
Love Confession


(A year later)
The past year was so full of work and drama, well a little, more like a lot, of the last thing. 
Taemin got over his crush and had met a new girl. She was a small girl, very small. Then she turned out to be a not so honest girl and Taemin left her. The public never found out till he broke up with her that he was in a relationship. Imagine how that went down. Taemin told his fans to not send hate to the girl since they decided to keep the past in the past, like it should be. Plus it was sensitive subject then. 
Now he met a new girl, . They look so adorable together too.
He met her at a fan meeting and she was one of the few calm ones and well they fell for each other. It was cute how he would tell his bandmates that he would do anything to see her again and he did. When he met her again he gave her his number and they would meet up and stuff.
She was one lucky fan. Handle the hate well too. None of it affected her at all. Anyway she has Taemin and that's all that mattered to her.
So cute! 
Sulli and Kai. Well, these two had some drama at the beginning. Krystal decided to confess to Kai just when Sulli and Kai started and knew they were. Sulli was so upset about it that on one of their live performances on TV she ran off the stage crying. Her bomb had exploded. They cut out F(x)'s performance but that didn't stop the media from getting all up in her business. SM handled it but saying she just felt a little sick and she would get better soon. Only she didn't. Sulli broke up with Kai after that statement was released by the company and things didn't get any better.
Krystal felt bad for what happened and regretted ever opening . Amber was the most mad about the whole thing. She purposely ignored Krystal. Sulli and the others may have forgiven her but Amber couldn't until she fixed this. It was her fault anyway. 
Fans even started to notice the change between Sulli and Kai. In fancams you could see they never interacted and kept a distance away. Many of her fans were worried about her because her smile never reached her eyes. Kai's fans were worried for the same thing. 
Amber had finally had enough though and tricked them into going into the same room and locking them in there till they fixed this and she used Krystal to get them in there. 
Two hours later, they came out holding hands and smiles. Amber was pleased.
Victoria and Yesung are engaged. Booyah! They recently came out to the public and the fans supported them one hundred percent. It felt nice for them. And for everyone that knew them. You could feel the love they felt for each other. 
Now to the love birds this story was about. Amber and Kyuhyun, still going strong. Not a lot of drama for them except some fans being rude to her. Three months into their relationship they told Lee Soo Man they wanted to go public and he approved. Fans were surprised. They had pictures of them going out together to eat and stuff and didn't suspect anything except the ones that shipped them together. 
Then one day as she was heading out with Luna to do their schedules and Kyuhyun's fans walked up to her and kept telling her horrible things. Like she didn't deserve Kyuhyun, she wasn't pretty enough for him, calling her bad names, telling her just terrible things.
Kyuhyun did not appreciate that at all and Amber never told him. He found out through forums and he never likes looking that up until Sungmin told him to. Next day when Super Junior were doing an interview, he expressed his thoughts on the situation that had occurred with Amber.
"I do not like what happen to my Amber." He started off. "She has done nothing to you. I would appreciate if you don't disrespect her. I love her, she loves me. Accept it, please. I'm happy."
The interviewer asked what the other members thought and many agreed with Kyuhyun's words. 
Some of the fans didn't like his words but most of them respected his words and supported the couple one hundred percent.
All in all, nothing was going to get in between them.
Their first I-love-yous where on their third date since they became girlfriend and boyfriend. She had been drinking from her water when...
"I love you." He said.
She almost choked on her water and sputtered out, "W-what?"
He looked into her eyes, "I love you."
She smiled and leaned over the table to give him a peck on the lips, "I love you too."
It had been a night to remember.
No matter all the things drama, heartbreak, anger, and hate they had to go through... nothing could take away the love these couples had in them. 
May all of you out there someday find your happiness. There will be drama but at the end of it all, it'll be worth it.


Hi. Thank you for reading this story. I'm planning to probably write a one shot sequel to this. Maybe, maybe not. I'm working on another two stories. One an Exo/OC fic and a Jinkibum/JongTae fic. And planning to do a KrisBer. So yep I have school on top of that too. Anyway, thank you again and I hope you read my future fics too.  ^_^

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It is complete my friends. Thank you for reading and I hope you read some of my future work too. Bye.


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Chapter 11: Awww! I didnt remember how much i love this ff!
AEGYO92 #2
Chapter 11: sequel please
Chapter 11: you know? just when i read the last chappie my iTunes playing Super Junior song "Just You" and i think it will be good for the back song.... XD
123missyevil #4
Chapter 11: Done aready!!!!!!.... Woohoo......
Though I kind of hate crystal for butting in like that... But in the end sulli and Kai are together again....
Nice one really. I enjoyed reading this.... :)
krisber_1806 #5
Chapter 11: ENDING.
Many drama in the epilog.
Thank u.
Make another fic gain pairing amber with other boys. (^^)d
123missyevil #6
Chapter 9: What did ate in saw???? Waiiiiit, kyu kiss amber????!!!!!!!
Please be like that!!!!!!
Chapter 9: *hugging you* KyuBer...!!!!! *getting crazy* LOL
krisber_1806 #8
Chapter 9: Taemin see kyuber maybe..
so complicated love bettwen kyubertaesulkai.
update gain author-nim.
123missyevil #9
Chapter 8: yah kyu!!!!!! stop being too low!!!!
you are good too... in one way taemin is better... and in another way u are beter!!!!!
Chapter 8: the ghost is Kyuhyun right?? -___-