"...This is bull! I did nothing to you!" "...She'll get over it..." "...I just want her to be happy."

Love Confession

Hi! Back again. Please enjoy the chapter. And I would love to hear your thoughts on how the this story is going so far. If you like it or not or if it's terrible? Anyway... Thank you for reading. 

ENJOY! ^_^


Amber woke up early thanks to a certain young girl jumping on her and demanding to know of this "meet up" she was having with Taemin. Amber just wanted to help him with the dance even though she thinks he made a bad choice in partner but she was up for it. Sulli didn't seem to be satisfied with the answer since she stomped out of the room.
Amber was confused the whole morning about what she was suppose to do. Sulli was moody all during breakfast and Amber suffered accusing looks from the rest of the girls. Amber had received a text from Taemin that he would be at the dance studio at 1200. It was 1130 already.
Amber could take Sulli's moodiness and confronted her when she entered the living room. Amber ran up and pounced on Sulli pinning the younger's arms on the floor on either side of her face. "Why are you mad at me?"
Sulli huffed, "Get off me." She tried to sit up but Amber pushed her back.
"Tell me. Why are you mad at me? What the hell did I do to you?"
"I'm not mad at you." Sulli said and struggled to get out from below Amber but the rapper wouldn't budge. She didn't want to deal with the problem at the moment. She was already hurting and didn't want to look at the reason for her heartbreak.
Amber growled, yes she growled, "Stop it! What did I do for you to be so moody today! This is bull, Sulli! I did nothing to you!"
Sulli stopped struggling and looked anywhere but at Amber, "I don't want to talk about it right now... especially with you." She looked up at the girl on her with hurt clear in her eyes. "Please get off."
Amber slowly got off of her and stood up as she ran out the door after grabbing her things. The look she saw in Sulli's eyes made her feel guilty but she didn't understood why she was angry with her. Amber punched the wall she had her forehead against and stormed down the hall on her way to meet up with Taemin. 
Down the hallway stood a confused, nosy, Sungmin and he ran back to the dorm.
Kyuhyun was on his computer playing Starcraft and basically winning the match until his laptop was slammed shut and barely missed his fingers. "THE HECK, MAN!?"
"What did you do to Amber?" Sungmin was standing with a hand on his hip, glaring down at him.
Kyuhyun had a confused look on his face, "I don't remember doing anything bad. I didn't cross any boundaries. Why?"
Sungmin huffed, "Why is she mad then?"
Kyuhyun froze, "She's mad? About what?"
The older shrugged, "I don't know. That's why I'm asking you. I saw her storm down the hall away from her dorm and ran back here to kill you if you did something stupider than what you told me you did."
The maknae started to wonder what could have Amber so upset. Something must of happened with one of her group mates. "Something must have happened between one of the members."
Sungmin sat down beside the younger and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, "We'll find out later. By the way sorry for slamming your computer closed.
The younger glared at the other, "I was winning too."
Amber and Taemin had been in the practice room for quite some time and he noticed that the other was distracted. 
"We should rest for a bit." Taemin went over to his backpack and pulled out his water. When he turned around Amber was against the mirror with her knees pulled up to her chest. He felt something was wrong.
"Am I a bad person?" Amber asked out of nowhere and the question made Taemin confused.
He frowned, "No. Why are you asking this?"
Amber lifted her gaze up to Taemin, "Sulli is mad at me. Everyone is mad at me."
That made the young dancer even more confused. 'Sulli? Mad?'
"Why?" He asked.
Amber looked down at her knees again, "I have a feeling I know why but its not my place to tell anyone." She said and sighed. 'She likes Taemin. It has to be it. She wouldn't react that way if it wasn't that. She knows I like Kyuhyun, so why is she being mad at me? Is she that jealous?' Amber thought to herself.
Taemin frowned, "She'll get over it. You know Sulli. She can't stay mad forever."
Amber looked up and thought of asking Taemin of his feelings toward Sulli. Despite Sulli doing a drama with Minho and them become close, she was always a little closer to Taemin. Being around the same age and stuff. They kind of fit together. It made her jealous of how good they would look together. She knew that her and Kyuhyun would never look good next to each other. 
"Let's keep practicing. Still have some moves you need to learn." Taemin stuck out a hand that Amber took as they both got ready for the next hours.
"I can't sleep." Kyuhyun was walking out of the SuJu dorm when he saw something unexpected. 
Two people across from him were hugging and he knew that short hair anywhere. The ugly feeling of jealousy started to creep up on his body. The one hugging her was the one person he never expected to be jealous of. 
The boy looked up and locked eyes with Kyuhyun before his eyes widened and he pulled away slightly. The girl turned to look at what he was looking at but whatever it was was gone.
Kyuhyun ran down the stairs trying to clear his head and trying not to over think the situation. 'They're just friends.' 'No friend puts their face in another's neck like he did. They're something going on.' 'No. They're just friends. I do that with my group mates.' 'Remember the kind of guy she said she wants?' Kyuhyun felt weird having a conversation in his mind with himself but thought of what she had said the night before.
"I like guys who are confident in who they are. A man who can be shy but not shy at the same, if that makes any sense. A nice, beautiful smile. Pretty skin, yes pretty. Twinkling eyes. Great singer. And soft hair that I would love to run my fingers through. That's what I look for in a guy."
Nice, beautiful smile; 'I may have a nice smile but so does he.' He thought to himself.
Pretty skin; 'I sometimes do have good skin and he seems to always have good skin.'
Twinkling eyes; 'I wonder what she meant.'
Great singer; 'We both are.'
Soft hair; 'Soft hair. Soft hair?'
Kyuhyun ran a hand through his hair and then let it drop in front of his face. He was confused of why he felt he can't compete with someone like the other. He felt a little betrayed also. He also felt like he's just overreacting and nothing was going on.
"I just want her to be happy." He decided. 
Amber returned to the dorm to see Sulli again on the couch. The young girl looked up and they locked eyes until the elder spoke.
"Are you still mad at me?" Amber asked in a quiet voice.
Sulli sighed, "I was and it was stupid of me to be."
Amber walked over to her, "Ya think?" She said in English.
Sulli stood up and hugged the other girl, "I'm sorry."
Amber returned the hug, "Don't worry. I would be jealous too if you had a meet up with Kyuhyun."
Sulli's eyes widened and pulled back to look at Amber, "What do you mean?"
Amber smiled, "You have a crush on Taemin, don't you?"
Sulli shook her head, "What? No. No, no, n-"
Amber raised an eyebrow.
Sulli looked at the ground, "Am I that obvious?"
Amber shrugged, "Not really. I kind of guessed by the way you reacted this morning. It's really cute that you like him."
The younger blushed, "This is embarrassing."
"Fun for me!" Amber poked the other's cheek. "Jinri loves Taeminnie!"
Sulli covered the girl's mouth, "Keep it a secret!"
Amber the other's hand, which Sulli pulled back and frantically wiped on her pajama pants in disgust. "I plan to help you two." Amber stated.
Sulli froze before looking at Amber with sad eyes, "Thanks but it won't work. He likes someone else."
Amber just stared, "That someone could be you."
Sulli shook her head, "It isn't. He already told me who. So thank you but I'm fine with it. He deserves to be with who he wants to be. It's up to the girl to choose him or not. I'm afraid he might get hurt though."
"Who is she? Can you tell me?" Amber asked.
The young girl walked towards her room but turned around, "You'll know soon." She walked in her room, leaving a confused Amber in the living room.
"Why is everyone so weird today?" Amber asked herself. "First Taemin being a little too friendly. Jongin interrupting our practice because he wanted to see how I was. Taemin hugging me for a long time. Taemin pulling away because he saw a ghost supposedly. Sulli with this. I hope tomorrow is normal at least."
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It is complete my friends. Thank you for reading and I hope you read some of my future work too. Bye.


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Chapter 11: Awww! I didnt remember how much i love this ff!
AEGYO92 #2
Chapter 11: sequel please
Chapter 11: you know? just when i read the last chappie my iTunes playing Super Junior song "Just You" and i think it will be good for the back song.... XD
123missyevil #4
Chapter 11: Done aready!!!!!!.... Woohoo......
Though I kind of hate crystal for butting in like that... But in the end sulli and Kai are together again....
Nice one really. I enjoyed reading this.... :)
krisber_1806 #5
Chapter 11: ENDING.
Many drama in the epilog.
Thank u.
Make another fic gain pairing amber with other boys. (^^)d
123missyevil #6
Chapter 9: What did ate in saw???? Waiiiiit, kyu kiss amber????!!!!!!!
Please be like that!!!!!!
Chapter 9: *hugging you* KyuBer...!!!!! *getting crazy* LOL
krisber_1806 #8
Chapter 9: Taemin see kyuber maybe..
so complicated love bettwen kyubertaesulkai.
update gain author-nim.
123missyevil #9
Chapter 8: yah kyu!!!!!! stop being too low!!!!
you are good too... in one way taemin is better... and in another way u are beter!!!!!
Chapter 8: the ghost is Kyuhyun right?? -___-