and after they told her manager where she was going they went somewhere quiet. They thought they were alone but a certain someone was on a mission.
"So what did you want to ask me?" Amber asked a visibly nervous Kyuhyun. 'Oh. So cute! So cute!'
"There's something that I want to tell you but I'm not sure I know how." He said.
'No, no!' Key thought from hiding in a corner where the two couldn't see him. He knew something was going to go wrong. Taemin always gets hurt this way. 
'I can't ruin this for Amber either. Her eyes are sparkling like they do when ever she's around something she loves.'
He sighed and walked away to find Taemin but when he found said person right behind him he almost fell back. The boy looked at him curiously. 
"What are you doing here, hyung?", Taemin whispered.
Key sighed and pushed Taemin foward so he could see.
"What are we looking a-?" 
Key sighed and Taemin backed away and left running down the hall with Key behind him.
He was able to reach him at the bottom of the stairs and grabbed onto the younger's shirt. He turned him around and saw how red his face was with his eyes shut tightly.
"Let go, hyung." Taemin said through clenched teeth.
"Why are you running?" Key asked even though he knew the answer.
Taemin laughed bitterly, "You aren't stupid. You should know by now why."
"Why did you still continue liking her if you knew this might happen? Do you know what you're doing to yourself?" Key said and shook Taemin a little.
"It's just a crush. It'll pass."
"What did you see though Taemin?" Key asked.
"I just hope he makes her happy."


What do you think Taemin saw?

I feel so bad about this chapter. I don't want to write a heartbroken Taemin. But he won't be like that forever. 

Thank You for Reading. Anticipate the next chapter.

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It is complete my friends. Thank you for reading and I hope you read some of my future work too. Bye.


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Chapter 11: Awww! I didnt remember how much i love this ff!
AEGYO92 #2
Chapter 11: sequel please
Chapter 11: you know? just when i read the last chappie my iTunes playing Super Junior song "Just You" and i think it will be good for the back song.... XD
123missyevil #4
Chapter 11: Done aready!!!!!!.... Woohoo......
Though I kind of hate crystal for butting in like that... But in the end sulli and Kai are together again....
Nice one really. I enjoyed reading this.... :)
krisber_1806 #5
Chapter 11: ENDING.
Many drama in the epilog.
Thank u.
Make another fic gain pairing amber with other boys. (^^)d
123missyevil #6
Chapter 9: What did ate in saw???? Waiiiiit, kyu kiss amber????!!!!!!!
Please be like that!!!!!!
Chapter 9: *hugging you* KyuBer...!!!!! *getting crazy* LOL
krisber_1806 #8
Chapter 9: Taemin see kyuber maybe..
so complicated love bettwen kyubertaesulkai.
update gain author-nim.
123missyevil #9
Chapter 8: yah kyu!!!!!! stop being too low!!!!
you are good too... in one way taemin is better... and in another way u are beter!!!!!
Chapter 8: the ghost is Kyuhyun right?? -___-