"Is it wrong?" "...What poem?" "Imagine what your babies will look like."

Love Confession


"Aw heck! I'm late for rehersals again! Pabo Amber!" she thought as she ran down the stairs to catch the van before it left her behind. 
She was so focused on getting to her destination on time that she ended up bumping into something or someone in her rush.
"Aigoo! Mianhe! I'm late." Amber stood up and kept running, leaving her victim on the floor, dumbstruck.
The man on the floor, still, stared after the direction the girl ran off to. 'Will she ever notice me?', he thought to himself.
"Kyuhyun hyung! Are you okay?", came a concerned Taemin to help his friend off the floor.
"Yeah. At least I'm not hurt anywhere", replied the older to the younger, as he accepted his outstretched hand.
"Is Amber late again? Hm. Did she see you?" Taemin looked at his hyung, studying his expression.
"As usual... no."
Taemin was the only one in SM who knew of Kyuhyun's love for F(x)'s Rapper, or he hopes only the singer knows. It has been going on for two years, since F(x) debuted. Super Junior's Maknae was afraid of being rejected by her, so he never tried to talk to her often. He was afraid of falling but either way, he fell... hard. He regrets every second, minute, hour, day that he doesn't speak to her. It didn't help either that the fans would ship her with his fellow bandmate, Donghae. Seeing how they're around each other made Kyuhyun very jealous. 'Someday I will tell her how I feel.'
~Later that day
Amber was taking a much needed break after five non-stop hours of learning a dance for their next music video. 'I wonder if he's okay', Amber thought as she remembered that morning. 'Kyuhyun.' Amber smiled to herself as she pictured him in her mind. The attraction she towards him was something that came to her unexpectedly.
Sulli came up to her and sat on the floor beside her. "Are you okay, unni?", the young girl asked looking at her.
"Hm? Oh! I'm fine. Just thinking."
Amber was hoping Sulli would leave and not ask more but she didn't move at all, just stared at her with suspicious eyes. Darn!
"Does unni have a crush on someone?" Sulli asked with big eyes and nudged Amber.
Amber blushed slightly and sighed, "Don't tell anyone but I do. I can't stop thinking about him."
Sulli scooted closer to Amber, "Tell me. Who is it?" And the evil smile was back.
Amber put her hand in her hands, "Sulli. I can't. It's not that I don't trust you is just... I don't know if I want anyone to know..."
Sulli nodded as she rested her head on the older's shoulder, "Well I'm here for you. Though I might try to force it out of you."
Amber smiled at Sulli's small warning she gave to her. The girl was too nosy sometimes. 'Oh, Sulli. How much I love you.'
"Sulli! Amber! Let's go!" Luna yelled from across the room.
Both girls stood up quickly and went over to continue rehearsing the dance with few mistakes.
Kyuhyun was in a room, on his bed, with his head in his hands. He didn't understand why he had these feelings for Amber, when he couldn't even speak to her. Her eyes, her smile, and her voice all made me want to melt like a popsicle on a hot summer day. Amber was in every way, to him, perfect.
-tok tok tok-
The knock at the door snapped him out of his thoughts and he told the person to come in. It was no surprise when the visitor strolled in and immediately jumped on his bed and hugged him.
"Hyung. You're hurting me. Can't. Breathe", he hoped the bunny man heard him.
"Sorry", the older let go of him and gave a big smile, that was scaring Kyuhyun.
"What do you want, Sungmin-ah?"
Sungmin blinked, "What? I'm happy. I heard you bumped into your crush today. Taemin-ssi didn't say who but I will find out and help you two."
"What!?" Kyuhyun was ready to murder his dongsaeng but at the same time he wanted advice from someone who was experienced in that area, love.
Sungmin huffed, "We're going to make you confess, pabo! Tell me who the lucky lady is!"
Kyuhyun gulped and stared down at his lap, "I will tell you if you promise not to tell anyone, especially her. I don't think I want everyone to know."
Sungmin placed his hand on his heart and said, "Yes, sir! I promise."
Kyu took a deep breath, "It's Amber. I've been in love with her since she debuted with F(x). She's taken over my entire being. She's all I think about all the time. I know what you think; that she isn't my type, supposely. Taemin said the same thing when I told him. I love her. Amber is just so beautiful in her own way with the personality she has making her more amazing than she already is. I regret everday that I waste not trying to form a close friendship with her. We never have had a moment alone except that one time backstage at M Countdown. I don't know what to do. I've fallen for someone who I don't know anything about. Is it wrong?"
Sungmin was at a loss for words. The way Kyuhyun spoke of Amber was something he didn't expect. Kyuhyun even started to get tears in his eyes as he said his last sentence. Sungmin felt bad for his roomate and became even more determined to help them both. Of course, Sungmin knows of Amber's feelings towards Kyu since she was fairly obvious, the longing in her eyes as she stared at Kyu was very intense. However, he did not expect Kyuhyun to return her feelings.
"Kyu", Sungmin said softly as he raised the younger's head, "It's not wrong to fall in love." Kyu smiled. "It is wrong that you are too shy to get close to her. You need to become her friend!" Kyu smile turned sheepish. "By the way", Sungmin started, "it's so cute how you fell for her! Love at first sight! So cute!" 
Kyuhyun put a pillow on his lap, stuffing his face in it. "Hyuuuuuuuuung! Don't start. Please." Sungmin was embarrassing him to no end. Now he wishes he hadn't even said anything to the fluffy looking boy! Aigoo! 
Sungmin giggled and exited the room while singing. "Kyu and Amber sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love then come marriage. Then comes-"
Kyuhyun threw his pillow at the door as Sungmin's giggles were heard.
It was already half past midnight and neither Amber nor Kyuhyun could fall asleep. Everytime they closed their eyes all they'd see was the face of the other. Suddenly Amber sat up in her bed and went for a drink of water. When she got back to her room she grabbed a notebook and pen and scribbled on a piece of paper. 
Halfway through writing a poem she fell asleep.
Sulli had woken up early today to be sure that she, and her bandmates, wouldn't be late for their meeting with manager-oppa. She decided to go wake up everyone starting with Amber. She was ready to pounce on her when she stopped mid-step. 
Amber was asleep on the floor with the pen in one hand and her notebook in the other, which Sulli saw had writing on it. Sulli tiptoed towards the sleeping figure and tried to crouch down silently. Amber stirred, making the her freeze, but then laid still. Sulli gently tugged on the paper but the female rapper had a good grip on it.
'To my beautiful stranger', Sulli read the title in her mind. She continued to read the rest of it and found out that it was a poem dedicated to a certain someone. She started to poke the sleeping girls cheek and shook her shoulder. 
"Five more minutes", Amber mumbled sleepily.
Sulli smiled, "Time to wake up,unni! We have a long day ahead of us. Oh and I like that poem. Who is it about?"
Amber seemed to be wide awake now as she sat up and hid her notebook under her pillow. "What poem?"
"Amber-ah! Oh well, I read it already. Is it about your crush? If it is, that is so cute! Tell me who he is! I want to know!" Sulli was pouting by the end.
Amber sighed as she decided over if she should tell Sulli or not. In the end, she gave in to the innocent look the girl was giving her. "Don't tell anyone, please. You are to be the only to know."
Sulli saluted her and said, "Yes, ma'am!, then she jumped on Amber's bed, "Now, tell me!"
Amber took a deep breath to calm her nerves, "The guy I like is Kyuhyun-oppa."
Sulli was quiet for a few seconds then smiled so big that Amber was wondering if her cheeks hurt.
"Omo!" Sulli hugged her then let go, "I didn't know he was your type. He is handsome though. Aigoo! Imagine what your babies will look like with your eyes and his smile. Ah! How? When? Why?"
Amber felt her cheeks go red, "U-Um... I saw him once before we debuted walking around a park I was at. I looked at him and he only gave me a side glance and smiled. Everytime I see him I get this weird bubbly kind of feeling in my stomach and when I see his smile I feel like I'm wearing a big goofy smile. His voice makes me want to melt. His hair looks so soft, I just want to touch it. I sound like an obsessed fangirl."
Sulli shook her head, "Aniyo. I think you might be in love with oppa. It's written all over your face when you talk about him. I can't wait for you to confess." She clapped her hands.
"Confess?" Amber squeaked. "No, no, no, no. I can't. I know he doesn't like me that way. We don't even speak to each other except when we greet each other!"
Sulli sighed, " Well let me help. I'm not an expert in this kind of stuff but I can find a way to help."
Amber really felt bad because she doubts that Sulli will find anyway to help but she nodded just to see what the girl will do. "Arraso."
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It is complete my friends. Thank you for reading and I hope you read some of my future work too. Bye.


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Chapter 11: Awww! I didnt remember how much i love this ff!
AEGYO92 #2
Chapter 11: sequel please
Chapter 11: you know? just when i read the last chappie my iTunes playing Super Junior song "Just You" and i think it will be good for the back song.... XD
123missyevil #4
Chapter 11: Done aready!!!!!!.... Woohoo......
Though I kind of hate crystal for butting in like that... But in the end sulli and Kai are together again....
Nice one really. I enjoyed reading this.... :)
krisber_1806 #5
Chapter 11: ENDING.
Many drama in the epilog.
Thank u.
Make another fic gain pairing amber with other boys. (^^)d
123missyevil #6
Chapter 9: What did ate in saw???? Waiiiiit, kyu kiss amber????!!!!!!!
Please be like that!!!!!!
Chapter 9: *hugging you* KyuBer...!!!!! *getting crazy* LOL
krisber_1806 #8
Chapter 9: Taemin see kyuber maybe..
so complicated love bettwen kyubertaesulkai.
update gain author-nim.
123missyevil #9
Chapter 8: yah kyu!!!!!! stop being too low!!!!
you are good too... in one way taemin is better... and in another way u are beter!!!!!
Chapter 8: the ghost is Kyuhyun right?? -___-