
Chains of Fate

The memory slowly blurs from Kai’s line of vision and reality comes back at him like a violent dog bite. He covers his face with his bloody hands and chuckles. Reality and his memories were clashing opposites, contrasting as strongly as the difference between heaven and hell. Kai wishes Kyungsoo would return sooner and save him from the pits of his own misery.

             Kai remains in the same position until someone taps him lightly on the crown of his head. Ripping his face from his palms, he looks up at the intruder. It was Luhan and his face colored with worry. Normally Kai would have been embarrassed that someone saw him cry, but at the moment his brain isn’t exacting functioning at the best. Kai let Luhan sit next to him.

             “Are you okay? Everyone is so worried about you, especially Kris hyung!” Kai continues to stare into the far distance of the park. Almost void of people, the park was seemingly quiet and all that that could be heard was the buzzing of the street lights.

             Luhan lets a loud sigh. He just couldn’t understand the male next to him. Kai is obviously having a hard time coping with his problems. Luhan faces to look at the silent boy. The dullness of Kai’s eyes makes Luhan feels anxious and the silence of the park doesn’t help.

             “I don’t know what problems you are facing, but don’t worry. Don’t be afraid.” Luhan speaks in a slow and soft voice trying to comfort the dead looking male. Seeing that Kai shows no sort of reaction or emotion, Luhan grabs Kai’s hand and begins to it gently.

             “You can tell me your problems if you want? It’s better to let it out than bottle up all the emotions. Trust me, I won’t tell anyone or judge you.”


             Kai is still unresponsive. As each second passes by, Luhan grows more uneasy for his friend. The tan dancer is as lifeless as ever. Not sure what to do, Luhan relies on his instinct: He engulfs Kai in a hug.

             “Remember what you told me when I was scared and worried about the competition?” Luhan feels the boy shake in his embrace. At least he was getting a response out of him. “Don’t worry too much. 80% of the things that people stress about never come true.

             Kai grips onto Luhan’s shirt and bawls his eyes out in an unmanly manner. His defenses were crumbling and the fence that he built was falling apart. All of Kai’s insecurities flash across his mind.

             Why did Luhan come right at the moment when he was at his lowest?

             Why couldn’t Kyungsoo be the one here hugging him?

             Why did his dad leave him?

             Will Kyungsoo abandon him too? 

             The pain seeps deep into his heart, ripping open the old scars. The caramel haired boy holds the crying boy closer. Luhan doesn’t know why, but hearing the cries and sobs made him want to protect the fragile boy.

             “Shh… it’s okay. Let everything out.” Luhan digs his fingers through Kai’s dark locks and his head lovingly and gently. “Shh… cry now and you’ll feel better later.” Kai tangles his arms around Luhan waist and listens to the gentle and soft voice.


                After Kai’s meltdown at the park, he invites Luhan into his apartment. As the emotions calm down, he realizes what he has just done. Kai has just cried onto Luhan shirt! Feeling embarrassed at his own inability to control himself, and the fact that he made a big puddle on Luhan’s shirt, Kai led the blonde male into his apartment.

                “Are you feeling better now,” asks Luhan still feeling uneasy. Kai fumbles with his keys attempting to unlock his door. Face bright red from embarrassment, all Kai could do was nod furiously. A laugh is heard and he finally unlocks the door.

                Stepping into the apartment, Luhan looks around in awe. He didn’t expect Kai to neat and clean. The living room is dustless and well organized.

                “Wow! Who know you were the cleaning type? Looks are deceiving!” Luhan jokingly pushes Kai and sits on the couch. The latter’s face falls from the comment.

                “No, I can’t clean to save my life…” Kai smiles weakly and sits next to Luhan. “That’s my roommate’s hobby, cleaning and cooking. He’s a neat freak.” 

                “Oh! I want to meet your roommate! You never told me you had a roommate.” Luhan pouts and looks around the room. “Where is your roommate? I don’t see him…”

                “He went abroad for study purposes…”  Luhan stares at Kai for a good minute trying to decipher Kai’s inner feelings. That weak and fake smile, there is something that Kai isn’t telling him…

                “You must be lonely living here alone…”

                “No… I don’t. I’m fine. I don’t even notice that he’s not here.” Kai spills the words so quickly that Luhan has a hard time understanding. The tan dancer’s body tenses visibly and his fingers begin to shake.

                “Kai, don’t-” Luhan’s phone starts to ring

                “You should answer that. I’ll go take a shower and get you some spare clothes. Sorry for ruining yours.” Kai gets up immediately and heads towards the bathroom. Luhan sighs. Kai is running away-again… Luhan answers the call without looking at the caller ID.

                “Hello, this is Luhan.” In the background of the caller, loud noises were heard, most yelling and screaming.


                “….” Cacophony from the phone makes Luhan hold the phone far from his ears.

                “ANSWER ME, XI LUHAN! WHERE ARE YOU!” Baekhyun’s inner maternal side appears. He lets out another sigh… soothing Baekhyun required a lot of energy and Luhan is pooped.

                “I’m fine Baekhyun umma. I’m at Kai’s apartment. Don’t worry. I’ll be home soon.”


                “Baekhyun! It’s not like I’m at a stranger’s house,” whines Luhan. “It’s our friend Kai. Why would he me? Besides, he’s not feeling well and as a friend it’s my duty to take good care of him.”

                “TAKE GOOD CARE OF HIM? IN WHAT MANNER XI LUHAN? HUH? TELL ME I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW!” Luhan makes sure to turn down the volume on his phone for the fear of becoming deaf from all this screaming.

                “Byun Baekhyun! Unlike you, I think in that way! I’m just going to make him some food and tuck him into bed! Hmmppppt!”

                “TUCK HIM INTO BED? YOU DON’T EVEN DO THAT FOR ME! WHY YOU-” Static is heard and various voices are screaming in the background. Luhan groans, watch him one day become deaf. Shuffling of clothes and more screaming occurs, and then the phone goes silent.

                “Baek! Are you there? Baekhyun! ByunBaek!” Luhan shouts into the receiver, hoping that nothing bad happened to his best friend.

                “Urghhh…shut up! Why are all of you so noisy?!” A deep voice snaps at him. “Hi, this is Kris. Did you find Kai? I’m going to kill that boy when I get my hands on him!”

                “…. Hi I’m Luhan. What happened to Baekh-”

                “I don’t care who you are! I asked you a question and I expect you to answer it!” Kris rudely interrupts and Luhan flinches. Despite the fact that they are just talking through a phone, Luhan feels the strong dominating presence of the tall male as if he was standing right next to him.

                “Yes…sir.”Luhan squeaks at Kris’ overwhelming presence.

                “Good! So tell me did you find Kai?” Kris’ deep voice sends shivers down Luhan’s spine.

                “Yes, I found him in a nearby park. He was crying and I couldn’t just leave him alone… so I took him home.” The end of the line was silent. “Hello? Kris, are you there?”

                “How is he doing as far?” Kris’ voice became gentler. It seemed like Kris cared a lot about Kai and his wellbeing. “Is he still crying?”

                “No, not anymore. He’s in the showers now. Should I have him call you back later?” Luhan hears the water stop. “I think he’s almost done, you can-“

                “It’s okay, I’m sure he doesn’t want to talk to me anyway,” interrupts Kris. Once again the line does silent. Luhan isn’t even sure if Kris is still on the other end. A small voice spoke. “Take good care of him. He’s lonely at the moment.”

                “I will Kris. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he goes to bed and eats tonight!” Luhan chirps happily. At least Kris is acknowledging him.

                “Okay then, good night Luhan. Make sure you get home safely.” Before Luhan can reply anything the man hangs up. The caramel haired boy pouted at the cold treatment, but giggled knowing about Kris’ warm side.

                “What are you giggling about?” Kai steps into the living room in a plain white T-shirt and shorts, his hair slightly wet from his shower. Luhan gasps at the sudden intrusion and quickly turn around to face Kai. He blushes looking at the tan dancer’s tousled wet hair.

                “Earth you Luhan, are you inside?” Kai gently pokes the staring boy on the forehead, which snaps the latter out of his trance. Suddenly feeling embarrassed for staring at the handsome man, he sputters out words of nonsense and automatically looks at the floor. A small laugh is heard and Luhan sees that Kai is laughing. Without realizing it, his mouth curves up into a smile.

                “Stop laughing at me!” Luhan pouts and pushes the laughing man away, his face growing warmer and redder. He turns up to take a peep, Kai’s hair still dripping wet and running down his neck, wetting his T-shirt. “Gosh! Kai you should dry your hair! You’ll catch a cold if you don’t!” The smaller man grabs a towel from the couch and motions for Kai to sit down.

                Placing the towel on the dark hair, Luhan begins to rub the towel continuously. Meanwhile Kai is reminded of his boyfriend, the gentle touches, the nagging, the warmth, and the hugs. In some ways Luhan is quite similar to the owl eyed man. Kai finds himself melting in Luhan’s touches. He leans closer and closes his eyes, savoring the close contact.

                “K-k-Kai, are you okay?” Luhan tenses from the sudden skinship. Kai turns to face Luhan and caresses the pretty boy’s face. A pink tint forms almost automatically. “W-what are you doing?”

                “Don’t leave me. I’m lonely. Don’t leave. Stay with me.”

                Don’t leave me Kyungsoo. I’m lonely. Stay with me Kyungsoo

The pain on the dancer’s face breaks Luhan’s heart. He looks as if someone took his heart, trampled on it, and then spitted on his face. Luhan felt his resolve softening. How could he be so heartless and leave?

                “I’ll stay with you. I promise. I won’t leave you.” The determination shone in Luhan’s eyes. Kai leans in and closes the gap between them.


                “Kyungsoo, isn’t it a bit early to be up? It’s only 7:30 AM!” A sleepy and raspy voice came from underneath a mountain of blankets. A certain wide eyed boy is seated in front of a computer, his eyes twinkling. He is bouncing up and down on his seat, unable to control his excitement.

                 “I’m waiting for my boyfriend to video call me. I bet he was super surprised that my brother is the judge for his dance competition. I have a surprise for him too.” The small boy claps happily like an adorable penguin. The man under the blankets looks over at the happy boy and feels the need to squish that bundle of joy. Kyungsoo was just too cute for his own good.

                “Awww, you’re so CUTE! I wish I could adopt you!” The man runs over to the squish-able boy and mushes his cheeks together, cooing at the squishiness of the boy’s cheeks.

                “STAPP! HYUNG!” Kyungsoo manages to pry off the tall lanky male. He rubs his sore face and pouts. His hyung wasn’t exactly gentle. “Sungyeol Hyung, you made my face all red.”

                “OH DEAR! I NEED A CAMERA TO RECORD THIS MOMENT!” Sungyeol dashes to look for a camera. Kyungsoo sighs at his hyung’s immaturity. Why is he so unlucky? Why is he have an immature hyung as his roommate?

                “Hyung, you’re not going to check up on your coffee plants today?” Sungyeol has been waking up extra early to look over his precious coffee plants, fearing the risk of pests or weeds.

                “Nope! Not today! I have something important later this morn-“

CRASH! It doesn’t take a geniuis to figure out what happened. The tall male probably tripped over a bug or something…. again.

“Okay! I want you to meet my boyfriend. Kai says he wants to meet you!”

“WHAT? MY BABY SOOSOO HAS A BOYFRIEND?” Sungyeol runs into the room with a maniacal look on his face, a murderous look. “I think I should meet him too. He needs my approval to date my baby.”

“HYUNG! We’re been dating for years now! Besides, I know him better than I know you hyung…” Tears form on Sungyeol’s eyes and he begins to sniff pitifully, muttering words like my baby thinks I’m a stranger. Kyungsoo’s eyes widen and he begins to panic.

“Oh, no hyung. I didn’t mean that… Let’s watch Pororo until Kai calls okay?” More sniffing “I’ll let you squish my cheeks?”

“OKAY! You can’t take that back though!” Sungyeol chirps cheerfully. 


A/N: I'm sorry that I'm updating so late ;-;

I wrote part of this one month ago and part of this yesterday. There may be some inconsistences in my writing and I apologize for that... I wrote this in a hurry too, so it's pretty bad. D: 

Not proofread, there will be mistakes! 

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Chapter 8: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOo T-T kai you can't cheat with luhan... ugh lukai ugh T-T poor kyungsoo. and what the.... kai, why are you saying kyungsoo is just your roomate?? HUH???
Chapter 8: haha i like when jongin cheats XD
milyqumily #3
Chapter 8: i hope luhan just comfort kai.. nothing more..
kyung you should come back..
and kai how dare you said kyung is your roomate.. he is your BF..
poor my kyungie..
Chapter 8: luhan n kai are they kissing??
kyungsoo little heart...
Chapter 8: luhan n kai are they kissing??
kyungsoo little heart...
xellamari #6
Chapter 8: Oh nooo...KAI....WHAT ARE YOU DOING BOY!
Chapter 7: update pleaseeeee.....T^T
i really like ur story.
milyqumily #8
Chapter 5: huaa i relly relly like your story..
thats so fluffy and cheesy..

i wanna see more clingy and possesive kai again..
author nim can u make the flashback when kai n kyungie start dating..
i'm dying for curiousness..