05: Dont Reveal the Plot

What Not to Add in Fanfics [COMPLETE]

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People will have nothing to anticipate to.



 Dont set your title as the plot of the story



One of the things that really turn readers off (whether you realize or not) is when you include the entire plot

in the title. THE TITLE.

Even that really ticks me off so much, it's like the issue that still happens around the world,

Drinking underage- same concept here on AFF.


  • My Husband is Lee Taemin of SHINee?? Ottoke?!
  • Making Kim Myungsoo fall for me
  • Sehun got Me Pregnant
  • My arranged marriage with the cold prince Luhan


Some of the most common (yet the ones that tick me off) so much just seeing it there.

And using Korean such as 'OTTOKE" -- refer to chapter 4.

Whether you might think those titles "look" good, think of it in the other person's shoes.

We've all seen stories that tick us off once in a while, to be honest.

Whether it be poor grammar that does it, the characters, anything.

Well, why is there any less chance that could happen with you?

Some of those stories are so simple and predictable, you just want to hate the author so much.

Then comes the posters and the backgrounds on that effortless story.

Stories are for reading and posters are there for 3 reasons:


Those people who really can't express themselves so posters are used.

Pro writers such as Goddess, etc. who want to make their stories more official.

And Shops, advice corners as such as this one.


Some good titles might be,


Losing My Right Hand

Emphasizing the fact that most people are right handed, there was that one person who meant the world to you;

He was like your right hand - and you broke up - therefore losing your "right hand".

This is just a basic example of what would really draw the attention - since stories with such titles are rare to be found.

That way, even without revealing the ENTIRE plot, you will automatically get subs because there are people here

wanting to read a good decent plot with nice twists and turns.




Subs and Tags


Yeah. Well, tags are a good way to earn some more subs but just remember one thing:

Writing is to fulfill your fantasies of Kpop and idols and such on a site where you can share your ideas.

Just because you have about 1-5 subs doesn't make your story bad!

I mean look at PSY- he started out unknown to most of us 21st century kpoppers, until Gangnam Style hit the fuse.

It's the same deal.

Once your story takes reach to more readers- it's going to get bigger and bigger,

and before you know people will appreciate you and your story for what it is! Not the pretty details on it.

Think of subs as an extra benefit for you!

Don't think of giving up on the first hour because it doesn't get subs.

Write the first chapter, just enjoy writing and expressing everything.

But that doesn't mean you should just sit there and wait, make your forewords interesting too.

I will cover that in the future chapters- tips on descriptive writing.



Chapter 5---JoJoChoco

Got any questions or inquiries? feel free to leave a comment and we will tend to you.


Yeah it was sorta short ><

But it makes things simpler than reading long detailed stuff, because we all know-it's hard to absorb ^0^

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spirit_L #1
Chapter 13: Ugh, you have no idea how much I love you guys for doing this. I am going to refer this thread to everyone I know who has made these mistakes. I think I'll put it on my wall lol.
buxxerfly #2
Chapter 13: I've enjoyed these tips and gladly, i've noticed I don't make as much cliche mistakes but just one or two at times.

I've got a question though.
Is it bad to title your chapters as numbers or as kind-of like a plot name.
I usually struggle to keep a reader guess where they've left off with number chapters (which I grow frustrated with as well) or if I should just write it as any other way ?

Thank you for making these tips. Made me open my eyes more ^^
DerpyTroll #3
Chapter 13: Yep, all of the things you guys talk about are sooo TRUE and it
makes sense!!!
Thank you about that!!
damnitlrh #4
Your tips are really helpful ! Thanks for posting ! <3
striped-cat #5
Chapter 12: can you do one on cliche characters? Or overly sweet/overly badass/overly anything? Do one on fics that use bits of korean amid english speech (or was that sort section about it done? Maybe you haven't emphasized that enough, since many fics are still doing it. rly peeves me out) And maybe criticize some plots.
IDK just throwing ideas out here.
striped-cat #6
Chapter 8: Yes! I love you guys! Extremely helpful advice btw c:
Chapter 1: I've skipped around and read a few chapters already, and may I say I LOVE THIS. Keep updating. It really peeves me the way fanfics always portray school as something it's not.
This is gold. Should be necessary reading for all new fanfic writers.
Chapter 11: Update soon pls. :)))) I can relate to it. seriously, hahaha were all the same lol.
Chapter 5: New reader~! I really agree. youre very right! :))) Love your tips
amazinglyme #10
Chapter 11: Hi! I'm really enjoying your tips :) They helped me out not only with AFF but with normal writing assignments. Thanks for posting!!!