02: Character Personalities

What Not to Add in Fanfics [COMPLETE]

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A mistake, that even if you do realize it, you authors still do it:

You have to make realistic characters. 


Okay guys, this is something that gets me.

The character personalities.


For starters, guys don't pour out every secret in the rain, girls aren't clumsy freaks that don't know how to walk without tripping, and no one has an obssession like Onew with chicken.


Nowadays you read stories, with girls that can't walk down stairs and end up finding themselves in a hot guy's arms, or nerds that wear glasses, but one day the hottest person on campus sees them with no glasses and they are a absolute stunning beauty. 

So firstly?

You see that gif up there? That's my reaction.

I would like to comment on how people imagine their idols with the weirdest, and exaggerated obbessions. Yes, Onew does like chicken, but he doesn't live off them, or have a drumstick in his hand 24/7. Taemin with milk and acting like a three year old. A way too innocent teen, adult who doesn't know anything and continues to remain so.


Schools have ed, people get weaned off milk when they're babies, and anyone with an obbession like Onew would weight five times he weight the author states they are. So you see? Exaggerating gets fustrating and doesn't feel real.


Once you start a story, going off in a particular thread, please don't, I beg you, whatever you do, don't just stop it.

For example, in chapters 1,2,3,4 and 5, Taemin is a milk-drinking, innocent, baby-faced, clueless, clumsy idol.

But whatever happened here?

In chapter 6,7,8, and 9, the author's decided not to mention any type of milk clutched in his hand, he doesn't ask half as much questions, he decides to on a girl and he didn't trip on the stairs running to the breakfast table. 

Want another one?

Guys. There are many types.

Please make the right choice on choosing the personality. 

I will tell the he six different types of guys you could choose from, but of course, it doesn't have to be completely based on them when you make a story, just remember these and use it as a kind of template.




The Provider

He puts family, friends, first, and always. He’s a selfless man, who lives to please those he cares most about. He’s the kind of man who can work two jobs in his sleep, always has a side-hustle in mind to earn more money, and guards his savings with his life. He can’t rest until he knows the ones he loves are okay. He strives for perfection at home and in the office. Work life balance is very important to him, but if missing time with his loved ones means a better life for them, he’s always game to put in the overtime and take one for the team. Words like “no”, “can’t”, and “impossible”, are just not in his vocabulary, and when he hears others use them, it only increases his devotion to the task at hand.




The Rock

At your weakest moments, his strength keeps you stable and inspires you to push through. He isn’t immune to pain or frustration, but he does handle it well, and he knows how to pull himself out low places. He’s the kind of man who never misses your call when he knows you need to get something off your chest, or better, just a friend to be there for you. Speaking of chests, his is always there for you to lean on, squeeze, and find comfort in when it feels like only a hug will do.




The Critical Thinker

There isn’t a problem, big or small, that he isn’t itching to solve. He’s a quick, solid, thinker, who hates to be backed into a corner. He doesn’t just see the problem in front of him; he sees a roadmap of the many solutions available to him and takes his time as he determines the best way to get there, or the course of action he must take. He is patient, because he has to be — rushing things is rarely the answer and he knows this. He’s diligent, focused, and considers himself a mental Olympian of sorts.




The Believer

When the world around him comes crumbling down and the sun seems as if he it will never rise again, this man still believes – his faith is his foundation. It gets him through the good and the bad, and it never falters. He believes in the things unseen and those that many give up on when the world turns cold: hope, morals, kindness, and good will. He has a church home, or a religious mainstay, in his life and the fellowship refuels his engines. He’s God-fearing (whoever his God) and he’s proud of his strong beliefs. His moral compass is always turned in a positive direction, and he refuses to accept failure. He helps others and chooses to live his life in a way he believes others should live theirs.




The Free Spirit

Spending time with this man never gets old. He believes that life is about living and therefore is virtually immune to the physical afflictions caused by stress and worry. It’s not that he doesn’t feel those emotions; he just refuses to let them consume him. He stays positive and seeks to enjoy all aspects of his life, as much as humanly possible. He has most likely chosen a career he loves over one that pays all the bills. Therefore he’s just as passionate about his work as he can be about feeding his cravings for new adventures. He enjoys traveling and most likely has a bucket list at least a quarter complete. He doesn’t believe in wasting time worrying about what can’t happen and prefers to shift his focus to what can. With him, there’s never a dull moment at home, in the bedroom, or when you’re out and about. His inner light shines through and warms the spirits of those around him. He keeps life exciting – almost as if, each day he presses the refresh button.


NOT MINE! Credits to manwifeanddog.com



So you see people? I hope you see, if you don't... I suggest rereading. That's all I can say really. The choice is yours whether to change or listen to my advice. But please, take care on how you portray your character. 



Chapter two - Kaizzie


As before, any questions? Drop a comment below. Don't worry. I don't bite. 

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spirit_L #1
Chapter 13: Ugh, you have no idea how much I love you guys for doing this. I am going to refer this thread to everyone I know who has made these mistakes. I think I'll put it on my wall lol.
buxxerfly #2
Chapter 13: I've enjoyed these tips and gladly, i've noticed I don't make as much cliche mistakes but just one or two at times.

I've got a question though.
Is it bad to title your chapters as numbers or as kind-of like a plot name.
I usually struggle to keep a reader guess where they've left off with number chapters (which I grow frustrated with as well) or if I should just write it as any other way ?

Thank you for making these tips. Made me open my eyes more ^^
DerpyTroll #3
Chapter 13: Yep, all of the things you guys talk about are sooo TRUE and it
makes sense!!!
Thank you about that!!
damnitlrh #4
Your tips are really helpful ! Thanks for posting ! <3
striped-cat #5
Chapter 12: can you do one on cliche characters? Or overly sweet/overly badass/overly anything? Do one on fics that use bits of korean amid english speech (or was that sort section about it done? Maybe you haven't emphasized that enough, since many fics are still doing it. rly peeves me out) And maybe criticize some plots.
IDK just throwing ideas out here.
striped-cat #6
Chapter 8: Yes! I love you guys! Extremely helpful advice btw c:
Chapter 1: I've skipped around and read a few chapters already, and may I say I LOVE THIS. Keep updating. It really peeves me the way fanfics always portray school as something it's not.
This is gold. Should be necessary reading for all new fanfic writers.
Chapter 11: Update soon pls. :)))) I can relate to it. seriously, hahaha were all the same lol.
Chapter 5: New reader~! I really agree. youre very right! :))) Love your tips
amazinglyme #10
Chapter 11: Hi! I'm really enjoying your tips :) They helped me out not only with AFF but with normal writing assignments. Thanks for posting!!!