"...Be cool. Don't screw up!" "...You're a great dancer and I want you to dance with me..." "...Eyeshadow? Really?..." "...Let's get going then?"

Love Confession


Another Update! I just want to thank you for reading this. I will work my hardest to complete this story. So enjoy the chapter my lovelies! ^_^ 

It's already 4 in the afternoon and they just wrapped recording the song. The three girls couldn't be happier except, the week after this one is when the recording for the rest of the album starts. Their still trying to choose which recorded songs will go on the album. 
At the moment, Krystal, Luna, and Amber are packing their things up or more like Amber is waiting for the other two to finish. Amber was anxious to get ready for her date-but-not-a-date-date. Sulli volunteered to help her dress up for it. The rest of the girls kept giving her knowing looks but they were waiting for Amber to tell them. 
Victoria was as happy as ever with her Yesung. The leader of F(x) was relieved that Amber would keep her secret. Leeteuk had found out of their relationship, after finding them on Yesung's bed in a very 'appropriate' position, not really. He promised to keep it secret if they learned to lock doors so people didn't find them faces. 
Sulli was at the dorm fixing up her things to do a makeover on Amber. She had called Key, which is rare, for advice on what kind of clothes, eye makeup, and all that jazz suits her unni. Key was suspicious but gave his advice and then tried to make her spit out the reason behind all of it. Sulli stayed faithful to her promise and didn't spill any beans.
Taemin was with Kai talking about the crazy plan the younger boy had. He really doesn't understand why he is friends with the kid at times. The plan seemed a little crazy, so crazy that it might just work.
Kyuhyun was with Sungmin in their room, trying to find 'suitable' clothes for the night with Amber. Kyu's bed had a pile of clothes on it that Sungmin threw on because they weren't the 'one'. Kyuhyun was ready to pull out his hair but knew going bald was not an option if he wants Amber as his girlfriend someday. So he endures it. All of it was for Amber anyway. He would do anything for her. 
"She's coming. She's coming." Taemin whispered into the hidden mic on his shirt.
"Okay. Stay calm. When she comes close get in front of her." The voice in the earpiece he was wearing said.
Taemin nodded and pulled himself together. Amber was a few steps away from him so he stepped out of his hideout spot and waved casually at the female rapper. "Annyeong-haseyo noona, how are you?"
She looked up and smiled at the dancer, "Taemin-ssi. I'm good. Finally finished recording. How are you?"
"Be cool. Don't screw up." The earpiece said. "I'm good too." Taemin replied as Amber nodded and smiled more. 'Her smile is so pretty. Just kill me now.'
"Ask her to help you with something." The earpiece person said again, snapping him back to life. "A-ah, noona?"
Amber looked at him, "Hm?"
Taemin's cheeks turned red at her eyes looking into his but still managed to speak, despite his rapidly beating heart and butterflies in his stomach. "Mmm... Do you think you can help me with this dance I've been working on? I made it but need a partner to practice it with." 
"You're lame, dude." The earpiece person said. Taemin was going to kill the ba-.
"Sure. But I don't know why you chose me. There's better partners than me." Amber said as she chuckled.
"Dude! Tell her that none are better than her."
Taemin went for her hand and grabbed it, "Aniyo, noona. You're better than anyone else."
He saw the faint pink on her cheeks, "You're just saying that, Taemin."
"Okay n-", Taemin ignored the earpiece person and spoke for himself, "I'm not. You're a great dancer and I want you to dance with me because you are great. I chose you because you are the best."
Amber was surprised at his words. Not many people praised her like Taemin just did and it felt good. She didn't even have any way to argue back. 
Taemin pulled her into a hug, not caring if he was stepping over boundaries. 
Amber didn't mind. Her cheeks turned red and she slowly raised her arms to return the hug he was giving her. She didn't understand the butterflies in her stomach or the blush. It was all too confusing.
When they pulled away, they made plans to meet tomorrow in the SHINee practice room and walked off on opposite parts of the hallway. Amber looked back at Taemin's retreating back and looked at him, like really really looked at him. Her heart started to speed up and she turned forward, shaking away whatever she was thinking and focusing on tonight.
She missed the smile Taemin threw over his shoulder when he turned his head to get the last glimpse of her before the next day. 
Amber walked into her room to see Sulli looking at the clothes laid out on her bed. And they were a lot of different outfits. Some even looked new and... is that a skirt?
Sulli turned around, "Unni! You're here. What took you so long?"
Amber froze at the question, suddenly she was reminded of what had happened before she came to the dorm but shook away the memory. "Manager-oppa asked me to stay behind to talk to me. Nothing bad. Just telling me to keep working harder."
Sulli nodded and hummed, "Well let's get this started, shall we?"
Amber nodded. She sat on the edge of her bed as she eyed the outfits laid out. They all looked a little too girly but not overly girly. The white skinny jeans and blue button up dress shirt one looked nice. She pointed to it and Sulli looked at her then to the outfit then squealed. "Perfect!"
"Eyeshadow? Really? No", Amber was giving Sulli a glare.
Sulli sighed, trying to be patient, "Come on. It'll look nice."
Amber wasn't backing down though. "No."
Sulli huffed, "Fine but at least wear eyeliner and lip gloss."
Amber gave Sulli another look at the gloss mentioning. 
"FINE! Chapstick then!" Sulli surrendered as Amber smiled triumphantly.
After ,what seemed to be, an hour of fussing over hair, Amber received a text. She opened it.
>To: Amber
  From: Kyuhyun
Meet me in front around 1900. Our movie starts around 1930.
She replied with a quick, "Okay. See you then. :)"
Sulli was peering over her shoulder then squealed at the message and hugged her neck, choking Amber by how tight she was hugging her. "Sulli. I. Need. To. Breathe."
Sulli let go, "I hope you have the best night. And I think you should be getting down there. It's already 1830."
Amber sprang up and started searching for her sunglasses, coat, keys, wallet, and hat. She stopped short on her search for the last item as she noticed herself in the mirror. She looked like a girl more than she ever had. The shirt wasn't so tight or too baggy. Her jeans accentuate her figure than suffocate her. She was wearing black ballet flat shoes. Her short hair was styled nicely and eyeliner was simple. "You did a good job, Sulli."
Sulli smiled and walked behind Amber looking at the girl through the mirror and gave her two thumbs up. "Awesome." She said in English.
Amber laughed and turned around to give Sulli the biggest hug she could give.
"The things I do for you Cho Kyuhyun." Sungmin tsked the maknae. "I better get one of your kids named after me."
"Thank you hyung!" Kyuhyun hugged him and then watched Sungmin walk outside to the fangirls waiting outside. He needed a distraction so no one would notice him walking out with Amber to avoid a scandal.
Amber tapped his shoulder scaring him as he clutched his chest. 
Amber stifled a laugh, "Sorry oppa. I thought you heard me call out your name."
Kyuhyun laughed, "Don't worry. We should get going. We can sneak through right now before anyone notices us."
Amber felt a bit hurt about Kyuhyun not wanting to be seen with her but she understood why he couldn't. Scandals are not something she wants to be caught in the middle of before a comeback. "Arraso."
Kyuhyun grabbed her hand before making a run for it, dragging her behind him. They made it and kept running and stopped when he was sure they were out of site and then they slowed down to walking. Amber giggled at Kyuhyun's relieved face. They seemed like teenage kids running away together from disapproving parents but in this case it was disapproving fans.
"Let's get going then." Kyuhyun still held on to her hand as he smiled and dragged her along.
Amber was looking down at their joined hands with a small smile on her lips. 'Could you feel the same for me as I feel for you, Cho Kyuhyun?
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It is complete my friends. Thank you for reading and I hope you read some of my future work too. Bye.


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Chapter 11: Awww! I didnt remember how much i love this ff!
AEGYO92 #2
Chapter 11: sequel please
Chapter 11: you know? just when i read the last chappie my iTunes playing Super Junior song "Just You" and i think it will be good for the back song.... XD
123missyevil #4
Chapter 11: Done aready!!!!!!.... Woohoo......
Though I kind of hate crystal for butting in like that... But in the end sulli and Kai are together again....
Nice one really. I enjoyed reading this.... :)
krisber_1806 #5
Chapter 11: ENDING.
Many drama in the epilog.
Thank u.
Make another fic gain pairing amber with other boys. (^^)d
123missyevil #6
Chapter 9: What did ate in saw???? Waiiiiit, kyu kiss amber????!!!!!!!
Please be like that!!!!!!
Chapter 9: *hugging you* KyuBer...!!!!! *getting crazy* LOL
krisber_1806 #8
Chapter 9: Taemin see kyuber maybe..
so complicated love bettwen kyubertaesulkai.
update gain author-nim.
123missyevil #9
Chapter 8: yah kyu!!!!!! stop being too low!!!!
you are good too... in one way taemin is better... and in another way u are beter!!!!!
Chapter 8: the ghost is Kyuhyun right?? -___-